Two to Tango (Harlequin Kimani Romance)

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Two to Tango (Harlequin Kimani Romance) Page 17

by Yahrah St. John

Dante didn’t know how long he and Adrianna stood there, shaking hands, receiving hugs and accepting condolences. When it was over, he was exhausted, so he could only imagine how emotionally drained Adrianna was. Once the crowd had finally begun to taper off, Dante decided to take Adrianna upstairs.

  “I’m going to put her to bed,” Dante told Madison.

  “I think that’s a good idea,” Madison said. “The poor thing must be exhausted. I’ll bring up a plate, too, in case she should get hungry.”

  “Thanks, Maddie.” Dante patted her shoulder.

  Instead of trying to walk Adrianna up, Dante lifted her limp body in his arms and carried her up the stairs. Dante found her room easily as it was covered with several different black dresses and suits. Dante shifted Adrianna in his arms and pushed the clothes off the bed. They landed in a heap on the floor.

  Gently, Dante laid her down on the bed and Adrianna curled up in a ball. Dante reached down to the edge of the bed and pulled up a blanket to cover her trembling body. He was about to leave, so she could sleep, when Adrianna’s hand peeked out from underneath the duvet and he heard her shaken voice. “Please don’t go.”

  Those were the only words Dante needed to hear. He kicked off his loafers, removed his suit jacket and slid underneath the covers with her. He curled up behind Adrianna and spooned her in his arms until she fell asleep.

  Dante awoke to the sun streaming into the windows and Adrianna in his arms directly facing him. Her legs were intertwined with his and her arms were wrapped around his midsection. Dante pushed a wayward curl out of her face and stared down at her. Losing a parent had to be difficult, but losing both had to be unbearable. He’d learned long ago to live without them because he’d never known his parents. He could sympathize with Adrianna’s plight.

  Adrianna’s eyes popped open and the realization of what had happened must have hit her because she began to shake uncontrollably.

  “It’s okay, Adrianna,” Dante whispered. His gut wrenched seeing her in so much agony. He wished he could take away some of the pain, but he couldn’t. She had to feel it. “You will make it through this.”

  “I don’t know…if I c-can.” Adrianna hiccupped.

  “In time you will mend and the pain will become less. It may not seem like that now, but it will.”

  “Will you be by my side?” Adrianna asked, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes.

  “Yes, I will.”

  In the days that followed, along with her father’s attorney, Dante helped Adrianna put her father’s affairs in order. Adrianna wasn’t sure what she would do with such a large house on her own, but she couldn’t bear to part with her family home. The attorney agreed it wasn’t smart for her to make rash decisions and promised to follow up with her in a few months.

  Dante never left her side which was why Malik drove to his condo to pack some of Dante’s clothes and bring them to the Hamptons.

  “How is she holding up?” Malik asked when he arrived with a large suitcase in hand earlier in the week.

  Dante shrugged. “As well as can be expected. How are Renaissance and Dante’s?”

  “Q and I checked in and your sous-chefs have everything under control until you return.”

  “Thank you. I truly appreciate it.”

  “We told you, we’d do anything we could for you.”

  “I know,” Dante said, “but this is above and beyond the call of duty.”

  Malik frowned. “Like hell it is. You’re family.”

  A grin overtook Dante’s features. “I’m really lucky to have you guys. Adrianna’s feeling pretty alone. I mean, she has her aunt Mimi and cousin Madison, but…”

  “But it’s not the same,” Malik finished.

  “You feel me.”

  “So how long will you be up here, you think?” Malik inquired.

  “For a few days. I can’t afford to stay too long, but I will until I think she’s okay to be on her own.”

  “You’re a good man, brother.” Malik shook his hand on the way out.

  “Give my love to Peyton,” Dante said. “And let me know if I become an uncle while I’m out here.”

  “Now you know you will be one of the first to know.” Malik laughed and gave him a hug. “Our prayers are with you.”

  “Was that Malik I heard?” Adrianna asked from the top of the stairs once the door had closed.

  “Yes,” Dante replied. “He brought me some supplies.” Dante held up his suitcase.

  Dante was staying for a while? Adrianna’s heart leaped into her chest. It was the first time she felt she could smile since her father had passed. “That’s great!” She tried not to sound too hopeful.

  “How about some lunch, you two?” Nigel asked from the doorway to the kitchen. Adrianna hadn’t eaten a bite since the day before and had to be famished.

  “Nigel, you don’t have to keep serving me,” Adrianna said, coming down the stairs. “Father’s gone.”

  Nigel hung his head low. “I know, but allow me to do this for you, Ms. Adrianna. At least for now.”

  “All right,” Adrianna conceded. “But only if you sit down and eat with us. Shake on it?”

  “Deal.” Nigel shook her hand.

  Adrianna plopped down on her bed in the dark several days later. She was completely drained. For the majority of the day, she, Dante and Nigel had packed most of her father’s personal effects to deliver to charity. She hadn’t wanted to do it so soon, but her father had been adamant that he hadn’t wanted her holding on like he’d done when her mother had died.

  Back then, her father had refused to allow anyone, including Adrianna, to remove anything that belonged to her mother from the house. It was as if he was keeping the room as a shrine to her. So, when he’d known the end was near for him, he’d made Adrianna promise not to do the same thing. She could keep a few things, but his will was clear that everything should be donated.

  Dante turned on the lamp on the nightstand. “Are you okay?” he asked, sitting on her bed after taking off his sneakers. They’d managed to pack up over a dozen bags of clothing, shoes, books and the like.

  Adrianna nodded. “Yeah, I’m just tired.”

  Dante swung his legs around on the bed until they were circled around Adrianna. “Come here.” Adrianna scooted back until she was leaning against Dante’s rock hard chest.

  She felt even better when she felt Dante’s strong hands on her shoulders and neck as he gently massaged her with soothing strokes. “Hmm, that feels great,” she moaned.

  “You deserve it,” Dante said. He continued his ministrations and slowly the tension eased from her body until he said, “I’m going to have to get back to the city.”

  “Do you have to go?” Adrianna asked, turning around to face him. She’d gotten used to having Dante beside her. He’d slept next to her every night since he’d been here and she’d felt reassured.

  “Adrianna…” Dante hated that she was looking up at him with pleading puppy dog eyes. “I have to. My restaurants can’t continue without me indefinitely. Dante’s maybe, but Renaissance is still new and I need to keep an eye on it. You know as well as I do that restaurants can have great initial reviews and after a few months service deteriorates. I don’t want to see that happen.”

  Adrianna turned her back to Dante so he wouldn’t have to see how disappointed she was. “I understand. I’m a food reviewer, remember?” Not that she had done much reviewing these days, once her father’s health had begun to worsen; she’d taken a leave of absence from Foodies magazine and only taped Easy Entertaining. “I’m going to get ready for bed.” Without looking at Dante, she went into the adjoining bathroom and shut the door.

  She grabbed a towel to smother the sob that escaped her lips. Dante had every right to leave. He hadn’t made her any promises that things had changed between them, that he’d forgiven her for her lies. He’d just been the kind, supportive man she’d always known him to be and stayed by her side in the wake of her father’s death. She should be happy to have
had this time with him, but it wasn’t enough. She loved him. She loved him with all her heart and wanted him back.

  Adrianna glanced at herself in the mirror and she looked a mess. Dante certainly wouldn’t find her attractive now. Quickly, she turned on the taps and washed her face. When she was done, she put on some moisturizer and brushed her hair until the curls hung in silky waves down her back. She grabbed her nightgown from the hook on the bathroom door, changed and returned to the bedroom.

  Dante had removed his jeans and T-shirt which had been a staple during his stay and was bare-chested, wearing only pajama bottoms. Despite how upset she was at his leaving and losing her father, she felt a stirring in her loins for the man she loved. She watched him pull back the covers, turn off the light and slip inside the covers. She would love to luxuriate in his arms, if only for one night.

  From across the room, Dante exhaled. Adrianna had emerged from the bathroom wearing a nightie that was sheer enough for him to see her dark brown nipples and the bikini panties she was wearing. The past few days it had been relatively easy to sleep next to her because she’d been grieving, but tonight something was different. He didn’t know what it was, but there was definitely sexual tension in the air.

  No matter what he and Adrianna had been through last month, he was still as attracted to her as ever. That was the thing, sex was never their problem. Trust was. It was something fundamental in any relationship and Dante just wasn’t sure they could ever get it back once that trust was broken. Still, Adrianna was breathtakingly beautiful in the moonlight with her hair in loose waves down her back, her face free of makeup and her body draped in the scrap of lace.

  Dante struggled to compose himself. She’d just lost her father, for goodness’ sake; she wouldn’t want to be mauled by him because he couldn’t control his desire for her.

  He held the end of the covers up and Adrianna slipped underneath the cool sheets. She faced Dante, but this time unlike the previous nights, he was completely aware of her physically. Remain calm and detached, he told himself, but when Adrianna wrapped her arm around his middle, pulled him closer and kissed his neck, Dante lost his equilibrium.

  “Adrianna.” He tried to push her away, but she wrapped one long, sexy thigh across his and inched closer. He knew she had to feel the bulge in his pajamas.

  Adrianna tilted her head and pressed her lips against his. Dante tried to resist, but her tongue began tracing the outline of his lips and he lost his resolve and grabbed her buttocks, placing her firmly against his erection.

  Their lips met again in a kiss of sweet surrender. Electricity poured through Adrianna’s body as if she’d been plugged into a socket. Dante’s fingers caressed the curve of her hips, back and up to her shoulders, before pushing the straps of her nightgown down to her waist and then past her hips. He gave each of her breasts a gentle squeeze before laving them with his hot wet tongue. His other hand relieved her of her bikini panties and tossed them aside.

  His seductive journey of her breasts elicited a moan from Adrianna, but she refused to be passive. She reached underneath the covers and tugged at his pajama bottoms. Dante lifted his hips and she pushed them lower to his ankles. He drew his mouth away from her beautiful twins long enough to return to masterfully possess her mouth with his lips and tongue.

  Dante wanted to lose himself in her, but Adrianna was already pulling away and kneeling to come in contact with his throbbing erection. Her hand softly closed around his member and she began to stroke him with her hands and then with her tongue and then both in tandem. Pressure began to build inside him and her name fell from his lips like a religious chant as his body strained for release from the intimate torture.

  “Adrianna, oh, Adrianna,” he groaned as she took him to new heights.

  When he felt himself on the edge, he quickly flipped her over and eased off the bed to reach for his pants on a nearby chair. Since he’d begun seeing Adrianna, he’d made a habit of keeping plenty of condoms in his wallet and was relieved they were still there.

  Adrianna took the condom away from him, helped sheathe his engorged member and took the dominant position by climbing on top of him. She slowly slid down on his hardened shaft until he filled her completely. She needed to be one with him.

  For several moments, she didn’t move and Dante nearly became unglued. Then she slowly started to rock and Dante relinquished control to her as Adrianna sent him on a mind-bending rollercoaster ride. Her movements were slow and measured so much so that Dante could barely hear her whimpers over his own groans. It was delicious agony and he locked his hands around her hips to accelerate the rhythm. Soon, their cries of release were echoing through the room as they both came together in a huge explosion.

  Dante opened his eyes and pulled Adrianna close and when he did he felt her wet tears against his chest. What had he done? Dante felt terrible. How could have let his desires take over his common sense? Adrianna was in no state to make love and he shouldn’t have taken advantage. He’d gone too far.

  Adrianna woke up the next morning and felt wonderful. She’d just spent a heavenly night in Dante’s arms. It had felt so good and so right, she’d cried tears of joy. She opened her eyes and turned to stretch and found Dante already dressed and packing a suitcase.

  When he saw her head lift from the pillow, Dante said, “Listen, about last night…”

  “You don’t have to say it.” Adrianna knew the truth. “I know it was good-bye.”

  “I didn’t mean for that to happen,” Dante responded, throwing a T-shirt into the suitcase. “I feel terrible. I took advantage of you in a weak moment.”

  “You didn’t take advantage of me,” Adrianna replied, her eyes misty with tears. “I wanted you, too. No, correction, I needed you. I needed to be held, to be kissed, to be made love to. I needed to feel human again and you did that. Thank you.”

  Dante stopped packing and turned around to face her. “I didn’t make love to you because I felt sorry for you.”

  “I know that.” Adrianna pulled the sheet from the bed, wrapped it around her bosom and walked toward him. “You made love to me because you wanted to.” She took his large hand in hers and kissed it. “Despite everything, there’s still something between us, Dante. Something neither one of us can let go.”

  “I have to go,” Dante said, tugging his hand free and closing his suitcase. “I’m sorry to leave…so abruptly, but I think it’s best. I don’t want to give you any false illusions that anything has changed between us.”

  “Okay, I understand.” Adrianna didn’t, but it was his turn to run away and she would have to let him go for now, but she wasn’t giving up.

  Dante’s driver was waiting for him outside and Dante thankfully jumped inside the town car and turned away from the house. On his way out, he’d run into Nigel who’d promised to look after Adrianna in his absence, but Dante had no intention of coming back. Getting involved with Adrianna again was dangerous for his health. He’d stepped up during the funeral and afterward because she’d needed a rock to rely on, but she was getting stronger by the day and would now have to stand on her own two feet. He couldn’t—wouldn’t—risk his heart again and have Adrianna betray him.

  Chapter 15

  Once he returned to the city, Dante checked in at Renaissance and Dante’s to make sure the restaurants were running smoothly. Outside of a few missing food and supply orders that hadn’t been received, both places had been fine in his absence.

  He was looking through the books when he received a call from Ian on his cell phone. “Ian, I’m surprised to hear from you,” Dante greeted.

  “I was hoping you would be available for a drink this evening,” Ian replied. “I’ve already asked Malik and Quentin and they’ve agreed.”

  “Is everything okay?” Dante asked. He couldn’t remember the last time the four men had drinks together alone. “Is Sage all right?”

  “Sage is fine. Are you available at seven?” Ian inquired. “At my penthouse?”

�Yes,” Dante answered. “I’m available.” He was very curious as to why Ian would call a meeting between the four of them.

  “Good, I’ll see you then.”

  Dante wasn’t the only one surprised to receive the call. He ran into Quentin at the elevator to the penthouse later that evening.

  “Do you know what this is all about?” Quentin asked on the ride up.

  “Your guess is as good as mine,” Dante replied.

  They rang the bell and Ian answered. “Come on in, fellas.” Ian motioned them inside. “Malik is already here and is out on the terrace.”

  Dante glanced at Ian, trying to read his facial expression, but it was impenetrable. He and Quentin followed Ian out on the terrace which had a spectacular view of the Manhattan skyline.

  “Beer?” Ian asked

  “That would be great, thanks,” Dante said.

  “None for me.” Quentin shook his head.

  “I’ll be right back.” Ian disappeared inside.

  “How’s Adrianna?” Malik asked, coming forward to join the guys.

  “Much better.” Dante didn’t say more. He didn’t want them to know about his lapse in judgment of falling back into bed with Adrianna.

  “It was an amazing thing you did for her,” Quentin commented. “Standing by her side during the funeral and after.”

  “Are you guys going to get back together?” Malik inquired.

  “Why would you automatically assume that?” Dante asked testily.

  “Because you’re still in love with her,” Malik stated.

  Before Dante could respond, Ian returned with two beer bottles and handed one to Dante and kept one for himself.

  “So why are we here, Ian?” Dante asked, taking a swig of his beer. He didn’t like being called out by Malik and was eager to move on to a different topic of conversation.

  “Well.” Ian paused and glanced at them. “The three of you are the closest thing Sage has to family so I thought it was only fitting that I should ask you for her hand in marriage.”


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