Keeping Hope (Broken Girl Series)

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Keeping Hope (Broken Girl Series) Page 2

by Rachael Tonks

  “I know you’re right, Abs. I’m just panicking!” Ash proclaims, dropping back into his seat.

  I glance to look at him through the mirror, but my attention is suddenly drawn to the very bright headlights closing in on us from behind. I thrust the back of my hand at Jake’s arm, tapping him lightly.

  “What the fuck’s this guy’s problem?” I growl.

  “Jesus, Cole, the truck’s getting close to us,” Abbey screeches.

  The truck blasts its horn as it continues to gain speed. We all jump at the penetrating sound. The roar of the truck’s engine is audible with how close it is to us.

  “Who the hell is that?” I yell. Abbey unbuckles her belt, spinning in her seat to try and get a clear look at the driver of the yellow Ford truck following us.

  “I can’t make him out,” she spits. “It’s just too dark.”

  My sight moves between the car in front and the truck behind.

  “Shit, I have nowhere to go. It’s like this punk ass is trying to run me off the goddamn road!” I feel the panic as my words spill out, my voice gritty with fear. I feel the car unexpectedly jolt forwarded as the truck hits my fender with force.

  Abbey screams as she’s thrown into the foot well. The rest of us are thrust forward.

  “Jesus, Abbey,” yells Jake. He leans into the back, trying to help her up.

  “Seatbelt, Abs! Quick,” I shout over my shoulder.

  I see the lights behind me move to my side of the truck. The truck is now visible in my side mirrors.

  I turn my head to glance through the window and see the truck over taking us. I ease off the gas a little, allowing him space to move in front of us. The yellow truck swings wide before forcing its way back at us, throwing me totally off balance as he hits the back end.

  I grip the steering wheel, trying to steady the car. I regain balance of the vehicle, pulling it back in line.

  The car is full of screams and squeals as our attacker continues his onslaught. I press on the accelerator, but within a split second, he’s by my side again. The truck thrashes against the side of mine, this time hitting us full on.

  My truck is forced onto the grass verge, making steering difficult. I try pulling the wheel to get the truck back onto the road, but before I can regain our position, he hits us again.

  I’m thrown from side to side, losing my grip on the steering wheel. The truck tumbles into the dip of the field. The screams are ear piercing. We roll uncontrollably, objects being thrown through the truck.

  I hear glass shatter around us on impact, the shards flying around.

  When we finally come to a stop, I take a second to catch my breath. My heart pounds uncontrollably, the adrenaline and fear spiking. I grab the wheel, trying to remain in my seat. The truck is on its side. My eyes search the remnants of my truck, looking to check if the others are okay.

  Because the truck is leaning partially on its side in an embankment, I automatically I lean toward Jake, gravity pulling me toward him.

  As I reach over, I inhale sharply at the pain throbbing through my rib cage. I glance down, feeling my chest, trying to see if I’m bleeding. I check my hands and see no blood, but fuck, I must have badly bruised something. The pain is like nothing I have ever felt before.

  I can just about reach Jake’s arm, his limp body resting against the door of the truck. I reach as far as I can, wincing with every slow movement I make.

  “Jake, you okay?” I shake him, noticing the small droplets of blood on the side of his head. He groans loudly as he moves, attempting to straighten up.

  “Fuck, man, I hurt everywhere.” He raises his hand, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “You’re bleeding, man. Are you hurt?” I ask, worried as fuck he might be seriously injured.

  Jake wipes down the side of his face. “I think I’m just cut. It must be from the glass,” he replies.

  I see the panic on his face as he tries to turn, looking for Abbey. He calls out here name, his voice fading because he’s screeching so loud. “Where is she? I can’t see her.”

  I slowly reach down, holding my side tightly as I unclip my belt.

  “She didn’t have her belt on. I gotta get out and find her,” I call over to Jake. I climb up, balancing on the back of my seat. I see Abbey in the foot well of the truck.

  “Fuck, she looks totally unresponsive. Help me out, I need to know she’s okay.” Jake yells.

  Ash shakes his hands, trying to get the belt unfastened. He looks over to her. “Abbey, Abbey, wake up, doll,” he croaks, his voice broken as he tries to get some reaction from her.

  Abbey’s head is slumped forward. Her fragile, limp body lying against the floor of the truck. I reach for the lever and kick the door open. I pull myself up through the frame, breathing heavily as the sharp pain continues to wind me. I reach back in for Jake’s hand, pulling him free from the truck.

  I hear Ash cry. “Guys, Abbey isn’t moving. I can’t get a fucking response from her.”

  We rush to the rear door to help Ash and get to Abbey. I reach in, gripping his hand tightly. Breathing small breaths, I try to work through the pain in my ribs. Jake also reaches in, helping Ash out. He falls to the ground, his body shaking violently.

  Jake leans back in. I hold his waist, steadying him as he hooks his arms under Abbey. He lifts her, pulling her carefully from the truck.

  I look to the front of the truck, noticing steam bellowing from the engine. Fuck, the truck is a mess. I glance back over to Jake and Abbey. She hit her head badly and a steady stream of blood trickles down the side of her face. I grab my jacket and put it on the ground for Jake to lay her. He places her on the thick overgrown grass, holding her torso tightly, rocking, while talking to her and stroking her hair away from her face. He rips the bottom of his shirt and applies it to the wound on her head, hoping to restrict the flow of blood.

  “Dammit, Jake! We need to check her pulse,” I yell as he continues to rock. I scramble to help Ash up from the ground. He slowly makes his way over to Abbey.

  “Fuck, Abbey, please be okay. Please, Abbey, I need you to be okay,” Ash cries out.

  I stand there frozen in shock.


  I almost jump out of my skin as I hear the over-enthusiastic cheers from the front of the car.

  I am thrown to the side as I feel the car suddenly steer and jolt to a stop. The only sense I have available is working on overdrive, straining to hear the voices which appear to be making their way out of the vehicle. I’m desperate to know if it is Cole following us.

  I have a sinking feeling this isn’t a good sign for whoever is following since we are stopped. I hear the thud of the car doors as they exit, each loud bang causes me to jump. A new, unfamiliar sound fills my senses. It appears to be the heavy rumble of another vehicle beside us. I turn my head, trying to give my ears better access to the noise.

  I hear a new voice, one that is nasal and sounds nothing like Master or his fucking minion. I manage to position myself, picking up on part of the conversation.

  “It’s done.”

  “Excellent! News to my ears. See you back at the manor.”

  Shit! The last voice is that of my Master, and the manor was my home of isolation for the last seventeen years. I feel the dip of the cars suspension as the men re-enter the vehicle, start the engine, and speed off. I try to use my weight to steady myself as I’m thrust forward. There’s no doubt in my mind that we are headed back to the commune. I fluster at the sudden thought of Cole. Maybe it wasn’t him following? Or maybe it was, but he lost us. Damn it. I will never know what happened now that I’m going back!

  Within ten minutes I feel the smooth concrete under the wheels being replaced with that of bumps. It’s clear we’re going off road. Moments later, the car comes to a complete stop, the engine cuts, and I’m dragged heavy handedly from the car.

  The ropes loosen around my legs and the blindfold is suddenly whipped from my head. I blink furiously, trying to remove the dots from my
eyes at the quick change from dark to light. The brightness stings my eyes as I continue to blink rapidly, trying to regain focus. The first thing that comes into sight is Master. I look to the side at the devil attached to my arm. It is the kidnapper from school. I want to pull my body from his tight grip, but quite frankly, he’s the only thing holding me up right now. My whole body tingles as I try to regain the feeling back. Every inch of me feels numb from being in the same cramped position for so long.

  I stand as straight and tall as my stiff body will allow, glaring straight at my abuser.

  “Well, well, well, Kennedy,” he snarls. “Glad to have you back, my angel.” He reaches his revolting hand toward my face.

  I jolt my head back, moving away from his impending touch. I can’t bear the thought of him touching me. The memory of his abuse flashes like a lightning bolt through my mind. I work to push the thoughts away; I’m not going to let him get into my head, not this time. I have a reason to be strong; I have to think about the baby.

  “Don’t fucking touch me,” I yell out.

  “But you’re mine to do with what I want.” He smiles slimily at me. His wicked grin spreads further, as though my words have amused him.

  “No! I’m not. I don’t want anything to do with any of you sick bastards!” I scream.

  I feel the sharp sting of pain across my cheek as he hits me with the back of his hand. My head whips to the side from the force. My face pulses from the contact. I calmly return to my upright position and look him dead in the eye.

  He takes a step closer, leaning in. His voice is barely a whisper, “You are lucky you’re carrying my unborn child. If you weren’t, I would kill you, right here, right now with my bare hands. But know this, Kennedy; once I have that child, and make no mistake, I will have that baby as my own, I’ll no longer have a need for you. I will enjoy watching every painful moment of your slow, excruciating death!”

  My heart races in reaction to his threats. I fear for my own life, but even more so for my child. I have to remain strong, no matter what. Years of fear never stopped the torture, so remaining strong and hoping help will come is all I can hold on to.

  “Oh, and your silly little friends – the ones who were following us, let’s just say we took care of them.”

  My eyes widen as a loud sob and screams escapes my mouth. “What the fuck have you done to them?” I cry.

  He laughs menacingly as I drop to me knees, sobbing hysterically. “Take her to the cell,” he orders before marching off.


  “Jake, my phone! Where is my phone?” I rush out. He sits, holding Abbey in a trance like state. “I need to call an ambulance. We need to get help for Abbey! Jake…talk to me.” I kneel next to him, softening my voice. “Jake, dude, she’ll be okay, but we need to get the paramedics here. She’s been unconscious for a long time.”

  I reach out and take her limp arm in my hand, pressing my fingers firmly on her wrist, trying to find a pulse. I struggle to locate any sign that Abbey is still with us. I feel the blood drain from my face. I drop her arm and jump to my feet, taking small steps back and forth as I frantically run my hands through my hair, letting out a growl.

  “No, no it can’t be,” sobs Ash. “Here, let me try.” He sidles up to her, trying to locate the pulse in her neck.

  My eyes wander to Jake. He hasn’t said anything or moved an inch, fear etched on his face. I flit between the three of them, swallowing down hard as I take in the devastation.

  I can’t just fucking stand here. I have to do something. I dash to the overturned car, leaning in through the opened door. I spot my phone on the floor of the front foot well. Still clutching my ribs, I pull myself inside. Leaning down, I try to reach my phone. The crunch of broken glass echoes under my feet as I move around.

  My fingertips make contact with the metal and I stretch a bit more, taking hold of it. I shove it into my pocket and grab onto the door frame, pulling myself out.

  The agonizing pain in my side spreads. I grit my teeth and push through it.

  Once out of the car, I drop to the ground, letting out a growl of frustration fueled by the intensity of the pain. I pull the phone back out of my pocket, holding the phone tightly in my hands as I try to steady them from shaking wildly.

  “Dammit!” I bellow. I mentally try to calm myself as I unlock the screen. There’s a thousand voicemails and text messages, mostly from my mom, but my main priority is getting help for Abbey.

  “I found it, Cole. The pulse. She’s alive,” Ash calls over.

  “Oh thank God,” I yell, jumping up and racing back over to where Abbey lays motionless with Jake and Ash.

  “Her pulse is very weak though, Cole. We need to keep her warm.”

  “Good idea, Ash. I’ll see if I can get in the trunk. I know there will be a blanket or a jacket in there.” I head back to the truck while dialing nine-one-one.

  “Nine-one-one, what’s your emergency?”

  “I need an ambulance! Quick! My friend, Abbey, is unconscious. We’ve been in an accident. We were run of the road by a truck. She’s non responsive.” My words fall from my mouth so quick. I stop and take a breath.

  “Is she breathing?” the gravelly voice asks.

  “Barely. We found a pulse but it is very weak!” I rush out.

  “Okay, what is your precise location?” the operator asks.

  “I’m not sure. We came off the Interstate 10 about an hour ago. I’m not familiar with our surroundings. We appear to be in the middle of fucking nowhere.”

  “Please, sir, try and remain calm. I’ve got a general location based on your cell phone, but due to the area, it may not be precise. I will dispatch emergency services immediately.”

  I hear the phone beep as the call disconnects. I look at the phone, and see I’ve lost my signal.

  “Fuck,” I growl out, pushing the phone back into my pocket. I attempt to open the trunk of the truck. Luckily, it opens with limited effort. My tools and football gear spill out as I search through, looking for something to wrap Abbey in. I grab a blanket and my hoodie and rush over to her.

  “Here, guys.” I hand Ash the blanket and sweater. He wraps them snuggly around a lifeless Abbey.

  “The ambulance is on its way. My fucking phone lost signal again. Do you think we should wait near the road? They might not be able to see us.”

  “Good thinking, Cole. Help me up and I’ll walk with you.” I hold out my hand and pull Ash to his feet.

  “You going to be okay staying here with Abbey, Jake?”

  His hollow eyes stare at me blankly. He continues rocking back and forth. I kneel down beside him, grabbing the back of his head and pulling it into the crook of my neck.

  My voice a soft spoken whisper as I lean into him, “Jake, she’ll be fine. I’m going to make sure we get help for her.”

  I feel the moisture of his tears against my skin. I pull back, giving his neck a gentle squeeze before returning to an upright position. Jake’s head drops and his eyes close tightly.

  Ash and I make our way toward the side of the road.

  “Fuck, Cole. Jake is in a bad way. He’s shut down or something. Maybe from the shock. I hope to god this ambulance turns up soon. I’m not sure Abbey will make it much longer. She’s been unconscious for so long and her pulse is so weak.”

  I exhale heavily. “Fuck, this is such a mess! We lost Ken, Ash. God only knows what’s going to happen to Abs and it’s my fault. Fuck, I’m to blame for this.”

  “We were run off the road, Cole,” he screeches. “This was not your fault. In fact, I think you did pretty well driving while that bastard was battering at us. You couldn’t have done anymore.”

  I turn and smile at him, inhaling sharply as I wince at the pain in my side. The sharp stabbing pain nearly takes my breath away.

  “Fuck, you’re hurt, Cole.”

  “I’m good. Don’t worry about me.”

  “But you’re clearly in pain.”

  “Just bruising, nothing to comp
lain about,” I dismiss. My eye catches a glimpse of flashing lights approaching. I eagerly step closer to the side of the road, waving my arms frantically, as much as the pain will allow.

  Ash waves and jumps, screaming, “Over here! We are here!”

  The ambulances and police car spot us and pull over. The paramedic jumps out racing toward us.

  “Where are the casualties, son?”

  “Follow me, just this way.” I lead them down the banking, toward Jake. He remains crouched on the ground with Abbey.

  Within seconds they have Abbey on a gurney, working on her. Jake remains crouched on the ground. I use the discarded jacket to wrap around him.

  “Jake, you really need to snap out of this,” I mutter, desperately trying to get Jake to say something, do something. I see another paramedic walking toward us with a foil blanket.

  He addresses me, “I think we need to get him in the ambulance.”

  I look at the medic, a little confused at his suggestion. “He’s just in shock,” I answer matter-of-fact.

  “We need to get him to the hospital. You all need to get checked out.”

  “What about Abbey?” croaks Jake. I whip my head to the side at the shock of finally hearing his gravelly voice. I never thought Jake would react this way in the mist of crisis. He’s closed down and is seriously struggling.

  “My colleagues are working on your friend, but it is important we get her to the hospital as soon as we can. Come on, let’s get you guys in the ambulance.”

  The paramedic leads us back up to the road. I wrap my arm around Jake’s huddled shoulders, helping him to the parked vehicle. I see Ash still standing beside the road, arms crossed, his trembling visible from here. The first ambulance pulls away, Abbey inside. The lights begin to flash and siren starts to blare.


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