Summer Fling

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Summer Fling Page 14

by Tarrah Anders

  "Correct. That's my main concern. I don't want to live constantly checking over my shoulder, and I don't want Emma to feel that way." I sigh.

  "Sounds like you're in a tough spot, man. I don't envy you right now." Cyrus takes a gulp of his beer then checks his phone. "Before I take off, we need to figure out what we're doing for the end of summer block party."

  "Yeah, I was thinking of some sort of pet treat or something like that, and maybe some coupons for dog training that we arranged with a private vendor to build both our businesses." I shrug with indifference.

  "Can we get samples?" he asks.

  "You realize the end of summer party is this weekend, right?" I laugh.

  Cyrus looks blankly at me and then shakes his head. "Right, okay, so what do I need to do?"

  "If you're willing to take on some of my patient load this week, I’m going to head down to Sacramento and hit up the wholesale distributor and see what our options are. I promised to work a day at the Sac clinic and I was hoping that I could bring Emma with me."

  “Are you asking me if you can bring your girlfriend on a trip?” Cyrus laughs.

  “Shut up.” I retort.

  Cyrus grabs his phone from his pocket and pulls something up on his screen. He swipes and then enlarges the image he’s studying. "I can move a few things around, work longer hours a few days and totally make it work," he replies, setting aside his phone on the arm of his chair and finishing his beer.



  I was not as prepared for our end of summer party as I normally am. This is likely due to having a boyfriend — who has a crazy ex-wife — and actually acting my age, rather than a work-crazed, asexual hermit. Normally during the summer, I'm all work. Since I rarely dated, that was fine. Then Royce came along and turned my world upside down — in a good way — while his crazy ex-wife turned my world upside down in a bad way with acts of vandalism to both his place and my shop. I do have flyers made for a super end of summer sale that will hopefully bring in some new folks to shop, as well as fill our annual bin of clothing to donate.

  To further complicate my schedule, I agreed to take a mid-week trip to Sacramento with Royce for a few days. I probably shouldn’t have, but I did, and it turned out to be a great trip. I saw the new condo he purchased in place of his other one, I visited the clinic where he works one weekend a month, and I almost avoided meeting his parents. Meeting his parents happened accidentally when we were at the grocery store close to the condo. His mother was sweet and his father was quiet as they begged us to come over to their home and have dinner with them. We did, and it was nice.

  Royce also spent two hours in a pet food distribution warehouse talking shop and securing stuff for the clinic as well as samples to hand out at the end of summer party. Overall, the few days we spent in Sacramento proved to be quite productive.

  I'm standing in the backroom of the shop when Willie comes around the corner out of breath. She stands in the doorway, bent over with her hands on her knees.

  "There's... there's... there's a phone call for you," she breathes out.

  "It must be important if you are out of breath over it." I smile as I put down the binder I was holding and follow her to the front of the shop. I grab the phone handset she extends to me.


  I listen to the person on the other line as Willie attempts to untangle herself from the phone cord.

  After a few moments of just listening, I hang up the phone, unsure how to proceed with the information I was just given.

  "What was the phone call all about? Why do you look so confused?" Willie asks.

  "Seems there's a newspaper article out about the gubernatorial race this fall, and there's something in it about me."

  "Why? How are you involved in anything political?"

  "Pete," I reply.

  "Your boyfriend's name is Royce," she says without hesitation.

  "No shit. Pete is the guy from that summer, the same Pete who was here in Sweeny a few weeks ago with his pregnant wife," I remind her.

  "Oh. Well, how are you tied in to the race for governor, other than the fact that you and he..." She trails off, her eyes going wide.

  "That was my mom on the phone. She saw the article and just so happens to be huge into politics and an avid fan of Pete." I lean against the counter, drop my face into my hands and groan. "Except, up until now, I was able to hide the fact that I knew him, at least, that I knew him in that way."

  "Why the hell would you be brought into anything concerning him?” she asks. “That was so long ago."

  "I'm not completely sure; I don't follow any of this political stuff," I say into my hands.

  Willie sucks in a breath and I look up at her through the cracks of my fingers.

  "The wife," she says.

  "Why would the wife say anything? According to him, she knew about the affair when he came into the store and apologized. If she let it go for so many years, why make a big stink about it now?"

  "Maybe... maybe she's blackmailing him." Willie’s eyes go wide.

  "This isn't a movie, Wil. I'm sure it's just information someone overheard during an argument and leaked out."

  The store phone rings again. I don't answer it, but Willie does and then taps me on the shoulder. She covers the receiver with her hand and leans towards me.

  "It’s a reporter from some newspaper."

  "Oh my god. No!" I whisper in frustration as I push off the counter and practically run into the back office, away from the phone and out of sight.

  I'm not sure how information about my long over, I-thought-it-was-innocent-at-the-time relationship became public knowledge, but I think Willie might be right. Maybe his wife is the one leaking the information to the press.

  What else can go wrong this summer?


  After discussing the situation regarding Sylvie with Cyrus and then more extensively with Emma, I decide to press charges. I feel like a dick for doing so, but with the unpredictability of her blackouts, I can't risk any more unfortunate events. After all, the next one could be worse.

  I spoke to my mother at great length about the guilt I was feeling and she assured me I was making the best choice for all involved, including Sylvie.

  My truck is idling in the driveway of Emma’s place as she runs back inside to retrieve the receipts for the repairs and clean up from the damage to her store.

  We make small talk until we get to the station, park the car in front and walk inside together. As we sit waiting for the sheriff to come get us, Emma fidgets with the hem of her jacket.

  "You okay?" I ask her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and pulling her close.

  "Just on edge. I got some weird phone calls today that I'm still trying to figure out."

  "Sylvie called you?" I whip my head in her direction.

  "No. It's something else. I'll tell you about it once we're done with this. I can only handle one crazy thing at a time."

  We're called into the sheriff’s private office and then we work on the rest of the proceedings to get everything in order for the DA to file the charges and end the looking over our shoulders for once and for all. Once we finish, we decide to grab some lunch at the diner, so we make our way over there.

  We take a seat in a booth, order our food and then we're left to silence.

  "What's going on? You mentioned some weird phone calls earlier," I remind her. My curiosity has been eating away at me since she mentioned it earlier.

  "The relationship I had with Pete all those years ago has become public knowledge. Since the election is happening this fall, I guess his extra-marital affair has become big news."

  "Oh shit. How?"

  "I don't know. I got a call from my mom and then a few reporters called the shop too. I haven't really had much time to sit and think about it," she says.

  "Shit. I'm sorry, babe." What else can I say? If it's not one thing, it's another. I never imagined life here in Sweeny would be this drama-filled all th
e time and I can't help but feel guilty for some of that.

  "This has been quite the eventful summer," she says quietly.

  "And being with me hasn't helped with that, has it?"

  "Honestly? No, it hasn’t. But if anything, I feel like if we can both get through this summer and all the crap that has happened, then we can get through a lot."



  "Scared me for a second there. I thought you were gonna put the brakes on us." I breathe a sigh of relief.

  She looks up at me, her gaze softening as she holds her hand out on top of the table separating us. I take her offered hand in mine.

  "Not a chance. We didn't go through all that with your ex to just give up once she’s been arrested. Besides, I was hoping to keep you past the summer."

  "Oh really?" My eyebrows reach my hairline.

  "I mean, you even said so in your note." She smiles, squeezing my hand.

  "I did, didn't I?" I smirk.

  Once our food is brought out, we eat in silence. After dinner, we walk to my truck arm in arm, and I open her door for her.

  "Sleep over tonight?" I ask her.

  "I would love to, but I can’t tonight. I need to go through my clothes and get stuff to contribute to the donation barrel. Gotta set a good example," She explains.

  "You know what I think would help remedy this whole situation? Moving in with me," I say before my mind catches up to my mouth.

  "I... uh... I mean... well... we…," she stutters.

  "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that. I was joking." But was I? "Kinda," I add quietly as I close her door.



  Our booth is directly across from Royce and Cyrus's booth, so I get to watch all the women of the town ogle the guys, which is entertaining in its own right. While the guys are trying to be professional, they represent the new business in town so they can't come off as complete dicks.

  Cyrus is a natural flirt, so chatting with the people who come to the booth is easy for him. Royce, on the other hand, looks more nervous than anything, which is different from how I've ever seen him.

  We haven't spent as much time together as we normally do since we've both been busy with work schedules with getting ready for today. Willie baked dozens upon dozens of cookies, which she does every year. Her cookies are widely known through our town, and have been since we were kids since they’re based on her grandmother's recipe.

  We also haven't discussed his slip of the tongue in asking me to move in with him. While I was fumbling for words, he said he was joking, which made me feel a bit disappointed. They say under every joke is some underlying truth and I’m hoping that’s true.

  Does he want us to move in together?

  Is that moving too fast?

  Jackson snagging a cookie from the plate in front of me interrupts my thoughts.

  "Hey, pretty lady, think I can fit into that bikini over there if I keep eating these delicious things?" he teases as he points to a bathing suit on the rack under our canopy.

  I laugh. "It's not your color. Besides, you'd look better in a one-piece."

  "But I like to show off my belly button. I've been told that my belly button is beautiful."

  "Eww! Who on Earth could possibly have a beautiful belly button? They all look like assholes!" Willie gags.

  "How many assholes have you been up close and personal to?" Jackson deadpans.

  "Every guy I've dated is an asshole, so more than my fair share I assure you," she returns.

  "Ouch. Does that include me?" Cyrus asks, walking up from behind Jackson with Royce hot on his heels.

  "That’s still up in the air." She smiles playfully at Cyrus as she stands up to hug him.

  I stand as well and walk around to stand in front of the table with everyone and most importantly with Royce, who grabs me by the waist as I slide up to him.

  Jackson looks at the group and shakes his head.

  "I'm the odd man out," he says.

  "Not a chance. You're the lucky bastard who get to hang out with me with no strings attached," Effie says, looping her arm through his as she walks up to the group. "How's business folks? Where's the Jell-O shots?" She looks to each of us.

  "This block party has Jell-O shots?" Jackson asks, looking to Effie and me.

  "It does a little later in the afternoon, once the booths are packed away," I explain.

  "Well, shit. When is that?" he asks in anticipation.

  I look at my watch and smile. "In about two hours, then the BBQ goes on and the live music starts."

  "Oh, so you mean this isn't an all-day thing? I thought this was all day," Cyrus asks and then looks to Royce, who is shaking his head.

  "Babe," Willie starts as she places her hand on his chest. "The morning is the booths, then everyone who has one puts their stuff away and then we party. Did you ever stay for this part when you were a kid?"

  "We always left before the holiday weekend since I had to catch a flight back to school and my parents wanted to decompress from their summer before the fall began," Cyrus explains.

  "Bummer. We have awesome music, good food, fireworks, and then, once all that ends, we head over to the beach and bonfire it up," Effie tells the group. "You newbies will get to experience it all tonight!"

  I'm snuggled up to Royce on the lawn overlooking part of the lake that attached to a park off of the main part of town watching the grand finale of the fireworks. I’m sitting between his legs with his arms wrapped around me and my head is leaning back on his shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye, I see he is not paying any attention to the firework show in the sky, but to me.

  I turn my head to him. With our mouths a breath away, I lean in, brush mine against his, and then pull back.

  "You're staring," I say to him with a smile.

  "Fireworks are great and all, but I'd rather watch you watching them."


  "Because it's a simple act, watching fireworks. Growing up we're programmed to 'ooh' and 'aww' over them. I'd rather watch my girl being mesmerized, catching a child-like moment with her, and appreciating her beauty over the beauty in the sky."

  "You're good," I whisper.

  "I'm honest," he whispers back, tightening his arms around me and nuzzling his head into my neck.


  Somehow, I've convinced Emma to skip going to the beach bonfire and come home with me instead. We haven't had enough time together lately and I need to remedy that by having her all to myself, preferably naked.

  As soon as my front door closes behind her, I have her against the wall. My palm grazes down the length of her torso, my eyes following the movement. I lean in and trail kisses down her neck, occasionally nipping her tender flesh with my teeth. She arches her back and presses into me with a soft moan.

  "Need you," I murmur against her skin.

  "Want you," she responds as her hands pull my shirt up over my head and then directs my face to hers.

  We kiss deeply, our mouths fused, our tongues dancing together and our moans deep in the back of our throats as we enjoy each other.

  I pull back as my fingers pull the buttons on her shorts apart and pull the garment down over her hips. Her shirt comes off next, then my pants, and soon we're standing in front of one another, wearing only our underwear, chests heaving with desire.

  "I'll give you a one minute head start to get to the bedroom."

  "One minute is a long time."

  "That doesn't mean you should start without me," I warn her.

  She walks around me, putting a sway into her hips that makes my mouth water even more. She looks back at me over her shoulder as her foot hits the bottom step and smiles while she ascends the stairs.

  I walk into the kitchen, ignoring the tent in my boxer briefs, and open the freezer. I find what I'm looking for and then follow her up to my room.

  “Before you go any further.” She stops me as soon as I enter. “You got rid of the camera, right?”

  “Yes, Cyrus and I combed the place, we’re clear.”

  "Okay good. Now what's that you've got there?" she inquires.

  She's sitting on the bed against the headboard with her knees bent, giving me a view between her legs of the wetness on her underwear.

  "I'm thinking I am going to chill you out before I get you so hot." I shake the ice cubes in the bowl, and then place the bowl beside the bed. When I dip my hand into the bowl to retrieve one, Emma quirks an eyebrow.

  "Scoot down," I instruct her.

  She does what I ask, her eyes going wide with anticipation as I move onto the bed. I settle between her legs and my gaze locks on the center of her body. I lick my lips and remind myself that I want to prolong this and not rush into getting off.

  With the ice cube between my fingers, I trail it from the top of her knee, down her thigh and around her panty line. I watch the goosebumps rise and her breathing accelerate as I repeat my movements on her other thigh. My cock is straining against my underwear as I lean over, grab the bowl of ice, and then pull her panties down.

  I scoot down on the bed, then pick up the cube again and put it between my lips and against her pussy. She jolts at the contact and then relaxes into my touch with a sigh. With the piece of ice, I lick up and down her seam then insert my tongue inside her briefly and pull away only to have her whimper from the loss. I replace my tongue with two fingers and slowly finger fuck her. The ice in my mouth is shrinking, so I suck on it and make sure that my tongue is cold enough to shock her again as I flatten my tongue out against her clit.

  She arches her back and moans loudly into the silent bedroom. I've almost had enough and want to be deep inside her, but instead I pick up another piece of ice and draw circles over her skin as I pull away from her. I trail the path of the ice with a mixture of open mouth kisses, nips and my tongue. When I reach her neck, she's wiggling and breathing heavily.

  "Royce," she gasps. "I can't wait any longer. I need you."


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