The Alpha's Challenge (The Wolfes Kinfoyle) [Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Alpha's Challenge (The Wolfes Kinfoyle) [Siren Publishing Classic) Page 3

by Raven McAllan

  He might have known his twin had a hand in all this. She knew that, shifted, they all understood anything said by a human as well as being able to communicate with each other. That apart, he’d get to the bottom of why she’d told Ari the one thing they all pledged to keep secret, later. Shifting was personal, private, and potentially dangerous.

  Although, perhaps he could work all that information to his advantage. He growled. A proper, deep, “watch out, there’s a wolf about” sound. Ari jumped and giggled somewhat nervously, he thought.

  “So, is this where I say ‘good wolfie’ and remind you I’m not really a tasty snack?” she said, in a breathy voice. “Because I better tell you, I think I’d be as tough as old boots. I’ve been working out and I’m more muscle than meat.”

  Now I know for a fact that’s a lie. The nearest she gets to working out is deciding whether to walk up stairs in her office block or take the lift. And nine times out of ten, she’ll choose to take the lift. Jacob shook his head and his fur danced around his face. If she knew it was him then why was she lying? Then he saw the challenge in her expression.

  He never ever backed down from a challenge and Ari knew it. Before she had a chance to react he took hold of the collar on her jacket and tugged. Taken by surprise, she tipped onto her back, and Jacob pounced. He rolled over and over with her and each time he landed on top he nipped her neck. Not hard, not deep, and not for long, but he knew fine well each nip would add to the excitement he sensed building inside her. To say nothing of increasing the connection they had and would hopefully have in the future. He might be a shifter and a wolf, but he was also a man. Combine all the facets and he knew exactly how to arouse a woman—especially one as receptive to him as Ari. His canines came in very handy.

  She giggled and then the giggles turned to soft sighs and sweet little moans. Although they made him ache to take her, Jacob knew it was time to move away. It was much too soon to inflict his bite of possession. Hell, he didn’t know how he felt about that ultimate move, let alone if Ari knew anything about it at all. He rolled off her and sprang up onto all fours before shaking himself and growling a warning to her not to get any nearer.

  Ari’s eyes widened, but she obeyed him instantly. Jacob wondered when she would start to query how she understood him in his shifted persona. And what she’d say when she discovered he could hear everything she said. He’d have to tell her, sometime soon, and give his sister what for. For now though, he’d shift and escort her home. The rest of the pack had left, but it was late and he didn’t like the idea of Ari wandering through his woods in the middle of the night, and unescorted. There could be all sorts of perverts out there. He mentally rolled his eyes. For fuck’s sake he sounded like a Victoria papa, and the stupidity of his thoughts could be amusing if you considered he’d shifted from man to wolf.

  Jacob blanked his mind to everything other than shifting back to a man. As ever he revelled in the sharp pains and tingles that showed him he was changing. As his skeleton began to crack and rearrange itself he realized he’d be naked in front of Ari. Not only that, but once changed he always had a hard-on to rival any policeman’s truncheon for length and thickness. Usually, that meant giving himself immediate relief, but he couldn’t do that now. It would be bad enough to be starkers. Personally, he couldn’t care a jot. She might as well see what would be hers before too long, if he had any say in the matter. However he had a feeling it might be one step too far for Ari.

  As his body jolted and settled into maleness, he heard her gasp. Not in horror, but more in an “oh my, I want” way. Or was he whistling for the moon?

  “Yeah.” Jacob glanced at Ari, who was staring at his rigid cock. Already pre-cum leaked from the tip and coated the bulbous head. “Sorry, I can’t do anything about it.”

  “I could though.” Her voice was low and husky.

  “Pardon?” Had she really said what he thought he heard? “Say that again.”

  “I said…” She paused and shook her head. “Hell, Jacob, do you want me to beg? I said I could help with that.” She pointed at his cock. “Shit, you must know… Oh, forget it. Excuse me, I need to go home. It’s late.” She scrambled to her feet and went to walk past him.

  Jacob moved to stand in front of her and took hold of her arm. Her fresh scent surrounded him, and her erratic breath tickled his skin. This close, he could see the green flecks in her eyes clearly, and notice how her long honey-coloured lashes were pale to the ends. No mascara on then.

  “It is late, so why are you here? Little girls should be at home tucked up in bed… alone.”

  Ari sniggered. “Ah but you see, I’m not little and I’m not a girl any more. Nor do I wear a red hood. So, wolfie, I’m not afraid of you.”

  Oh but she should be. Very, very afraid.

  “Grown-up women are allowed to stay up late, and share a bed if they want to,” Ari said. “Wherever that bed might be.”

  In the moonlight he saw her stare at the pile of hay in the corner of the barn. Jacob shut his eyes. Do not go there. Has she got me a death wish or something? Because that would be the result if I went further now. The pack had very stringent rules about what was permissible and when.

  “Anyway,” he said somewhat desperately. “What are you doing here? How did you know about all this?” He stared at her closely and watched her flush as he waved his arm to encompass himself and the clearing outside. “And how often have you watched me… us?”

  She bit her lip, closed her eyes and swayed towards him, enticing him, and brushing his cock with her thigh. “Oh, a little.”

  Jacob grabbed both her arms tighter and held her away from him. As much as he wanted to take what was offered, bury himself deep in her and fuck her until they were both sated and spent, he daren’t. Not then, not until she knew everything.

  “You know, plenty of times to understand I’d love to do this.” She bent, swiped her tongue over the tip of his cock and sucked the head into her mouth.

  “No. Enough, Ari.” He spoke sharply and she opened her eyes slowly before she let his cock go with a gentle plop. “We can’t.”

  “It’s nowhere near enough, and who’d know? There’s only you and me here. Not even a mouse, I checked.”

  “Not yet. Hell I want you. It's a fact I always return from a shift like this, with a hard-on strong enough to break ice, but this is different. Emotional and personal to us. No, don’t interrupt. Hear me out.”

  She shut her mouth again and nodded.

  “Good girl. The fact you feel the same as me is perfect. But until we talk, really talk, there’s no going forward. So let me escort you home safely, and I’ll tell you what you need to know tomorrow night. Okay?”

  Ari sighed. If she’d been the type of person who pouted, Jacob decided that would be one of the times she’d do so. Luckily she wasn’t.

  “I guess so. Isn’t there a little something we can do to keep me going? Like another of those little nips on my nape you gave me earlier? You know they set me on fire, and not just my skin. I felt each one deep inside.” She gave a small, self-conscious laugh. “It sounds so pretentious, but it was like with each one you touched my soul.”

  Jacob’s heart missed a beat. Oh fuck, I did lots of them, and she felt the connection straight away? That complicates things even more. How do I tell her she’s got a little bit of me in her now?

  Chapter Four

  “I ache for you, Jacob. One tiny little fuck would go a long way to assuaging that.” Shit, I sound like a bloody needy, sad person. But I am. All of it. I need him and I’m sad I’m not getting him.

  Why was he looking at her as if she had three heads or something? She was the one who didn’t know where to look. If she glanced down, his cock waved at her, so to speak, and if she looked straight ahead she wanted to play with the whorls of hair on his chest. If she looked up into his eyes, which glinted fire and ice in the moonlight, she had to quell the urge to get on her knees and beg for anything he was willing to share.

“Jacob? What’s wrong? You’re scaring me.” It wasn’t exactly true, but she was apprehensive. He looked stern and forbidding, nothing like her playmate of old. Had he discovered the plan she and Jenissa had concocted? He couldn’t have. Jenissa wouldn’t have told him and they hadn’t written anything down. Jacob shook his head as if to chase away something unpleasant and drew in a great, deep breath. His shoulders heaved and the muscles rippled under his skin.

  “Fuck it.”

  She didn’t know if he sounded furious or resigned.

  “You want just a little fuck? Okay then. Undo your jeans and kick them off. On your knees over there.” He pointed to the loose bale of hay. “Arse in the air, and head on your arms.”

  Sheesh, it’s going to happen. She didn’t ever think she’d undone her jeans so fast in her life. With inelegant haste, Ari shoved them past her knees and shimmied to get them lower. They stuck on her boots and she stumbled on one leg to try and sort the tangle out.

  Jacob laughed. “Oh, pet, let me help you.”

  His idea of helping was to turn her around and lift her onto the hay, with her ankles still held tight by her jeans and boots. The hay ticked her belly, and she wriggled. Jacob put his hand under her tummy and nipped the skin at the top of her pussy. She hissed between her teeth, and clenched her bum and pussy muscles to stop her juices flowing. That was happening way too often without a chance to do something about it. Even though she thought this time she might actually feel Jacob fill her with his cock, she wasn’t counting on it. Not until she felt it for herself.

  Jacob ran a finger over her clit and dipped it inside her slit to coat the digit before he drew a heart on her mound. Then he tapped her clit hard enough to make her rock before he drew her up onto her knees and waited whilst she rested her head on her arms as he’d directed earlier. She could feel him looking at her, and then Jacob—well she hoped it was him—ran a finger over the curves of her ass.

  “Beautiful. Now hold on and think just what might happen next.”

  She waited.

  The first spank was soft and stroked her skin. She yelped and he growled deep in his throat.

  “We never discussed safe words. Use ‘red’ for ‘no’ and ‘green’ for okay.”

  “Er, okay.” Safe words? She trusted him not to knock seven bells out of her ass. How could she think of things like that when she was wet and wanting? Men were so dim sometimes. Goodness knows she wouldn’t be here half naked if it wasn’t something she wanted.

  He smacked her again, harder than before. “‘Okay’ is not the answer I want, now is it?”

  Isn’t it? What the hell does he want then? Ari replayed his words, thought of her latest reading matter and swallowed.

  “No, Sir. I mean yes, Sir.” Three bags full, Sir.

  He really gave her ass a hard spank. “Don’t be sassy. It’s for your own benefit.”

  Damn it, anyone would think he can read my mind.

  “I can when we’re together. Read your mind, that is. You’d be wise to remember that.”

  She intended to.

  There was silence for a few seconds, and Ari couldn’t discern any movements. Surely he hadn’t left her there, alone? Dare she take a sneaky peek?


  Okay then, whatever he meant by no, and she assumed it was no looking she wouldn’t. Then she heard the rip of foil and a grunt of satisfaction.

  The air around her ass moved, and her coat lifted over her back and head. A cool breeze tickled her neck. It seemed that was bare to the elements. Whatever light there had been was darkened almost to pitch black. It was arousing, kneeling there, smarting ass high, head down, and wondering just what was about to happen. The telltale trickle of juice that collected at the neck of her channel and drizzled down the top of her leg showed it.

  Jacob nipped her nape again. That small caress almost sent her over the edge. Such a tiny thing to invoke such a strong reaction.

  “Well as much as I’d like to tan your ass red, and fuck it till you beg to come, I think I’ll do this instead.” His cock circled the entrance to her pussy hole and then edged inside her.

  Gently at first, until, exasperated, she pushed back. “Lordy, has your cock never seen a pussy hole before? Is it all dark and scary for it? Poor little thing.” Although “little” it surely wasn’t. Lucky for Ari, Jenissa had warned her how well-endowed the pack of wolf shifters were and that Jacob, due to his position of leader, was more generously proportioned than most.

  “Sassy pet. I’ll remember that for later. However, this is no good. I need to feel you.” She had no idea how he managed it. However, he was more than a mere man, and Jacob rid her of her coat and jumper within seconds. Now her boobs were tickled by hay. She didn’t give a damn. Instead she raised herself a little so only her arms and forehead were in the hay.

  That’s better.

  “Thin ice, woman. I’m taking care and going slowly for your welfare, not for the bloody fun of it. However, as you’re not bothered, all the better for me.” His chest was warm on her back as he leaned onto her to encircle her body with one arm and pinch her nipple hard enough to make her catch her breath, and bite back a sob of pleasure.

  “Fuck me properly, please, Jacob.” All thoughts of titles and etiquette went out of her mind. Damned if she was begging but needs must, and she needed him.

  “Fuck you? I’ll mark you as well.” He bit hard on her neck at the same time as he grasped her waist and thrust his prick deep into her channel.

  “Who’s not fucking who properly, eh?” He gasped the words as he set up a hard and fast rhythm. “Who needs to watch her mouth? This little subbie does, that’s who.” He withdrew to the tip of his cock, circled her clit with it and then pushed into her so harshly she almost hit the straw full length. Only his hand holding her in place saved her.

  The feel of being stretched further than she thought possible, his balls slapping her sensitive skin, and his hand on her nipple as he pinched hard and then bit her nape once more, made her shivers increase to the point of pain, and all the hairs on her body stand on end. Ari felt the trickle of blood slip over her neck, and then his rough tongue licking the skin.

  “Mine, you’ll soon be all mine. Now fly for me, pet.”

  Ari needed no further bidding and screamed as she fell over the edge into a hot, hard, and furious climax. She tightened her muscles on his cock and felt it expand and push as he grunted, howled like the wolf he was, and shook as his cock emptied its load into her.

  The howl went on and on as he continued to thrust. Eventually, just as Ari knew her knees were about to give way, he withdrew and rolled to one side.

  “Mine.” The voice might be slurred but the inference was clear. “When I expla—fucking hell.” Those last two words were crystal clear and snapped out in a staccato rhythm. “What the fuck have I done?”

  Well that was a dampener if ever there was one.

  “Fucked me and fucked up?” She couldn’t keep the hurt out of her voice. “Well now you can fuck off.”

  “I don’t think so but some might.” His voice was soft and contemplative. “I think it’s the best thing ever, and I want more. However for now, let’s get tidied up and get you home.”

  He was as good as his word. Within minutes he’d produced wet wipes and a towel. Ari protested she was well old enough to cope, but Jacob insisted he had to help her dress, and intersperse the tying, buttoning, and pulling up zips, with nips and kisses.

  “Damn I wish I didn’t have to hide those fabulous tits of yours. They turn me on so fast.” Jacob sat her down on the chair and then dressed silently, and swiftly. He ran his fingers through his hair. “Another time and I’m gonna make you come by playing with them and nothing else. Over and over.”

  She could hardly wait.

  “About your samba-dancing client?” he said as he straightened up. “I’ll still do it. No sex though.”

  “Pardon?” What was he talking about? Ari followed him down the stairs and then remembere
d the mythical client. “Oh right, yes, definitely no sex. It’s a reputable setup I run.” Her stomach did a somersault. Jacob would not be amused when they owned up, but own up they’d have to. “But, er, wouldn’t it be unethical or something for you? You know, really shifting and stuff.”


  “Er, well, oh I don’t know…” Ari let her voice trail off, and changed the subject. “Anyway, I can see myself home, honestly. It’s no problem and I’m used to—”

  “Doing it, yes, I realise that now. How many times have you spied on us?”

  They left the barn and began to walk across the clearing to the path, which led directly towards Jacob’s house.

  “Er… I’m pleading the fifth.”

  He pulled her into a bear hug. Or was it a wolf hug? Whichever, Ari enjoyed it. He smelled of man and beast, she decided, and it went straight to her pussy.

  “We’re in Scotland. There’s no such thing.” He nuzzled her neck, and her clit tightened and the heavy pulse at the base of her pussy went into hyper mode.

  “Answer me, now.”

  “Busted. A few. Sort of. Maybe.”

  Jacob shook his head and his hair shone with tawny highlights.

  “Women. Never able to answer a question.”

  “Not if it incriminates us, no, we can’t. Look, I know it was underhand, but well, it was worth it. You’re magnificent as a wolf.” Shit, I do have verbal diarrhoea. At least I didn’t add “and as a man.”

  “Thank you. How did you get here?” Jacob still held her close to him, and it forced them to walk side by side. At least she wasn’t in front of him with his cock teasing her ass. Mind you, Ari thought she’d quite like that.


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