Cherime MacFarlane - The MacGrough Clan 01

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Cherime MacFarlane - The MacGrough Clan 01 Page 12

by Highland Light

  Nodding his head in acknowledgement, Gideon barely managed to conceal his surprise at his wife's abilities. He had expected her to oversee the building of the tunnel. He had not expected her to be down in the hole driving the drill into the rock.

  The thought of Ailene smacking away at the drill was quite amusing. Gideon thought of her all sweaty from her labors. That mental picture caused him to smile. The other two men noted the slight smile and wondered at it. Seumas informed the other two of the area he had seen Ailene searching in. All three decided to see what Ailene might have found.

  Gideon went to the stable. He discovered the animal he had been riding the previous day had been taken care of. It occurred to him that everyone had supported him. From the emptying of the bathtub to caring for the horse, the clan had been there for him.

  As they rode out to find stone to quarry, Gideon silently considered the evens of the previous day. Everyone had been ready to help him find Ailene. It occurred to him that it had not all been for Ailene. For a moment he flushed when he thought of Idelle working the knots from his muscles as she made sure he ate something.

  He wondered if this was the way a family was supposed to be. Memories of his own family was hazy. The learning had lasted longer than the pictures of his mother and father in his head. It was almost as if he had blocked those days out. Perhaps he had.

  Only Ailene and Cadell knew he had brought money with him to the clan. The things he was experiencing, their kindness toward him, was a result of his interaction with these people. There was a bond forming he could only barely understand. They stood together for each other. It was something akin to the Templars but not the same. He was not sure what he was feeling just yet. There were puzzles in his past that seemed to keep him from understanding what was developing here. But there was work to be done. Gideon pushed it all to the back of his mind to be explored further another time.

  Gideon, Seumas and Ainsley rode out to investigate the rock formation Ailene had been exploring when she was kidnapped.

  "I am no sure. We must ask Ailene, but these blocks may do, ken?"

  Ainsley pointed toward a tumbled bunch of rocks.

  The three of them rode closer to survey the heavy rocks.

  "Ailene thought tha blocks should be cut smaller sized then stacked. Tha space we have ta work in being small, mind."

  Gideon thought about the lines scratched in the dirt under the foundation.

  "Aye. I see the logic in that. There is no way to move bigger blocks into that space."

  Seumas nodded in agreement.

  "We need Ailene's thoughts on this."

  Wanting to go back and see if she was feeling better, Gideon nodded.

  "Well then, we must wait until she is better. I am not sure how soon we must return to The Bruce. When The MacGrough returns we may have a better notion."

  The horse felt his nervousness, it danced on its front feet.

  "Let us go back."

  The other two men nodded. Gideon urged his mount into a fast trot. Seumas smiled at Gideon's back.

  Seumas' wife, Ailsa, was soon to give him a new bairn. He wished to know his wife and child were well before he returned to the war. Gideon's need to be with Ailene was understood by Seumas.

  When Gideoen returned to the hall he found additional animals in the stable. Cadell had returned. As much as Gideon wanted to dash up stairs to see Ailene, he knew he needed to speak with his father in law. The MacGrough was comfortably seated in the hall with the widow in attendance. Gideon raised one eyebrow. Fenella caught his look and blushed.

  Cadell was not as shy.

  "Gideon! Come lad and sit wa us. See I brought Fenella and Birk along. I dinna wish ta leave them there. I dinna trust ta the kindness of those who should be caring for them."

  Gideon felt he had no say as to who his father in law might wish to bring to the glen. He had found the widow to be a kind person.

  "Aye. It is good to see you, all of you. Have you brought news as to when we must return?"

  Cadell smiled at Gideon.

  "That in a moment. I am happy to see ye in one piece. I ken ye brought home our lass as well."

  "Aye. Sir, Ailene was ill used by the MacNabs or one of them at least. I wanted to see how she was fairing."

  "I saw Edeen a wee while ago. Ailene has eaten a bite, she is sleeping again. Ye may go up shortly lad. I ken from Iver that the MacNab lad will ha a permanent reminder ah his misdeed."

  As Cadell watched Gideon's normally serious expression became hard. His eyes flashed dark fire.

  "He continues to breathe due to Ailene."

  With a slight nod, Cadell finished Gideon's comment.

  "An ye would have finished him, I ken that."

  Gideon shifted his weight as he looked toward the stairs. Cadell decided he had held the lad long enough.

  "Lad, Longshanks is ill unto death. We will wait on tha King. Go see the lass."

  Gideon needed no further word, he hurried over to the stairs. As he reached the door, he slowed his steps hoping to not wake her if she was asleep. Gideon carefully opened the door then looked over at the bed.

  Ailene heard the door open. She looked up at Gideon with a smiled.

  "Ah gradh."

  She held out a hand to him, Gideon moved to her side.

  "Ailene, are you better?"

  He took her hand. Gideon kissed her palm then raised it to his cheek.

  "Gideon, can ye come and lie with me?"

  He wasted no time in undressing. He slipped into the bed. Gideon sat in the bed then leaned against the wall. He drew Ailene into his lap. Ailene reached up to stroke his cheek.

  "When I heard ye call my name...Gideon ye came for me."

  He cupped her chin in his hand. Gideon kissed her until her lips opened. His tongue explored her mouth then her soft lips. He held her so tightly to him she almost felt faint.

  Gideon stroked her back. When Ailene reached up to brush her hand across his cheek she felt wetness on his skin. Ailene leaned back a bit in order to look into his face.

  "Gradh, love, I am sorry to have caused ye pain, twas no my intention."

  Gideon closed his eyes, taking a deep breath he tried to control the flood of emotion he felt.

  "Ailene, I do not blame you for anything. I did not know what I would find. How he could have left you in that place, I do not understand."

  "Alec MacNab, he meant ta bring me to heel, mind. For that reason I could no eat of his food, ye ken?"

  Little kisses fell on her face as he silenced her. Then he bent his head to kiss her throat. One hand supported her back the other brushed her hair from her face. It was just a whisper in her ear.

  "Is that all he did to you Ailene? Please do not lie to save him. Did he lay hands on you other than to seize you? I must know."

  "Nay gradh. That is no why I did no want you to kill him. It was for ye love, I did no want his kin to come for ye. He did naught Gideon. Would ye no longer want me if .."

  Her words tailed off.

  Gideon rubbed his cheek against hers.

  "When I am no longer breathing only then will I not want or need you. Ailene I do not know what I feel. I have so little knowledge of this, what this is between us. I only know I cannot foresee a time when I will not want you."

  Kissing and stroking her, Gideon whispered things to Ailene. Some words she could understand others were in languages she did not understand. She knew she did not need to understand the meaning of all the words. The words were all some form of wanting and needing. He set her body on fire. Gideon's needs became her own.

  She loved looking at his body in the daylight. Ailene pushed the covers aside, she moved away from him. Pushing her hands into his hair, Ailene pulled his head toward her. As he had done, she placed gentle little kisses on his face. When he would have reached for her, Ailene backed away. She left the bed then turned to watch him as she undid the tie of the nightgown around her neck. Pushing the gown down over her breasts, she continued to watc
h his face. Gideon's lips parted slightly as he watched.

  Ailene reached up to cup her breasts. She took a step forward. Gideon rose from the bed. She glanced downward noting with a smile that he was fully aroused. A surge of heat flushed through her. Her body began to throb with need.

  "Only ye Gideon. Gradh, lover, only ye."

  He pulled her to him. Up on tiptoes, Ailene found the length of him fitted perfectly between her legs. Ailene slid back and forth on him. The feeling was so intense she found she could not stop.

  Gideon gripped her hips. He slid backward a few steps until he was able to sit on the bed. Ailene clutched his shoulders as he reached up to suckle her breasts. His fingers played with her. Ailene began to tremble. He pulled her down into his lap then rolled her into the middle of the bed. Gideon lifted her hips then slowly slid into her.

  "Ailene, you are all I want."

  He began to stroke her slowly, then faster. As she began to moan in pleasure, Gideon kissed her. His mouth taking possession of her as their bodies came together.

  Chapter 14

  The Hammer of the Scots was dead. Edward made the final surrender. All Scotland speculated as to what the death of the English king would mean to them. The King of Scotland waited to see if Edward II meant to keep up the campaign against Scotland. In Scotland some lairds were busy trying to raise troops to support The Bruce. Others wondered if Edward II would provide the support necessary to defeat Robert Bruce finally and completely. The blood feud between the Comyns and the Bruce still raged.

  After a few weeks of sun and warmth, the weather turned rainy. It was summer but the rain lingered. The grain was not prospering. Only the animals flourished as the clan grumbled at the wet weather.

  Not sure how much time he had with Ailene, Gideon rose early to quarry the blocks necessary to shore up the foundation. He had discussed the matter with her so he knew what she wanted done. He found drilling the holes necessary to break the blocks out a tedious chore. Ainsley eagerly helped Gideon. Together they loaded two blocks onto the sledge. The sledge skidded down the wet track easily. Getting the large blocks into the storeroom then down into the hole was more difficult.

  Ailene was up and feeling much better. She had wanted to go with Gideon to help with the quarrying. she had not been pleased to be told he did not wish her out in the wet weather. Ailene did not argue with him, which amused Cadell who was in the hall attended by the widow Fenella.

  Gideon and Ainsley returned to the keep thoroughly soaked. Their boots squished when they walked. The man and boy carried a block in which was placed it on a waulked plaid. They each took two corners of the plaid then half slid half carried the block into the storeroom.

  When they finished with the second block, Gideon stood by the fire in the hall. His clothing steamed in the warmth of the room. He ate some meat and bread standing next to the fire.

  "Gideon, ye look like a drowned rat."

  Ailene smiled at him then laughed.

  He looked over at Cadell, gauging his father in law's distance from Ailene. Gideon strode over to Ailene then shook his head hard.

  "I thought I might look more like a wet dog."

  As the drops of water spattered her, Ailene put up both hands to shield herself from the water. She backed away from him with a squeal.

  "Gideon! I thought ye dinna want me to gie wet!"

  Before she could dodge away from him, Gideon reached out to drag her against his wet body. Ailene struggled briefly before reaching up to push his wet hair away from his face.

  He kissed her. In the background he heard several people laughing. Releasing her Gideon stepped back. Slowly he let his eyes wander from the top of her head to her feet. The imprint of his wet body was easily seen on the now damp dress she wore.

  "Watch your tongue Ailene. I might drag you outside. As you see,"

  He held out his arms.

  "I am so drenched it matters little to me."

  Ailene smiled at him. There was a glint in her eye that told him some thought had occurred to her which had to do with the game they still played. She closed the gap between them and pulled his head down to whisper in his ear.

  "Aye gradh. Playing in the mud, nice slippery mud could be fun. Ye ken?"

  Gideon laughed out loud then backed away from her.

  "Ah wee wifie, you have a most interesting turn of mind. I will think on that. But Anisley and I must finish the last three blocks. I have no wish to dry out only to get soaked again."

  He turned to wave Ainsley out ahead of him. Ainsley eyed him curiously. Gideon walked along beside the sledge Ainsley was riding. Gideon led the horse harnessed to the sledge. When they reached the quarry Gideon took up the drill. He began drilling holes along the line he and Ainsley had previously scored.

  "Gideon, wa did Ailene say to ye?"

  Gideon thought that question might be coming. He looked over at the nearly grown boy. "Every couple has special things, things they do not share with others. What she said to me was along those lines. You ken Ainsley?"

  The lad flushed.

  "Tis part of being married?"

  Gideon turned back to the hole he was drilling in the rock before him.

  "That is the straight of it Ainsley. Someday you will find a woman to marry and then you will understand better."

  Ainsley was quiet for a moment.

  "Ha ye seen Neill's lass, Christal? She ha the face of an angel Gideon."

  There was a note of wonder in Ainsley's tone that caused Gideon to put down the drill for a moment. He pushed his wet hair back took a leather thong from his belt. Gideon tied it around his hair to hold it out of his eyes.

  "How old are you Ainsley?"

  Ainsley traced a circle on the wet stone with one finger.

  "Three and ten Gideon."

  Gideon thought about the times they were living in then shook his head.

  "Does she know you think that way about her?"

  Ainsley started as if a coal had struck him.

  "Nay! If I say ought to her and she dinna care for me? Wa then Gideon?"

  The look on the lad's face was one of misery. Gideon considered his words carefully.

  "I am not the best man to discuss this with Ainsley. You might want to talk with Adair or Banner. I have had little experience with women other than Ailene."

  "How can that be? I ha seen ye together an ye seem...."

  Ainsley did not finish his thought. Gideon wished he could counsel the boy. He sighed.

  "Ainsley, lad, God has blessed me with Ailene. I was not in a position to learn other than weapons and their use. My education has been sorely lacking in dealing with people, women in particular."

  Ainsley nodded. "Wa the marriage arranged between ye?"

  Gideon turned to pick up the drill and the hammer.

  "In a way. Not entirely, but somewhat. It was a complicated matter Ainsley. I can not entirely explain it as to do so would violate a lady's confidence."

  Ainsley stared at him for a moment. Then began to smile. He nodded as understanding came to him.

  "Tis between ye and Ailene."

  Gideon positioned the drill on the cross mark scratched on the stone and began to hit the drill on the head with the hammer. He did not look at Ainsley as he replied.

  "Aye. And I have no wish to be trounced by her. She punches hard for a girl."

  As he had hoped, Ainsley laughed. Gideon knew the matter was settled between them.

  Two days later the blocks were inside the storeroom. Ailene sat on a stool on the remains of the floor of the storeroom. She was overseeing the manner in which Gideon and Ainsley were placing the stone bock supports. Having stripped down to trews only, the two muscled the blocks into place. The effort caused them both to sweat in the close quarters.

  It was a difficult situation due to the need for a support beam in the middle of what was to be the doorway under the foundation of the house. It had been necessary to dig out several feet past the foundation in order to have room to pla
ce the blocks into position. The beam in the center under the foundation supported that corner of the wall as they worked.

  It took several days to get to the point where the capstone was to be set. It was the most difficult portion of the entire tunnel project. For that operation Gideon enlisted the help of Seumas and Iver. The job was too heavy for Ainsley who reluctantly gave up his position.

  The large stone was guided into place with the use of several beams, which were used to balance it. Gideon insisted that Ailene move back out of the way. They had to slide the large stone from the partial floor slightly downward then into place. The large beams were the only means they had to hold the heavy stone up as they attempted to slide the whole into position.

  Ailene clutched her stomach when the huge stone wobbled and nearly refused to pivot on top of the side stones. If it slipped it would likely kill or severely injure the three men. They finally managed to get the capstone partially into place with its edges on the side support stones.

  The final placement was to be accomplished by driving the stone into place with a hammer. Seumas wielded the hammer as Gideon and Iver pushed the stone slightly upward with a beam to take the strain off of the side bracing. Seumas had to hammer on first one side then the other as the stone slowly slid into place. The capstone seated, the three men came out of the hole. The successful ending of the enterprise was celebrated with a dram of whiskey. They left the removal of the wooden beams and bracing to Ainsley and Banner.

  Gideon was glad to have it done. He had been worried about Ailene getting that part of the tunnel finished. From his first look at it Gideon knew setting the capstone would require brute force. Now he would not worry about her being hurt while he was away. The young men who would be staying in the glen to guard the clan could finish the balance of the tunnel.

  He sat at the table in the hall with his whiskey, sipping at it. Ailene came up behind him. When her strong hands began to knead his shoulders, Gideon let his head fall forward.

  "Hummm. Idelle has been showing you the way to a man's heart."


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