Loving David

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Loving David Page 6

by Gina Hummer

  “Is there anything I can do to help?” David asked.

  “Yes, save your energy for afterward. You and Charlotte are on clean up tonight. After Karen’s been in there, who knows what you might find,” Angela remarked with a husky chuckle.

  Karen had embarked on a hearty coq au vin with a simple green salad and loaves of crispy French bread. They all ladled soup into their bowls and piled their plates high with salad and bread before sitting down. Karen bustled out of the kitchen, her white apron stained with various smears of food and sauce. Her face was flushed and little wisps of hair were plastered to her neck. She leaned between Charlotte and David. “I’ll apologize ahead of time for the kitchen. It’s really bad.”

  Charlotte let out a dramatic gasp. “Really, Karen? I’m shocked. It’s not like I wasn’t in the kitchen all night cleaning up after you the last time.”

  “Ha ha,” Karen responded. “Listen, when you’re creating a masterpiece, it’s gonna get a little messy.”

  “Well, it is delicious,” Charlotte allowed. She looked at David. “It’s possible we could be in there until tomorrow.”

  Under the table, Karen pinched Charlotte, who yelped.

  Karen turned to David. “Do you know how to do dishes, hon?”

  “How about you give me a lesson after dinner?”

  “Ha! Not on your life. Nice try.”

  Karen left to get her own food. The ladies seemed less star-struck by David as conversations centered on more mundane topics such as grandkids and dog walking services. After a few moments, one of the ladies, Sally, stood and clinked her fork against her wine glass to get everyone’s attention. A hush fell over the room as they waited for her to address the group.

  “I have a subject to discuss tonight…men, romance, and marriage” Sally stated, a triumphant look on her face.

  Murmurs of complaint and even a few loud protests sprang from the room. Sally held up her hands to quiet everyone.

  “Now, now. Hear me out,” she continued. “We have a man here with us tonight, and although young, maybe he can shed some light on the subject. Perhaps tell us the truth about how men really feel about marriage, romance, and relationships in general.”

  David’s fork was in mid-air when all eyes turned toward him; it was clear he was caught off guard by Sally’s declaration.

  “Sally, come on now. That’s not fair.” Charlotte said. “David’s our guest and---”

  David held up his hand to stop Charlotte.

  “No, no. It’s okay. You have all been so nice to me, so I owe you one.” David took a sip of water and cleared his throat before he continued. “So how do men feel about romance and marriage? Well, I have never been married, so I can’t speak to that, but I can tell you I believe in it. I believe in a partnership in love, life, and romance. I think romance is the battery that keeps the relationship charged, if you will. The reason men act callous about romance is to give the appearance of being manly or macho, but personally I think that deep inside men love it; the thrill of being able to make a woman melt. They love the excitement of having a woman make them feel alive. I can’t speak for all men, but I know the thought of being in love is exciting for me. I personally have never been in love. I’ve been in like…I’ve been in lust, which I had confused for love at one time, but I know now for sure it was lust. The possibility of finding love one day excites me; gives me something to look forward to. Whoever she is, I look forward to getting to know her, and I can’t wait to meet her.”

  Once David finished his speech, smiles beamed on the faces of some women as they gleaned more insight not only about men but about David. Others looked contemplative as they reflected on their own past loves. The room was silent.

  Hendra piped up. “Being that you could probably have any woman you wanted --- and probably have….” a few women tittered and David chuckled, “…how do you know if someone truly loves you? How would you know if she was really there for you or just with you because of who you are?” Hendra asked, genuine concern furrowing her brow.

  Charlotte and David stole a quick glance at each other, the memory of their earlier conversation still on both their minds.

  “I would hope I could get to know a person well enough to be able to see true love for me in her eyes. I chose this life knowing there would be sacrifices; maybe that’s one of the sacrifices. Will I be absolutely sure that the one who says she loves me really does and not for my money or fame? But doesn’t everyone wonder ‘does this person really love me?’ I just have to hope that I will be blessed to find the person who loves me for me and that I can grow old with and be with her… until the end,” David said as he shoved a piece of bread into his mouth.

  Karen looked at Charlotte, who was looking at David. She snickered to herself as she picked up her glass of wine. “Well, David dear, I hope you find the person you are looking for. Just make sure you let us know when you do, because we want all the juicy details!”

  Emma leaned over and touched David’s hand. “Honey, you don’t have to look, because I’m sitting right here. My end is coming a lot sooner than yours, but I can promise you that you will enjoy it while it lasts!”

  “I have no doubt,” David laughed. “You really are too much for me, Emma.”

  “You don’t know the half of it. But if you want to find out,” she winked, “you let me know.” David kissed Emma’s hand and in spite of all her cool come-on’s she blushed.

  Charlotte marveled at the scene in front of her and was proud and happy she’d been able to give David this opportunity. Dinner marched on with stories of first dates, bad dates, blind dates, and dates that never should have been. The entire group was in stitches the whole night, and David took his fair share of teasing from the ladies. However, he gave as good as he got, and Charlotte could see that he enjoyed the ladies as much as they enjoyed him.

  David’s words about love stirred in Charlotte’s head as she observed him talking and laughing with everyone. Her insides felt tight, and her breath raced a little. She couldn’t fight it; she was falling for him in a big way. The realization made her feel foolish and excited at the same time.

  People began to trickle out of the dining room but not before offering Charlotte and David their condolences on having clean-up duty. They waited until they were alone before venturing to the kitchen. David poked his head in first and let out a low whistle. “Oh dear. It’s like Armageddon in there. Run…Save yourself,” David joked.

  Charlotte peered around him and gasped. “Holy crap. Let’s just burn it down.”

  Greasy pots and pans and crusty dishes were stacked almost to the ceiling. Food was splattered across the walls and the floor, and it looked like the chicken may well have exploded all over the stove.

  Charlotte clamped her hand across her forehead and groaned. “I’ve never seen it this bad,” She muttered. “I mean, this is ridiculous.” Her arms dropped to her sides. “I’m not even sure where to start.”

  David took on the task of filling the sink with hot water, the bubbles from the dishwashing liquid floating up and across the room. “Oh, come on. Teamwork!” David winked. “We’ll get it done.” David started to bring dishes over to the sink as Charlotte wearily grabbed a sponge and began to scrub plates.

  “Hey,” Charlotte turned and saw David taking down an old transistor radio from atop the refrigerator. “I don’t remember the last time I saw one of these,” David said as he searched for the power button.

  Charlotte laughed. “Probably belongs to Hendra. She’s quite averse to technology. She’s one of those stubborn souls who still use typewriters.”



  David found the knob to turn the radio on, and sound crackled out of the lone, battered speaker like crinkled paper. David frowned and fiddled with the tuner until he came across an oldies station. Martha and the Vandellas struggled to tell them about “Dancing in the Streets.” David pulled out the antenna and wound it around a few times until the sound pushed thr
ough clear as a bell.

  “Huh. That doesn’t sound half bad,” Charlotte muttered, surprised. David started to sing along, and Charlotte was impressed not only that he knew the song but also by his singing voice, which was actually pretty good.

  “Well, that’s a little before your time. So you like old songs, huh?” Charlotte asked.

  “I like classics,” David clarified as he picked up a dish to start drying it. “Like I told you, my dad gave me real appreciation for music. Good music.”

  They continued with their task, the ancient transistor radio spitting out everything from the Beach Boys to Jerry Lee Lewis to Elvis Presley, a lively soundtrack to the drudgery of scouring the kitchen. David knew the lyrics to every song and even provided her with a few bits of trivia. Before long the kitchen started to sparkle again, what with the abundance of dishes, wine, and music, they were getting a little slap-happy. “The Twist” came on and David twirled Charlotte’s hips from side to side, both in hysterics by this point. Just as they managed to settle down a bit, the unmistakable strains of “You Really Got a Hold on Me,” poured through the radio. David yanked Charlotte to him.

  “Come on! Dance with me.”

  Before she knew it, their bodies had melted into one another with ease. His breath, pungent with the tang of wine and chicken, was hot against her ear. Charlotte inhaled his scent, the sheer joy threatening to make her crumple to the floor. Sensing her near collapse, David put one arm around her waist and held her hand against his chest. They began to sway in time to the music, though the truth was the only sound Charlotte could hear was the beating of his heart. She closed her eyes and let him move her around the little kitchen.

  “You’re very tall,” Charlotte whispered.

  “And you are not,” David replied.

  They continued to move, and David was careful to lead her so that her rhythm matched his. She felt the tip of his nose burrow in her hair.

  “Strawberries,” he said.

  “Strawberries,” she responded as she ran her hands up and down the length of his arms. The soft skin she felt beneath her fingers belied the massive strength rippling under the surface. The song ended, and David pulled away and bent down to look at her face.

  “I think we’re done in here.” he said, his voice whisper-soft.


  David turned the radio off and flipped the switch to the kitchen lights. David grabbed her hand, and she tried to keep her grip light, afraid of scaring him off by squeezing too hard. They arrived at the cabin, and as Charlotte reached into her pocket for the key, David stopped her.

  “What? What’s wrong?”

  David stayed one porch step below Charlotte so they were eye-to-eye. Fireflies buzzed around David’s head like a halo, and the lights from the moon cast a warm glow across his chiseled face.

  “Charlotte,” David whispered, his finger trailing up her arm, sending a tingle up her spine. She gulped.


  “May I kiss you?” he asked, the words tumbling out like coins dropping into a slot.

  Charlotte blinked, certain she hadn’t heard that right. Why would he want to kiss her? He was gorgeous, one of the most beautiful creatures of this or any world. Not to mention she was almost fourteen years older than he was and looked nothing like those magnificent blonde gazelles she often saw glued to his arm in magazines. She wasn’t a great beauty, and she’d always been proud of her age. Now they were both staring her in the face like the drop on a 500-foot- high roller coaster. Suddenly she felt like an awkward, gangly teenager scared and unsure of herself. God, she hated feeling this way.

  “Charlotte,” David repeated.

  “Why?” she asked.

  David recoiled. “What do you mean ‘why’?”

  “Why do you want to kiss me?” she asked.

  “Why wouldn’t I want to kiss you?” he laughed, puzzled. “You’re a beautiful, amazing woman, and I’m dying to know what it feels like to kiss you.” He pulled her by the elbows closer to him. “I’ll ask you again. May I kiss you?”

  Charlotte took a deep breath, her teeth trembling. “Yes. Kiss me.”

  David slid his hands around Charlotte’s face and held them there for what seemed like a lifetime. He began to move toward her, but Charlotte was impatient. She leaned in and took his lips in hers. Their tongues swirled around each other in sexy, dreamy circles. Much like their dance in the kitchen, David slowed Charlotte’s movements to match his own, as he teased her with long languid kisses and more sensual nibbles. Charlotte’s insides were like runny chocolate oozing out of her toes. She’d forgotten what it was like to feel this way. Had she ever felt this way? David pulled back, his lips shining in the moonlight. Fumbling for the doorknob, Charlotte flung the door open, and David gave her a gentle push inside, planting yet more soft kisses across her lips. They kept the lights out.

  “Drink?” he asked.

  Charlotte swallowed, various and sordid thoughts bouncing around her head like rogue pin balls. “I don’t know. I’m trying to keep my head on straight,” she murmured.

  David took her hand and traced the lines of her palm with her fingertips. “Drink or not, my head’s a little potty as well.”

  “Your head’s what?”

  “Ah, potty, potty----like loopy, out of sorts.” He cupped her face in his hands again. “God, I love kissing you,” he said as he drew her into another soulful kiss. Finally he planted a kiss on her forehead and smiled. Charlotte felt her knees buckle, and as she looked into those perfect emerald eyes she dissolved into goo. She pulled away from him, her breath ragged.

  “I need a minute,” Charlotte said as she sat down on the couch, her whole body a mass of Jell-O. David joined her.

  He reached out and rubbed her shoulder, the gesture sending another shock through Charlotte. “Why don’t you turn in and sleep on it, Charlotte? I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable about anything. Your friendship is too important to me.”

  “You kiss all your friends like that?”

  “The ones I want to keep.”

  “You have referred to me as your ‘friend’ quite a bit these past few days. You really think we’ll keep in touch after we leave here?”

  As soon as the words slipped out, Charlotte wished she could grab them and stuff them back in her mouth. She sounded like a high school girl who worries that Johnny won’t call her after she made out with him in the backseat of his convertible.

  David cocked his head to the side, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He touched the side of her face. “I knew I made a lifelong friend the minute we met. The fact that you didn’t mace me sealed the deal.”

  They both chuckled before Charlotte resumed her serious tone. “David, I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about me. I’m not like the women in my books. I haven’t been in a relationship in a while…a long while. I don’t consider myself a sexy, steamy lover type.”

  He put his finger over her mouth to shush her. “I am well aware of who you are,” David replied. “Besides, I’m not the suave action guy, go-all-night Romeo you see on the screen. I haven’t been in a relationship in quite some time either.”

  Charlotte looked at him, stunned. “Shut the front door.”

  “I’m quite serious.” He picked up her hand again. “Listen; what I do know about you is that you are a kind, smart, and funny woman who I want to get to know better. I know there is something between us, and I know you feel it too. But if it makes you feel uncomfortable taking it further, we won’t.”

  Charlotte shook her head, still reeling from this turn of events.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I’m just going to spit this out.”

  “Go ahead,” he replied, unsure of what to expect.

  She took a deep breath and plunged in. “David, I’m forty-three. I’m nothing like the women you’re used to dating. I don’t wear sexy lingerie ---- boxer briefs and tank tops are my preferred sleepwear. Bras irritate me. I snore; I shave my armpits an
d legs every few days ----if I remember. My idea of a romantic evening is to stay home, watch a movie, and be in bed by nine. I don’t go to bars; I don’t sleep around. I find most people your age annoying and spoiled. I’m set in my ways and never in my wildest dreams did I expect someone like you to show up in my life. If I had known you were coming; I would’ve dropped a few pounds, and truthfully… I never thought of myself as getting old until I met you. Kissing you excites me to no end and makes me want to run screaming at the same time.”

  Charlotte realized she was rambling, and she snapped her mouth together to make herself shut up. She looked at David, waiting for a response.



  He stared at her.

  Charlotte’s heart jack-hammered against her chest. “David? Say something.”

  More silence. Charlotte realized he’d pressed his mouth into a thin line, and even in the moonlight he looked mad. Furious, in fact.

  David unfolded himself from the couch and stood over her, his voice shaking as he spoke in careful, measured tones.

  “Most people my age irritate me too. I couldn’t care less how old you are. I would bet money I snore ten times louder than you do. Sexy lingerie is a huge waste of money because you usually have it on only for a minute or two. And believe it or not, I don’t sleep around either. And why would you comment on your weight? Do you think that because I’m an actor I’m only attracted to toothpicks? Most of the actresses I work with look ill. Don’t forget the camera adds ten pounds, so can you imagine what I look at all day? Skeletons…who wants to make love to a skeleton? And Charlotte, I don’t care if you’re fat, skinny or somewhere in between. I want you because I think you’re smart and strong and brave and funny and fun. I hate to think that I may have brought out your insecurities because of who I am. If your appearance and your age didn’t bother you before I came around, then I guess you think I’m pretty damn shallow.”


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