Mastering Marissa

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Mastering Marissa Page 7

by Cyna Kade

  She nodded, taking a deep breath.

  He saw her effort to relax and smiled down at her. Stroking from chin to breastbone, her fear and anxiety slowly bled away. Kytar watched in amazement as Marissa stilled, waiting for him to finish the ritual.

  He’d heard that the ritual gave him power over the woman’s emotions but he hadn’t believed that any woman, especially not this woman, could wait so patiently. Her compliance and submissiveness created a raging need to protect her. He took a moment, just a moment, to savor her submission. Not one squirm or twinge marred her acceptance. All her energy and fire waited for him. He longed to spend another hour enjoying his feelings but it wasn’t fair to Marissa to keep her waiting.

  He took in a deep breath and pulled the collar out of his pocket. Threading it under her neck, he pulled it snug and he started the ritual.

  “I claim you as mine.”

  Marissa moaned, her lips parted, inviting entry.

  He forced the invitation and her moans out of his head. He had to complete the ritual before he could help her. In a strong voice he continued, “I claim you as mine. You are my companion. I own your body. I own your mind. I own your spirit. I claim you as mine.”

  Something seemed to break deep inside Marissa as she heard the words over the snick of the collar closing around her throat. She screamed as his ownership tightened every muscle in her body, even her bones vibrated with need. She bowed off the sofa, unable to breathe through the raging ball of fire that engulfed her body. She screamed for release as her body soared toward a peak. Through the pain of arousal, Kytar entered her head.

  “Marissa, hear me. The pain is receding, soon it will be gone.”

  The words seemed to echo in her head, just out of reach. She fought to reach the peak, to surge over and release the incredible tightness that gripped her body. Kytar blocked her path to satisfaction and she screamed, “Let me come.”

  “No! Breathe through the binding. Don’t surrender to your satisfaction or we’re both lost. Breathe through the binding,” he ordered, his hands firmly gripping her face, stopping her surging motion.

  Marissa felt her peak move fractionally away from her, she moaned in frustration. As Kytar repeated, “Breathe through the binding otherwise we are both lost.”

  She wondered what he meant, but she couldn’t find the will or the focus to ask. Centered deep inside on the tight ball that was growing, thought was beyond her. And as the ball grew, more tendrils wound through every internal crevice until she was certain Kytar filled her entirety and she knew with a growing certainty that she’d never escape him now. She’d never be alone again. She couldn’t deny the magic between them any longer. The collar was not just a piece of jewelry.

  Her arousal seeped away and she moaned in disappointment and frustration. Why hadn’t he let her come?

  She hadn’t realized she’d asked the question aloud, but he answered.

  As if from a great distance, Marissa heard the words, “The ritual is a test of our control. Had you come during the ritual we would have both died. But you were strong and we survived.” He kissed her forehead. “We are bound now.”

  Kytar sat beside her and pulled her up into his arms. His hands stroked her face and neck, creating heat in their wake. Leaning forward, he brushed her lips with his.

  Closing her eyes, she cuddled in his strong arms, wondering why she’d ever been afraid, wondering why she wasn’t afraid now.

  Kytar continued softly stroking her cheek. Smiling, he said, “There is magic here on Darinth, whether you admit it or not. Could I have cut off your questions and your protests so easily otherwise? Could I have stilled your fears or your need without magic? And I know the strength of the link between us.”

  Her eyes widened. Her mind screamed that he’d victimized her, even while she wanted to surrender to his strength. His collar had triggered something deep within. She finally belonged. She wasn’t alone anymore.

  “By accepting my collar, you completed your part of the ritual. By collaring you and reciting the words, I completed my part. You are bound to me by magic.”

  Marissa tried to clear the confused tangle in her mind. She shook her head, still bewildered by her position. She should be angry. She should hate this man but all she felt was a soft contentment and if she was honest, a raging emptiness that demanded fulfillment. She couldn’t stop the question that escaped. “Can we have sex now?”

  He chuckled. “Are you feeling needy, little one?”

  Marissa closed her eyes, cheeks flaming with embarrassment. Desire lurked just under the surface, waiting to explode at his touch. How could she want this man? He challenged everything she understood about her sexuality. Before she could speak, he placed a finger on her mouth, tracing her lips.

  “I’d like nothing better than to consummate our union. But I feel your exhaustion. The past week has been difficult for you. And the binding was more difficult than you realize. You need to rest before we proceed. Sleep now.”

  Marissa’s body complied with his command. Though she tried to fight and demand satisfaction, sleep overwhelmed her and pulled her under.

  * * * * *

  Marissa awoke in a dim bedchamber. She groaned as memories flooded back. She wasn’t surprised she was naked under the sheet. At least she was out of the cell. She slowly moved to a sitting position and swallowing, felt the collar encircling her throat. She reached up. Cool metal met her fingers. She sought a catch, but found no seam, no clue as to how the collar came off. Panic threatened to choke her but before she could surrender, an older man entered the room.

  Marissa quickly yanked the sheet higher. She didn’t recognize him until he moved closer and sat down on the edge of the bed. She started.

  “Father…” Marissa whispered.

  He looked at her for a moment before saying, “You have your mother’s eyes. I saw them on the comm, but to see them in reality is a wonderful thing.”

  “Why did you abandon me?”

  He shook his head. “I promised you safety. I did not willingly abandon you.”


  “Kytar misled you. I’ve seen the vids. I know why you left the arrival center with him but…” He shrugged.

  “He lied to me? About you, he lied?”

  “He never lied—he merely let you make certain assumptions.”

  “But you can get me out of here?”

  “It is far too late for that, I’m afraid.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He pointed toward her neck, “You’ve accepted Kytar’s collar. You belong with him now. That’s the only reason he let me see you. He knows there is nothing I can do.”

  Marissa’s stomach sank. She longed to scream in frustration but held herself rigid. “I don’t understand.”

  “Yes, Kytar counted on that.”

  “Please, please, please explain. I feel like I’m going mad and I’m frightened. I don’t understand.”

  Her father sighed and turned his head away from her searching gaze. His shoulders sagged.


  Drawing in a deep breath, he turned to squarely face her. “I told you there were reasons I couldn’t leave the planet.”

  Marissa nodded, silently encouraging him to continue.

  “I miscalculated. I thought you were safe from my enemies. I never once considered you’d become a pawn before you officially arrived on the planet or I never would have invited you to Darinth.”


  “I received a message that you’d been delayed.” He shook his head. “I should have checked the flight. I should have foreseen…”

  Marissa frowned, waiting for him to continue.

  “The message said you’d been delayed. I assumed you were taking a later flight and you’d send me updated information. I didn’t check. I should have checked.”

  “You mean he tricked us?”

  He paused a moment then nodded. “It was a brilliant plan and it worked.”

  “You almo
st sound proud of him.”

  “Darinthians admire bold actions—especially when they are successful.” Davo shrugged. “What he did was legal and well within our customs. Indeed, his actions have been honorable. He could have treated you very harshly. He could have just used you or sold you to a pleasure dome. You should be grateful to Kytar.”

  “Grateful? Grateful that he fooled us?”

  Davo nodded.

  “But he lied! To you, to me, at every point he lied!”

  “No, you cannot accuse him of lying. I’ve seen the vids. Not once did he lie. He let us make assumptions and we didn’t question those assumptions.”

  “I didn’t know I had to question every assumption!” Marissa whispered.

  Sighing, her father said, “Darinthian customs are different. You came willingly to the planet. You willingly left with Kytar. You accepted his collar. That is the reality of your situation.”

  “But don’t you care?”

  “Marissa, he didn’t have to offer you the collar and I’m a little stunned that he went so far as to complete the binding with you—an off-worlder. He could have made you a slave and hurt you without any repercussions. He’s honored you and for that I’m grateful.”

  Marissa looked at her father. Horror seeped into her soul. “Are you saying there’s nothing you can do?”

  “The ritual is the equivalent of marriage in your society.”

  “Then I want a divorce.”

  A bitter snort of laughter escaped him before he said, “There is no divorce on Darinth. The ritual is magic. Kytar told you that.”

  “There’s no such thing as magic. I don’t believe in magic.”

  “Surely you felt it? Denying its power won’t make it go away.”

  “Then there’s nothing…” Marissa gulped trying to swallow past the collar on her neck. “There’s no way I can be free?”

  Her father frowned. “Why would you want to be free? Kytar is your mate—your other half—otherwise the ritual would not have worked. He will satisfy you in ways you never dreamed possible. I know our customs are strange. But please, give yourself a chance to learn them before you reject them.” He paused a moment then smiled. “You might even find you like them.”

  “I won’t be his slave,” Marissa spit out.

  “You’re an honored companion! Don’t you dare devalue that status by calling yourself a slave! Kytar could have made you a slave and he didn’t.”

  Stunned by his anger, she moaned, “Why did my mother tell me to come here?”

  Her father grimaced as if in pain. “She would have had a place of honor had she stayed.”

  “Then why didn’t she stay?” Marissa asked, caught by his sad tone. “She told me how much she loved you. Why didn’t she stay? Why did she accept my stepfather’s cruelty? Why did she accept his beatings? He was…he was so vicious…”

  Marissa’s father stared at her. “Perhaps she found she missed Darinth. Perhaps she sought a substitute.”

  “You mean she wanted the beatings? How could any woman want that?”

  He chuckled. “No woman wants a beating fueled by anger. Punishment done with love and consideration is something else. Every woman wants a strong man.” He saw her startled face. “You don’t understand our customs. Neither did your mother. At least not while she was here,” he said, his voice hardening with emotion. “It is long in the past. Did she say why you should come here?”

  “My mother told me to find you,” Marissa said, hoping the answer would still his questions.

  “And you did, although not the way either of us intended.” He smiled ruefully as he shook his head. “Did she say anything else?”

  Marissa hesitated. But what difference did it make if he knew? “She said I’d find freedom here.” A bitter laugh escaped. “I guess her memories were flawed.”

  Her father stared at Marissa. She could see his shock but didn’t understand it. His eyes shimmered with moisture though he quickly blinked to clear them.

  When next he spoke, his voice was barely audible. “You don’t understand our customs or you’d know what your mother meant. It gladdens my heart to hear her words. She’s given me a priceless apology for her fear.”

  Marissa just stared at him, confused and angered by his words. He was right she didn’t understand. Something about the words had affected him though because he straightened his shoulders. Whatever she’d said had strengthened his determination. But exploring her words gave her no clue and before she could untangle her confusion, he spoke again.

  “You want to stay with Kytar whether your mind will admit it or not. And you will stay with him. There is nothing I can do to rescue you.”

  He paused a moment and Marissa made a small sound to protest, but he held up a hand to stop her. “Stop fighting him. Forget your upbringing. Forget your customs. You are on Darinth now. Stop fighting our ways. Stop fighting yourself. Surrender. Let Kytar lead you and he will take you to peaks you never knew existed. You are bound to him whether you like it or not.” He chuckled. “Although I think Kytar will make certain you like it. Perhaps I should have pushed your mother more. It is obvious now, that Kytar’s disregard for your customs has accomplished far more than my consideration ever did.”

  Marissa’s stomach sank with his every word. He wasn’t going to help her. He wasn’t going to free her from Kytar’s grasp and that fact froze her mind. Her father’s words seemed distant and irrelevant in the face of Kytar’s authority. She shuddered as the realization and finality of her position hit with a force that left her stunned.

  “I want to be free,” Marissa choked out in a whisper. “How can I gain my freedom?”

  Davo started as if she’d struck him. “Don’t ask that question!”

  “Why? Is there a way? How? How?”

  Davo frowned. “Marissa, just accept—”

  “No! No, I won’t accept being his slave.”

  “Companion, Marissa. He hasn’t made you a slave. He’s offered you an honorable position.”

  “No! I don’t see the difference between slavery and companionship on Darinth. I won’t accept it. Tell me how to get out of this position. How can I gain my freedom?” she demanded.

  Davo frowned. “Haven’t you already consummated the binding?”

  Marissa shook her head.

  Davo remained silent so long, Marissa feared he wasn’t going to speak but he surprised her by slowly saying, “There is only one way…”

  “What? Tell me.”

  Shaking his head. “No, it is too dangerous. You don’t know what you ask for.”

  “Father, I want to get away from Kytar. How can I gain my freedom?”

  His jaw clenched. “The challenge ritual…”

  “Tell me.”

  “The ritual is dangerous for both of you. You do not want to ask for it.”

  “I couldn’t be in a worse position than I am now.”

  “Oh yes, you could. He’ll have two weeks to train you.”

  “Train me?”

  “Yes, he’s allowed to fight your challenge.”

  Marissa gulped but couldn’t stop her demand. “Tell me everything.”

  “If you formally ask for the challenge ritual, he’s not allowed to have intercourse with you. But he will have two weeks to do anything else he wants. Anything. Despite our reputation in the galaxy, Darinthian males typically control themselves. During training, there are no such safeguards for a woman. If you demand the ritual, it means that Kytar can do anything he feels will consolidate your binding. You couldn’t deny him the collar and he only had you for a short time. Do you really think you can survive two weeks of his attentions and then still say no to him?”

  Ignoring his question, Marissa asked, “But if I ask for this ritual, he has to honor my request? What happens during the ritual? What do I have to do to gain my freedom?”

  “Marissa, you won’t be able to fight him.”

  “Let me worry about that. Just tell me,” she demanded, tired of not understandi
ng Darinthian customs.

  “The ritual hasn’t been used in my lifetime. I’ve never seen one but I have seen vids…”

  “Tell me.”

  He sighed. “The challenge ritual is a test of your link with Kytar. He has to demonstrate his control over your sexual responses in a very public venue.”

  “Why is everything sex on this planet?” she asked, exasperated by his response. Not expecting an answer, she asked another question. “So if he doesn’t control me?”

  “Then your bonds are broken.”

  Traitorous pictures rippled through her mind. If she were honest with herself, she wanted—no, she longed—to surrender to Kytar’s strength. Davo was right. She hadn’t been able to fight Kytar’s demand that she accept the collar. How did she think she could fight his training? She longed to feel his cock buried deeply within her, filling her. She wanted his mouth on her nipples, sucking and yes, even biting them. Maybe she should just give in and forget this challenge thing.

  Then an image of her mother cringing before her stepfather flooded her mind. She saw her mother’s bruised face. She saw her mother curled in a corner while her stepfather whipped her. Marissa wouldn’t—she couldn’t—just accept her position. She ruthlessly shoved the images of domination aside.

  She couldn’t just surrender to Kytar. Yes, he’d aroused her, but he’d tricked her. She didn’t owe him anything. She had to fight him. She wouldn’t give in to him. A few mistakes shouldn’t warrant a life sentence on Darinth. She wasn’t any man’s slave.

  “I want the ritual.”

  “Marissa, there is a penalty for failure. If you don’t break Kytar’s control of you, if your challenge fails, he’ll be able to read your every thought—not just your emotions, like he can now—but every thought in your head. It won’t matter if you are a planet or a galaxy away, he’ll always be in your head. Not only will he be able to read your mind, he’ll be able to control it. He’ll be able to stop you from thinking of certain things. He’ll be able to make you think other things. The ties that bind become tighter.”

  Marissa’s mouth flattened into a grim line. “If that’s the only way to be free of him then I’m willing to take the risk. How do I ask for this ritual?”


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