Going the Distance (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Going the Distance (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 12

by Cara Addison

  He pressed his naked shaft into her pussy. His eyelids slammed shut. “Oh my God, Austin.” He bit his lip, pressing slowly and gently. “Give me a second.” He paused to kiss her before slowly thrusting deeper. “It’s been a long time since I’ve done this without…” He didn’t need to finish his sentence. She understood completely.

  “Take your time.” She brushed a finger through his wavy hair. “And enjoy. I know I am.” He looked into her eyes, slowly sinking all the way into her. She gasped and held her hand on his hip to briefly pause the motion to delight in the feeling of having his entire cock inside her. She kissed him before dropping her hand, allowing him to resume each very enjoyable thrust of his cock. She began to press her hips against his, urging him to continue. He slowly and gently pressed his hips against her, enjoying each delightfully new sensation. “You feel so incredible.” She moved her hips against his, gradually increasing the intensity of their movement. It wasn’t long before she was on the edge.

  “I want to have your cum inside me,” she murmured.

  It was all he needed to hear. “Damn,” he moaned, thrusting deep as his body twitched and trembled against her throbbing pussy.

  * * * *

  On Saturday morning, Austin’s friend Jessica was scheduled to pick them up at 7:00 a.m. Austin received a text. “Jess is almost here. Let’s meet her in the lobby.” Callie grabbed the overnight bags and held the door. Austin picked up two bags of groceries that she had packed. She pointed to a large box. “Can you please get that, Brett?”

  Callie was holding the door that Austin had already stepped through. Brett was looking in the mirror, running his fingers through his hair. “Come on, Captain America,” Callie quipped. “You’re more than beautiful enough.”

  “Captain America,” Austin repeated as she laughed heartily. “That’s perfect.”

  He picked up the box and joined her in the hall as Callie locked the door. They reached the lobby just as Jess pulled up in her SUV. They loaded up. “What is in this box?” Brett asked, sliding it into the car.

  “My contribution to the bar,” Austin replied. He flipped open the cardboard lid. There were six bottles of Grey Goose, three bottles of Crown Royal Reserve, and three bottles of premium tequila.

  “No wine?” he asked, sarcastically.

  “Sarah is on wine duty this weekend,” Jess replied.

  He shook his head at them.

  “It’s three days and ten people. The closest liquor store is miles away. Experience has taught us to be prepared,” Callie explained. “We ran out one year. It wasn’t pretty.”

  “I have a whole new appreciation for Canadians.” Brett laughed.

  Callie rode shotgun while Austin and Brett buckled into the captain’s chairs in the middle row. They rode north, texting ahead to their next stop to place their coffee order. On the north edge of the city they picked up Devin and his wife Melissa, who were waiting with trays of hot coffee in hand.

  The car was loaded. The early morning traffic was surprisingly light. Austin distributed the coffee as they merged onto Highway 400. “Jess, here’s your regular. Callie, here is your double-double.” She put her coffee into the holder at her side and then handed Brett his black coffee.

  “What’s a double-double?” he asked cautiously. Callie turned around and stared at him, not believing what she had heard.

  “Don’t be too harsh, Callie. He gets a free pass on that one.” She turned to Brett. “Regular is one sugar, one cream. Double-double…is two sugar and two cream.” She looked back at Callie. “That one is as Canadian as it gets.”

  Devin jumped into the conversation. “He likely doesn’t know what a toque is, either.”

  “Or a chesterfield,” Melissa added.

  Austin was chuckling as she sipped her coffee. She read the confused expression on his face. “A toque is a winter hat…the one with the horrible pom-pom on top. A chesterfield is a sofa,” she explained with a broad grin. She elaborated, “It’s no different than going to England where they call an elevator a lift and a truck is a lorry.”

  They settled in for the long drive. “Are Joe and Sarah coming up this weekend?” Callie asked when they reached the halfway point in their destination.

  Jess nodded. “Send Sarah a text and see where they are.”

  Callie punched out a message on her phone. The response was instant. She looked around at the familiar landmarks. “They must be just a few minutes behind us. They just passed the service station,” she explained.

  “Where’s David?” Melissa asked.

  “He’s been up at his cottage all week,” Jess responded. “I told him we’d come down the lake and get him later this morning.”

  Austin pointed to Jess, explaining that David was her boyfriend.

  “Where’s your boyfriend, Callie?” Brett asked.

  “I’m not seeing anyone.”

  “You haven’t been, but …” Jess didn’t finish her sentence.

  “What did you do?” Callie asked suspiciously.

  “David’s cousin is up at the cottage,” she explained, looking over at her friend.

  “David’s cousin, Roger?” Melissa asked from the back row.

  Austin leaned forward waiting to hear Jessica’s answer.

  “That’s the one.” She smiled wickedly. “And I suggested that he come over for the weekend.”

  Callie squirmed in her seat. “Really?”

  “I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that Roger is fuckable?” Brett inquired.

  “Very,” all four girls said in unison.

  Brett asked a hundred questions along the way, taking in the scenery and distinct Canadian landscape. They made excellent time, finally pulling onto the cottage road just before nine o’clock. They were unloading the car when Joe and Sarah pulled in the driveway. Jess’s parents greeted them all at the door, a flurry of bags and boxes littering the entrance.

  “Where should I put these?” Brett asked, pointing to their overnight bags.

  “I’m not sure, yet. We have to draw straws.”


  Jess explained as she retrieved the infamous beer bottle of straws. “We used to have knock-down, drag-out fights over sleeping arrangements. A few years ago, we started drawing straws. It’s just more civilized now.”

  Jess’s mom, Marilyn, held the bottle as each girl pulled out a straw. They held them up. “Yes!” Austin exclaimed, dancing in place. “Finally.” She turned to look at Brett. “Master bedroom.” She smiled, pointing to the bedroom above the garage. “I’ve drawn the short straw for the last four years. It is about time that I get to sleep in comfort.”

  Jess’s father, Jack, chuckled at her. “Okay, kids, Marilyn and I will be leaving in a few minutes. You know the rules?” They all nodded. “Austin, I have a few things I need to tell you about the boat. Do you have a minute?” She followed him through the front door. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they walked down the stone steps toward the boathouse. Brett followed along, watching Jess’s father closely. “The master bedroom?” he said coyly, squeezing her shoulder. “I’ve always wanted to have you sleep in my bed.”

  “Jack!” she said, playfully admonishing him.

  They entered the immaculate boathouse and stepped down into the twenty-one-foot Sea Ray. Brett watched closely and listened to Jack’s instructions from the deck.

  “Okay,” Jack said, walking to the stern. “I noticed that this cleat is loose.” He looked up at her. “Is David coming over?” She nodded. “Okay…well, see if he can make himself useful and tighten that up. The screwdrivers are in the cabinet,” he explained, pointing to the shelving on the sidewall. He moved to the steering wheel and leaned against the seat. “I noticed a hiccup in the engine yesterday. They can’t come and look at it until Tuesday. When you throttle up, you might notice it catch around twenty klicks.” He looked at her as he continued his explanation. “You’ll really notice it if you’re towing a skier. Throttle up, and it should be okay.”
  She asked a few questions, making certain she understood the controls.

  Jack smiled at her and sat down. “You doing okay, kiddo?”

  She sat down on the seat across from him. “I am, Jack. I’m doing great, actually.”

  “You’re okay financially? You’ll let me know if you need anything, right?”

  She nodded. “I know, Jack. I’m just fine. My investments are doing well.”

  Brett watched as Jack put his hand on her knee. “If you need anything, Austin. Just ask.”

  She stood up and pulled him to his feet to give him a big hug. “I know, Jack. Thanks.”

  Jack glanced up at Brett. “He’s taking good care of you?”

  Austin smiled widely. “Very good care, Jack. I’m fine. Really.”

  “Okay,” he said, hopping up out of the boat. “Marilyn and I are on our way.” He gave her a few final instructions. “You and Jess are the only ones who are driving the boat, right?” She nodded. She knew David was forbidden to drive Jack’s boat. “Water on the water, Austin?”

  “I know, Jack. Water on the water…beer on the pier. I get it.”

  “Okay.” Jack turned to Brett. “Take care of that one, will you?”

  Brett nodded and then watched Jack walk up the stairs and back into the cottage. He turned and looked at Austin. “He totally wants to fuck you.”

  She looked up at him. “He does not!” she exclaimed.

  Brett stepped down into the boat and pulled her into his arms. “Trust me, given the opportunity, he’d be all over you.”

  She took a deep breath and sighed heavily. “Jack is like a father to me, Brett. He’s been there for me ever since my parents died. He helped me settle their estate and manage my inheritance. He’s almost twice my age.”

  He kissed her. “Your parents aren’t alive anymore?”

  She shook her head. “They died in a car accident five years ago.”

  “Sorry,” he whispered before kissing her.

  She took another deep breath. “I am going to go check out the master bedroom. I’m sure the others are getting settled in. Then, we’ll go and get David and Roger.”

  “Lead the way.”

  They stepped back into the executive post-and-beam cottage, sunlight streaming in through the floor-to-ceiling picture windows. She led him up the stairs to the private bedroom above the garage. It was just like a studio apartment. The walls were a slate gray, contrasting against the whitewashed pine floor and ceiling. Natural light poured in through the lakefront windows. The large bed sat opposite the French doors, which led out to a private balcony, providing them with a stunning view of the lake.

  “I wonder how Jack will feel about me fucking you in his bed?” he asked, pulling her in for a kiss.

  “Mmmm,” she murmured. “I don’t give a flying fuck what he thinks,” she responded, kissing him urgently. “Come here,” she whispered, leading him to the bed. She pulled back the sheets and playfully rolled into bed with him.

  He leaned in to nuzzle her neck. “I know it’s a beautiful day outside, but now that I have you in bed, I’m thinking we should just spend the morning here.”

  “You’ve no argument from me,” she said with a wide grin.

  His hands were already exploring her body as he delivered warm, hungry kisses. Her hands descended between his legs to softly twirl her fingers around each ball. She pushed him back a little to focus her eyes on the activity between his legs. She gently ran her finger up his shaft, fascinated with its change in shape and size as his cock stiffened. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seeing that,” she whispered, gently massaging his now-hardened shaft.

  “Good, because I’d like to show that to you as often as possible.”

  She looked at his face to see a twinkle in his eyes that made her smile. She pulled him back in to kiss him, moaning softly as her tongue found his. His hands were on her breasts, kneading and pressing, slowing focusing his attention on her nipples. He brushed and then tweaked one nipple and then the other. He dipped down to her chest to pull an already-hardened nipple into his mouth. His tongue swirled and then flicked back and forth. Her body involuntarily twitched in response to his touch. Again, he flicked his tongue before tugging gently on her nipple. She was unable to hold back the moans that were escaping her lips. He watched her face contort and relax and contort again as he licked and kissed and swirled and twirled his tongue against her nipple.

  She propped herself up on one elbow. “Wha…what are you doing?” she murmured, watching him as he shifted his attention to the other nipple. He began the process all over again.

  “You play with my cock all the time,” he whispered, without letting go of her breasts. “Tit for tat, remember?”

  “Oh fuck,” she groaned as she fell back onto the sheets, savoring the surging waves of pleasure that he drew from her. When she could no longer tolerate the ache in her pelvis, she ran her fingers through his hair. “Would you please, please, please fuck me now?”

  He took one more long suck on her nipple, watching as she bit her lip and her shoulders shuddered. “Absolutely,” he whispered, rising to his knees.

  He straddled her left leg and rotated her hips onto her side. With her shoulders flat against the sheets, he bent her right leg around his waist. She raised one eyebrow as she looked down at him, his hard cock ready to enter her. She ran her hand up his thigh. “This looks like fun,” she murmured.

  “That’s what I thought.” He slowly dipped his cock inside her. They watched as he sunk deeper with each slow thrust, his shaft moist and glistening. “Fuck, you’re wet.”

  “So are you,” she whispered under her breath, her eyes glued to his shaft. He pulled out of her and pressed his hard, wet head against her clit. “Holy fuck,” she moaned. “What are you…”

  “I’ve been paying attention, kitten,” he murmured as he ran his hand up her stomach toward her breasts. “You like to play, so we’re going to play.”

  Her eyes sparkled with delight, and then slowly closed as the tension built. “Slo-o-owly,” she moaned, placing her hand on this thigh. He slowed his movement, gently circling her clit with the head of his cock. “Press harder,” she instructed, her voice wavering.

  “Damn, this is beautiful,” he groaned, looking down at her wet, throbbing pussy. Her hand tightened against his thigh, her fingers digging into his skin as her breathing grew shallow. He pressed against her clit, unleashing a powerful wave of delight. He thrust his cock back inside her, pressing urgently. “I love that feeling,” he moaned. “You’re so fucking tight when you come.” He dropped his fingers to her clit, continuing the slow motion, selfishly determined to extend her orgasm. When her moans subsided, he pulled out of her again to press his cock against her clit.

  “Oh fuck,” she murmured, looking up at him. “You weren’t kidding, were you?”

  “I’ve only just started, kitten.”

  She was squirming and writhing as his cock pressed against her clit. “Faster,” she pleaded. “And I want you to fuck me, when I come. Please,” she begged.

  He shook his head. “Not yet.”

  She whimpered, knowing he would make her come again and again before he would really fuck her. Over and over he moved his cock around and against her clit to make her come. She was exhausted when he finally relented and focused on his own pleasure. He thrust deep and hard until his eyes slammed shut. She tightened her muscles around his cock, knowing that he was on the edge. She watched his entire body shudder, feeling his thighs twitch against her hands. She studied his face, his expression changing as the tension finally released from his body. He opened his eyes to see her smiling. His eyes wandered down her body to where they were joined together. He ran his hand across her pelvis. “I like this,” he whispered.

  “Me too. This position is definitely getting added to the regular rotation. It’s a keeper.”

  “We have a rotation?” he asked jokingly as he collapsed on the bed beside her and pulled her into his arms

  “You know what I mean.” She rested her head on his chest, lying quiet. She took a deep breath. His scent was intoxicating. She buried her face in his chest hair and inhaled deeply. “You smell incredible,” she whispered, drawing in another deep breath. “What is that?”

  “Tom Ford.”

  “It smells expensive,” she whispered, kissing his chest. “And delicious,” she added, kissing his neck. “It suits you, perfectly.” She kissed his lips slowly and deliberately before relaxing back into his arms.

  “Do you have Jack’s cell phone number?”

  “Yes, of course I do,” she answered. “Why?” she asked curiously.

  “Because I’d like to send him a text and let him know just how much fun it is to fuck you in his bed,” he answered wickedly.

  She playfully smacked his chest. “You are so evil, Brett Tanner.”

  “Not evil,” he murmured, kissing her hair. “It’s more like I’m wildly jealous that another man is thinking about having you in his bed.”

  “He was joking, Brett.”

  “The truth is often spoken in jest.”

  She propped herself up on one elbow and looked at him, her tone more serious, “It doesn’t matter what bed, what room, or what building we’re in, Brett.” She tapped her finger against his chest as she uttered each word. “I’m. With. You.”

  “Good,” he whispered.

  She sat up and looked out at the sunshine. “We should join the others.” He reluctantly let her go. She rummaged through her overnight bag and pulled on a tiny stretch-denim bikini and a pair of khaki shorts that were two sizes too big and hung low on her hips. She pulled her long blonde hair into a ponytail and pulled on a ball cap. “Let’s go boating,” she suggested. “It looks like a beautiful day to be out on the lake.”

  Everyone was out on the dock when they emerged from the cottage. Muskoka chairs were scattered across the dock with a large cooler strategically placed in the center.

  “Should we go pick up the boys?” Austin asked, stepping onto the dock.


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