Amusing Amanda

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Amusing Amanda Page 7

by D. J. Manly

Scott suddenly struggled away from him. Turning around, he eyed him. “I’ve had better,” he said coldly.

  Ciel backed off the chair, his expression hardening.

  “That was great, my beauties,” Amanda said, slipping her dress back on. “Should we have a drink before bed?”

  “I think,” Ciel announced, “I’ll go to bed. I’m a little tired.”

  After he’d picked up his clothes and left the room, Amanda came over and gave Scott a hug. “You needed that, darling,” she said.

  Scott finished buttoning his shirt and looked at her. “Should we have that drink now? I could use one.”

  “Sure,” she said. She linked her arm with his and they left the room.

  Chapter Four

  When the knock came on his door the next day, Ciel had just managed to turn on the state-of-the-art computer which sat idle in the corner of his room. He was looking at the file with the first fifty-five pages of his novel on it. The initial passion he’d felt writing it seemed to have withered. It worried him.

  He told whoever it was to come in. He was grateful for the interruption really, until he saw Scott leaning against the doorframe.

  “Hey,” he said, raising a hand casually to him as he lingered there in his flimsy nylon work out shorts and tight muscle shirt. “I’m just off to meet my trainer. I thought I’d stop by and ah … apologize for last night.”

  Ciel lifted an eyebrow. “You’re apologizing to me? For what?”

  “About the way I treated Malcolm. I hope I didn’t blow your big break. Amanda was a little miffed at me. I’ve offered to call him and invite him back … be nicer this time.”

  Ciel laughed harshly, swirling back and forth in the leather padded office chair. It wasn’t what he thought he was apologizing for. “…you going to offer to fuck him?”

  “It’s not me he wants to fuck him, remember?” Scott made a face.

  “Oh yeah, right. Anyway, I’m sure he’s had better.”

  The words fell heavily in the air between them.

  Scott looked at the floor, then, shrugged. “Well, that’s all I can do,” he said. “Going home for Christmas?”

  “Would you like me to?”

  “No, I mean … I’m just asking that’s all.”

  “Trying to make small talk or change the subject?”

  Scott shrugged again.

  God, he looked sensational in those shorts and that tight little ass of his … ummm. “I ah … no, I’ve got no reason to go back to France for the holidays.”

  “What about your family?”

  “My mom is dead … lost touch with the American family a long time ago. They never liked my dad. And my father … well … we haven’t spoken in a long time.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Scott said. “It’s none of my business but…”

  “It’s okay.”

  “Because you’re gay?

  “No,” Ciel laughed, “because I want to be a writer. My Dad refused to support me while I was finishing school unless I went into law.”

  “Your dad’s a lawyer,” Scott said.

  “You got it.”

  “Well,” Scott cleared his throat, “guess we’ll be together then. Amanda has some nice parties.”

  “What about you? Your family is…?”

  “Never had any. I was raised in a lot of foster homes, none I care to remember. I guess Amanda has the knack of taking in strays.”

  Ciel pursed his lips, and nodded.

  Scott raised a hand and said, “I’m going. I guess I’ll see you later.”

  “Yeah,” Ciel said, “see you later.”

  The door closed softly. Ciel turned around and looked at the computer screen. Suddenly, he selected all, and pressed delete. The fifty-five pages of the file called “Untitled” disappeared. Looking at the black screen for a second, he put his fingers to the keyboard and began to type. His eyes moved over his mocha skin with greedy delight. He wanted to taste it. He wanted to be inside him. The noisy hungry crowd huddled around them, encasing them in a cocoon of lust, but he no longer heard their moans and obscene urges. It was almost as if there was only the two of them in the world. He would take him and make him his and the spectators would in their time … vanish.

  * * * *

  The following weeks went by quickly as Amanda was making her preparations for Christmas. Ciel spent a lot of time in his room writing, and when he found he couldn’t write anymore, he’d go out jogging, or take a drive into downtown L.A.

  Scott seemed to live by the pool, and when he wasn’t lying there reading, he was out with his trainer. A few days before Christmas, Ciel came back from Christmas shopping downtown to find Scott sitting in the living room with a muscle bound Spanish God called “Juan.”

  Ciel put down his packages on the chair and ran his eyes over the bronzed giant who stood up when Ciel entered and extended a hand. Ciel was pretty tall but this guy had to be close to six foot six. “You must be Ciel,” he said with a soft little voice that didn’t suit him at all.

  “Yes, and you are?”

  “This is Juan,” Scott volunteered, lying back on the sofa, legs extended. “He’s my trainer.”

  He trains you to do what? Ciel thought, although he said instead, “Nice to meet you Juan.”

  Juan’s eyes traveled over Ciel’s muscular frame. “You work out with which trainer? Do I know him?”

  “Ah … well … right now I’m not with any trainer. I jog a bit but…”

  Juan circled him slowly.

  Scott rolled his eyes.

  “Incredible tone. Would you consider taking off your clothes for me so that I could…”

  Scott pushed up off the sofa. “Juan, I don’t think…”

  Ciel smiled, narrowing his eyes at Juan. “Well if you really want to…”

  Scott brushed past Juan and took Ciel’s arm. “Can I talk to you for a minute … alone?” His voice was uncharacteristically commanding.

  “With that tone,” Ciel grinned foolishly, “I suppose I should say yes.”

  Once back in the hallway, Scott let go of his arm. He was standing close to him. In fact, it felt like forever since he’d been this close to him. He hadn’t had sex in almost three weeks what with Amanda’s busy schedule. He met his eyes. “What?”

  Scott all of a sudden seemed to be aware of how close he was standing to him and took a step backwards. “It’s against the rules.”

  “Fuck the rules,” Ciel growled. “Amanda hasn’t wanted us in almost…”

  “That’s her prerogative. She gets like that sometimes, then, all of a sudden, it will be every night for a month. Be patient.”

  Ciel noticed that Scott’s lower lip was trembling. God, how he wanted to capture that lip between his teeth and suck on it. He continued to stare at it for a moment, then, returned his gaze to Scott’s eyes. “I understand now why you spend so much time with your trainer. The guy must have a cock the size of a…”

  “Yours is bigger,” Scott breathed, managing a weak smile.

  “Scott,” Ciel moaned, reaching out for his arm. With one motion, he pulled him up against his chest. “I want you. Damn, I dream about fucking you. Let’s get rid of him and…”

  Scott’s breathing grew shallow.

  Ciel reached his other hand in back of Scott’s head and pulled that irresistible mouth towards his.

  “Fuck … kiss me you … goddamn you … Scott … I have to…”

  * * * *

  Ciel’s hold on Scott’s shoulders tightened, and he pulled him closer to his body. Scott’s mouth opened involuntarily to his, Ciel’s tongue seductively teasing the tip of his own. As the kiss deepened, Scott felt himself drowning. No, no, no. I don’t even like this son of a bitch. He was losing it. He couldn’t lose it … not to him. He began to struggle.

  Ciel’s arms attempted to wrap around him, then Scott bit down with his teeth on his lower lip. Ciel released him abruptly. “Merde,” he said, taking a step back and raising the back of his hand to his mouth.

>   Scott stiffened when he saw the blood. He hadn’t even realized that he’d bit him.

  Ciel gazed at the splotches of blood on his hand, then, he raised pain-filled eyes to Scott. “Why? Why do you hate me so much?”

  “I don’t…” Scott choked, “I don’t hate you … I just don’t want to…”

  “You don’t want to what? What?” Ciel demanded angrily. “Love me? You don’t want to love me?”

  Scott avoided his eyes. “It’s against the rules. Amanda isn’t here. We’re not supposed to be…”

  Ciel was about to interrupt him when Juan came out into the hallway. “I was wondering if you guys were coming back in or…?”

  “If you want to see him naked, fine,” Scott snapped. “Let him fuck you for all I care, he’s a pro.” Then turning to Ciel, he added, “Do it, then Amanda will kick your ass back to France … where you belong.”

  * * * *

  Juan and Ciel watched as Scott disappeared through the living room. Juan was looking at him now, smiling. “He’s temperamental.”

  “You think?” Ciel sneered, pressing his hand against his mouth again.

  “Are you okay? You’re bleeding.” Juan came closer.

  “Fine,” Ciel replied.

  “Is the offer still open? I’d love to see you naked,” Juan murmured, searching his face.

  “I’m sorry Juan, maybe some other time,” Ciel said.

  A few minutes later, Juan left.

  Ciel was about to go upstairs to have a talk with Scott when the door opened and Amanda appeared.

  The driver came in after her, hauling packages. “Hi Ciel, my love. Where’s Scott?”

  “In his cage,” Ciel mocked.

  “What happened to your lip? You’re bleeding.” Amanda walked over and touched his mouth.

  “Nothing. I bit it. That’s all.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Well, I’m in an excellent mood. I’m going to take a long bath. Let Scott know, will you love, I’ll expect both of you in my room for supper at eight.”

  “Tonight?” He croaked.

  “You don’t sound pleased darling. I’ve had the both of you on rations for the last while. I thought you’d be raring to go.” She laughed.

  He nodded half heartedly, “Sure. I’ll tell him.”

  “See you later,” she sang and made her way to the stairs.

  Ciel sighed. He climbed the stairs slowly, pausing at Scott’s door. “Oh lover,” he mocked, knocking once on the door, “listen up. Amanda wants us for supper at eight … will you make nice, or should I worry that I won’t have a dick left?”

  There was a pause, then, suddenly, Scott called back. “No worries. I’ll be there. Your dick is safe with me.”

  “Yeah, I’ll make sure to bury it so far up your ass, you won’t be able to find it!” Ciel muttered as he made his way down the hallway to his room.

  As soon as Ciel stepped back inside the haven of his room, his door sprang open. Scott stood there, hands on his hips. “Durand,” he said hotly.

  Ciel glared at him. “What?”

  Scott lowered his voice. “You didn’t tell Amanda that I…?”

  “I didn’t tell her jack shit. You shouldn’t have bit me.”

  “You shouldn’t have grabbed me.”

  “You invited me to kiss you!”

  “I did not,” Scott spat. “You are so damn arrogant.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t kiss you again,” Ciel growled.

  Scott left the room, slamming the door closed behind him.

  * * * *

  Amanda was chattering on, not noticing that the two men at her table had barely said a word since they had joined her for dinner in her room. The servant girl poured some more wine, then left the bottle, bowing a few times to Scott and Ciel. “I swear that woman wants to ravish you, Ciel,” Amanda laughed a grating, tinkling laugh. “One night I’m going to ask her to stay and watch. Wouldn’t that be fun, Scott?”

  “Pure joy,” he replied, lifting the wine glass to his lips.

  “I’m so happy to be finished all my shopping. Ciel, did you go shopping today as well?”

  “Yes,” he nodded. “I got something for you and … for Scott.”

  Scott looked up in surprise. “That wasn’t necessary.”

  “I’ll take it back then,” Ciel said through clenched teeth.

  “I got something for you too,” Scott said casually, draining his glass, and then refilling it.

  “I’ll bet,” Ciel said.

  Amanda glanced at Scott. “Don’t get too drunk darling. I want a great big hard on tonight, not a limp noodle.”

  He took another swallow. “I’ll be hard. I’m hard already,” he said, looking over to meet Ciel’s eyes.

  “So, what’s it been like … celibacy for three weeks?” She inquired, finishing off the last of her chocolate cheese cake. Neither Scott nor Ciel had eaten much of anything.

  “Torture,” Ciel said. “Was it deliberate? Some sort of test maybe?” His words came out like a hiss.

  “You seem hostile, Ciel … please translate that into your sexual antics tonight … it’s not appropriate at the table.”

  Ciel appeared to swallow his anger.

  “To answer your question, it was a test, in part, and I was busy. Sometimes waiting builds anticipation, makes it better. What do you think, Scott?”

  “Sometimes it’s good to starve the beast,” he said softly, moving his eyes to Ciel.

  Ciel bowed his head mockingly. “Umm … but which one of us is the beast, Scott?”

  Amanda glanced at Scott. He threw his handsome head back, draining his glass of wine, and spilling some on his silver grey shirt. He didn’t answer.

  Ciel was dressed in a black shirt tonight with a silky texture to it. He wore it open at the neck the way she’d instructed. It made him look dangerous. The expression on his face at the moment was brooding, and Scott’s expression was surly as hell. She was going to enjoy tonight. All that anger, all that pent up sexual energy … ummm.

  “Well,” she said, standing up, “let’s go into the playroom, shall we?” She was wearing a red dressing gown, with nothing underneath. She hadn’t felt like dressing for dinner tonight. After all, what was the point? With these two beauties around, all she wanted to do was be naked.

  She walked in ahead of them, stripped off her gown and threw it aside. She stood there naked with only her six inch red high heels on. Ciel and Scott came in after her. Neither one looked enthusiastic, and they made sure to put a lot of space between them. They waited. “I’m ready for something different tonight, boys,” she said, licking her lips. She glanced over at Scott. “It’s a pretend game. Are we ready?”

  Ciel eyed Amanda curiously. Scott shrugged.

  Amanda went to sit in her padded chair, touching her nipples lightly. “Okay,” she breathed with a smile, “Scott, Ciel is your brand new slave.”

  Scott’s eyebrow shot up with interest.

  Ciel sighed.

  “Now, Scott, I will tell you what to do to your slave, and you will do it. Ciel, you will obey and surrender to every command you are given. Surrender your will. Your body is our toy tonight. Is that understood?”

  * * * *

  Ciel understood all right and he wasn’t happy about it, at all. Scott on the other hand looked quite pleased with the situation.

  “Now Scott, take off your clothes slowly, and Ciel, you will watch.”

  Ciel had no problem with watching.

  Scott slipped out of his shirt quickly, the muscles of his chest and biceps moving fluidly under his sweet, luscious brown flesh. He undid the belt on his pants slowly, drawing it out through the loops, pausing just long enough to cause Amanda and Ciel to hold their breaths. He zipped them down over his already hard sex slowly, and letting them drop to his feet, pulled the underwear over it and let it bob freely forward. The minute the air hit the hard flesh, it stiffened even further, causing his sex to rise up towards his flat, rippling stomach.

watched him lean down to remove his shoes and socks, and finally step away from the heap of pants and underwear on the floor. As he did, his delightful round ass provided a titillating spectacle in the glass behind him, opening slightly to reveal his hairless inviting opening.

  Noticing where his gaze had strayed, Scott smiled slyly at Ciel. “You won’t be getting that tonight babe, so you might as well dream on.”

  Ciel sneered and looked away.

  Amanda stroked herself lightly, holding a greased vibrating dildo in her hand. Ciel knew that soon she would insert it deeply into her throbbing mound.

  “You may shackle him if you want, Scott, but either way, Ciel is to obey your every wish … so … together we will fulfill our deepest, aching fantasies. If I decide you want his ass, I’ll tell you to take it … if I decide you want his cock inside of you, then, I’ll command it.”

  Scott walked slowly towards Ciel who stood there in the middle of the floor, waiting. Ciel felt as if he were ready for anything … at least he hoped he was. As Scott circled around him, Ciel could see his beautiful naked body reflected in the mirror. He felt his cock twitch, his balls tighten.

  “Take off his clothes, slowly, Scott,” Amanda instructed Ciel. Her breathing sounded shallow now. Reaching into the pocket of her discarded robe, she pulled out a black G-string.

  Scott caught it in his hand. Holding it up in front of Ciel, he presented it to him with a smirk.

  Amanda began speaking in a low whisper. “Ciel, you are not to move. Scott is going to take care of you.”

  “Amanda, I…” Ciel began, looking doubtfully at the strip of material that Scott now held in his teeth.

  “And oh … I forgot to tell you…” Amanda giggled, “you are a mute slave darling.”

  “If you don’t keep your mouth shut, slut, I’ll gag you,” Scott told him, meeting his eyes as he slowly began to undo the remaining buttons on his shirt.

  Ciel boldly held his gaze as Scott spread the shirt across his chest, making sure to brush his palms across his nipples as he did.

  “Run the tip of your tongue around his nipples,” Amanda said, rubbing the silent dildo against her inner thigh. “Leave them wet with your saliva. Ciel, put your hands behind your back.”

  Ciel did as he was told as Scott’s tongue set about teasing his left nipple. At first he lapped at it gently, sweeping his tongue across it, then, he moved around a smaller circumference, concentrating on the tip, causing it to enlarge, go stiff and dark. Ciel moaned in his throat.


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