Billionaire Werewolf Bundle

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Billionaire Werewolf Bundle Page 7

by Mia Harris

  Her hips began to arch, willing his fingers to explore deeper, and he slid another finger inside her. She continued to move against him, thrusting her body wildly against his hand, squeezing her eyes shut as tight as possible with concentration as his fingers slid in and out of her wet tightness before curling up in a beckoning motion inside her. They pressed against a sensitive spot on her front wall, and she cried out in ecstasy.

  “Oh god… I’m so close!” she said, breathing deeply and quickly.

  Sebastian took her words as a sign to quicken his movements, his tongue still rapidly tracing circles over her as he increased the pressure and speed that he was using with his fingers. Only seconds later, Cerie’s body began to spasm wildly around him as warm waves of pleasure washed over her, seemingly sweeping her into an abyss where her mind no longer worked and her legs were able to twitch and quiver on their own without her even noticing.

  As she moaned and cried out with pleasure, Sebastian moved back up the bed and ran his hands all over her body, and then leaned down and kissed her. She could taste her sweet, tangy juices on his mouth as she kissed him back, and she reached out to clutch his shoulders, needing to hold onto something solid as her entire world seemed to spin out of control.

  Dipping his head, Sebastian took one of her pink nipples in his mouth and sucked it before drawing patterns on her sensitive areola with his tongue. The inferno was still blazing in Cerie’s body despite the enormous pleasure that he had just brought her, and she knew that she needed more; she needed him to put it out.

  Every nerve ending was on fire as he raised his head and kissed her again, and she parted her legs for him, imploring him with her eyes. His eyes blazed yellow again, and she felt his hardness pressing up against her entrance. She didn’t even remember him taking his pants off, but her mind was so clouded with desire right now that anything could have happened and she probably wouldn’t have noticed. All she could see was his face, his jaw clenched and his eyes burning with arousal as he rubbed himself up and down her wet slit, teasing her until he knew that she couldn’t take it anymore.

  He kissed her once more, and then he was inside her, thrusting deep within her, sending more shockwaves through her system and making her cry out with delight. She had always enjoyed sex, but her past experiences paled in comparison with what she was feeling now as he moved inside her.

  Cerie arched her back and hips up, pulling him in even deeper as he continued to move in and out, and then pulled one of her knees up to her chest. Sebastian growled as he felt her tighten up even more, and then grabbed her leg, throwing it over his shoulder. He began to move his hips in a circular motion, and she gasped with pleasure, savoring every second.

  As she gasped, Sebastian moved his head down and nipped at her breasts again, smiling as he saw goose bumps spread rapidly over her chest and arms. Increasing his tempo, each thrust became harder and faster, making Cerie’s eyes nearly roll back in her head with ecstasy as his groin rubbed up against her swollen clitoris, sending another warm wave of pleasure crashing over her.

  “I want you on top of me,” he growled after what felt like an eternity of pleasure.

  Without giving her a chance to reply, he pushed her leg off his shoulder and rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of him. Cerie raked her nails over his muscular chest as she sat on him, and then raised her hips before lowering herself down onto him, watching his eyes darken with pleasure as he disappeared into her hot, wet tightness.

  Sebastian gripped her hips and behind, holding onto her as she bounced up and down, and then began to move his hips in a circular motion again, punctuating each movement with a soft groan.

  Cerie felt herself getting close to the edge again, and leaned back, resting her hands on his shins. He slid a palm over her clitoris, rubbing gently and grinning as he watched her explode again, squeezing her eyes shut and throwing her head back as she screamed with delight for him.

  Powerful contractions continued to shake her to her very core, and Cerie collapsed forward onto her werewolf lover’s chest, moaning and sighing softly as he kept his grip on the soft curves of her behind, moving her back and forth. His eyes were blazing, and she knew that his own pleasure couldn’t be too far away.

  Seconds later, Sebastian groaned loudly and thrust into her one more time before spilling his seed deep inside her wet softness. The two lovers lay entwined in each other’s arms for several moments afterwards, neither able to speak a word.

  When he had finally recovered his breath, Sebastian leaned over and murmured into Cerie’s ear.

  “I told you we were meant for each other.”

  “Well, it was hard to believe at first, considering the way that you basically kidnapped me,” she teased, reaching a hand out and stroking his head.

  “I did not kidnap you,” he growled. “I was only bringing you home, where I knew that you truly belonged with me.”

  “I know,” she whispered, realizing that he was right.

  He was hers, she was his, and this was her home now; their home together.


  One Night With The Wolf

  As she photocopied the reports that her immediate superior had asked for, Maya Ludgate yawned and wished that it was four o’clock already. Normally, she would finish at five, but seeing as it was the middle of winter, employees were allowed to leave an hour early just to make sure those with long commutes could make it home before dark – before the curfew set in.

  It had been like this for two years now. The werewolves had apparently experienced an enormous population explosion, and decided to take over the night. Two years ago, hardly any humans were aware of their existence, and now it seemed that they were not only aware of them, but the werewolves were the bane of their own existence.

  It wasn’t illegal to go out at night per se, but there was a curfew in place in order to protect humans. If anyone was out after dark, there was a high chance that they would be attacked by ravenous werewolves, as that was the only time that a werewolf could reveal its true nature. Daylight was the only safe time now, and many businesses such as night clubs, bars and restaurants had gone completely under.

  Certain savvy people had managed to capitalize on the werewolf situation and make an absolute killing, and that was exactly what the company Maya worked for had done. Or rather, what the CEO and owner of the company, Victor Lucas, had done. He had created several daytime restaurants and bars in every major city across the US, and these locations used certain lighting effects that mimicked night time, so that patrons could feel like they were going out for dinner and drinks in the good old days, before the werewolves made themselves known.

  After these businesses had done well, Mr. Lucas had used the money to invest in several other enterprises including new social networking sites, and within two years he had become one of the country’s youngest billionaires at only thirty-seven.

  If he’s so rich, I don’t see why I have to work for so little. But I guess that’s just capitalism, Maya thought as she saw Mr. Lucas himself stepping off the elevator. She was lucky enough to have scored a position as an administrative assistant on his floor, but it paid so little that she was barely able to afford her rent half the time.

  Yawning again, she sat back down at her desk and began to collate the photocopies, glancing up as Mr. Lucas crossed the room. He looked over at her for a second, and his eyes darkened. Turning on his heel, he strode over to her, and Maya’s heart leapt into her mouth.

  “I don’t think we’ve been introduced before,” he said, scowling. “Anyway, I don’t think that’s a very appropriate outfit for you to be wearing if you want to work in my office any longer.”

  Maya felt her face burning, and she cast her eyes down to her lap in shame. What’s wrong with what I’m wearing? she wondered, desperately trying to think of something to say. She was wearing a simple black long-sleeved wrap dress that she had picked up on sale a few months earlier, and she had thought it was actually quite nice with the way it ski
mmed her voluptuous breasts, hips and thighs while only showing a hint of cleavage. She had always dressed modestly, and this dress was a prime example of that. Mr. Lucas was known for his explosive temper, however, and she was terrified that she would lose her job if she tried to defend herself.

  “Well?” Mr. Lucas continued. “Do you have a name?”

  Maya swallowed hard and looked back up at him. Despite the fact that he was so powerful and intimidating, she had to admit that he was a very good-looking man. He was tall with dark hair, chiseled features and striking hazel eyes – exactly what her mother would call ‘tall, dark and handsome’. She had never seen him with a woman, but assumed that he had a string of tall, thin actress and model girlfriends who followed him around, attending to his every sexual need.

  “Yes, Victor…. I mean, Mr. Lucas,” she said, inwardly cursing herself for having accidentally addressed him by his first name. “It’s Maya.”

  “Well, Maya, I expect to see you tomorrow in something decent. This is a workplace, not somewhere for you to pick up men,” he growled.

  His eyes blazed with anger combined with some other unfamiliar emotion, and Maya gulped again as he turned on his heel. He started to walk away, and then turned back around.

  “And remember, it’s Mr. Lucas to you. Not Victor.”

  Stinging tears filled her eyes as she looked up at him, and she thought that she saw a hint of a smile on his face as he stared back at her before turning away and walking over to his office. Grateful that she at least still had her job, she turned her computer screen on and began to type up letters that she had been asked to do.

  The day seemed to drag on forever, and by three o’clock she was yawning again and contemplating having a nap on her desk. Everyone else in the office had left for a late meeting on another floor, and as the only lower level employee on the floor, she was completely alone. No one will notice if I just put my head on the desk and close my eyes for a minute, she thought. Besides, my work for the day is nearly finished anyway.

  Sighing, she moved her keyboard and crossed her arms on the desk where it had sat, before resting a cheek on them and closing her eyes. Ten minutes, and then I’ll finish the letters and go home.

  After what felt like only a five-minute nap, Maya woke up and looked around to make sure that no one had seen her. Remembering that they were all still out at a meeting, she sighed with relief and rubbed her tired eyes. Her relief turned to horror as she realized that it was completely dark in the office except for the bright glow of her computer monitor.

  Glancing at the corner of the screen, she saw that it was seven o’clock. Oh shit. I slept for nearly four hours? Gripped by a sense of panic as she realized that she had no way of getting home, she contemplated sleeping under her desk, but then remembered what Mr. Lucas had said about wanting her to wear something else tomorrow. He’ll notice if I’m wearing the same thing. Crap, crap, crap.

  Her apartment was only a ten minute walk from the office building, and she had never heard of any werewolf attacks in that particular area. I suppose it’s relatively safe. I should be able to last ten minutes out there without running into any trouble. Sighing, she picked up her handbag and made to leave when she noticed a thin strip of light under Mr. Lucas’ private office door.

  He’s still here? She wondered how on earth he was planning on getting home in the dark, and then remembered that he was a billionaire. The roof of his office probably opens up to some sort of sky deck, where a hot air balloon whisks him away and drops him straight into his own house, she thought. For a moment she thought about knocking on his office door and asking him, but then she remembered the stern lecture he had given her earlier. He was not a man that she wanted to risk making angry again.

  Creeping over to the door, she decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator. The elevator door always made a loud pinging sound when it opened, and she didn’t want Mr. Lucas to hear. Besides, the stairs were good exercise. Something I probably need, she thought, looking down at her rounded belly and curvy hips. I could definitely do with some toning up.

  As she walked down the last flight of stairs, she thought that she heard someone else coming down behind her and paused. There were no more sounds, and she shrugged, assuming that she had just been hearing things. When she reached the main doors to the building, she took in a deep breath as she placed a hand on the large metal bar that ran across the exit door.

  The minute she pushed it open and stepped outside, the doors would automatically lock behind her and she would be stuck outside until she reached the safety of her apartment. Exhaling, she opened the door and hurried outside, overtaken by a sudden surge of confidence. It’s just ten minutes! I’ll be fine.

  Taking her shoes off to minimize the noise of her footfall, she hurried down the road and then turned into the small alleyway that provided a shortcut to her apartment. The shortcut would cut off an extra few minutes, and she was desperate to get home as quickly as possible.

  Taking another deep breath, she peered down the darkened alleyway to make sure it was clear and then briskly walked down it, letting out a soft cry of annoyance as she accidentally stepped in a puddle of water.


  As she shook the water off her bare foot, she heard a snarl from behind her, followed by a low growl. Freezing in her tracks, she turned her head over her shoulder, frantically hoping that she was simply hearing things again. No such luck. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light behind her, she saw a hulking beast of a wolf crouching only yards away.

  Maya felt as if she might vomit out of fear, and her legs were frozen in place. Her mind was screaming at her to run, but she couldn’t bring herself to move at all. Finally, her fight-or-flight response kicked in, and she turned and ran as the massive burst of adrenaline surged through her veins.

  The wolf snarled again from somewhere behind her, and she could tell that it was chasing her. The moon suddenly came out from behind a cloud and illuminated the alleyway just long enough for Maya to see another puddle directly ahead of her. She noticed it too late and slipped over to her left as she ran through it, landing on a nearby pile of boxes that had been dumped in the alley.

  Winded by the fall, she gasped for air and turned around in time to see the grey wolf slow down and approach her, its eyes a glowing yellow color as they stared intently at her face. Its hackles were raised, and it was clearly angry that she was intruding in the werewolf world; the darkness of night.

  As it approached, it suddenly stopped and sat on its haunches only inches away, and Maya half-closed her eyes as it sniffed the air around her.

  “Please,” she whimpered. “I’m sorry. I fell asleep at work and didn’t know it was dark. I just want to go home.”

  The wolf growled again, and Maya opened one eye. To her surprise, the wolf began to morph into its human form. This was rare; as far as she knew, the werewolves generally attacked humans in their wolf form if they were out at night.

  She watched in horror as it began its transformation right beside her. The wolf’s grey fur began to ripple in waves before turning into human clothing, and its muzzle slowly receded into a face. The powerful paws quickly became arms and legs, and only seconds later, a tall man stood in front of her. A familiar man.

  “Vic… Victor Lucas…” Maya whimpered, realizing who it was.

  “I’ve already told you once today, and I don’t want to tell you again,” he growled. “It’s Mr. Lucas to you. You’re lucky I followed you out of the building. Do you have any idea how many dangerous packs roam this area at night?”

  “You… you’re a werewolf? Please, Mr. Lucas, I fell asleep, and I…”

  He waved a hand at her and cut her off.

  “I know, I know. I heard you before. You just want to get home. Well now… that’s just too bad, isn’t it?”

  Crouching down and reaching for her, he grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her up to face him. She could smell his sweat mixed with expensive cologne, and whimpered
with fear. His eyes glowed a bright yellow as he glared down at her, and he spoke again in a surprisingly soft tone.

  “You shouldn’t have tried to come out here. You would have been better off sleeping in the office.”

  “I know, but I was afraid,” she said, too frightened to meet his amber gaze.

  “Afraid of what?” he asked, grabbing her jaw and forcing her to look up at him.

  “If I stayed, I wouldn’t have been able to change, and you told me I couldn’t wear this dress to work again,” she whispered. “I can’t afford to lose my job.”

  He growled again, before sliding an arm around to the small of her back. As he caressed and rubbed it in small circles, Maya remembered another thing about werewolves. In their human form, they were said to be masters of seduction. Despite her fear, she could already feel her insides seemingly melting and turning to liquid at his touch, and a twinge of arousal rose in her belly.

  “I didn’t want you dressing like that because it’s a distraction,” he murmured. “You’re a very beautiful young girl, Maya. I’m a very busy man during the day, and I don’t need distractions. Especially distractions of the young and voluptuous variety.”

  As he waited for her to reply, Maya saw his eyes burning with a level of passion and hunger that she had never seen before. Finally understanding the look that he had given her in the office earlier, she found her tongue and answered him.

  “I don’t understand,” she said. “You… want me?”

  She never would have thought this moment possible, even in her wildest dreams. That a man like him – rich, immensely powerful, and gorgeous - would want a woman like her was unfathomable. He could have anyone he wanted, and he had chosen her; a poor, struggling, curvy young admin assistant.


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