The King's Sword

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The King's Sword Page 21

by AJ Searle

  “And if Thestian were not Sleagan why would he tell Diato of mine and Fiona’s joining when he knew that the man would become mad with jealousy? Even Fiona knew that he would.”

  “Oh no.” Fiona’s expression fell as the realization of Ronan’s reasoning hit her.

  “Diato thinks he will kill me, capture Keegan, and take the sword back to Thestian like a good little captain should.” Ronan crossed his arms.

  “And by doing so, the sword is placed right in Sleagan’s hands,” Fiona finished, and then shook her head. “But what do they want with Keegan?” Ronan looked at the horseman. Keegan bowed his head.

  “Most of what I told you was truth,” Keegan said lowly. “Orin Yore’s request for my freedom was denied. But I escaped prison two years later and used the name he’d given me.”

  “Keegan Yore,” Ula whispered and he nodded. “What name did you have before?”

  Doane Vaughn. “It doesn’t matter.” Ronan’s answer caused Keegan to look up at him.

  “It does matter,” Arien argued, eyes suddenly flashing. “It matters because it could be he that is working against us.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Ronan repeated, looking at Ula, “We all have secrets that name us a suspect. I’m not about to have them all aired and for no other reason but to rip apart those of us who are honest about our intentions.” Ula gave him a little nod of agreement.

  “What will you do about Diato?” Fiona crossed her arms.

  “I will attempt to talk sense to him and if he doesn’t listen I will have our dragon step on him and then serve him to his family for supper.” Ronan slanted a gaze at Monty when the dragon grinned, his pointed teeth glistening in the morning sun.

  “It’s a doable plan,” Monty agreed.

  “You should let me deal with Diato. He is a bit tougher than he may seem. I’ve bested him before,” Fiona said, causing Ronan’s head to snap around.

  “I’m afraid not.” He crossed his arms. “You will keep out of the way. You don’t fight a fire by pouring more fuel into it.”

  “I will not fail this mission.”

  “And I will not fail at what I’ve set out to do.” Ronan’s tone was matter of fact. He ignored her frown, turning to Keegan. “You and the others go after the other guards if Diato will not listen to me. If they are as stupid as the one he spoke with last night, you will have no trouble. Between you, Bryan, Fiona’s snake arms, and Ula’s blue magic it would take you only minutes to leave Diato to face me alone.” Keegan nodded glancing at Arien when the boy made a sound of disbelief.

  “And what am I and Bryan to do this whole time? Stand on our heads?” Arien kicked at the ground. “I can fight.”

  “Yes, but you and Ahearn have an understanding…I did not forget that. If something goes wrong, someone will have to take the sword on to Merisgale. And fast.” Ronan pointed to the boy. “That someone will be you.” Arien’s frown only half lessened but Ronan did not want to chance the boy getting hurt.

  “Monty will be our eyes. He can see them coming before any of us,” Ronan continued when Arien offered no more arguments.

  “It’s a good plan.” Keegan nodded. “You do well with no sleep.”

  “I do better with it. You all take today and prepare yourselves however you must. Rat foot or whatever.” Ronan saw the grin curl on Ula’s mouth before she and the others scattered.

  “May I speak with you?” Fiona lingered and Ronan breathed out heavily.

  “I do not want to argue with you today, Fiona. I have too much on my mind.” Ronan turned to step back into his hut but she followed.

  “I am a warrior. It’s what I’ve spent my life training to do. And Diato did not make captain because he does not know how to kill.” Fiona placed her hands on her hips. “Listen to me, Ronan. I know what I am talking about.”

  “I know you do and I hear the sense you are speaking but I must insist that you keep out of the way and assist Keegan with the others.” Ronan did not look back at her.

  “Why?” she demanded, raising her voice.

  “He thinks he owns you,” Ronan explained. “He still thinks of you as his woman. That makes you a very dangerous motivation for him to kill the rest of us.”

  “No one owns me,” she argued. “I am a warrior, Ronan. I am trained to fight. Before I left Merisgale to come for you I bested him in a sword fight. I could have killed him. It would have been easy.”

  “Have you so little faith in me?”

  “You are a blacksmith, Ronan, not a swordsman.”

  “I’m a wizard.”

  “One that is inexperienced and uncertain of himself.”

  Ronan blinked. “You’ve trusted me thus far and now when we are so close, you doubt me?”

  “It’s not that I doubt you, Ronan. But you don’t know him like I do. He has been trained and very well…”

  But Ronan was hurt. “You will do as I command.” He turned so he couldn’t see her expression. “I don’t care what kind of warrior you are. I am still one of the King’s Guards and a wizard. And my will shall be done.” Silence followed. He manifested a goblet of ale but it tasted sour in his mouth. He finally glanced back at her to find her glaring coldly at him.

  “You would command me?” She had no emotion in her voice. No, that wasn’t true. He heard the edge, knew that she was fuming.

  “If it meant I could keep you safe, yes. I would command you.” Ronan set the goblet aside and reached for her hand but she stepped away.

  “Then you are no better than he.” She turned on her heel and marched from the hut without looking back.

  * * *

  “I’ve been waiting for you to visit me.” Robust sat smiling against the wall when Sleagan opened the door of his prison. “I’m eager to know what you think of our little blacksmith now.”

  “I think he will be dead soon and so will you.” SleaganSleagan folded his arms, standing in the doorway.

  “He knows who you are. He knows you are SleaganSleagan.”

  Thestian scowled. “And what can he do about it? Nothing. Diato is on his way to kill him as he we speak. My plans will not be fouled. I do not care which man brings me the sword as long as I get it.”

  “You will not succeed.”

  “I already have. Merisgale is mine. With no king to guide them they are looking to the man you named to be next king. I control them all.”

  “Power is like a tapestry, woven tightly with expensive threads. In the right hands it can last years. In the wrong hands it becomes frayed on the edges and soon begins to unravel.” But fear began to creep back into Robusk’s chest. What if Thestian did succeed? Merisgale would fall and who would step up to save Meris from Sleagan’s dark forces?

  “Power is not the tapestry in this case, old man. Meris is.” SleaganSleagan smiled recklessly. “And unraveling is just what I had in mind.”

  “Ronan Culley will stop you.”

  “Ronan Culley can do nothing if he is dead.” Thestian turned and stepped through the door, then hesitated. “And I know that you’ve been speaking to him both in his dreams and through that horse. I’ve always known.” The door swung closed leaving Robusk in the darkness of the windowless cell.

  * * *

  “Forgive me?” Ronan spoke only after he halted behind Fiona. She was staring out at the shadowed moors and had heard him approaching. He’d steered cleared of her the entire day, giving her room to fume. Now, he meant to make amends.

  “Of course I forgive you.” She didn’t look at him. “You should be sleeping. Tomorrow you will not have the chance.”

  “I could not sleep with the fear that you were angry at me.” He touched her shoulder.

  “Rest easy. I’ve decided that you are right. I should not fight Diato tomorrow night.” She turned and smiled at him. His eyes reflected surprise but also relief.

  “Thank you, Fiona. I’m only trying to do what is best.” He told her and she nodded that she understood.

  “Go rest now. You shall need your stren

  Heturned and headed back toward his hut. She watched him until he disappeared through the door. Then she turned, her smile fading.

  Her pace was fast and she could already feel her body changing with the adrenalin that pumped in her veins. She would stop Diato. She should have killed him when she had the chance.


  Fiona carefully neared Diato’s campsite. Silently she drew her sword and stepped toward Diato’s sleeping form. He didn’t stir. He didn’t even have someone sitting watch while he slept. But it did not surprise her. He was too confident to fear anything. Using the toe of her boot, she nudged his arm. His eyes immediately opened and a smile slid across his perfect lips.

  “Fiona.” He didn’t move, just lay there gazing up at her without seeming surprised to see her. “You’ve come to meet me. I thought that you might. I’m not very happy with you, Fiona. You’ve hurt me.”

  “I do not care if you are happy with me or not. You deserve a little hurt for causing others so much.” Fiona pressed her lips together. She wasn’t here to discuss their dead relationship. He just brought out the worst in her and she hated him for it.

  “Then why are you here?” He tucked his arm behind his head. She gritted her teeth. “Do you wish to make up with me? I would consider forgiving you.” That was how he used to lay looking at her when he was finished with her for the night. And his words were mocking. But she refused to be sucked into an argument.

  “I would still be gentle with you if you have,” he added, one more stab at her.

  “Ronan believes Thestian is not who he says he is. He believes him to be Sleagan,” Fiona blurted, hating how he could still hurt her.

  Diato stared blankly at her and then slowly frowned. “What kind of silliness is this?”

  “He believes Thestian is using you, Diato. Filling you full of information that will make you react with emotion rather than thought.” Fiona prayed he was considering what she said.

  “I am not a man to be used,” Diato said guardedly.

  No. You use others, Fiona thought, feeling the bitterness of resentment rise within her.

  “His reasoning makes sense. I find it odd that he would send his best guards to retrieve a sword that is in no danger when the King of Meris obviously is.” Fiona watched Diato’s eyes narrow.

  “Robusk named Thestian at the monastery.” He tucked his other arm behind his head but Fiona could see that his body had tensed. “Robusk is no idiot.”

  “No, but he is missing,” Fiona said and then sucked in her breath as a sharp pain pierced her right shoulder. She immediately grasped at the arrow that struck her. Black powder and blood rubbed off on her fingertips. She turned, body suddenly feeling so weak that she had to rest her weight on her sword.

  “You.” Fiona’s eyes dropped and widened as they rested on the familiar face behind her. “Why?” But then darkness swirled around her and she collapsed.

  “It took you long enough,” Diato growled, rising to his feet.

  “I had to make sure I was close enough and she didn’t slow her pace the whole way here. It made it hard for me to keep up.”

  Diato scowled. “What business is this about Thestian being SleaganSleagan?” His eyes dropped to Fiona’s arm. It had barely grazed her arm, and brought just enough poison to knock her out.

  “Some idiocy that the blacksmith is rambling.”

  Diato nodded and leaned down to lift Fiona while some of the guards scrambled to ready the noose. “My sweet little changeling,” Diato whispered and pressed his lips to Fiona’s. “You made this too easy.”

  “You are going to kill her aren’t you?”

  Diato’s eyes were hard when he looked up. “That’s not your concern. Now get out of here before I decide to kill you as well.” He smiled again when Thestian’s spy hurried back the way he came. Thestian had told him of the one he sent to watch the blacksmith. He’d told him he would be of some help if Diato needed it.

  Fiona moaned from his arms and he looked down. “Sleep. You won’t die from the poison. I made sure only enough was used that I could take your weapons away from you.” Fiona moaned again. “Shh. Just sleep.”

  “I have to warn Ronan,” she managed to murmur and Diato’s smile disappeared. Even now when she should be afraid for her life, she was thinking of the blacksmith.

  “You’ll never see him alive again.” Diato growled down at her, his arms tightening around her. “You are mine, Fiona. You should start getting used to that idea.”

  * * *

  Wake up. Ronan’s eyes instantly opened. He’d been dreaming of Robusk, now a thin, frail wizard with just enough strength to remain alive. His white hair looked gray from the filth that he was made to remain in, his large hands had been bony from starvation.

  Seeing the once great King like that had filled Ronan with sadness because he knew that it was more than a dream. He’d asked Robusk where he was but the old wizard had shaken his head. He would not tell him.

  Ronan sat up but the dawn was silent. Too silent. Something was wrong. He rose from the cot and stepped outside, adjusting the sheath on his hip. No one had emerged from the other two huts yet and Monty lay curled, snoring deeply a few yards away.

  “Blaaaaacksmith,” A voice haunted the air from a distance, then once again, a bit louder. “Blaaaaacksmith.” Ronan frowned, squinting across the moors. But no one could be seen. Ronan stuck his tongue into the air.

  “It’s Diato.” Monty’s deep voice caused Ronan to start, nearly biting into his tongue. “He’s still miles away.” Ronan turned to find the dragon standing, fully alert. He hadn’t even heard the creature’s breathing change.

  “He’s trying to goad me into a fight.” Ronan crossed his arms and turned his eyes back to the horizon.

  “Blaaaaacksmith.” Diato’s voice moaned through the morning.

  “It seems he has the same idea as you had.” Monty stretched his legs, causing his great silver scales to glitter in the rising sun. “He waits for his enemy to come to him.”

  Ronan took a moment to admire the dragon. He truly was a magnificent beast. “Have you warned your kind about what is to happen?” Ronan asked when Monty yawned loudly. He eyed the dragon’s teeth, considering the damage they could do with one snap of his jaw.

  “Blaaaaacksmith.” Diato was not going to give up.

  “They know.” Monty nodded and glanced back at the huts. “Will you wake them now?” Yes. Ronan started. Ahearn. It had been Ahearn who had called for him to wake.

  “It seems I must.” Ronan grinned back at the horse.

  “May I do the honors?” Monty surprised him by asking. Ronan inclined his head for the dragon to do as he wished. Monty smiled and faced the horizon, resizing himself to his natural height. He drew back his head, taking a deep breath. Ronan instinctively put his hands over his ears.

  The sound caused the earth to rumble so violently that Ronan went to his knee to keep from falling flat on his face. He closed his eyes and clamped his teeth together to keep them from clacking against one another.

  When the dragon silenced, Ronan gave a little whoop and jumped to his feet, grinning. “I’ll bet that will quiet him down!”

  Monty grinned viscously and nodded his large head. As those in the huts scrambled outside, Monty shrunk down to Ronan’s height again.

  “What’s happening?” Ula shouted with alarm.

  Ronan grinned back at her. “Monty sent Diato a little message.” Ula clutched at her chest and blew out a breath, glancing at Keegan and Bryan when they both frowned. Ronan’s eyes dropped to Arien to find his eyes still wide with evident fear. It had scared them all. He hoped that Diato was having the same reaction.

  “I thought the dark forces were upon us,” Arien whispered. “Don’t ever do that again.”

  “If he does, I will cut off his head,” Keegan said in a low voice.

  “Where’s Fiona?” Ronan asked, still grinning, enjoying their reaction to Monty’s roar.

  “We thou
ght she with you.” Ula’s lips thinned with a frown.

  Ronan shook his head. “She didn’t come to my hut last night. I assume she was still a bit angry with me for yesterday.” Ronan winced. “I acted irrationally and spoke sharply to her.”

  Ula stared at him blankly. “She did not come to my hut either.”

  “Nor ours,” Keegan supplied.

  “Well where…” Ronan’s head snapped around and he stared at the horizon. No, she didn’t. She couldn’t have.

  Yes, Ahearn answered.

  “Well, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Ronan faced the horse.

  Too weak, Ahearn answered.

  Ronan frowned. “Keegan, see to your horse. I believe he may be ill.” Ronan looked at Monty as Keegan turned and moved toward the horses, concern filling his eyes. “She went to Diato last night, to spare me a fight with him.”

  “It would seem she did not succeed.” Monty tilted his head. “Would you like me to fly the distance and see what’s going on down there?”

  Ronan nodded. “As quickly as you can.” Monty resized immediately, and then took off running. He glided into the air, his large wings flapping powerfully. Ronan stood watching until the dragon disappeared.

  “Why didn’t she just listen to me?” Ronan growled.

  “Maybe she meant to protect you,” Arien suggested.

  Ronan’s hands fisted at his sides as hatred boiled within him. If Diato harmed Fiona in any way he would kill him.

  “The horses are fine and ready to ride if you want to go after her,” Keegan called.

  “We should plan the approach carefully,” Bryan added, tossing his hair over his shoulder. “He is expecting us to come after her. He already has a plan of his own.”

  Ronan turned his eyes to the horizon, waiting for Monty to reappear.

  This was his fault. If he hadn’t stupidly commanded Fiona not to fight, she wouldn’t have gone ahead. If something had happened to her it was his fault. Ronan frowned as Monty reappeared.


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