Scozzari: Deviant #3

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Scozzari: Deviant #3 Page 7

by Roberts, Jaimie

  “You seem to be her personal chauffeur.”

  He rolls his eyes. “It’s a long story I have no time to tell because I have to go get my sis.”

  I pick my Kindle back up, ready to get back to reading. “Okay. Have fun.”

  I watch in the corner of my eye as he gets up, but then he hesitates in the booth. “Hey, you wanna come? I’m sure my parents would love to see you again.”

  My heart skips a beat that he asked. I’m not sure it’s a good idea spending time with this boy, but if I say no then it’ll look as though I’m being rude. Besides, it would be nice to see his family again.

  “Okay,” I say, closing my Kindle. I note the big smile spread across his face. He almost looks smug. “I’m only going because I want to meet your family again after so long.”

  He places a light hand on my arm, helping me out of my seat. His fingers brush against my skin, sending goose bumps all over. I have to quickly get my fleece on so he doesn’t see how much he affects me.

  “Of course. It has nothing to do with the fact you want to spend every waking moment with me, is it?” I’m about to retort, but then he winks, sending my stomach in a flurry of butterflies.

  “Where are we going first?” I ask as we’re taking a short walk out toward his car.

  “My sister’s just a few blocks down this road, so not far to go. She’s having ice cream with some friends.”

  I note his jaw ticking when he mentions friends. It makes me wonder if there are any boys in this equation.

  As he pulls out of the driving space, Anne-Marie’s “2002” is playing on the radio. I glance in Jeremy’s direction and notice he’s smiling from ear to ear. “Remind you of anyone?”

  “We may have hung out when we were younger, but we’re not eighteen and in love like this record suggests.”

  “Time can always change that.” His smile is playful like he’s joking.

  “So, are you going to tell me why you’re acting as your sister’s taxi driver?”

  Jeremy presses a button on his stereo, switching it from the radio to Donell Jones’ “You Know What’s Up”. It doesn’t take long before my head naturally bobs to the beat.

  “Bella caught me fighting and threatened to tell my mom and dad unless I—”

  “Act as her chauffeur for a month?”

  His head snaps to mine. “How the fuck did you know that?”

  “Your sister’s a badass.”

  “More like a pain in my ass.” He shakes his head on a smile and although he tries to appear irritated, there’s nothing but love written on his face. Selfishly, it saddens me as I never had siblings of my own. My mom almost died having me, so my dad put his foot down when she happened to mention that she wanted more. My mother was devastated, but she learned to live with it. I always told her I was glad she didn’t have any more kids as I love being an only child. However, I only said that to make her feel better when in actual fact it couldn’t have been further from the truth.

  “It’s the kind of shit I would pull on my brother, if I had one.” I smirk in his direction, earning myself a megawatt smile from him. That smile, it could light the world with the power it possesses.

  I glance his way and notice his jaw tensing as he stares at something unpleasant. “Would you also send him to an early grave like my dearest sister is trying to do to me?”

  My eyes follow the direction in which he’s looking and find his sister sitting on top of a table. She’s licking ice cream and laughing at something this young boy has said. There must be at least fifteen youngsters sitting around this table. Lord knows how they all fit round it, but somehow they’re managing. It doesn’t help to set the scene when you have some girls sitting on their boyfriend’s laps.

  We pull up close just as Isabella looks up and notices us. She says something to the boy who she’d been laughing with and he, in turn, immediately shoots up from his seat like he’s been scorched. I can’t help the little chuckle that escapes.

  Jeremy practically growls beside me as he switches off the engine and instantly gets out of the car. I follow suit, unable to hide my amused smile.

  “Hi, Jez!” Isabella sings before licking her ice cream. Everyone around the table freezes, looking up at this big beast that he is. He folds his arms. His biceps flex as he tenses from the scene in front of him. His jaw ticks and his eyes narrow.

  “Does Dad know you’re hanging around with boys?”

  Isabella rolls her eyes like she’s heard this a thousand times over. “He’s not a boy. He’s Scott.”

  “I don’t care if he’s Isaac fucking Newton.” Unfolding his arms, he walks toward Scott, towering over him. I watch as Scott’s Adam’s apple bobbles in fear of this brute glaring down at him.

  “Do you have eyes on my sister?”

  Scott vehemently shakes his head, too scared to obviously say anything.

  “Jez, will you cut it out. He’s just a friend.”

  Without looking at her, he answers, “He better be.” He points to Scott’s chest. “You like your hands, right?” Scott nods. “Good, because in order to keep those hands, you need to lay them off my sister. Got it?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Jez, will you cut that shit out. You’re worse than Dad!”

  Jeremy quickly turns to Isabella. “You watch your language, young lady.”

  I have to bite my lip hard so as not to laugh out loud. Isabella’s right. He is acting like a dad would.

  “Argh, you’re so embarrassing. Can you take me home now?”

  “With pleasure,” he retorts, before his attention is on Scott. “Keep your pecker zipped up.”

  “Jez!” Isabella screams. She storms off and I quickly follow suit. “My brother is such an asshole.” She stops dead then looks at me like she’s only just noticed I’m there. “You look familiar. Do I know you?”

  I smile, pulling open the passenger door as she does the same with the back seat. “I’m Caitlin Summers. Your brother and I used to be best friends when we were at school.”

  She gasps like she remembers. “Oh, yes! You’re the girl he pined over for a whole year after you left. He hardly ate anything, never went out. He was a mess.”

  Closing my eyes, I hated hearing that. I always thought Jeremy was such a strong-willed, carefree guy, but it seems he’s human like the rest of us. It saddens me that he suffered when I left, but I understand it... because I lived it too. My parents hated taking me away from my best friend and often asked if I should invite him for summer vacation, but I knew that if I did, saying goodbye afterward would get harder and harder with each time that passed. I thought cutting ties altogether would be the best thing for us. In hindsight, I often wonder what would have happened if we had remained in contact. I doubt I would have entertained the idea of Jack and me. Jeremy would have consumed me. I know that now, because just being with him makes me feel like that dreamy-eyed ten-year-old girl with a crush the size of the United States.

  As the last words she uttered hang in the air, Jeremy gets in the car, huffing and puffing. “You’re such a jerk,” Isabella hisses under her breath.

  Jeremy closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath. “You’re thirteen, hanging around with other thirteen-year-old boys.”


  “I was thirteen once, Bells. The only thing that rules that boy’s head right now is between his legs.”

  “You’re so crass.”

  “And you’re so insubordinate. I should tell Dad about this.”

  I hear the slight gasp leaving Isabella’s lips. “If you do then I’ll tell Dad that you punch people for money.”

  Jeremy shakes his head before starting the car. He glances in my direction and as if all the anger suddenly melts away, a smile dances on his lips. “Caitlin, meet my sister again, Isabella. You remember her, don’t you? The sweet little girl who never answered back.”

  I’m about to respond, when Isabella cuts in. “You’re such a douche. I remember Caitlin. I also remember what a pai
n in the ass you were when she left. Every day for a year you jumped every time the phone rang thinking it might be her. Don’t think I was young enough not to remember, Jez. You were like a lovesick p—”

  “All right, that’s enough.”

  Jeremy’s lips thin in annoyance. I know he’s embarrassed by what she’s said. A part of me dances in relief that he felt so much for me that it hurt when I left. I don’t relish in his distress, but I still can’t help rejoicing that he felt as much as I did for him.

  For a moment, we drive in silence. I glance behind me and see Isabella staring out of the window, her focus on the passing cars and people. When I look back at Jeremy I see he’s intent on solely concentrating on the road, his body stiff. One hand is tightened on the wheel while the other is trying to be casual, resting on top of the gear shift. I don’t know why, but my hand moves before my brain can engage. I reach over, softly brushing my fingers against the top of his hand. Jeremy jumps in response, looking over at me. I offer him an encouraging smile—one that says he shouldn’t feel embarrassed. It works as the next second he smiles back, wrapping his hand around mine. I notice the moment his whole posture relaxes as he slinks back into his seat, his elbow unlocking and his knuckles no longer turning white from clutching at the steering wheel.

  As we pull into the driveway, it’s already dark. The sound of giggles alerts me to a couple of women running along the houses in the distance as they quickly come into view. I know instantly one is Jeremy’s mother. She’s with another lady with dark skin. I recognize her, but it doesn’t register from where straight away.

  “Oh, shit. What’s Mom done now?” Jeremy grumbles beside me, instantly pulling the handle to his car.

  The two of us follow suit and when we all bang the doors shut, Mrs. Scozzari and the other lady snap their heads our way, immediate guilt written all over their faces.

  “Mom, what have you done?”

  Her eyes light up when she sees her son. “Oh, hey, Jeremy. So nice to see you.”

  “What’s up, Jeremy? You’re looking buff.” It’s then that it hits me. This is Tara—or Thunder Tara as everyone called her from what I can remember.

  “Thanks,” Jeremy responds, rolling his shoulders. “Now, are you going to tell me what you two did?”

  The two of them look at one another before bursting into another fit of giggles.

  “Nothing,” Mrs. Scozzari finally says after they’ve calmed down a bit. “Tara and I just went for a little walk.”

  “You weren’t walking. You were running. Running and giggling, which implies you were up to no good.”

  Mrs. Scozzari places her arm inside Tara’s. “You sound just like your father.”

  “No shit,” a small voice behind us mutters. It’s not loud enough for the two women to hear, but loud enough for Jeremy and me. I watch the moment Jeremy sighs, itching to respond, but knowing he would snitch on his sister if he does.

  Mrs. Scozzari’s eyes glance in my direction. She squints like she recognizes me. “I know you,” she says, taking her arm out from Tara’s and walking in my direction. When she gets closer and more into the light, her eyes widen. “Caitlin? Is that you?”

  Brandishing a smile, I nod. “Yes, ma’am.”

  She looks across at Jeremy. “Jeremy, you never told me Caitlin was back.” She then steps forward once more, wrapping her arms around me in a big hug. “It’s so good to see you again. Jeremy was a mess when you left. It’s so nice he has his best friend back.”

  My heart tightens again at her words. I had misjudged Jeremy straight away from rumor and innuendo. Me of all people should know never to judge solely on that. The amount of people who judged me when everything happened with Jack. The one that hurt the most? That I must have done something to have deserved getting beaten so badly that I was unrecognizable for over a week.

  Yeah. That stung.

  It also stings to know that some of the people who judged me the most were other women. Weren’t we supposed to stick together? I guess Jack was way too handsome and popular that they gave him credit where it wasn’t due. After all, I must have provoked him.

  “Maybe she attacked him first and he was just defending himself.”

  “She looks like a psycho bitch.”

  No matter how much you don’t want it to, that shit stays with you.

  “Is your mother here too?” Mrs. Scozzari asks before pulling away. “I’d love to have a catch up with her one day.”

  “No, work commitments are keeping them home. I came back because I miss it here and the university was better here for what I want to study.”

  “Which is?”

  “History. I’m a big history buff.”

  Mrs. Scozzari looks around, her eyes darting like she’s looking for someone in particular. “Let’s not stand out on the front lawn all day. Come, let’s go in and get some iced tea.”

  One by one we walk into the house together. Mrs. Scozzari asks Isabella how her day was and she answers fine, and that she hung out with some friends to get ice cream after school. The whole time she’s telling her, Jeremy stands stoic, his teeth grinding together in annoyance. He certainly is very protective of his sister.

  As I’m standing there contemplating this and how fine Jeremy looks in his jeans, Mr. Scozzari emerges from the kitchen wiping his hands on a drying cloth he brought with him. His bright blue eyes light up like diamonds when he spots Mrs. Scozzari in the room. Very quickly, he has his hands around her waist, laying a gentle kiss on her temple. Inwardly, I sigh. They look so in love. I hope I have something as powerful as that when I’m their age. To think they met and were in love with each other from the age of six and eight. Crazy. But definitely romantic.

  “Dean, you remember Caitlin, don’t you?”

  Mr. Scozzari’s eyes travel the room until they land on me. “Ah, yes. The girl who stole my boy’s heart.”

  “Dean,” Mrs. Scozzari scolds, lightly tapping him on the chest.

  Then he winks at me, causing my heart to flutter. I’m an eighteen-year-old girl getting my panties in a twist over a man more than twice my age.

  “I’m only teasing.” He steps forward, his hand out for me to shake. “It’s nice to see you again, Caitlin. I hope you’re here to stay this time. Are your parents with you?”

  “No, I came on my own. A fresh start. I’m here at least for the next three years, so you may see me around more often now.”

  “I certainly hope so. You must come around for dinner one night.”

  I smile, thinking that would be lovely. “I would like that very much.”

  His attention is on Jeremy now. “Son, sort that out, won’t you?”

  Jeremy smiles. “I will, Dad. Don’t you worry about that.”

  “Who’s for some ice tea?”

  * * *

  I ended up staying for dinner, enjoying the time so much that I hadn’t realized it was well past nine o’clock until Jeremy offered to take me home. I agree, an unladylike burp falling from my lips, earning a small chuckle. As we were getting ready to leave, the doorbell rings. Mr. and Mrs. Scozzari look at each other and shrug their shoulders. We all walk toward the door as I need to leave anyway. Once open, we’re all shocked to find a police officer standing behind it.

  “Does a Tyler Scozzari live here?” he asks the moment he spots us.

  Mr. Scozzari is about to answer, when his wife appears beside him. “That’s me.”

  He looks at her before glancing down at his pad. “I had a complaint from a Mr. Gates down at number thirty-four, thirty-one.”

  “Is he okay?” she asks, looking concerned.

  “He’s fine, but a little angry. Someone’s put a giant inflatable penis on his lawn and he thought you may know something about it.”

  A full giggle escapes my lips before I can stop it. The cop glances my way, trying as he might to look serious, but a small glint in his eye makes me believe he finds it funny too.

  “I don’t know anything about it, Officer. I’ve be
en in my house all evening. Haven’t I, darling?” she says, turning toward her husband.

  I got to hand it to the Scozzari ladies. They all seem to have this knack of turning everything over to their favor. First, Isabella with her brother chauffeuring her everywhere, and now Mrs. Scozzari forcing her husband into giving her an alibi.

  “Yes, that’s right. She’s been with me all evening.”

  The cop looks at both of them before saying, “Hmm. Mr. Gates says that you don’t get along very well. He also states that he often comes out of his house to find a concoction of items strewn across the lawn, such as toilet paper, foam in his water feature and the like. You don’t know who could be doing this, do you?”

  Mrs. Scozzari gasps. “That’s terrible, but no. I have no idea. I know there are a lot of neighbors who don’t like him very much, so it could be anyone. I’m more of a stay-at-home and knit kind of girl.”

  I hear a faint chuckle coming from Jeremy. Mr. Scozzari tightens his hold on Mrs. Scozzari’s waist.

  “Okay, sorry to bother you at home. I will let you carry on with your ... knitting. If you hear of anything, though, please call.” He hands his card over. “I’m Officer Wilkins. The number’s on the card.”

  “I sure will. Thank you, Officer.”

  “No problem.” Just as we’re about to shut the door, the officer turns and says, “Oh, one more thing. Just so you know, Mr. Gates mentioned to me that he’s having CCTV installed outside his house next week. I’m sure whoever it was will be caught on tape. Either that, or it will be a great deterrent.”

  “It’s a shame he has to do it,” Mrs. Scozzari responds. “But I guess it’s necessary to keep our streets safe.”

  “Quite,” is all he says in return, before walking toward his car and getting in.

  When he’s driving away, we all burst out laughing.

  “I knew you were up to no good, Mom,” Jeremy starts. “How could you?”

  “She does it because she gets away with it every time. She and Thunder Tara.” Mr. Scozzari points in her direction. Tara’s sitting on the couch barely able to contain her laughter.


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