Chas's Fervor: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 3)

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Chas's Fervor: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 3) Page 31

by Wilder, Chiah

  “You never have to thank a grandmother for watching her adorable grandson.” She hugged Chas back then looked sideways at Addie. “I’m so glad you are in my son and grandson’s life.”

  Addie dipped her chin down and coughed. “Thank you,” she mumbled as she felt her neck and cheeks heating up.

  What she’d overheard Chas’s mother say made her tingle all over, but she knew his mother didn’t know her backstory. She didn’t even know Addie was still married to a man she despised and feared. Thoughts of Ian continued stabbing at the bubble of happiness which surrounded her, threatening to burst it wide open, and she shivered despite the warmth in the kitchen.

  “We better get going, little buddy. Say goodbye to Gramma,” Chas said.

  After saying their goodbyes and thank yous, the trio drove to Chas’s house.

  The house was only about a ten-minute drive from where his parents lived. Addie loved the quaintness of the neighborhood. The homes were small brick ones with big porches and spacious front lawns. Since it was an older neighborhood, large oak trees towered over the rooftops, providing cooling shade in the summer and gnarled branches in the winter.

  Entering Chas’s home was a treat for Addie. It was the first time she had been there, and she loved the comfortable ambiance of his quaint abode. It had a small foyer, a large family room with a stone fireplace and an overstuffed, comfy camel brown sectional. Of course, it had the requisite big-screen television, which every man seemed to covet. The kitchen was small but cozy with white-painted cabinets, and bluish quartz countertops. Three bedrooms and two baths completed the first floor. The basement had another large family room replete with big-screen TV, pool, and poker table. Addie was surprised at how neat it was.

  “I love your house. It suits you.”

  “It’s rustic. Not too fancy, but I’m not the fancy type. Jack and I like it.”

  “Let’s watch a movie, Dad,” Jack said as he kicked off his sneakers and jumped on the couch.

  Looking at Addie, Chas raised his eyebrows.

  “I’d love to watch a movie, Jack,” Addie told him.

  “Are you gonna stay with us now?” Jack asked as he grabbed the remote control.

  Rubbing her neck, she cleared her throat. Before she could answer, Chas said, “Yeah, little buddy, Addie’s gonna be here for a few days. You’re good with that, right?”

  With wide eyes, his head bobbed up and down. “I’m glad. I’ve been wanting you and Dad to be together for a long time. Can we have popcorn?”

  Chas snickered, then ruffled Jack’s hair. “Sure. You pick the movie and I’ll make the popcorn.” He moved toward the kitchen, tugging Addie behind him.

  In the kitchen, Chas put the popcorn bag in the microwave. As it popped away, he drew Addie into his arms and kissed her deeply. Running his nose along her jawline, he murmured against her skin, “Do you want to change? My bedroom is the last room on the left. I put your bags in there when we came back to switch the Harley for the cage.”

  “I’d like to get out of these clothes. I’ll only be a sec. Don’t start the movie without me.”

  As she walked away, he swatted her ass, saying in a low voice, “Love your ass, babe.”

  She giggled then left the room to search for his bedroom.

  After the movie, Jack asked Chas if he’d read him one chapter of his bedtime story. Chas agreed, whispering to Addie, “I’ll be about twenty minutes then I’ll give you a bedtime story.” He winked at her.

  In Chas’s room, Addie snuggled under the covers, her eyelids heavy. As the minutes ticked by, her eyes grew heavier, and before Chas was finished reading to his son, she was fast asleep.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chas sat at the bar in the clubhouse, drinking a beer while on his break from working on bikes at the repair shop. Loud music filled the great room. There weren’t many members in the big room—just a few older brothers playing pool. During the day, most of the members were either working, with their old ladies and kids, or in their rooms hungover or eating pussy.

  As always, Chas thought about Addie. The last couple of days had been awesome with her sharing his house with him and Jack. She was so good with Jack, and his son seemed to adore her. Chas couldn’t rid his mind of his redheaded spitfire.

  A large hand clapped his shoulder, and he whirled around.

  “Hey, bro, how’s it going?” Hawk asked.

  “I’m not complaining.” Chas took a swig of beer.

  “Damn, it’s loud in here.” Hawk stalked over to the player and turned the volume down. The older members grumbled but continued playing pool.

  “Fuck, I’m not gonna scream over that today.” Hawk motioned the prospect to give him his usual beer with a Jack shooter. “So, I got the info you wanted. The fucker’s name is Ian Quinn and he was staying at the Briarwood Hotel. You know, the one across from the train station?”

  Chas, lips pursed, nodded.

  “I had a prospect tail him. Found out he checked out over a week ago.”

  “You sure he didn’t hole up anywhere else?”

  “Nope. After he checked out, he took a flight to New York City. No sight of the asshole since then.”

  Chas sighed. “There’s no way this fucker would just walk away. Something’s not right here. Why in the fuck would he come all the way here to just walk away?” Chas rubbed the back of his neck hard, and motioned for another beer.

  “Maybe he got called away for some reason,” Hawk suggested.

  “Yeah, like a job. Have you seen that sonofabitch Snake around?”

  “He’s around, but he seems to only be fucking his bitch and whatever stripper he can find. We threw him out of Dream House with a warning that if he came back, he’d be lying in a pool of blood after we shoved a pole good and hard up his ass.” Hawk chuckled then downed his shot.

  “Asshole. So, he’s not hangin’ around, checking up on Addie?”

  “Honestly? I think that’s what he’s supposed to be doing, but the lazy fucker is just grabbing as much pussy as he can.”

  “If he’s supposed to be keeping an eye on Addie, then fuckass is definitely coming back. I’ll be ready for him. I’d love to pump some iron in both fuckers after I beat the shit outta them.” Chas gulped his beer. “Thanks for the info, brother.”

  “Hey, dude,” Jax greeted as he walked in with Axe, who lifted his chin to Chas.

  “Hey,” Chas said. “You guys on break, too?”

  “Yep,” Axe replied as he lifted the beer bottle the prospect put in front of him to his lips. “Where are all the sluts?”

  Chas laughed. “Do you ever give your dick a break? They’re entertaining members in their rooms.”

  “Rosie, too?”

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you go to her room and see if she’s there?”

  “I may just do that after I’m done drinking. By the way, how’s your librarian?”

  “You still into fuckin’ her, or have you moved on?” Jax asked.

  Chas glared at him. “She’s fine. We got a problem with her soon-to-be-ex.”

  “She’s married? Damn, I didn’t know that,” Jax said.

  Chas updated them on the situation with Ian, adding, “Hawk said he split, but I don’t feel right about this. Something’s not gelling here.”

  Jax put his hand on Chas’s back. “If you ever need my help with this shit, let me know—I got your back.”

  “Ditto for me,” Axe told him as he looked around the room. “Fuck, no one’s here ’cept some old dudes. Where the fuck is Rosie?”

  Shaking his head, Chas said, “Thanks, guys, I may need your help. This fucker is a pro, so I gotta handle him differently from the average asshole who gets in my way. How’s Cherri doing?”

  “She’s good. She’s still decorating the house. Fuck, by the time she’s done, I’ll be broke.” Jax smiled.

  “How do you like being a daddy to Paisley?”

  “It’s cool, but I gotta admit, it still feels weird at times to have a
steady woman and a little girl in my life.” He took out a joint and lit it. “But I don’t feel pissed off all the time anymore, and I don’t wanna party as much. I like spending time with my sweet Cherri. Paisley’s a riot at times.” He inhaled deeply. “I never knew I could be that crazy about two women in my life. I wish my dad were here to see that I did good and found a woman who loves me.”

  “I hear you, dude. The whole thing with Brianna was pure shit, but Addie, fuck, she’s so different from any woman I’ve known.”

  “Have you fallen for the bitch?” Axe asked after taking a hit off the roach Jax offered him.

  Chas narrowed his eyes. “Respect, brother. Okay? Yeah, I’ve fallen for her. Now it’s your turn, Axe.” Chas laughed.

  Axe shook his head. “Back the hell off this Pollyanna shit. I like the freedom of no bitch around my neck and pussy whenever I want.”

  “After you meet the right woman, that shit doesn’t matter. It’s strange, but it goes out of your head because the only pussy you crave is your woman’s, and you can’t get enough of it because she’s on your dick, in your mind, and your heart,” Jax said.

  Chas nodded his agreement.

  Axe stubbed out his joint. “You’re both pussy-whipped motherfuckers.” He pushed back. “I’m gonna find Rosie. I need something before going back to work. You can sit here like bitches and talk about your feelings. I’m outta here.”

  As he swaggered toward the stairs leading up to the club whores’ rooms, Chas and Jax laughed and finished their beers.

  * * *

  “That sure was a good dinner, huh, Dad? It beats hotdogs and beans,” Jack said as he scooted away from the table, taking his dinner plate to the sink.

  “Hotdogs and beans? Is that your signature dish?” Addie asked, lightly poking Chas in the ribs.

  “He’s exaggerating.”

  “No, I’m not. We have it most of the time I’m here, if we don’t eat out or have pizza,” Jack explained.

  “Traitor.” Chas grabbed his son, flinging him over his shoulders. Jack squealed and laughed.

  Addie finished placing the dishes in the dishwasher then joined Chas and Jack on the couch as they watched a crime show. While they were engrossed in the show, the doorbell rang. Chas jumped up and answered the door.

  “Are you Charles Michael Vickers?” a pudgy man in his thirties asked.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Chas growled.

  “Are you Charles Michael Vickers?” he asked again.

  “I’m not telling you shit, asshole. Get the fuck off my property.” Chas scowled and opened the screen door.

  The man threw some papers down on the porch floor, his eyes bulging. As he huffed down the walkway, he looked over his shoulder and said, “Sir, you’ve been served.” He dashed to his white Toyota Camry and zoomed off.

  Chas bent down and picked up the papers, his eyes skimming over them. “What the fuck? That bitch!”

  Addie came out on the porch and placed her hands on his shoulders, rubbing them. “What’s wrong, honey? What is it?” She kissed the back of his neck. Chas wrenched his head and caught her mouth, kissing her fiercely.

  He handed her the papers. Addie read them and burst into tears as he grabbed them back, surprised at her reaction.

  “What does this mean?” Addie said between sobs.

  Chas tugged her in his arms. “It means the fuckin’ cunt is suing me for full custody of Jack. It’s okay, babe. Don’t cry. I’m pissed, but I’m glad, too. I was planning to fight for full custody of Jack. She just beat me to it.”

  “But what’re you going to do?”

  Chas wiped away her tears. “Get a lawyer and fight the bitch. I’ll call Cara in the morning and see if she can recommend a good family law attorney. It’ll be fine. Don’t cry anymore, okay?”

  “What’s going on, Dad?” Jack asked in a small voice.

  Chas extended his arm. “Come here.”

  Jack rushed over to his dad and Chas tucked his son in close to him. “I wanna ask you a question, and I want you to tell me the truth no matter what, okay?”

  “Am I in trouble?” Jack looked down at the ground.

  “No, not at all. I just want you to tell me the truth. Do you like living with your mom?”

  Jack’s face turned white and his bottom lip trembled. “It’s okay,” he said as he swallowed hard.

  “The truth, little buddy.” Chas turned Jack toward him, and crouched down on his haunches to be at eye level with his boy.

  Fear laced the young boy’s brown eyes. “Mom’s gonna be real mad,” he said, a slight tremor in his voice.

  “I won’t let her. Tell me—do you like living with your mom?”

  Big tears rolled down his cheeks as he shook his head. Poker-hot rage shot through Chas, but he forced himself to remain calm on the outside for the sake of his son. He knew Brianna was a bitch, but her own son?

  “The reason I’m asking is ’cause I want you to live with me full-time, but I wanted to be sure you were good with it.”

  Jack threw his small arms around Chas’s neck and hugged him tightly. “For real, Dad? I can live with you all the time? I wanna do it. I’ve been wanting it for a long time.”

  “Well, a judge has to decide that, but I needed to know you wanted to live with me.”

  “Mom’s gonna be real mad, ’cause she won’t be able to get any more money for me. Mom keeps telling me I can’t stay with you so much because she has to get more money for me and the only way is if I don’t see you so much. I don’t know what she’s saying, but I know I want to see you more.”

  “Your mom is an unhappy person, and she takes it out on you. You did nothing wrong. Got it?”

  “I don’t know. Mom’s always telling me it’s my fault guys don’t stick around. She says no man wants a brat like me. She told me I’m nothing but trouble and have been that way since I was born.” Jack’s voice hitched.

  Chas hugged his son tightly. “Don’t believe anything your mom says. She’s bitter and wants everyone to be miserable because she is. You, little buddy, are the number one best thing that I’ve ever done in my life. I still can’t believe you’re all mine. Don’t ever think you’re nothing less than great. I’m gonna fight this, and you’ll be living with me. Don’t you worry about a thing.” Chas ruffled Jack’s hair.

  Chas was so focused on Jack that he forgot Addie was there until he heard her sobbing. Oh, fuck, what’s wrong with her now? “Addie?” he said softly.

  “It’s so sad that a mother could say those things to her little boy.”

  “Yeah, well, she’s a bitch,” Chas whispered in Addie’s ear. He didn’t want Jack to hear him.

  “Why’re you crying, Ms. O’Leary?” Jack’s eyes glistened with tears.

  Oh, shit. Now Jack’s gonna start.

  Addie gazed at Jack, and Chas saw determination glisten in her eyes. She blew her nose and wiped her face. “Jack, women sometimes get a little emotional. Everything is okay. It really is. Your dad’s going to fix it all, okay? Why don’t you pick a video game, and you and your dad can play while I watch you?”

  A big smile spread across Jack’s face. “Okay. I’ll get it ready.” He dashed inside the house.

  Addie looked at Chas and said, “I’m sorry, but I can’t believe your ex would say those things to him. She should be grateful she has a child.” Addie’s eyes brimmed with tears again.

  “I’m so fuckin’ pissed at that bitch for what she’s been doin’ to Jack. I could wring her fuckin’ neck. But I don’t want to upset Jack anymore, so I’m keeping a lid on it, which is damn hard to do.” Chas clenched his fists.

  “I know. I’ll try to keep it together, too. Sorry for the tears. I’m good now. Let’s go inside and be with Jack.”

  As Addie opened the screen door, Chas pulled her back into him and whispered in her ear, “You sure everything’s okay with you?”

  Addie nodded. “I’m just sad Jack has to hear the shit your ex is telling him. He’s such an adorable and sweet
boy. No kid deserves to hear he’s not wanted.”

  Rubbing her shoulders, he said, “There’s no way in Hell the bitch is gonna have my son. No fucking way.” He kissed the soft spot right under her earlobe.

  Sighing, she leaned further back into him.

  “Are you guys coming, Dad?” Jack asked, his neck straining to look at them.

  Seeing his son’s eager eyes, Chas laughed. “Yeah, we’re coming now, buddy.”

  As Jack whooped his butt in the video game, Addie threw loving glances to both him and Jack. Chas inched over to her and grabbed her hand, holding it tightly. The anger caused by his ex-wife’s cruel treatment burned steady inside him. If Brianna wasn’t Jack’s mother, he’d make sure she disappeared, but he couldn’t do that to his son. Pushing down the rage fueling his fire, he watched as Addie laughed and encouraged Jack. She was such a sweet person. Looking around the room, he saw the glint of victory in Jack’s eye as he beat Chas at another game, and he saw Addie’s smiling face as she encouraged Jack while she rubbed Chas’s hand. He couldn’t remember when he’d felt so complete: his sexy, gorgeous woman, his beloved son, a great meal, and everyone laughing and talking. This was something he could get used to for the rest of his life.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  The mountains rose steeply above the town. Hunkered down on one of the ledges, Ian, with a cold gleam in his eyes, surveyed the town below. A puff of breath, white as a cloud, blended with the frigid morning air. It was fucking cold in this mountainous region. The sun above did little to warm the terrain or him—it seemed like its only purpose was to illuminate the area. With chattering teeth, he looked through his SIG50 sniper rifle to observe his window of opportunity.

  For the past three weeks, he’d been watching his subject—the mayor of this desolate town. The rebels paid him handsomely to eliminate the puppet the government placed in a position of power. The mayor was the mouthpiece of the government in this struggling country, but Ian didn’t give a shit about the politics. A half a million dollars deposited in his Swiss bank account was the only reason he was freezing his ass off, waiting to pull the trigger and get out of Uzbekistan.


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