Book Read Free

The Violet Line

Page 11

by Bilinda Ni Siodacain

  * * *

  Pulling up outside in the taxi, I glanced around. It was run-down and dingy, not exactly the picture I had imagined for a vampire club. Boards covered most of the windows and they were completely blacked out. The door stood open; it reminded me of a gaping mouth leading straight to the pit of some hideous creature’s stomach.

  Annie nudged me. “Are you getting out or are you going to sit and stare at it?”

  “Umm, are you sure we’re in the right place?” I questioned her, glancing back at the darkened building. “It doesn’t seem very lively.”

  “Hah, funny,” she said.


  “Lively,… vampires, you know them being dead and all; just seems a little ironic is all.” She slipped out her side of the car. I followed, not answering her statement, simply watching for any signs of movement. I didn’t feel comfortable being here. There was no sign of Aidan and that worried me; without our escort, we were simply food for the vamps. I caught a flash out of the corner of my eye and spun around, peering at the darkened street. I couldn’t see anything but that didn’t mean they weren’t there. I watched as the taillights of the taxi disappeared around the corner before turning back to Annie.

  “So, where’s Aidan anyway? I thought he was meeting us here,” I asked, looking at her vaguely worried face.

  “He said he was; he said he’d be here and to wait for him outside and under no circumstances were we to go inside without him.”

  “And I’m glad you listened to me,” he said slipping out from the shadows. He stood a few feet away, a look of uncertainty on his face. He noticed me watching him.

  “I don’t want to get too close to you and Annie; I don’t want to lose control.” His voice was filled with sadness as he watched her. “I couldn’t bear it.”

  Annie didn’t answer him, just continued to stare at him. I watched as she took a step towards him only to have him take two steps away.

  “Please, Annie; don’t make it harder for me,” he pleaded with her. I touched her arm and she jumped as if I had startled her from a trance. She turned towards me, her eyes slightly glazed.

  “You have to be careful, Aidan, because she loves you. She’s more susceptible to falling under your gaze and I don’t think you have full control on that yet. But you will; I know it. You two belong together and you’ll find a way; there’s always a way.” I watched him carefully as my words sunk in. He looked panicked at the thought of the power of his gaze.

  “Will she be alright? I didn’t mean it. I shouldn’t have agreed to this. I was selfish; I just wanted to see her so badly.” He voice shook as he spoke and he kicked the dirt along the ground, no longer daring to meet either of our eyes.

  “I should go,” he said at last, shame colouring his voice.

  “Aidan, no wait; you can’t. How can I go in there without an escort? Please, you have to help me find Sam. They won’t talk to me; they’ll probably try to kill me. Please, Aidan, I can understand but I need your help.” I hated the pleading tone in my voice, but I couldn’t help it; it was true. I did need help and they would kill me if I went in there alone.

  “Jade, you’ll be fine. I felt what you did to me the other day; just do that to them if they come too close.” He turned away and started to walk back into the shadows,

  “Fine then, I’ll just take Annie in with me. Or maybe because she’s still a little dazed from your gaze, I should leave her out here. What do you think? Which is less likely to be dangerous, Aidan?” It was a desperate attempt to stop him, but I had to do something; without him, all my plans and hopes were sunk. He turned back to me, his face contorted with rage. I took a step back without even realising I had.

  “Don’t you dare take her in there,” he roared at me. “You will be fine, you don’t seem to be bothered by the gaze, but her; she’ll be picked up straight away! How could you even think about it, Jade; are you that selfish that you’d risk her? I won’t let you.” He walked towards us as he spoke. I didn’t trust the look in his eyes but I had to keep going with it. Of course I’d never endanger her; I had every intention of sending her home in a taxi, but he didn’t seem to realize that and I really needed his help.

  “Fine then, Aidan, if you help me I’ll send her back to her house in a taxi. How’s that? I think it’s pretty fair.” He stopped walking and stared hard at me, assessing whether I was telling the truth or not.

  “But if you back out, Aidan, and don’t help me, then I’ll be back here tomorrow night with her and we’ll both go in. You know she’ll come with me.” I kept my voice flat. I didn’t want him to see that I was lying through my teeth; he had to believe me.

  “Fine,” he gritted out through his teeth. “But she gets a taxi now.”

  He ushered the two of us towards the top of the road where I could see the traffic passing. The street we were on seemed completely dead in comparison; even the lights seemed dimmer somehow. Stepping out ahead of us, Aidan stepped out in front of the first taxi he saw, causing the driver to come to swerving stop just inches from where he stood.

  “We could have just flagged it, you know; you didn’t need to frighten him.”

  He looked at me blankly before saying, “It was more fun this way.”

  I shuffled Annie towards the back door. Opening it, I could hear the taxi driver swearing at Aidan. “I’m sorry about my friend there he’s a...” I said the first thing that came to mind, “he’s a bit drunk. Umm, can you take her to North Mall; she’ll show you which one is hers.”

  He grunted at me as I pushed Annie inside.

  “I’ll speak to you later, ok?”

  She looked up at me as though waking up from a dream. “Jade, what? Why? Where are you going? I’m coming with you.” She made to get back out but I pushed her back inside.

  “No, it’s too dangerous; they pulled you under with their gaze so I’m sending you home. Aidan is going to help me and I’ll tell you what happened later. Ok?”

  She looked as though she might argue and then changed her mind. She looked tired; the gaze did that to people especially when they weren’t used to it. “Fine, but come over to mine when you’re finished.”

  I began to shut the door but her hand stopped me. “Jade, will you do me a favour?”

  “Sure,” I answered.

  “Will you tell Aidan I love him? I tried earlier but when I looked at him, I couldn’t think of anything and I don’t really remember anything either.”

  “Of course I will.” I spoke softly, watching the tears glisten in her eyes; it broke my heart to see them both this way. She nodded and I shut the door. I watched for the second time that night as the taillights of a taxi disappeared, leaving me alone with just a new vampire for company.

  I turned towards where Aidan had been standing, but he was closer now. He grabbed me roughly by the arm and pulled me into the alley, slamming me against the wall. He held me there, his hand pinned against my throat. My head spun for a few seconds at the force of being slammed into the bricks.

  “Don’t you ever threaten her like that again, do you hear me? I will kill you and I’ll make it seem like an accident if you ever try and put her in that type of danger again.” His grip tightened. I could feel my breathing becoming more and more laboured. I tried to claw at his hands but it didn’t stop him.

  “She told me to tell you she loves you.” I managed to splutter the words out and he let me go abruptly, as though I had burned him. I slumped down towards the ground, dragging in great gasps of air. Stars danced before my eyes and I waited a few moments before trying to stand. Pulling upwards into a standing position, I watched Aidan as he held his face in his hands, his shoulders shaking. I stepped towards him and he shrugged away. He looked at me as he spoke.

  “She still loves me even though I’m such a monster; I don’t understand.”

  I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off. “I’m sorry, Jade. Look, let’s just go in there and get this over with. I didn’t mean the part about killing you; it�
��s just I feel so angry all of the time now, except for when I see her.”

  “No, Aidan, it’s fine. I know you didn’t mean it about killing me, but at least I know you still care enough about Annie to want her to be safe, even if it means keeping your distance for a while. I’m glad she has someone who loves her that way.”

  He looked at me then, really looked at me, and when he spoke again he changed the subject. “You’ll do. You’re a bit roughed up but they’ll expect that from me; I am a newbie after all. Just don’t hesitate about using your power on any of them inside because they won’t hesitate in trying to eat you. Ok?”

  I nodded my agreement. I could feel the nerves in my stomach; it felt like a whole swarm of bats had taken up residence in there. I followed Aidan as he walked down towards the bar and stepped into the black open doorway. I swallowed hard. I hoped it worked out and that I found out what I needed to find Sam. I really hoped I didn’t have to use my power; the less vampires knew about what I could do, the better. I didn’t want to make myself a target in the future. I sucked in some clean air before stepping in through the doorway and followed him inside.

  * * *

  I stumbled on the small step just inside the door. It was so dark, I couldn’t even see my hand as I put it up in front of my face to try and guide my way. I heard Aidan chuckle before he grabbed my hand and guided me through the black entrance. He pushed against something and suddenly I could see the dim red glow of what must be the bar. He stepped through the door, towing me behind. My eyes adjusted to the red light. The low thumping music seemed to vibrate through my bones, urging me to move to its beat. I suddenly had this overwhelming urge to dance, sway my hips and become completely absorbed in the sound.

  I slipped my hand out of Aidan’s before I realised what I was doing. My eyes closed and the music became louder, sucking me under as it crawled inside my head. Completely hypnotized, I moved and swayed my hips, my hands dancing of their own free will. I felt hands on my body and welcomed it. I ground myself against the body that pressed against me, his cold hands gripping my hips tightly as he pulled me in closer to him. I felt as though I had come home. His hands trailed cold fire over the curve of my abdomen and onto my ribcage. He dug his fingers into me and I sighed, laying my head back against his shoulder. My neck arched; I wanted this – needed it. His cold breath tickled as he nuzzled my soft skin, licking the salty sweat that had formed from my dancing and the heat. He held me tighter as I felt the fangs glide against my neck, nibbling down towards the place where my pulse thundered against its thin covering. He stopped nuzzling but held me tighter. The crushing pain and snarling caused me to open my eyes. My head felt heavy but I was happy and right where I wanted to be, so what was disturbing me?

  Aidan stood in front of me, his fangs extended and his face contorted into a mask of rage. He snarled as he grabbed me by the arm. I tried to shake him off, explain to him that I was ok, that the music was beautiful and I didn’t want to leave, but I couldn’t loosen his grip. I felt a little bit like a rag doll as the two fought over me.

  “She’s happy here with me, and you didn’t stop her from coming over here. You need to keep better control over your food, child.” The vampire holding me snarled over my shoulder at Aidan and pulled me in closer to him. I could feel the evidence of his excitement pressing against me and a small worm of uneasiness slid into my mind. I couldn’t remember why I was here again and what was wrong with Aidan. The music kept clouding my mind, trying to drag me back under its spell. I fought against it this time, but it was very strong; I understood why Sam never wanted me to come here. I was supposed to be here to help Sam, but somehow my brain just couldn’t seem to lift the cobwebs. They clung to everything and began to overcome me again as the music increased in tempo. I really wanted to dance; that was why I was here. I tried to close my eyes again but Aidan slapped me hard.

  “Jade, come on. I’m sorry, but you have to help me out here. I’m still young and unless you tell him you’re with me, he won’t let you go.” His voice pleaded with me and his slap had lifted the cobwebs enough for me to try and move towards him. But the vampire that was holding me wouldn’t let me go that easily. He ran his hands over the silk of my dress, causing me to shiver against him as the music thrummed louder through my veins. He lifted one of his hands away from me in a blur. Aidan stumbled back away for us, blood streaming from the two long gashes that covered his face.

  The vampire picked me up around the waist and suddenly we were standing in one of the darkened corners. He pressed me into it as he held me. I looked at him; torn jeans and what looked to be a black shirt covered a body that would have impressed many a weight lifter. He crushed his lips against mine and my body turned to jelly against his. The music filled me up as I squirmed against him; I really wanted to dance. He chuckled as he pulled away from me, his mouth licking and nipping slowly down over my jaw towards my neck. I pressed in closer to him as I felt his sharp fangs press against my neck. I sighed in pleasure as he poised to strike.

  I stumbled slightly when he disappeared, opening my eyes just in time to watch him crash through one of the tables on the other side of the room, a look of surprise crossing his face before it was replaced by anger.

  “Well Jesus, Jade, do you always dance with everyone like that? Don’t you realize he’s a vampire? I hadn’t picked you for that sort of girl.” Lorcan watched me crossly as he stood in front of me.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked him, moving towards him and the direction of the dance floor. I tried to brush past him as he looked at me intently and then it dawned on him what was going on.

  “Oh right, you’ve been glamoured by the music. Bloody kelpies always causing trouble,” he grumbled under his breath. His hand flicked up in front of my face and his fingers clicked. The music disappeared and I was left standing beside him. The club was silent apart from the quiet babble of voices from the other occupants.

  “Umm, what happened,” I asked, my head spun with dizziness. “I think I need to sit down.”

  My hands flew out as I began to fall towards the floor but Lorcan was there once more, lifting me up into his arms and sitting me on the bench seats that lined the wall. I held my head in my hands as he patted me awkwardly on the shoulder.

  “There there, you’ll be grand; just give it a couple of minutes. I know the first time I heard that kind of music, well let’s just say I lost my lunch everywhere. I don’t really like it to be honest, but you humans all fall under it the minute you hear it. Makes you do funny things if you ask me. One time my older brother, Michael, got caught unawares by this particular Kelpie girl; I think he’d refused to go out with her or something, I don’t really know. But anyway, he was taking a short cut home one night down near the lake.”

  He stopped talking and I looked up as a shadow appeared over our table. Lorcan stood up against the vampire and actually made him look small. I felt panic and nausea rise in my throat as I watched him square off against him. Lorcan couldn’t understand what vampires were like. sure he was very tall, but vampires were strong and fast.

  “How dare you interfere with my meal; she was willing to be mine. The fey scum have no business being here.” The vampire’s voice had dropped to a low growl.

  “Ah now, come on; no need to resort to insults. If we were doing that then I could call you things like blood sucker, leech, walking corpse, and a few other things but I was brought up to be a gentleman and I won’t say them in front of a lady.” Lorcan grinned at my horrified face as he taunted the already enraged vampire.

  “Lorcan, this isn’t a good idea. Look,” I said, turning to the vampire but avoiding his eyes. “I’m not your meal and I’m definitely not yours. I came here with Aidan and what happened was a mistake. I don’t want to be with you.” My voice came out steady and I began to feel less dizzy as I glanced around searching for Aidan.

  “See,” Lorcan chimed in. “She doesn’t want you. Now scat before I turn you into a gremlin or something small an
d squat like that.”

  The vampire growled and launched himself at Lorcan. Before I could reach out and touch him, the vampire simply crashed into the wall. Lorcan was nowhere to be seen until he simply popped up beside me.

  “How did you – where did you learn that…” I stuttered as he smiled his open friendly grin at my shocked face.

  “I’ll tell you later, but I think we should grab your friend and get out of here first before we set all the other vampires on us for disturbing the peace,” he said as he grabbed my arm and dragged me through the crowded bar. I looked around as other women and even some men sashayed and danced on the dance floor, vampires choosing their favourite ones and dancing with them. In some of the corners I could see couples entwined in some very explicit acts; they didn’t seem to care if they drew an audience or not. Others were simply feeding. I shut my eyes against some of the sights. I knew why Sam was afraid of me ever coming here; I had almost ended up as dinner the moment I walked in here. Lorcan stopped to grab Aidan. He was holding a piece of fabric from his shirt against his face. As Lorcan dragged the two of us from the club and back out into the night air, I sighed with relief but also disappointment because I had failed to discover anything about the mysterious vampire from my vision.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Standing outside the club, I watched through lowered lashes as Lorcan glanced between both me and Aidan.

  “So, which one of you wants to tell me what the hell was going on in there?” His voice broke the awkward silent air. I couldn’t bear the thought of having failed in my mission to find something to do with Sam. I tried to cover my disappointment with bitterness at his intrusion.

  “Well, it was all going fine until you decided to interrupt. I was finally getting somewhere when you stopped me.” I made my voice sound as indignant as possible. I knew I was being childish and pathetic. If it hadn’t been for Lorcan, I’d be top of the menu right now, but I didn’t care. I had really thought I could find out something by going in there. I was wrong and call it a character flaw, but I didn’t like being wrong. Aidan scoffed behind the shred of his shirt and I turned on him.


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