The Farmer & The Belle (Baymoor Book 1)

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The Farmer & The Belle (Baymoor Book 1) Page 2

by D. A. Young

  Georgina was surprised by her reaction to him. Every move and decision in her life was orchestrated after very careful consideration on her part. She didn’t do impulsive or flighty. EVER. The three sexual partners she’d allowed herself were safe, harmless men that hadn’t been all that memorable. Unlike her mother, she’d picked boring yet stable lovers who wouldn’t turn her neatly organized world upside down and then allow it to come crashing down around her.

  This man hadn’t even spoken to her yet and she had questions. Did he have a happy trail that lead to his package? How big was he? Could he go the distance and fill her needs? What did he taste like? Would he be gentle and slow? Rough or aggressive? All these questions were swimming in her head, and Georgina had the feeling that the answer to all of them was that he would not disappoint on any level. Suddenly he was standing next to her, and the big room seemed way too small and lacking in oxygen.

  “May I?” he asked in a low, deep, sexy timbre, gesturing to the empty seat next to her. Good. Lord. His voice alone could bring her to the big “O”.

  “Please do,” Georgina replied huskily. Taking a large swallow, she finished the last of her drink and smiled at him. “Thank you for the drinks and food; it was very kind of you.” She held out her hand to him, “I’m…Gina.”

  It surprised the hell out of her, the instant she said it, and Georgina knew she was contemplating sleeping with him. Like really badly. Nobody referred to her as Gina. Friends and family called her Georgie. Everyone else, Georgina.

  “Gina, it was my pleasure. I’m Jay.” He held out his hand to her and she took it, immediately engulfed in the heat from his large callused hand. Firm grip and unwavering stare. The lethal combination caused zigzags of lust to travel through her, making her nipples harden, and woman parts that had long dried up to moisten. Georgina wanted to hold on forever, but reluctantly she gave him back his hand.

  As Jay took the seat next to her, his large denim-covered thigh brushed against hers, and Georgina felt her panties dampen even more. Goodness, she was in a world of trouble if two touches in made her hornier than she’d ever been in her entire life.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in here before. I would definitely have remembered you,” Jay said, giving a warm, slow smile that caused his bedroom eyes to twinkle sexily. Georgina watched his lips move and wondered what they would feel like on her body. How that beard would feel between her thighs…?

  “Actually, I’m just passing through. I take it you’re local?” she asked casually. Better to have him talk than divulge any information about herself, she thought, watching him studying her face carefully

  “I work at a farm in the area. Every now and then I come in to relax. The food is excellent. What do you think about the band?” Jay leaned in closer and Georgina found it really hard to concentrate on what he was saying. He smelled heavenly, a mix of something woodsy and citrus spice. His eyes seemed to be even darker than before and his lips were a hair's breadth away. Her concentration was shot to hell. All she wanted to do was lick that full bottom lip and tug on it with her teeth. What harm could it do? It wasn’t like they would ever see each other again, right? She licked her lips before replying in what she hoped was a seductive voice. “I like what I’m seeing so far.”

  Jay’s eyes clouded with lust as he looked at her glistening lips. Fuck it. Georgina leaned in closer and slowly licked his full bottom lip. Yummm. He tasted like spearmint, beer, and endless possibilities. His fingers clenched his beer bottle tightly and he swallowed hard, eyes going impossibly black. Her own eyes were drawn to the smooth column of his throat, and she wondered if his skin would taste as delicious as his mouth.

  In the background, the band stopped playing, and Ne-Yo’s “Miss Independent” came through the sound system. Abruptly he pulled back from her and set his bottle on the bar. Standing up, Jay grabbed her hand and pulled her flush against his hard, muscled frame. His long, heavy erection pressed into her abdomen, and Georgie bit her own lip to suppress a moan. So it wasn’t just her. Good. Leaning down, he nipped the shell of her ear and the fleeting touch of his tongue caused her to break out in goose bumps and cling tightly to his muscular arms.

  “Dance with me,” he whispered and without waiting for an answer, Jay led her to the crowded dance floor.


  He found a space in a dark corner and pulled her close. For a big man, Farmer Jay moved surprisingly well. Rhythm oozed from his body as he grabbed her curvy hips and pressed her closer, erection straining against his jeans. Georgina gave him a wicked grin before grabbing his cowboy hat and placing it atop her head. Without the hat, she saw that his thick hair was cropped, black, and very curly. He gave her a devastatingly sexy smile, displaying even, straight, white teeth and tried to pull her closer; but she had other plans.

  Georgina whirled around, gave him her back and really let go, enjoying the music and company. She made sure that with every shimmy and shake, she brushed her behind against his thick hardness, increasing the wetness between her thighs. She heard Jay swear softly before emitting a groan and pulling her even closer. Sweat made her short hair cling to her scalp as she worked it Beyoncé style.

  A fine sheen appeared on her neck, and Georgina fanned herself and unbuttoned her suit jacket to cool off. Lord, it felt good to let loose, especially with an extremely sexy stranger who could keep up. Jay’s heat surrounded her, and she could feel his cool breath on her neck. Georgina wished she were bold enough to slide his big hands at her waist up and have him caress her breasts.

  Suddenly the music changed to Rihanna’s “Work”, and Georgie found herself spinning around into Jay’s strong embrace. Looking up into those smoldering eyes, she prayed that she didn’t look a sweaty mess. Apparently not, because he was staring at her with a yearning that her body was responding to. She was burning up with need for him and unable to resist it any longer. Her swollen nipples were sensitive as she brushed against his hard chest, and the moisture pooling between her legs had soaked through her panties. She slid her hands from his arms up to encircle his neck, trying to get closer as she inhaled his unique scent. He placed a hand at her nape and gently tilted her head back. From beneath his Stetson, Georgina watched him lower his face close to hers, bringing his lips dangerously close to hers.

  “I think it’s time for us to get out of here. What do you say?” Jay temptingly suggested. But he didn’t give her time to answer as firm lips touched hers, the soft hair of his beard brushing against her flesh, adding another level of hotness to her body that had her past ready to combust. His tongue slid along the seam of her full lips coaxingly, and she

  opened up to allow him access. Then Jay’s tongue was sliding in and meshing with hers in the most sensual kiss Georgina had ever received. His addicting flavor of manliness made her want to inhale him as he masterfully explored her mouth.

  Closing her eyes, she pulled him closer and delved deeper into the kiss, giving as good as she got, her fingers sinking into his damp curls. Jay moved his hands from her waist to caress her full bottom, pulling her up onto her tippy toes so that her center was introduced to his erection.

  Georgina moaned into his mouth and ground herself harder against him, one leg curling around his muscular calf. It had been way too long since she’d had sex, and even then, it had been barely memorable. Jay’s actions seemed like his game would be Grade A. Finally, they came up for air. Jay did not remove his hands from her behind as he gave her a questioning look, clearly waiting for an answer. Instinctively Georgina knew he wouldn’t do anything she didn’t want him to or hurt her. She took a deep breath and made her decision. It was time to take that walk on the wild side that her good friend Renee was always urging her to do. Besides, it wasn’t like they would ever see each other again, right?

  Drawing his head back down to hers, she whispered her answer against his lips. “Let’s get out of here, Farmer Jay.”

  Chapter Two

  It was a beautiful, early spring morning in the Mary
land countryside. The weather was perfection with a bright, blue, cloudless sky and a gentle breeze. Lush, green grass covered the ground and flowers were starting to bloom. Mother Nature was evolving once again and creatures big and small were out to celebrate the changes. As usual, something as glorious as a new season was wasted on the workaholic driver of the navy blue Audi RS7 as she whizzed down the two-lane road, speaking hurriedly into her Bluetooth.

  “How many pieces of the Nina corset have we sold since its launch three weeks ago?” Georgina asked. Before her assistant could answer she continued on, “Reach out to the manager of that new burlesque group at Caesar’s Forum. Please convey to him that we need his answer as to whether they will be utilizing our new collection or not. Let them know time is of the essence and if they delay their response, they’ll only be shooting themselves in the foot by pushing back their order by approximately six weeks.”

  Georgina really hoped the Caesar’s deal would happen. She’d deliberately low-balled her bid to get the job; but her product was solid, so she had no doubt after she reeled them in, they would increase their order. After working in a dance troupe for the last decade, she knew the ins and outs of what was required to make a costume comfortable, flexible and visually appealing. She was confident Feminine Intuition could meet the burlesque group’s needs. Currently, her products were being sold through her online boutique, but she hoped to expand into department stores and a showroom of her own.

  Selling her collection online suited Georgina perfectly at the moment. She didn’t have to rent a space or pay utilities, which would be added expenses on top of distributing paychecks. As it was, her company consisted of eight people, including her assistant Renee and six seamstresses. Currently, they worked out of the first floor of Georgina’s two-story home. A client the size of the burlesque group would definitely get the money flowing and enable them to get a bigger space.

  “Ok, will do,” Renee Colton, who was not only Georgina’s assistant but a good friend replied readily. “Also, I heard back from my boy Kyle at Las Vegas Luxe magazine. As usual, you were right. He says that his editor is interested in doing a complimentary full page article on you, as long as you model some of the new collection. How does that sound?”

  Georgina’s full lips curved up into a victorious grin. “It sounds like a plan, but only if it takes place at Red Rock Canyon, and I get two male models of my choice to pose with me. Tell Kyle that his boss has to pay their fees.”

  There was a pause on the other end of the phone, before Renee spoke delicately, “Ummm, boss lady? You do realize that Mr. Capex is the one doing us a favor, right?”

  “Yes, Renee, I’m very aware of what Kyle said to you. But what you guys don’t know is I’ve been assisting Daniel Capex’s mistresses with their intimate pieces since I was a twenty-year-old sales girl at Victoria’s Secret. After I left retail and school, he continued to seek my assistance and I became a personal shopper of sorts for these women. Now that I’m no longer dancing and have started my own company, I keep them laced in Feminine Intuition while supplying Daniel’s wife with our more conservative intimate apparel,” Georgina responded. At her assistant’s outraged gasp, she rolled her eyes. “Don’t feel bad for her, Renee. She privately orders her stash of Feminine Intuition for her pool boy and gardener through me. So now I figure I’m due, and it is time for them to pay up.”

  “Damn, I want to be like you when I grow up, boss,” Renee’s admiring voice filled her ear. There was a slight pause before she added, “Except the part about being a thirty-year-old workaholic spinster with a non-existent social life and not even a damn cockroach to keep her company.”

  Georgina sucked her teeth hard at her assistant’s cackle. “You are seriously working overtime doing the running man, tap dancing and cabbage patching on my last nerve, Renee. Seriously, there are more important things in life than having a relationship. Being in one doesn’t complete me, the same way not being in one doesn’t break me. I don’t want, nor do I have time for a relationship, let alone this vacation I’m taking.”

  “Ummmm…WOW. G, you do realize that you are on your way to see your uncle who just had a heart attack, don’t you? I would hardly call the time you reluctantly took off a vacation,” Renee reminded her sarcastically.

  Even though her assistant couldn’t see her face, Georgina had the good grace to be mortified before resolutely continuing on. “Well…yes, but that’s neither here nor there. The point is, I took the time, and as soon as Uncle Nate is well, I’ll be back home behind my desk where I’m supposed to be. There is no time to be sidetracked by things like relationships and taking time to smell the flowers,” Georgina stated firmly.

  “In order for this business to grow the way I know it can, it will need all of my attention. We’ve got great product, design, and hard workers. I just wish I had more capital to do everything I really want to do. Did you know Daniel Capex is offering to buy the business and let me have carte blanche in running it? Carte. Blanche. Can you imagine having access to that kind of money?! Buying trips to the Orient and Paris where I could bring more employees instead of it being just Lorena and myself! We could extend the trips to scour every market and vendor, leaving no button or fabric unexamined! It’s a damn enticing offer, but I don’t want to answer to anyone but myself.”

  “Look, there’s nothing wrong with having goals, but your aversion to enjoying life is particularly disturbing,” Renee reprimanded gently. “You need to find that balance. I can take care of the office while you’re out. After all, that’s why you pay me the big bucks, right? For now, I just want you to focus on your family. Can you at least do that? You haven’t seen your family in six months. Just relax and enjoy the time you have with them.”

  The thought of relaxing caused a wave of panic to rush through Georgina and she almost started to hyperventilate. Relax? Was Renee crazy? She could relax later after she’d accomplished her goals. If you relaxed and ventured off the road to success, you could wind up in a ditch in Failure Town; that just wasn’t an option for her to contemplate.

  “Stop. It.” Renee commanded, causing Georgina to break out of her reverie. “I can see those wheels spinning like you’re on the Daytona 500! All I’m saying is that you need to shake things up and live a little. Maybe walk on the wild side just once in your life.”

  The thought of shaking things up was so abhorrent to Georgina, she had to fight back the urge to puke. She knew what “living a little” could get you. As a matter of fact, she was the product of it. But that was a story she’d filed under “Things Never to Discuss”. Georgina was tempted to tell her friend about the stranger from the bar. The stranger that had fucked her so rigorously, she had to force herself to sneak out of the hotel room because he’d dickmatized her faster than the speed of light. Even this morning as Georgina was getting dressed, she’d punished herself for her being so damn weak by refusing to allow herself the rite of passage, celebratory “I got some goooood dick” dance. Stiffly she replied, “Despite what you may think, Renee, I’ve been known to walk on the wild side occasionally.”

  Renee emitted a rude sound before saying sarcastically, “Please, the wildest thing you’ve ever done is shower without clothes, boss lady.”

  Georgina shook her head in exasperation at her friend’s craziness. They’d met at UNLV when they were nineteen years old and had been inseparable ever since. Their strong friendship had endured her personal demons, as well as Renee’s two failed marriages. When Georgina finally left her dancing career to start her own business, Renee quit her job in finance to work for her part-time while going to night school to obtain a second degree. She was an invaluable asset to Georgina and together they were a formidable team.

  “Renee, have I ever mentioned how much I appreciate the sarcasm and rudeness that you call being “refreshingly forthright”?” Georgina inquired sweetly as she opened the windows to allow the gentle breeze in. Up ahead she could see a small herd of deer coming out of the woods on her left and h
opping across to the field on the other side of the road. That was certainly something you didn’t see in Las Vegas. She eased off the gas pedal, giving them time to cross.

  “Mmmmm, no I don’t think so,” Renee replied, and Georgina could hear her busily typing on her desktop.

  “Well, I do…when it’s directed at somebody else,” Georgina said pointedly. Her phone signaled an incoming call, and she glanced down to check the number. “Hey, smarty-pants, I’ll talk to you later. Eliza’s calling me.”

  “Don’t forget to bring me back something cool! Bye, boss-lady-sister-friend!” Renee chirped and hung up.

  Georgina switched over and greeted her older sister, “Hi, Eliza! How are you? All set for your trip?”

  Her older sister replied cheerfully, “Hi, Georgie, I’m okay. Camille and I were on our way to the airport when I realized that you were headed back home today. So I thought I should call to see how you were doing?”

  Georgina closed her eyes and mentally counted to ten, before responding, “Well, first of all, let’s be clear that this place is not home. It is simply somewhere I resided until I was able to escape.” A place like this could never be my home, she thought before continuing, “But I’m doing okay. Are you ready for your trip? I know my favorite niece is for sure.”


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