Scozzari: Deviant #3

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Scozzari: Deviant #3 Page 18

by Roberts, Jaimie

  “Yeah, not a chance in hell,” someone shouts in the crowd, making everyone laugh. A smile creeps up on my face as my attention is fully on this Jet dude. He’s more skittish than the last one I had. He’ll be easy pickings.

  “Well, then, I guess this means I need no introduction to the fine gentleman over here,” Doug says, pointing to me.

  I hear a lot of whistling and a girl shouts, “Kiss me, One Punch!” making the crowd laugh.

  “Maybe he’ll get to you later,” Doug says, pointing to the girl who shouted. The girl in question blows me a kiss. I just shake my head on a smile.

  “Without further ado, please give a big hand to the awesome, undefeated Jez ‘One Punch’ Scozzari!”

  My song starts playing again, this time louder than ever. It gets the crowd going, so who am I to complain?

  Doug puts down the mike and turns to us both, explaining the same rules I’ve heard over and over again. “On the bell,” he says lastly before quickly scurrying off.

  The rowdy crowd starts to die down a little when they realize I’m getting ready. I roll my shoulders again, punching the air a couple of times before I take my stand at the corner. I turn, my eyes completely fixed to my opponent, while he just stares at... I can’t even tell. It’s not me anyway.

  “One Punch, One Punch, One Punch,” the crowd cheers as we all wait for that all important bell.

  It finally rings and immediately, I step forward. I raise my arms, ready to take my first punch, but my opponent dodges out of the way. I open my arms up as if to say what the fuck, but I shrug my shoulders before lowering my arms completely. The other guy stops dancing around the ring so much, so I just stand there biding my time. When he stops darting around me, I take one look at him before throwing my punch. I hear the sound of my fist hitting his face, watch as his reaction goes from wonderment to shock, to pain, before his eyes close and he falls, his body completely limp to the floor. I hear the crash as he hits the ground and look down for a second to make sure he’s out. I smile when I realize I’ve done it... again.

  The crowd goes wild and starts cheering, but something in the corner of my eye catches my attention. As if she acts as a homing device, I lock onto her immediately. Caitlin’s standing completely on her own watching me, her mouth slightly parted as she takes in the scene. I can’t tell from here if she’s pissed or upset, but when she suddenly turns, running toward the exit, my feet find movement. I feel hands on my back and squeezing my ass, but I don’t stop for anyone, my focus completely on one person. As I reach the exit, people are no doubt wondering what the fuck’s going on, but I don’t let that deter me. I reach the exit door and push through, relishing the cold air as it hits me. As the door closes behind me and the noise starts to drown out, I find Caitlin walking away back to her car.

  “Caitlin!” I shout, running to catch up. “Caitlin, where are you going? Speak to me.”

  She stops and turns and when she does, her eyes look glassy. She doesn’t look like she’s about to cry, but she doesn’t look completely happy either.

  “Talk to me,” I urge again.

  She sighs, her eyes darting anywhere but me. “You... in there,” she says, finally looking at me. She points back to the gym before slapping her hand by her side. “I very nearly didn’t come, but I wanted to be there... for you.”

  I silently celebrate that fact. She does care. I always knew she did, but it’s nice to have proof, and I knew it would have taken a lot for her to come.

  “I guess I should have listened to my gut.”

  “Caitlin, it’s just a fight. We both want to be there. We both agreed to this—whether it was him who got hurt, or me, or both. We agreed to fight.”

  “I know,” she responds, exasperated.

  “So, what’s the problem?” I know what the problem is. I just want her to admit it.

  “The problem is you think punching people and knocking them out is okay. The problem is that what you’re into is violent, and I can’t hang around people who are like that. I’m sorry, Jeremy. This was a mistake.”

  She turns and is about to walk away when I say, “I’m not Jack.”

  There. I said it.

  Caitlin immediately stiffens at the mention of his name. I feel like shit, but I know it needed to be aired. The elephant in the room needs to be addressed.

  In those few seconds she stands still with her back to me, I wonder if she’ll turn, shout at me, do something. So, I’m surprised when all she does is loosen the tightness on her shoulders before carrying on walking.

  I’m in two minds whether to run after her. I don’t like to know she’s walked away from me upset. I would prefer her wrath over this.

  “Jez!” I hear Calvin shout from behind me. “Jez!” His voice is high-pitched. The only time it’s ever high-pitched is when he’s excited about something.

  Nudging me to look at him, I turn to find a big, shit-eating grin on his face. He spots my dejected expression and so looks toward the source. Caitlin is still walking, but she’s close to her car now, getting in.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah,” I practically growl back. “Everything’s fucking peachy, man.”

  His smile soon surfaces. “Just after you ran out, a man came up to me asking if I was Calvin. I said yes and then he gave me his card. Someone mentioned you to him from your last fight and he wanted to come and see for himself if the rumors he heard were true. Guess who the fucking guy is, Jez. Guess?” I don’t even have time to answer. “It’s Joe Maddox. Joe fucking Maddock, Jez. And he wants to talk to you.”

  Joe Maddox is only one of the biggest boxing scouts in the US. For anyone interested in boxing, this is huge. The fact he wants to speak with me is huge.

  “Mr. Scozzari.”

  The sound of my name being called from behind me makes me turn quickly, but not before noticing Caitlin is pulling away from the parking lot. At least I know she’s left safely.

  The big man, who I now recognize as Joe Maddox, walks toward me, his hand stretched out. When I take it, he gives me a big smile.

  “That back there. I’ve never seen anything like it. Is it true all of your fights end this way?”

  “All twenty-two of them,” Calvin says, before I get a chance. “Tonight is number twenty-three. We have videos of every single one.”

  Mr. Maddox nods his head slightly. “I’d like to see them.”

  “I can email them all to you, if you want?”

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  He turns his attention to me, sizing up my stature. “You look very fit. How old are you?”


  “Still very young. How long have you been boxing?”

  “Ever since I was able to. My dad taught me in his basement at home. He liked to box himself, but only in the pleasure of his own home.”

  Mr. Maddox digs into his pocket and pulls out a card. He then hands it to me. It reads Joe Maddox, Boxing Scout. It has a bunch of phone numbers and an email address.

  “I think you have talent, Mr. Scozzari—and I don’t say that very often. I’ll need to see the rest of the fights before I make a few phone calls, but first of all, I want to know how you feel about that. Are you looking to box professionally? If not, it would be an incredible waste of talent.”

  I shrug. “To tell you the truth, I haven’t really thought about it.”

  Mr. Maddox sucks in a breath and brandishes a wolf smile. “Well, it’s time to start now. Would you have any objection to me making some calls?”

  This is the biggest fucking opportunity anyone could ever dream of. I should be ecstatic. So, why aren’t I? All I can think about right now is Caitlin.

  I really am turning into a pussy.

  “No, I don’t mind,” I eventually say. I’d be a fool to say otherwise. Just because he said he would make some calls and watch my other fights, doesn’t necessarily mean he’s going to get me signed up.

  “Good. I’ll be in touch.” He starts to walk away, but then turn
s around. “Oh, one more thing. Why aren’t these fights up on YouTube?”

  Calvin looks at me with an eyebrow raised. I scratch my head. “Because I don’t want my folks to find out what I do. My mom would fucking kill me.” Not to mention that this isn’t exactly legal either.

  Mr. Maddox laughs so loudly it practically echoes around us. “Us men, we like to think we’re tough, but when it comes to a woman’s wrath, it sends us running scared with our tails between our legs. I hear ya. But soon things may have to change if my phone calls pay off.”

  “I understand.”

  He does a little salute before walking off. “I’ll be in touch.”

  There’s a deathly silence as we watch Joe Maddox disappearing into the car park. I know it’s coming, though. I can feel the buzz coming in waves from Calvin.

  I feel the back slap on my chest. “Dude, did you hear that? Fuck, this is huge!”

  “It is huge,” I agree.

  Calvin frowns, trying to gauge my reaction. “Why aren’t you happy?”

  “I am. I’m trying to keep a level head about this. I know my mom’s going to freak when she finds out. They’ll no doubt want me to finish college.”

  “Jez, you could potentially earn enough from one fight and retire the rest of your life.”

  “Hardly,” I snap back. “But, yes, the money earned boxing will be far more than criminal psychology.”

  “Let’s see what Joe Maddox will come back with first. When we’re home, I’ll email him all the videos.”

  I nod in agreement.

  “You want to hang out around Stacey and Caitlin’s for a bit?”

  No, but I know he does. I can hazard a guess that Caitlin is the last person he wants to see right now.

  “Nah, it’s okay. You go. I’m going to go back in, grab my shit, and head home. I don’t relish the idea of peopling today.”

  Calvin laughs and then slaps my back. “Okay. Let’s head on in and speak to your fans for a bit.”

  We walk back in. Some of the crowd has dissipated, but some are still there, smiling and trying to shake my hand. I smile politely, trying to get through them all as quickly as I can. My buzz of being here has dwindled at Caitlin’s reaction to my fight tonight.

  I grab my stuff, managing to get out of the place another twenty minutes later. I’m back at home shortly after, throwing my stuff down on the floor and slouching on the couch. I check my phone for any messages, but the only ones there are from Amy, and I really don’t want to deal with her right now.

  I could really do with a joint.

  I’m about to get myself a beer when the doorbell rings. I close my eyes on a groan. If this is Amy, I’m done with her shit. One hundred percent.

  I get to the door and open it expecting to see her, when I’m met with a set of green eyes staring back at me.

  “Caitlin?” I ask, dumbfounded that she’s here, but my heart starts to beat at the prospect that she is.

  She steps forward, giving me this hooded look—one that immediately transports me to that scene in Grease where Sandy arrives at the fair all leathered up and sexy as hell.

  My eyes sweep down from her tight red top to her little denim miniskirt and UGG boots that look as big as she does, but by fuck does she look sexy. If anyone can pull this look off, it’s Caitlin.

  Without a word, she closes the door behind her and then...

  She’s in my arms, crashing her lips to mine. I have no time to process what’s happening, but my dick seems to have caught up pretty quick. We’re a disordered mess of arms and legs, touching, feeling, trying to get clothes off as soon as we’re able. One tiny part in my brain is shouting at me to take it slow... this is Caitlin, for fuck’s sake. She’s been a wet dream of mine ever since she walked back into my life again, and now I’m just going to fuck her—in my living room?

  Okay, the living room I can’t do as Calvin could be back at any moment. I doubt he will be as he’s still trying to get into Stacey’s pants.

  Which is not something I should be thinking when I’m trying to get into Caitlin’s.


  We both manage to lead each other to my room without breaking our kiss. She has my top off. I then proceed to take hers off. She breaks away from me to touch my tattoos, trailing her finger along the outlines of them on my chest. My skin heats, sending waves of pleasure to ripple through me. I shudder at her touch, causing a soft smile to coat her beautifully swollen lips.

  A part of me swells with pride when I think it’s because of me that her lips are swollen.


  Only me.

  She’s wearing one of those red silk, push-up bras that accentuate her perfectly rounded breasts. I step forward, unable to help the pulsing need to unhook her bra and stare at what’s revealed when it falls. As I move closer to her, her eyes focus on mine and they don’t let go. I’m waiting for a hint of something that may tell me she doesn’t want this, but her eyes are still hooded—no doubt just like mine.

  I raise one hand behind her back and unhook her bra within a millisecond. Caitlin raises her eyebrow with a crooked smile.

  “I’m impressed.”

  “It bodes well that my bra unhooking skills impress you, Miss Summers.”

  Our smiles soon fade when I place both my hands on her shoulders and gently slide the straps of her bra over her shoulder. Her breasts greet me, her nipples pert ready for my touch. I reach one hand up, cupping her breast in my hand and flicking my thumb over her nipple. Her lips part, a soft moan escapes, and that’s it for me. I can’t do slow with this girl. Not right now, anyway.

  I hungrily take her mouth in mine and savor the way she tastes. She’s a mixture of candy canes and Juicy Fruit, all rolled into one big, desirable concoction. I want to live in her, breathe in her—bask in her.

  I kiss her soft lips again, biting them gently with my teeth. She moans and my dick strains even further in my pants. I’m lost in her—the song “All My Life” by K-Ci and JoJo playing a soft melody in my head.

  My fingers find movement, unbuttoning her denim skirt. I feel her fidgeting, taking her UGG boots off and casting them aside. I slide the skirt down, moaning when I feel her silky soft skin under my fingertips. She’s flawless. I know she has scars because of what that fucker did to her. I can see the cuts and marks, making my breath quicken a moment with rage. I trail my finger over one of them. Caitlin stiffens.

  “You’re beautiful,” I whisper and immediately her body relaxes. No matter what that fucker’s done to her, she is and will always be beautiful. He made the biggest mistake thinking he could control her. This woman is not for controlling.

  She is for setting free.

  In my head, I picture birds flying, soaring into the sky, climbing higher and higher, the wind blowing through their feathers, and the sun kissing their faces. This is what I imagine for Caitlin. This is how I want her to feel.

  When the last to go is our underwear, we’re soon on the bed, her legs tangled in mine, my arms looped under hers so I can hold her face.

  “Condom,” she whispers.

  I quickly get off her and pull the drawer open on my nightstand. I rip the condom off with my teeth and as soon as I have the condom on, I’m pushing inside her, my eyes closing with the feel of her tight walls around me.

  “Fuck!” I groan and my pleasure is heightened when I hear her gasp.


  Her soft voice saying my name makes my cock jerk inside of her. I haven’t moved yet, because I’m still adjusting to her tightness. She’s perfect.

  Absolutely fucking perfect.

  What a complete asshole that Jack was to treat her any way other that with the care and respect she deserves.

  My forehead touches hers and when she picks her head up a little to kiss me, my hips start to move like they have a will of their own. My cock slides out slowly and then back in again, our breaths heavy and quickening with every thrust. When the pleasure becomes too much, I close my eyes and try to think
of anything but ending this too quickly. She feels so fucking good, I’m unable to stop myself.

  “Jeremy!” Caitlin screams, and I know she’s close. With every thrust of my hips moving faster now, she tenses. Her walls close in on me, bringing my own orgasm close to the surface.

  “Jeremy!” she screams again, and this time she comes and it’s the most exquisite sound and feeling I have ever heard. Her pussy is milking my cock so hard that my pace quickens with the inevitable explosion that’s about to burst through my cock.

  I come, screaming out her name, my body tensing, and my breaths coming in short, sharp bursts. It’s the best fucking orgasm I have ever experienced.

  “Shit,” she breathes, trying to catch her breath.

  “I think you’ve fucking killed me,” I joke.

  She laughs out loud and it’s then I realize she has me. Who am I kidding, she’s always had me.

  It’s like she never really left.

  Rolling off her, I discard the condom and come back to snuggle with her in my bed. We spoon—something I thought I would never be into, but with Caitlin it all feels so natural. We lie for a few seconds, me leisurely stroking my fingers down her arm.

  “I thought a million things after you left the fight tonight, but one of them definitely wasn’t this. You completely surprised me. But, if it’s any consolation, I’m sorry for what I said...”

  “It’s okay. I think I needed to hear it. I know you’re not Jack. You’re nothing like him. I think because he’s all I’ve ever known when it comes to relationships, it’s kind of put me in a mindset that all potential boyfriends would be the same.”

  “Is that what I am to you?”


  “A potential boyfriend.”

  There’s a moment of silence and I wonder whether I’ve made another almighty cock-up.

  “I don’t expect anything from you, and to be honest, I’m not sure where I am in my head right now. I know I feel close to you and I know I don’t want to be with anyone else...”

  “I feel the same,” I respond, interrupting her.


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