Noelle's Rock: A BWWM Holiday Romance

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Noelle's Rock: A BWWM Holiday Romance Page 6

by Theresa Hodge

  Noelle gives a loud sigh after her lengthy silence. “Call your pit bulls off my girl, Barry…or Beau…whatever your name is,” Noelle says, glaring into my eyes.

  I nod my head for him to step aside so Noelle can speak with her friend.

  Shelby glares at me with the same intensity that is in Noelle’s eyes.

  “Shelby, it is okay. I will willingly go with Beau. There are some things I need to discuss with him anyway,” she finally concedes.

  “Are you positive because you already know I have your back? I don’t give two hoots if this man is a rock star,” she says, throwing another glare my way.

  “I’m positive,” Noelle reaches out for Shelby to take her hand to give it a reassuring squeeze before letting her hand go. “I will call you tomorrow and touch base with you.”

  “Okay, make sure you do that,” Shelby says as we enter the elevator.

  She stands there and watches us until the doors swish closed. Noelle is quiet in my arms as I carry her over to the waiting Cadillac Escalade stretch limousine that is waiting for me. A smartly dressed man stands beside the vehicle.

  “Where to, Mr. Barringer?” The older gentleman asks as he acknowledges Noelle with the tip of his chauffeur’s hat and a twinkle in his eyes.

  “Charles, this is Noelle Winters, and Noelle, this is Charles Nixon, my driver as well as a long-time, family friend from back home,” I say with affection.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, beautiful lady,” Charles says with a smile as he opens the back passenger door for our entrance.

  “Hi, Charles, and thank you,” Noelle says softly as I seat her first and then slide in behind.

  Charles closes the door before going around to the driver’s side to slide behind the wheel and await my instructions.

  “Take me to the hotel, Charles.”

  “Yes, sir.” Charles puts the car in drive and takes us out from under the private garage to merge into traffic.

  The heat circulates around the interior of the limousine. I finally look over at Noelle, who has slid to the far corner of her seat as her back rests against the passenger door. She is starring daggers at me. I can see that she is angry, but I don’t want to fight with her.

  It has been too long since I last saw her. I can think of more pleasurable things that we could do together besides arguing.

  “Charles, take the long way around,” I instruct him.

  Charles’ and my eyes meet briefly in the rearview mirror before he nods his consent. I press a button to slide a partition into place to give Noelle and I the privacy that we need.

  “Why did you tell him to take me to your hotel? I want to go home,” she says before reaching over to slide the partition down. “Charles, take me home please.” She spits out her address to Charles.

  “Follow my first instructions, Charles,” I say to him before sliding the partition into place once again. I can hear Charles chuckling to himself as the partition closes.

  “You have some nerve, Barry…I mean Beau Barringer,” Noelle says with an attitude.

  “Noelle…sweetheart, you have every right to be angry with me. I should have told you who I was before you left me all those weeks ago. But I found it hard to tell you the truth even after I found out you were who you said you were. Please forgive me, baby,” I appeal to her.

  “Don’t look at me like that.”

  “Look at you like what?”

  “You don’t have the right to look at me all sexy with that blue-gray-eyed glance of yours. I am not like your two women tonight. They were clawing all over your body, and you were just letting them,” she says with more than anger in her voice.

  Daria and Peaches come to mind. I didn’t know she even witnessed the way Daria and Peaches were trying to get me into their bed. If she really knows how I feel, she would know that she has ruined my desire to be with anyone else but her.

  “You don’t have to be jealous of them. They mean absolutely nothing to me,” I say truthfully.

  “Is that the way you kiss someone you care absolutely nothing for? Their lipsticks are still on your lips. I can’t believe that I gave myself to you the way I did. I am probably just another notch on your belt,” she ends on a sigh.

  “You can be no further from the truth. I admit that before I met you I would have taken women like Daria and Peaches up on their offer without a second thought, but since meeting you, I no longer want to live the wild life I was living before. Noelle Winters, you make me want more, and you have no idea how much I miss you,” I say with meaning in my voice.

  “See, now I know that you are lying. How in the world can you miss me, and you didn’t try to find or contact me in any way since I left you?” Noelle asks with heated accusation in her voice. “It seems as if you are a compulsive liar, among other things.”

  “Damn it. Are you ever going to let me live that one little mistake down? I misspoke when I first thought you were a reporter from some cheesy tabloid out to get a story. I have trust issues, and rightly so. When you are in the spotlight, it is hard to know who to trust and who not to trust. I will say, once again, that I am sorry I lied to you, but I am not a compulsive liar.”

  “What about all of the other women you have at your beck and call? I know you lie to them to keep them pacified, right?”

  The more my beautiful Noelle speaks, the clearer it becomes that she is jealous. I don’t need or want her to be jealous of any other woman I have been with before her. I don’t want her jealous of any other woman, period.

  I look into Noelle’s eyes so there will not be anymore misunderstandings now or in the future.

  “Noelle, I won’t lie to you. There have been lots of women. Too many really,” I say and lean my head back into the cushioned seat. “This is who I am…let me rectify that…that is who I was before meeting you, my beautiful Noelle Winters. I know you won’t believe me, but after my tour ended, the first thing that was on my agenda was to find you again. But fate reunited us before I found you myself. Now that we meet again, I am never letting you go.”

  “Before I say I forgive you, I have a question,” Noelle says with tears in her big, beautiful eyes.

  “Ask away. I will do anything to make it right with you.” I want to reach out so badly and pull her warm body into my embrace, but I wait to hear her out instead.

  “The real reason you didn’t want me to know who you really were after we had sex was because you knew deep down you would never see me again, right?”

  Noelle deserves the whole truth if we are going to make us work. I decide the truth is better than a lie, even if it hurts.

  “When you first left, I told myself that was it. We had our couple of days of passion. I wanted to immerse myself in practice and preparing for my tour with the band. I had no intention of ever seeing you again. Then the dreams started. I started seeing you in my dreams at night. I would wake up hard and throbbing to be inside of your hotness. I craved to feel your slick heat surrounding me as we made sweet love. I swear I could even smell your scent and taste the sweet stickiness of your juices on my lips and tongue.”

  “Enough!” Noelle exclaims. I notice the hot flush to her cheeks in the dim interior of the limousine.

  My eyes narrow on her beautiful, brown face. I notice how succulent her breasts look pressed against her shimmering blouse. I notice how her jeans encase her thick thighs like a second skin. My mouth begins to water, and I breathe deeply as if inhaling the scent of infinite sweetness.

  I watch her watching me. Her brown eyes are like burnt, shiny marbles, filled with passionate desire burning deep into their embers. My nostrils spread with the hardening of my rising desire beneath my zippered, black jeans.

  “Come here,” I order her.

  “No,” she whispers.

  “You dare defy me?” I ask with a smirk.

  I didn’t give her a chance to answer. I am as quick as a lion devouring its prey. I reach for her and settle her in my lap into a straddle position. My big hands cup the s
oftness of her well rounded ass and pull her center closer to my hard rod.

  I can feel her heat eat through the material of our respective jeans. This only makes me want her more. Blood is raging and pumping through my veins as I look into her heated gaze. Our lips meet with one accord. My tongue plunges past her sweet, succulent lips. Our wet tongues meet in an excited greeting once again.

  We explore each other’s mouths at leisure with the promise of more pleasurable things to come. I become swept up in Noelle’s pleasantly, sweet scent. Her scent is sweet and delicate, unlike the scent of Peaches’ nauseatingly, heavy-scented perfume.

  Everything is perfectly balanced with Noelle. She fits in my arms perfectly as if God just formed her for me and only me. Her mouth is as sweet as honey as I continue to sip from her mouth and lips with the need to own her for more than one fleeting night.

  My hands begin to itch and lead me to explore her soft, curvy body at will. She moans between slow, dragged-out kisses as we continue to sip from each other’s lips, giving life to one another through the exchanging of breaths.

  I receive the exchanging of our DNA with gladness, and my heart swells to gigantic proportions as I fall deeper into this gem of a woman. She is ensnaring me without her even knowing how much she affects me.

  Noelle begins to grind downward onto my stiffness. My hips lift automatically to meet her downward grind with my upward thrust. I groan beneath her soft, thick, kissable lips. My hand cups one beast in my hand. I can feel her pebbled, hard nipple through her clothing.

  My lips move to her breasts, and my teeth bite through the material that is covering her nipples. Noelle moans so sweetly and throws her head back in pleasure. My mouth is leaving a wet spot on the clingy material of her delicate shirt, but I pay it no mind as I move to her other breast and give it the same attention that I gave the first one.

  Our lips met greedily once again as the world closes around us, and we feel like the only two alive in this present moment. Our heated kiss went on and on, and the limousine filled with our heavy breathing as we fog up the cold windows. I need to finally come up for breath, and I am sure Noelle does too.

  I pull my lips slowly back and stare at her full, kissable lips. She looks so sexy and wanton before me. Her lips are slightly swollen from my deep, drugging kisses. My hand raises to her hair, and I run my fingers through her soft, textured curls.

  Her scalp is warm to my touch as I massage it. Her eyes close, and she moans as if I am making sweet love to her. “Can we start over?” I ask.

  Her eyes pop open. She looks deeply into my eyes. It feels like she is looking directly into my soul and I into hers.

  “Yes,” she finally replies.

  Our faces are so close together that I can feel her sweet breath on my lips.

  “My name is Beau Barringer, and I am a rock star,” I say in a way of reintroducing myself to this angel of a woman right before my very eyes.

  “Hi, Beau Barringer the rock star,” she says with a teasing smile. “My name is Noelle Winters, and I am a lowly receptionist in a major company,” she smiles even wider as she continues to tease me.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Noelle Winters, but there is nothing lowly about you.”

  Noelle’s smile becomes even wider as she reveals a set of perfectly white teeth. Her smile slowly disappears as my head moves slowly closer to hers. Our lips met once again in understanding as the fire builds between our bodies and hearts alike.

  Chapter 9


  My Grown-Up Christmas List

  I can’t believe I’m seeing Beau. I never expected to see him again once I left his home out in the middle of nowhere.

  As I drove away on that snowy, Sunday evening of what seems like a faraway dream, Barry, as I knew him then, watched me as he stood in his baggy jeans and sheepskin coat to ward off the chill. He watched me drive away with a forlorn expression on his face. It was the same forlorn feeling that I felt in my heart, but I knew I had to leave and head back to the real world instead of some fairy tale I made up for the weekend with a passionate, sexy, and handsome stranger.

  The elevator doors swish open, bringing my mind back to the present moment. I look up to notice that the private elevator that Beau and I are traveling in has carried us straight up to a lavish suite on the top floor of this expensive hotel.

  The penthouse level’s private elevator opens up to a gigantic lounge area. We take some stairs down to the main floor, covered with deep, soft carpet. There is a huge, decorated Christmas tree on display with its multi-colored lights twinkling in reverence to the coming, festive season.

  “Wow, Beau. This place is beautiful. But why are you staying here instead of your house in the country?” I ask him.

  “I need to be on hand and not too far away when I am performing; I also need to make myself accessible to the band if something pops up. Besides, we have another performance in two days in another city, and my band and I fly out tomorrow night.”

  “That makes sense,” I say but feel my heart plummet when he says he will be flying out tomorrow night. I feel a sense of loss already.

  “Don’t look so sad, baby,” he tilts my chin and looks into my brown eyes. “I will be back sooner than you think, and I won’t stay away from you again since I have finally found you.” He looks deep into my eyes with a look that I can’t define.

  “How are you feeling?” he asks suddenly as he leads me over to a comfortable looking couch.

  “I am feeling better.”

  “I know it’s late, but I will feel a lot better after a doctor checks you out.” He walks over to a telephone and starts punching in some numbers. “This is Beau Barringer in the top penthouse suite, room 2052. Will you please send the hotel doctor up at once?” he says into the receiver of the telephone.

  I jump off the couch in surprise. “I am fine, Beau,” I say as I walk over to him. “It is too late to be calling a doctor to check me out. I promise that I felt light headed because I didn’t eat much today. Plus, it was a shock seeing you on stage tonight,” I admit truthfully.

  Beau gives me that sexy, penetrating stare once again. My body becomes warm all over from his heated gaze. I don’t even think he realizes the affect he has on me.

  “I still feel the need to have a doctor check you out. Don’t worry, sweetheart. I will make it worth his while,” he adds before resuming his conversation. “Yes, thank you,” he speaks into the receiver once again. “Can you also have some soup and sandwiches sent up with a glass of milk? Great,” he says before replacing the receiver.

  “Beau!” I say, crossing my arms across my ample breasts. “I told you I don’t need a doctor.”

  My stomach takes that moment to grumble aloud. My cheeks flush a deep hue of berry against my brown skin tone.

  “You must take better care of yourself. As long as I am around, you need to get use to me taking care of you. That’s just who I am,” he says, walking over to me and pulling me into his embrace. He squeezes me tightly, but not too tightly, against his chest.

  My hands instantly spread across his chest as I look up into his eyes. His head comes down as his lips softly brush against my lips. His lips continue to brush butterfly-like, teasing kisses across my plump lips. My arms encircle his neck as my fingers brush through the silken strands of his hair near his neckline.

  I breathe in his viral scent. The scent is of his cologne as well as his own scent of magnetism that draws me deeper into his strong presence.

  There is a knock at the door that breaks us away from our intimate kiss. I moan with disappointment. Beau looks into my eyes and gives me a sexy smile before sauntering over and pressing a button to allow the doctor’s entrance.

  A short, heavy-set man, with hair the color of corn silk, walks into the room. Round spectacles sit on the edge of his nose. “I am Dr. Denton,” he says, extending his hand in greeting towards Beau.

  Beau clasps Dr. Denton’s hand in his own as he stands tall over the short doctor
. “I am so sorry to disturb you, but I need my lady checked out. She fainted earlier tonight, and she is in the very early stages of pregnancy,” Beau tells the doctor as he walks further into the lounge. “This is Noelle, by the way,” Beau quickly adds.

  “Hello, Noelle,” Dr. Denton says. “Let’s see what’s going on with you. Do you have a bedroom that I may give her a check-up in?”

  “Oh, yes. Right this way,” Beau says, taking my hand into his as he leads us into a gigantic, luxurious bedroom that is occupied by a king-sized bed as well as a sixty-inch, flat screen television. I also notice a pair of sliding doors that lead out onto a patio. I can see a million lights sparkling through the dark night from the many tall buildings throughout the city.

  “May I have some privacy, Mr. Barringer?” asks Dr. Denton.

  Beau looks at the doctor as if he wants to stay, but I turn to Beau and tell him that I will be alright with the doctor checking me out alone. He nods his head once before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

  “Lie back on the bed, Miss Winters,” Dr. Denton instructs me before going into his black, leather bag.

  I follow the doctor’s instruction, and he takes my hand in his first to check my pulse. Dr. Denton has a serious look on his face as he then checks for my heart rate.

  “Your pulse and your heart rate are normal, and that is a good thing. Are you taking your prenatal vitamins as instructed and keeping your primary doctor’s appointments as you should?” he questions as he lifts my shirt to press around my stomach with gentle hands.

  “I am doing both.”

  “Good…good,” he says. “How far along are you exactly?”

  I continue to answer all of the doctor’s questions. He finishes his check-up and replaces his medical devices back into his black, leather bag.

  “I am sorry Beau bothered you, Dr. Denton,” I say as I pull down my shirt and sit up on the bed.

  “Don’t be sorry, Miss. It is always smart to err on the side of caution than not,” he says in a reasonable tone of voice.


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