Monza 3 (Formula Men #3)

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Monza 3 (Formula Men #3) Page 1

by Pamela Ann


  Book Three

  (Formula Men)

  Pamela Ann


  Book Three

  (Formula Men)

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

  Copyright © 2016 by Pamela Ann

  All rights reserved.

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  “I am tired of people saying that poor character is the only reason people do wrong things. Actually, circumstances cause people to act a certain way. It’s from those circumstances that a person’s attitude is affected, followed by a weakening of character, not the reverse. If we had no faults of our own, we would not take so much pleasure in noticing those in others and judging their lives as black or white, good or bad. We all live our lives in shades of gray.”

  - Shannon L. Adler



  The First Night…

  “How do you propose I find my way home?” she asked, her brows furrowing as she pondered her dilemma.

  I had the very best of intentions of getting her home, most definitely, but I also found myself saying, “What’s the hurry? The night is young. Maybe you should give Rome a chance to charm you.”

  There was no mistaking that I was charmed at the thought of this delightful stranger, making me grin as if she were the best thing since Christmas. There was something about her that made me feel as though I were at ease, as if I were familiar with her already. I couldn’t shake it off and avoid exploring it. I couldn’t pinpoint what it was, but being around her felt as if this were where I was supposed to be.

  She gave me a thorough assessment through her black, sooty, long lashes, seeming doubtful, all the while openly giving me the signal that she was quite interested.

  Biting her bottom lip, she teasingly cocked her head to the side. “Italian men …” She sighed with a large, bright, infectious grin. “You guys don’t ever let up. Is that what they call it around this part of the world: charm?” She gave a drawn out, husky laugh, making me hone in on her smooth delicate neck, whetting my newly revived appetite before I drew my attention back to her lovely face.

  For a second, I was tempted to pay attention to the former senses, unleashing that hungry side of me, but I knew she wasn’t the kind who would appreciate such an aggressive display of potent virility. Instead of pursuing such lofty pleasures, I settled on being the cheery guide who would appreciate her beauty from an arm’s length. The rest would surely come later. I could play host and slowly lure her into my arms. It was best that way.

  Perhaps she needed to trust me before letting me explore her mind, body, and soul. A decent man such as myself should always respect a woman who wasn’t easily swayed by easy flirtation, physical attributes, and one’s monetary worth. After all, even though she didn’t know who I was, even an untrained eye could make that assumption based off my clothing and the watch I wore.

  Matching her glorious, jovial mood, I tried to dampen my flirty behavior, unwilling to give much away, not just yet. “We can call it whatever you want, cara mia, as long as I get to have you all to myself … in all ways other than the physical aspect … unless you wish it otherwise. Then I’d be only too happy to oblige such indecent requests.” The statement was delivered in my most serious yet flirty manner, evoking such a beguiling look of temptation and contemplation as she gazed at me with pure wonderment.

  She took my breath away, and I couldn’t look away. I was drawn to her in ways my soul related to. I wasn’t Luca di Medici any longer, but a mere man bound to this mere being, spellbound and positively riveted to no end.

  “If I do say … let ‘Rome charm me,’ I just want to make things clear that there won’t be any ‘charming’ done by you. And what I mean by that is”—she nervously waved her hand at me—“you can’t be doing this sort of thing. And stop looking at me like that. It’s not letting me fucking think straight, and that really makes me nervous.”

  She was stammering, and I was beyond enchanted by her vocal protestations. I was sure she knew what I had in mind; it wouldn’t be difficult to guess. My eyes were revealing when I wanted to conquer and devour something. And at this very moment, I undoubtedly coveted this luscious angel with a sinful body to match.

  Everything she did made me want her all the more. How could this be possible? It hadn’t even been an hour, and look at me, hypnotized to no end. It was a new drug I couldn’t get enough of. Whatever this attraction I had with her, I could only hope it would gradually ebb away once I’d had her writhing underneath me.

  Sex was the cure—it always was. I highly doubted this instance was any different. The equation wasn’t the usual kind I was used to, but it would total to the same result. I was confident of that.

  “Very well, cara. Whatever makes you feel at ease, I’m at your command. I shall refrain myself from eyeing you as if you’re the thing I crave the most.”

  She gasped, forming those delicious red lips of hers in a perfect O, which didn’t help where my wicked cock was concerned.

  “Fuck, there’s no way I can tame you, I guess. So I won’t even try. As long as you promise to keep your distance, we’re good.”

  “Sicuramente.” (Most definitely.)

  I hoped she realized there were a lot of ways a man could ensnare women without having to touch. With just enough careful application of the art of seduction, the eyes and the voice were all I needed to accomplish such an enchanting plight.

  This night would definitely be interesting, and I couldn’t wait to see how it would temporarily conclude. If successful, I would adamantly suggest more of such pleasurable manifestations to transpire.

  Seeming rather unsure of herself, she made a face that caused my blood to happily thrum, quaking my heart just a tad.

  “So how do you suppose we go about this?” she asked timidly.

  Considering her a moment while my brain rapidly devised a plan, I thought of the best way to achieve wooing and seducing her.

  “We’re close to the Piazza di Spagna. I suggest we start your Roman tour from there … on foot.” I emphasized the last bit in case she was expecting a ride about town whilst sightseeing. For some reason, I didn’t want her to see my prized car. I didn’t want her to be dazzled by the material things, but simply impressed by me—just the man, not the name, not the wealth nor the fame and recognition that came with it.

  “Lead the way, signore,” she said in a teasing manner with her eyes sparkling brightly at me.

  For a moment, I was speechless as I gazed down upon her, basking in the rarity of her easygoing personality, her cute mannerisms, and her beauty.

  When she asked me something I didn’t hear her, too enthralled by her.

  “Scusi, can you repeat what you said?” Leaning over a little towards her, I gestured forwards so we could begin our leisurely trek along the cobblestones leading towards our first destination.

  She smirked, evidently enjoying my company. “Have you seen that movie called Spartacus?”

  Striding alongside her, I peeked at her with a frowning expression. “No, I have not.”

  In my world, not many had leisure time to watch shows or movies. M
ost were preoccupied with thrill-seeking activities. Be it about making money, driving fast cars, racing powerboats, or acquiring the hottest commodity in the entertainment and modeling industry. Nothing was done mundane; it was expeditious and full of adventure.

  “I find it a bore to idly sit for a couple of hours while watching something. I like to be behind the wheel, take control of the situation, and steer towards the direction I see fit.”

  “Translation: you’re a control freak.” She beamed at me with an arched brow. “What do you mean ‘idly’? That’s the whole point. You’re supposed to be watching the film. Some people find it as some sort of relaxation. I believe you should try it sometime. You sound like you desperately need it.”

  “I’d love for you to show me how to relax,” I drawled smoothly. It was difficult not to latch on to the idea. She had suggested it, after all. I didn’t see why I couldn’t accomplish both desires in one night. It would make the perfect setting.

  “Ha.” She shook her head as she bit her bottom lip before looking down, pondering and watching our feet stride next each other. “This night has barely begun, and you’re already asking me for date? What if you find me repulsive at the end of this tour? What then? I believe it’s best if I keep my answer until then, don’t you think?”

  “Whatever suits you, cara.” I hid a smile.

  She didn’t outright reject the idea, so that was a good sign. Besides, she had a point. Not on my part, but hers. She might find herself not too keen to see me again after tonight. The latter sentiment should never even have crossed her mind. I had never before done any wooing in my life, and I meant to do such feat now. She wasn’t going to escape me. By the time we parted ways, she would crave me just as much as I desired her. Guaranteed.

  As we kept on our destination, I filled her in when she questioned me about the cobblestones and how significant the pathway was to Rome’s history. “They were made out of volcanic rock from the hills just outside the city.” We loved every aspect of this city, but I had to admit that these roads, historic as they were, weren’t so kind to our cars.

  She seemed to be enthralled by such little information, which I found rather endearing. From time to time, she would glance at me with that whimsical smile of hers, and I couldn’t help bestowing on her the same magnetic one. The undeniable chemistry was intoxicating, provoking. So much so that I had to halt and sort myself out. I badly wanted to pull her against me and kiss her until she was breathless. But considering I had given her my word of being a courteous date for tonight, I had to resort to fanciful thinking.

  It wasn’t long until we finally reached the piazza. Kim, of course, instantly went to peruse the steps.

  “Whoa. How many steps are these? A hundred?” she exclaimed as she admired the famed site.

  “One hundred thirty-five to be exact.”

  “Since we’re already here, do you mind taking a picture of me?” she asked, pulling out a thin, pocket-sized camera. She then pushed the shiny silver button to bring it to life. “There. Here you go!” she said before leaving me with it. Taking the stairs two at a time, she stopped about a quarter up before making a demure pose. “I’m ready!” Her voice echoed below, making me shake my head a little.

  This woman is a character, all right, I thought as I glanced about at the dozen young tourists taking pictures around the area.

  I expected her to simply do a pose and be done with it. Instead, she did about six. She didn’t opt for the sultry sexy ones, either, but chose to do silly ones. She was having the time of her life, and I couldn’t help laughing at her larger than life personality. Once she was done with her photos, we then strolled across the center of the plaza where a fountain, one of two thousand in the city, was situated in its glorious splendor.

  “This is the Fontana della Barcaccia,” I softly informed her as I took in the boat shaped fountain, brightly lit and inspiring. “Sculpted by the father and son, the great Bernini himself. You’ve heard of him surely? His masterpieces are littered all over the city.”

  “I like how you guys talk here. It’s like you sing the words or something. It’s crazy really, but that’s the closest thing I could compare it to.” Her face froze, as if she had caught herself saying something dreadful. “Fuck, I hope you didn’t find that as an insult. It wasn’t meant to be one. This is beautiful, though. I love being able to see it at night. I’m sure it’s still amazing during daytime, but there’s something about fountains and nighttime that gives off that magical vibe.” She was being lyrical about it, quite impassioned.

  “I like knowing you appreciate such simple, beautiful tokens in life.” It was something I took for granted, but upon hearing her adulation, it remedied it quickly.

  From Piazza di Spagna, we trekked to Fontana di Trevi, one of the most sought out spots for tourists. And even though it was in the early hours of the morning, time, it seemed, didn’t affect much with these folks.

  “Oh, my God! I’ve been dying to do this, like in that movie!” Kimberly gleefully exclaimed as she pulled out her camera. “I don’t have any coins with me! Do you have change for five euros?” she rapidly asked before handing me a bill.

  Confused, I stared at it a while before gazing back at her strangely. Mannaggia tua! Did she honestly think I would let her get away with this?

  “Keep the money, per favore. I don’t carry change, either, but let me see what I can do. Stay here. Don’t go anywhere, okay?”


  Leaving her to take pictures of the fountain, I found a flower vendor sitting on the stone benches. Handing him a hundred euro since it was the smallest bill I carried, I asked him if I could buy some coins from him. The old man seemed confused as he stared at me as if it were the strangest request he had heard in his life. He pointed out that he was selling roses in case that had escaped my notice. To appease the situation, I purchased a rose, took nine coins from the change he gave me, and told him to keep the rest before retracing my way back to where Kimberly was.

  “I only needed three coins,” she gasped as I handed them to her. “Three coins, three wishes guaranteeing I’ll return in the near future to the eternal city.”

  “And with nine, maybe you won’t need to return; you’ll stay here for good.”

  She laughed off my teasing comment as she did her wishes. All nine of them.

  Seeing my beloved city through her eyes made me feel genuinely happy somehow.

  “What’s next on the list?” she asked after declaring she was ready to leave.

  “There’s a gelateria nearby. Would you care for some?”

  She didn’t object. It was a great thing, too, because had she rejected the idea, I would have been worried. Gelato was something I indulged in all year round, and if someone didn’t have the same mentality as I, it would have been a red flag for me. It was rather petty, but I was a man who knew what he wanted, and thankfully, Kimberly had passed most on my checklist.

  “What’s your favorite flavor?” I casually inquired as the server waited for us to figure out what to order.

  “Strawberry,” She blurted out as her eyes took in the bright display of the gelatos in the glass fridge. “Wait … I should try something different. Have any suggestions?”

  That was a question that didn’t need to be pondered much. “Si, you have to try hazelnut. It’s out of this world.” Nothing could compare to it in my humble opinion.

  To satisfy both of her urges, she ordered a scoop of each.

  The moment we had cones in our hands, we then continued on to our next spot.

  “This is to die for. It’s a fucking crime that this isn’t part of everyone’s life back home. This shit is the bomb!” Her eyes were closed in pure, unadulterated bliss.

  Che cazzo! How could she make eating an ice cream look so fucking criminal?

  My cock throbbed at the sight of her licking the side of the cone, swiping the melted cream off her tongue as she moaned with pleasure.

  I attempted to think of things that
would make my cock settle down, but no images seemed to avail. Nor did it help that she had a dab left on the side of her lip, vying for my undivided attention.

  “You have something on your face.” Barely pausing, I reached out to wipe off the wickedly offending drop with my thumb before placing it on my lips and licking it with the tip of my tongue. “Delizioso.”

  Her eyes grew big before her lips slightly parted. “Fuck …” Her throat bobbed up and down, eyes drawn to my lips, seeming mesmerized by my gesture.

  Dio! With the way she looked at me, I would love to pin her against the nearest flat surface and slide my cock into her warmth. My desire was becoming uncontainable with each passing second.

  “Don’t look at me like that, cara. I won’t be able to hold back from kissing you. Trust me, my restraint has been tested to its limit.”

  She bit her luscious lip, ambivalent. “I could tease you about that, but I have a feeling that you’re the type who would deliver.”

  If my insides were going through such a pandemonium, I could only imagine what she saw in my eyes. I was sure she could see the explicit hunger that only she could satisfy.

  “I suggest we carry on, then,” I rasped out as I tried my damnedest to burying my wicked thoughts.

  Without ado, we set out towards the Pantheon then onto Piazza Navona. The tone had shifted to a more palpable atmosphere, sexual tension charged between us. Gone was the easy playfulness we’d had. It got to the point that she declined getting her pictures taken. However, we tried to find a common place between the sexual energy and sensibility.

  The stroll lasted for over four hours. Any tourist could have achieved such a feat in over an hour or so, but we took our time, talking about the culture and history as we learned about each other.

  After the mini tour, I led her towards a café that was open almost twenty-four hours and only closed when it was time for siesta. We ordered a light meal with freshly baked bread along with espressos. And when the coffee came, Kimberly gawked at the sight of me drinking it scalding hot.


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