Keeping Hope (Broken Girl Series)

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Keeping Hope (Broken Girl Series) Page 7

by Rachael Tonks

  Without him, I am nobody.

  We are interrupted by the sound of Hope clearing her throat. “Huh, huh,” she coughs at us. We look over at her and jump up.

  “I’m ready,” she snickers before twirling around, showing us the pretty little dress she’s wearing.

  “You look really beautiful, Hope,” Cole remarks.

  “Why thank you, kind sir. Can we please go get something to eat now?”

  “Of course. After you, pretty lady.” He gestures with his arm, pointing toward the door.

  We head downstairs to the lounge. There is a variety of food laid out on the old fashioned wooden table. Hope looks at me, eyes wide and mouth slightly ajar. She tugs gently on my top, trying to get my attention. I lean down to her.

  “What’s up, Hope?”

  “Is this all for us?” she asks incredulously.

  “I guess so.”

  “I have never seen so much food,” she gasps.

  “Go help yourself, sweetie.”

  She skips toward the table rubbing her hands together.

  I notice the biker guys and Pete sit rowdily playing cards. Pete looks up and throws me a wink. I look at the small table they are crowded around and see empty beer bottles littering the floor and table.

  I smile fondly at Pete. He notices my eyes wondering to the beer bottles before raising one in the air.

  “Just toasting you, Ken. We are so pleased we found you,” his words slur a little bit.

  “Careful, guys, I’m not sure Pete can keep up with you heavy drinkers,” Cole taunts.

  “We are enjoying fleecing him for every penny,” Chuck laughs out.

  I grab some food before settling on the couch. I eat quickly, finally realizing just how hungry I’ve become. It feels so good to get full.

  “Hey, slow down there, pretty girl.” Pete smirks, as he comes to sit beside me. He leans back, crossing his legs. “I still can’t quite get my head around the fact that we found you.”

  “Me too. I don’t know how I will ever thank you,” I whisper, holding my hand over his.

  He grabs my hand and lifts it to his mouth, placing a soft kiss on the back. His lips feel like silk against my rough skin.

  I wasn’t expecting that. I swallow heavily, growing uncomfortable at my heart’s pace. I look at Pete’s piercing eyes as he gazes at me.

  Shit, what is happening to me? I pull my hand away quickly before anyone notices our exchange. I feel his heavy eyes burning into me.

  “Well, at least now Cole the grumpy bitch will be happy. He’s a nightmare without you around.”

  I laugh nervously. I don’t quite understand what is going on.

  “Hey, beautiful,” Cole interrupts.

  “Hey, Cole,” Pete answers.

  I laugh loudly.

  “Not you, dick head,” Cole chuckles, taking a sip from the bottle of beer in his hand.

  “I’m beautiful though! Right, Ken?” Pete winks at me.

  “You’re drunk.” I push on the top of his arm and notice just how buff he actually is. Cole drops between the two of us, pushing Pete off the seat.

  “Hey, man, no fair,” he groans.

  “There’s a little girl over there trying to get your attention.” Cole points the bottle over to where Hope sits with her mountain of food. She waves at him excitedly, gesturing him over.

  He jumps to his feet and dances over to Hope, pulling up a chair beside her. She starts to giggle. Her laughter is heartwarming and infectious. Before long, Pete is laughing hysterically, the pair of them rolling from side to side, holding their stomachs.

  My eyes are fixed on them, watching them both. Hearing their laughter is a welcome sound to my tortured soul. I shudder thinking of the evil we managed to escape, amazed that we got away, and so very grateful that I could be the one to help Hope. The one to be her savior, because in a way, she was mine too.

  I scan the room and notice the table of bikers all staring over at Hope and whispering between themselves.

  “What’s the deal with this Chuck guy?” I ask, nodding my head to where the four guys sit.

  “His daughter was abducted years ago. He lost everything dedicating his life to trying to find her. He never did though,” Cole speaks so quietly I have to lean in to hear him. Not that I’m complaining.

  “He has Sara tattooed on his knuckles. That’s his daughter’s name. It’s sad you know.”

  I smile despondently at him.

  “He even remarked that Hope reminded him of Sara.”

  I lose focus as my eyes wander over to the motel owner walking toward us. “I’m so sorry to bother you guys, but the police are here to see you again. They’re out in reception waiting for you.”

  “Thank you, Celeste,” answers Cole.

  “Oh,” I blurt out, “thank you so much for the clothes. That was so kind of you,” I cut in.

  “You are most welcome, my dear. I’m glad I could help you guys.”

  I inhale sharply, readying myself for the police questioning. I squeeze my eyes tightly, nervous of what is to come, of what they might say to me.

  “You can do this, baby,” Cole reassures, grabbing my hand tightly.

  “I’ll be with you all the way. We will do this together.”

  “Okay, let’s do this,” I say trying to fake confidence.

  Cole pulls me to standing; hand in hand we walk out of the room.

  “Wait up, where are you going?” Hope shrieks.

  “Oh, honey, I’ll be back. You stay and have some more to eat. Pete will stay with you.”

  “Abso-ruddy-lutely,” sings Pete. “Let’s go tackle the desserts. I bet I can get at least ten marshmallows in my mouth. All. At. Once.”

  I look back at them, laughing and Pete nods at me approvingly.

  After thirty minutes of questioning, my head is spinning like I’ve been on the damn waltzer.

  “We will leave you to rest now, Kennedy, but when Mrs. Peterson arrives tomorrow we will need you to come down to the station to make an official statement,” the tall officer advises.

  “Whatever it takes, Officer. I will do whatever is necessary,” I state.

  “We also need to ascertain who else is involved and what charges can be brought against them, but we can discuss this with you further tomorrow. Just rest assured we have him and some of the others in police custody already. The whole commune is under police surveillance. We think there may be a lot more to this commune than we first thought.”

  I ponder what he said, not really sure of what exactly he’s insinuating. I have seventeen years of torture in my memories. A lot of people came and went. There’s sure to be a lot involved in this investigation.

  “What do you mean, officer?” Cole asks inquisitively.

  “Right now, all I can say is that this is an ongoing investigation.”

  We bid them farewell and I go back to check in on Hope, while Cole calls his mom to fill her in on our conversation with the police.

  As I enter the lounge area, I spot Hope curled up on Pete’s knee. I start to make my way over to them but I’m stopped by Chuck.

  “Quick word,” he whispers. He pulls on my arm, a little too forcefully for my liking. I glance down at his tight grip on my arm, then back up to his face. Our eyes meet and he notices my intense glaring.

  “Oh sorry,” he huffs, releasing his hold on me. “What do you know about this little girl, Hope?” he quizzes.

  “Not much,” I offer back.

  He rolls his eyes in frustration, letting out a heavy sigh.

  “Well did she say where she came from? How long she had been there?” he quizzes further. His annoyance was clear. I just didn’t understand why is mattered or where this was going.

  “Listen, Chuck, I’m thankful for all you have done in helping to find me, but I just don’t understand why you’re asking me all these questions about Hope,” I exclaim. I think to what Cole said about Chuck’s daughter and Hope looking alike, but that could be his mind playing tricks. Or jealo
usy that Cole found me and Chuck never found his daughter.

  “She’s the spitting image of my Sara. That’s why,” he grates out, his teeth clenched together. I swallow down hard. There is an aggressive aura about this guy. He scares the shit out of me. I watch cautiously as he digs into his biker jacket and pulls out his wallet. He opens it, pulling out several pictures. He fumbles with the plastic flipbook, flicking through until he stops. His face lights up when he finds the one he was looking for.

  I gasp as I look at the photos. “The likeness is uncanny,” I pause, “but it could just be a coincidence.”

  He narrows his eyes at me menacingly.

  “Sure, I hear ya! But if there’s the slightest chance she’s related to my daughter, I have to find out. I have been searching for fucking years. It has been my life, my mission to find my daughter. This might be the gem I’ve been waiting to find.”

  “I can only imagine what you have been through, Chuck, honestly. I know very little about that special little girl, but believe me when I say, I will do everything I can to help her locate anyone that may be related to her. I guess we will know more when the police look into her background.”

  “I will be keeping a close eye on that little girl,” he mutters before walking away from me.

  I lean my back against the wall, my mind racing with thoughts of Hope. I feel the warmth of Cole’s hand against my arm. We lock eyes and I fall into his open arms. I nuzzle against him, needing and yearning for his comfort.

  “Hey, baby.” He smiles, running his hands over my hair. “Everything will feel better and much clearer tomorrow. Shall we head up to our room and get settled? You must be beyond exhausted.”

  His words are all it takes for me reach up and seal my lips over his. I work his tongue with mine. The fire inside ignites as we connect together in this kiss, so intense, so passionate. This moment is one neither one of us will forget.

  Cole jerks back in surprise, his lips quirked. “Damn, girl! That was some kiss.” He gazes at me intensely with wanting eyes.

  I run my hands over his rapid neck pulse and up toward his hair, gently running my fingers through his tousled hair. I notice a change in his breathing. I slowly lean on to my tip toes and position my swollen lips against his ear.

  I breathe heavily. “You need a haircut,” I whisper.

  His head drops backward as he lets out a little growl. “Damn, girl, you’re killing me here!”

  I giggle lightly before ducking and heading toward Pete and Hope. I turn and look back over my shoulder, shooting Cole a glance.

  “Not fair, Ken,” he hollers. I can’t help but laugh a little more.

  I rush over to Pete, sliding in next to him. I’m careful that I don’t disturb a sleeping Hope. Cole walks over to Chuck. They talk in hushed whispers, with their arms around each other. I wonder what they are discussing.

  “Hey,” Pete speaks, his voice barely a whisper.

  “Hey, we need to get this little one in bed,” I yawn.

  He winks. “So we can have some alone time?”

  I shake my head, a puff of laughter escaping my mouth.

  “Hilarious, Pete.”

  “Who said I was joking?” His tone is now more serious. I feel myself leaning into him involuntarily; my body gravitating toward him effortlessly.

  I scoff, not really knowing what to say. My inexperience talking to boys must be evident for everyone to see. Although I know this is dangerous territory, it’s nothing but a little bit of fun. After all, he makes me laugh, and that takes my mind off of thoughts I’d rather not be having.

  “Come on, comedian. Do you think you can carry her up to my room or should I call over one of those buff bikers? You know, the ones with the big guns.” I chuckle.

  “They may have the guns, but I have the…” his words trail off as he nods down to his crotch. “Buff,” he laughs.

  Dammit, I couldn’t help but look down when he did. I feel the heated blush covering my face and look away.

  “Those guys haven’t got shit on me. Why do you think I came along? I may not be the brains, but I’m definitely the brawn behind this operation!”

  “You think you’ll be able to get your head through the damn door frame?” I quiz.

  “It’s not my head you need to worry about,” he scoffs, winking at me.

  I cover my eyes with my hands, shaking my head. “Jeez, you’re so lame,” I huff.

  I look at Cole nervously. I spot him sitting with Chuck and the rest of the guys. I try to catch his attention, waving like a lunatic, but he appears lost, deep in conversation. I shrug before standing. Signaling for Pete to follow, we make our way over to the door, toward the staircase.

  As we reach the room, I unlock the door. I enter, holding the door open for Pete who carries Hope effortlessly. I flick on the lamp and pull back the covers on the single bed.

  I watch, or you could say stare, at Pete as he lays her down gracefully on the bed. Every part of his bulging biceps ripples with every tiny movement he makes. I feel the heat intensify as my face flushes. I look away quickly, hoping he doesn’t notice my reaction to him. I stare down blankly, trying to rid my mind of the thoughts of this tall, dark, muscular man, who’s full of wit and standing in front of me.

  He walks toward me, connecting our eyes.

  “See, I knew this was all about getting me in to your bedroom,” he smirks.

  “I’m at a loss for words,” I mutter.

  “Well, let’s not speak.” He moves in closer. I counter act, taking a step back.

  “What do you want from me, Pete? I’m with Cole. I love him!” I stutter.

  “Are you sure about that?” he muses.

  “What does that mean? Where’s all this coming from?” I ask in utter confusion as I turn my back on him. Quite honestly, this was the last thing I needed.

  “I know you feel it, Ken.”

  “Feel what exactly?” My breath rattles in my lungs as I try to steady my breathing.

  “This fucking chemistry between us, Ken. Fuck, I can’t get you outta my head. You’re with Cole. I know that, right. But today, seeing you there in the middle of the god damn road, it started a chain reaction of feelings I didn’t even realize I had! I mean, I’m only human. And everyone knows you’re in a different class. I’ve admired from afar for so long. I feel like I’m going out of my goddamn mind. It’s so crazy.” He pauses for a second, his chest rising and falling, as though he’s out of breath.

  I look at him, my mind floods with confusion as he paces, taking short steps in front of me. He tugs his hands through his hair, as though trying to find the words to continue.

  “Everything you have been through, everything, and you stand here, in front of me selflessly having escaped hell and rescuing this little girl.” He points to Hope, his hands becoming animated as I glance over and see that she’s still sleeping soundly. “Dammit! Can’t you see how special you are, Ken? You are the person we all long to be…” his voice teeters and he exhales sharply, the oxygen roughly leaving his body as his stature changes in front of me.

  I’m lost for words. I study his face, trying to understand where this is coming from. I can’t grasp why he’s saying this.

  “This is bullshit, Pete, and you know it. You don’t feel anything for me. You’ve had way too much to drink and I think I’d like you to leave.”

  “You think? So you’re not sure?”

  I let out an audible sigh, rolling my eyes with frustration.

  “You’re only saying that because you’re angry. I think you look damn sexy when you’re angry.”

  He takes another step toward me, reaching his hand out.

  “Hey,” I warn, holding up my hand. My legs shake and I’m confused whether I’m scared of him, or scared of what he’s saying and if it holds any truth. I can’t deny that he makes my pulse race. I cross my arms and stand tall. “I’m sorry if you feel like I have given you some signal here or something, but there’s nothing in this for me, Pete. I don’t know
what else to say.” I shrug, twirling my hair around my finger nervously.

  “Why is your body not telling me the same story then, Ken? Your body doesn’t agree with the words you’re speaking.”

  “My body isn’t telling you jack shit, Pete,” I spit back.

  “I recognize all the signs, Kennedy. The way your body reacts to me. How you lean in a tiny bit when we are near each other. How your breathing changes. Believe me when I say they are all there, whether you want to believe it or not.” He moves in closer, slowly touching the side of my face.

  His feather light touch causes me to shudder. Goose pimples cover my body in an instant reaction. I feel the heat instantly and close my eyes, holding on desperately to the denial. I feel every inch of my skin tingle. My head spins as his touch begins to send me into a frenzy.


  I know I shouldn’t feel like this. My heart starts pounding erratically in my chest.

  I lurch back, my eyes flying open wide.

  “No,” I say weakly.

  “You can’t even say no like you mean it, Kennedy. Who are you trying to fool, cos it ain’t fooling me?”

  “You’re reading too much in to this, Pete. This has come from nowhere,” I grate out. I’m getting pissed off and I need him to leave before I do something I’m sure to regret.

  I know he senses the anger in my tone.

  He puts his hands up in surrender, stepping back toward the door.

  “I’m outta here if that’s what you want, but believe me when I say I will be waiting. When you realize how much you want me, and you will realize you want me, Ken, I’ll be there waiting for you.”

  “Wait all you want, asshole. It ain’t happening,” I mock back. I look over at him as he shoots me a wide, lip curling grin before heading out of the door.

  I flop my exhausted body onto the bed, lying flat out. I hold a hand to my chest feeling the heavy thud of my beating heart. I feel totally powerless and confused about what happened here tonight.

  This just can’t be real. We’ve been friends the whole time. Why the hell have things changed now?


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