If I Can't Have You

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If I Can't Have You Page 10

by Dawn Jiles

  “Look, get her some help. Don’t call questioning me and shit. As a matter of fact, don’t call my fucking office anymore. I warned your ass before,” he said sternly.

  “Well, I don’t know any other way to get your attention. You never answer your cell,” I said.

  “You heard what the fuck I said. Get my daughter some help, and don’t call me back until you do,” he said and then hung up in my face.

  I sat back and cried. His ass wouldn’t be so smart if I told his wife the truth. Maybe that was what I would do. Let’s see how smart he was when I destroyed his perfect fucking family!


  I had just got done playing the game with David’s and Corey’s sad asses. I had told David that he had to stop cheating on his girl and that he needed to wake up, but he hadn’t tried to hear me. But now that Bria had left his ass, he wanted to act right. That nigga had done a complete three-sixty on me. This nigga was even going to church now, but no matter how much he changed, Bria still wasn’t fucking with his ass. She had changed her number, and when he stopped by the house, she didn’t even open the door. When she did see him out and about, she acted as if that nigga didn’t exist.

  Mo was giving Corey some act right. I mean, she talked to him on the phone from time to time, but that was about it. I know you’re probably wondering why I was not mad at Corey. Well, when Mo and Corey first got together and we started hanging real tough, he took me out to lunch and explained to me what went down. I wasn’t even mad at my nigga, because at that point, I knew Sam’s ass was a ho. She had fucked my best friend, so I knew she was capable of anything.

  Things had actually been peaceful in my household. Sam had been on her best behavior for a few months. I hadn’t heard from her or seen her since the day she tried to give a nigga head. Well, that shit came to an end today. When I made it to my house, this bitch was sitting on my front porch, waiting on me.

  I hopped out of my car and rushed to the front porch. “What the fuck are you doing here, Sam?” I said, grabbing her by her arm.

  My girl was at work, and that was the only reason why Sam’s ass was still breathing.

  “I need to talk to you, Kevin. It’s very important,” she said.

  “You and I don’t have anything to talk about,” I said, pointing back and forth between her and me.

  “If you don’t talk to me, Kevin, I’m going to sit out here all day.”

  “What do we need to talk about, Sam?” I said.

  “Well, can we at least go somewhere and sit down?” she asked.

  “Yes. Just hurry up and get off my fucking steps. Let’s go to Applebee’s,” I said while dragging her ass away from my place.

  Once we got to Applebee’s, we went inside, sat down, and ordered something to drink. I stepped away for a second to use the bathroom, and when I came back, she was still sitting there, looking crazy.

  “What do we need to talk about, Sam?” I asked. Then I downed my Coke.

  She just sat there and stared at me. All of sudden, I started feeling really light-headed and sleepy.

  “I’m not feeling too well all of a sudden,” I said. I stood but instantly fell back down.

  “Are you okay, baby? Do you need help?” she asked with a smirk on her face.

  I couldn’t keep my eyes open, and the last thing I remembered was Sam getting up and walking over to me, laughing, before my head hit the table.

  Chapter Twelve


  My plan had finally worked. I was able to get Kevin to my house. When he had gone to the bathroom at Applebee’s, I had put this special pill that I had in his drink and had mixed it up real well. He’d come back to the table, and he’d gulped down his Coke. I hadn’t expected him to drink it so fast, but it had helped my plan move along even quicker.

  When I got him to my house, I stripped him down ass naked and started to suck him off, but no matter what I did, I couldn’t get an erection out of him. However, I didn’t need to have sex with him to accomplish my goal. My plan was to take pictures of us having sex. So, I got naked, lay next to him, and took a bunch of selfies of me lying on his chest and of me kissing him. I waited until, like, midnight, then sent the photos to Zoe and posted them on social media with a caption that said, “I knew he couldn’t stay away. My baby loves me. You other bitches ain’t got shit on me. Love me some him, but y’all knew that already.” The pictures got several likes. I was satisfied with the outcome, so I cuddled up next to my man and then closed my eyes.

  I woke up to my doorbell ringing. I ran to the door to see who it was. It was Zoe’s crazy ass, and she looked mad as hell. I ran back to my room, put on my sexy little housecoat, and ran to open the door. I opened the door with a smile on my face, and she looked like she wanted to kill me.

  “Where in the hell is Kevin, you dirty bitch?” she yelled and pushed past me.

  She ran up the stairs and headed to my mom’s bedroom first. When she made it to my bedroom, I stood in the doorway and watched as she slapped the shit out of Kevin. He opened his eyes, unaware of where he was.

  “What in the hell was that for?” he asked groggily. His eyes finally made contact with mine, and I could tell that he was frustrated as hell.

  “I thought you were done with this bitch. You’re still fucking her, and you had the nerve not to bring your ass back home. What? You didn’t have the balls to break up with me yourself, so you had your ho do it?” she said, pissed.

  “Baby, it’s not what you think. She drugged me,” he told her.

  “The proof is in the pictures, Zoe. Why would I need to drug him when I can have him anytime I want? This isn’t the first time we’ve had sex. He told me last night that he was leaving you and that he loves me,” I lied.

  “That bitch is lying, Zoe. You, of all people, know that I can’t stand her ass!” he shouted, running toward me, still naked.

  He picked me up by my neck and began to choke the shit out of me. Zoe just stood there and let that nigga choke me. I was not surprised, though. I thought he was going to kill my ass, but then I heard the front door slam. Seconds later Brian ran into the room, grabbed Kevin, and pulled him away from me.

  “What in the hell is going on, Sam? Why are there pictures of you and him all over Facebook and Instagram? You’re back with him? You weren’t woman enough to tell me that you didn’t want to be together anymore?” Brian asked.

  “Hell no, this bitch and me aren’t together. She drugged me!” Kevin shouted. He reached for my neck again, but Brian stopped him.

  Brian looked at Kevin like he was crazy.

  “If she drugged you like you said, then why were you even alone with her in the first place?” Zoe asked Kevin.

  “When I came home yesterday, she was sitting on our front porch, talking about she wasn’t leaving until I talked to her. I didn’t want to further disrespect you by having her ass at our crib, so I told her I would talk to her at Applebee’s,” Kevin replied. “I made it up there, and we ordered something to drink. I went to the bathroom, and that must have been when she put something in my drink. I drank it all, and I started feeling drowsy as hell. Next thing I know, I’m waking up to you slapping me. I thought I was at home.”

  “You were at home, baby,” I said to him, not caring that Brian was there. I planned on kicking his ass to the curb, anyway.

  “You know what, Kevin? I don’t know if I believe anything that you are saying. And you, bitch, I want so badly to bust you in your shit, but I prayed to God on my way over here, and that’s the only thing that’s saving you from this ass whupping I want to put on your ass. Kevin, don’t bring your black ass home,” Zoe said. She walked out of the room.

  Kevin put on his clothes and ran after her.

  “You know, everybody kept telling me that you were a heartless bitch, but I didn’t believe them. Stay your crazy ass away from me,” Brian said to me.

  I didn’t even respond; I just watched him leave. Then I lay back on my bed, feeling good about what I had done. I had d
estroyed two relationships, and now I just had to decide on which guy I really wanted. I knew I couldn’t have both of them permanently. I would eventually have to choose. But right now, I was just going to sit back and enjoy my success.


  I was so pissed and hurt that Kevin would hurt me this way. He had promised me that he would never do that to me. He had said that he would always put a smile on my face, not make me sad. He had followed me home that day and had tried to explain to me what happened, but I really hadn’t been trying to hear him.

  It had been about two weeks since everything went down, and he hadn’t been home since that day. I had allowed him to pack his shit, and then he’d left. My heart had broken into a million pieces as I watched him walk out the door with his things, but I had to do what I had to do. There was no way in hell that I would just forgive him and believe his story. I didn’t know if I would ever forgive him. Some days I wanted to call him and tell him to bring his ass home, but on other days, I wanted to kill him and that bitch Sam. I guessed all the guys were bunking at Corey’s place, since all three of their asses had got left by their women.

  “Girl, you all right?” Bria asked as she and Monique walked through the door.

  I immediately started crying and fell into her arms.

  “What happened, and where is Kevin?” Bria asked.

  I hadn’t told her or Mo that Kevin and I were no longer together. I had tried to stay strong and get through this by myself, but I needed my girls to make me feel better. Bria and I had become best friends, and Mo was coming around, since she had realized how big of a snake Sam was.

  “Kevin and I broke up,” I told them we all took a seat in the living room.

  “What do you mean, y’all broke up? What happened?” Mo asked.

  “Like, two weeks ago, I came home and Kevin wasn’t here. I waited for hours for him to come home, only for Sam to send me pictures of them lying naked in bed, kissing and shit. I immediately went to my safe and got my gun. I was ready to kill both of them bitches, but I had to calm myself down, because I wasn’t ready to spend life in prison for double murder,” I told them.

  They sat there with their mouths wide open. I pulled out my phone and showed them the pictures.

  “Wait, why does he look like he’s asleep?” Mo asked as she took the phone.

  “Right. He doesn’t even look like he is kissing her back,” Bria said. “Something’s not right.”

  I took the phone from Mo and zoomed in on each picture, and I’d be damned. His ass must have been telling the truth. He did look like he’d been knocked out cold.

  “You know, he did tell me that she drugged his ass, but I didn’t believe him. A few days later, he also tried to tell me that the doctor said that he had some type of drug in his system, but I was too pissed to listen to him,” I told them.

  “Kevin hates Sam’s ass with a passion, so I believe he was telling the truth. Sam is crazy. You know my dad is a psychiatrist, and I overheard him talking to some man about her beating two kids almost to death, but I couldn’t hear why she did it. All I know is that she never got in trouble for it,” Bria told us.

  “Well, I’m about to get my man back. I have been so miserable without him,” I told them.

  “I wish it was that easy for me,” Mo said sadly.

  “It is that easy for you, Mo. He was wrong for not telling you that he slept with Sam before y’all got together, but Sam was wrong because she knew how you felt about Corey. I think you should forgive him,” Bria told her.

  “Okay, and you should forgive David. He has changed his life for you and his son. If I forgive Corey, you can forgive David. Plus, I’ve tried, but it’s so hard to forgive him,” Mo cried.

  “Well, my birthday is in a week, and I need y’all to stop all this damn crying and help me celebrate. My homie knows the bouncer at the Six One Eight nightclub, and he can get us all in that Saturday,” I told them to lighten the mood.

  “I’m down,” Mo said eagerly.

  “If you two bitches haven’t noticed, I’m pregnant as hell. I can’t be up in no club,” Bria said, laughing.

  Bria was eight months pregnant, and she was due next month. Her stomach was still small because she had a small frame, but with the right outfit, she would be able to hide her stomach.

  “We are going to get you the perfect outfit so that you can hide that stomach of yours,” I told her.

  We sat around for a few more hours, pigged out, and then they went home. I sent Kevin a text message, telling him to come home because we needed to talk.

  He finally made it home. When I opened the door, I ran into his arms and kissed him all over his face.

  “I missed you so much, baby, and I know that you were telling the truth,” I told him.

  “Baby, I meant every word that I said when I told you that I would never cheat on you or intentionally hurt you. Now, I messed up by trusting her, because I never thought that she would go as far as to drug me, but I will never make that mistake again,” he told me.

  “I know, baby. Now let’s go make love,” I told him.

  We made love for hours, and he did things to my body that no one had ever done to me. I forgave my man that night, but that bitch Sam had an ass whupping with her name written all over it waiting for her.


  The more Corey and I communicated, the more I wanted to forgive him, but I just felt like it was too soon. We had been apart for months now. My heart ached for him, but I felt like I should see what else was out there besides him. He was the only man that I had ever been with, and maybe he was not the one for me. I guessed it wouldn’t hurt to give someone else a try.

  I had moved in with Bria after she put David out. She had given me the second bedroom, where I was now getting ready for Zoe’s party tonight. I planned to enjoy myself. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I admired my beauty. I had on light makeup, and my hair was curled to perfection. October was cold in Milwaukee, so I wore some high-waisted black leggings and an off-the-shoulder sweater with a red-and-black leopard print on the front. I put on some red leopard-print booties. My stomach showed a little bit, and my ass and hips looked good in my leggings.

  I walked into Bria’s bedroom and admired her beauty. Ever since she got pregnant, she had let her hair grow out, and now it was as long as hell. She wore her hair like Nicki Minaj with the Chinese bang. She had dyed her hair jet black, and it looked gorgeous against her hazel skin. She wore a pink pants romper with matching heels. She was glowing. David’s ass didn’t appreciate the woman that he had lost. Bria was stubborn as hell, and she didn’t plan on forgiving David at all.

  “You ready?” I asked her.

  “As ready as I’m going to be.” She smiled.

  We left the house and headed downtown to the nightclub. The line was long as hell when we finally made it there, but since we were VIP, and Zoe knew the bouncer, we were able to get right in. The club was jumping, but I just wasn’t feeling it. I decided to have a few drinks to loosen up. My song came on, so I grabbed my girl Zoe and we headed downstairs to the dance floor. I was shaking my ass to the beat when I felt some strong hands around my waist.

  “Hey, Ma. You’re sexy as fuck. I’ve been watching you for a while, and I’m trying to get to know you,” the mystery man whispered in my ear.

  I turned to face him, and he was sexy as fuck. He was tall and had caramel skin and deep dimples that came out whenever he started talking or smiling. He wore a low haircut with deep waves. His body was toned as hell, and he was dressed fly as shit. He came closer to me, and I was dazed by how good he smelled. I wanted to jump up and wrap my legs around his waist and take him down right here in front of everybody. My pussy was wet just looking at him. I hadn’t been with a man in a few months, and Miss Kitty was ready to be licked.

  “You’ve been watching me, huh? You like what you see?” I asked, giving him my award-winning smile.

  “I definitely like what I see,” he said. “So, are you going to le
t me take you out?” he asked.

  Before I could respond, Corey came storming over to us and grabbed my arm. I pulled my arm out of his grasp. I hadn’t even known he was here. I looked up at the balcony and noticed that David was here as well.

  “What in the hell are you doing, Monique? You’re trying to get somebody fucked up in here?” he asked.

  “What do you mean, what in the hell am I doing? You have no right to question me. We are not together,” I said, then turned around so that I could finish talking to Mr. Sexy.

  “Aye, I don’t want any drama,” Mr. Sexy said. He put his hands in the air in a surrendering motion. He had a big smirk on his face.

  “There is no drama.” I looked at Corey with a scowl on my face.

  “You’re not really feeling dude. You know who the fuck you belong to. Don’t make me act a fool up in this bitch,” Corey said, grabbing my arm once again.

  I snatched my arm away from him and slapped the shit out of him.

  “Don’t you ever touch me,” I growled. “You lost that fucking privilege the moment you fucked my so-called best friend and didn’t tell me. So move the fuck on, Corey, because I’m done.” I walked away, leaving him and Mr. Sexy standing there. I walked to the VIP section and sat down with my friends.

  “Corey is fucking blowing me right now,” I told them.

  I watched as Corey brought his ass back upstairs and sat down a few seats away from us.

  “What did he do?” Bria asked. She and Zoe laughed.

  “He was just showing his ass while I was dancing with this one guy,” I told them.

  They started laughing even harder. I didn’t find this shit funny at all. A waiter walked up to me and slid me a piece a paper. I opened it up and saw that Mr. Sexy had given me his number. His name was Tremaine. I sent Tremaine a text message to let him know I got his message.

  “What are you over there smiling about?” Bria asked me.

  I had been texting back and forth with Tremaine since telling him that I had received his message.


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