Stepbrother Bear: The Complete Set

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Stepbrother Bear: The Complete Set Page 5

by Rosette Bolter

  Oh God. Mom was crying.

  “But I’m back now,” Aiden declared. “Back to be a part of the family again. So get ready guys, because I’m going to be round all the time now. Starting tonight I’m moving back in with Mom and Dad so I can get my life finally sorted out. But also … it’s great to know I’m going to close to Lara and Ryan so I can help them with everything they’re going to need. Whatever that is.”

  He then turned and looked at me.

  “It’s also great to be close to Bianca again,” he said. “Sorry for embarrassing you before. Come here. Both of you. I love you guys.”

  Cheers. Clapping.

  Mom crying and now Lara crying too.

  Going straight into his heavy chest. Being comforted by his broad, muscular arm. Trusting him. Showing appreciation.

  And their eyes are on me. Aiden. Lara.

  The whole room.

  “Come on, Bianca,” Aiden said.

  “Yeah, do it for me,” Lara said, half joking.

  I’m frozen. I cannot move.

  So they come over to me. Both of them hugged me at the same time.

  The room filled with applause.

  Victory loomed in Aiden’s eyes.

  But the speeches weren’t finished yet.


  I picked up the fallen mike from the floor and put it to my lips. Lara, perhaps having a premonition of what was about to occur, made a motion to take it away from me.

  But of course I wouldn’t let her.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen,” I murmured into the microphone.

  I looked back to Aiden. Curious to see if he was going to try and stop me.

  But there was no move from him. No flicker of emotion at all.

  “I want to express my congratulations to the bride and groom for sticking together through my mishaps today, which I humbly apologize for…”

  Some mild applause.

  Lara seemed to relax a little.

  “No, really, a lot of it is my fault,” I continued. “And you’re really going to hate me for what I say next. But…”

  Aiden’s neck shifted upright and back. Standing his ground.

  “Well, me and Aiden just had sex,” I confessed.

  After a brief silence, there came a few short chuckles amongst the audience.

  “I’m not even kidding, we just fucked.”

  This stirred even more laughter.

  I frowned staring at them all. “I’m being serious. It’s true.”

  Now at least half of them were laughing. I couldn’t figure it out. Were they laughing because they thought I was joking?

  Or were they laughing that I fucked my brother?

  I looked back to Lara. Her hands were at her hips.


  “Thanks for letting me share that with you.”

  Okay, well, now it really did sound like I was joking. I dropped the mike and walked amongst the crowd whilst they clapped and cheered. I shouldn’t have been surprised. It wasn’t like they had a record of exhibiting good taste.

  I pushed open the doors to the resort’s entrance just as Lara had retrieved the microphone.

  “Well, I’m sorry about that,” she mumbled. “Bianca certainly has an odd sense of humor…”

  She believed me.

  I knew she believed me.

  The doors shut behind me and then I was out in the parking lot again. I was free. No more needing to think about this dreadful wedding. No more about Aiden. I’d drive home and get everything I needed from my room and put it in my car. Then I’d take off. I was done with this fucked up family and their lack of understanding. Done.

  “Hey, come on,” a familiar voice said behind me. “Where are you going?”

  I turned and screamed in Aiden’s face.

  He took a step back, looking a bit stunned.

  Then I continued marching on to the car.


  I wasn’t going to fall for it. Whatever tricks he was planning on showing me. I’d been fooled time after time after time in quick succession. Because I’d wanted to believe in him. Because he meant something to me.

  Obviously, it wasn’t true the other way around. Otherwise he wouldn’t have continued to embarrass me like that. Just because he thought it was funny. I couldn’t say I understood everything that was going on – especially not since I’d seen what the government had done to him – but I didn’t want to know anymore. I didn’t care. He’d gone too far.

  Upon my reaching the car, Aiden was still following me. He wouldn’t go away.

  “Just give me two minutes to explain myself,” he hollered at me. “You owe yourself an explanation.”

  I scoffed out loud.

  My hand went for the car door, but he grabbed hold of it before I could.

  “Let go,” I grumbled.

  Then he shoved his body against mine against the car.

  Now I was really mad. I was going to freak the fuck out.

  “Just listen to me,” he said. He grabbed a hold of my chin so I was forced to face him.

  The lights in the sky seem to hover around him like an aura.

  “I’m here to save your life,” he said.

  “What?” I spat back.

  “What you know is classified information,” Aiden continued. “They wanted to take you out. And they were thinking about taking out everyone else here with you.”

  “But why?”

  “Because you might have told them. Clearly you haven’t.”

  “I don’t believe you. Get off me.”

  Instead of getting off, Aiden’s pressure towards me intensified. He seemed angry now.

  “You’re not listening,” he said. “If you don’t go back in there and behave yourself, then the guys I’m here with are going to make a phone call, and this place will be overrun. This isn’t a game they’re playing. I had to convince them you could keep a secret.”

  “No,” I said. “No, I –”

  “Wake the fuck up, Bianca,” he scolded me. “This is serious. You think this is like shaking up cans of soda and stupid whoopee cushions? You think this is all some joke?”

  “They said you only slept with me … as some kind of bet or something. That it was –”

  “You didn’t believe it was real? Just because they said so?”

  “Well, I don’t really think I can –”

  Aiden put his hands around my cheeks and I couldn’t finish what I was saying, my whole body trembling.

  “Is this real?” Aiden asked me.

  Then he kissed me.

  And whether or not I could tell the difference, I only knew one thing.

  I wanted to believe that it was.


  Aiden was going to let it be my choice. Before I opened my eyes, his body had stepped back from mine, and he was no longer in front of me. I moved from my place against the car and saw he was heading back to the resort. Not waiting for me. Not looking over his shoulder to see what I was going to do.

  I couldn’t let it be that easy for him though. I couldn’t just let him kiss me and then everything was okay. I couldn’t suddenly believe him now.

  I wasn’t sure. That was the truth. Of course, in our moment together, he seemed genuine. He seemed real. But that was just like Aiden. To create a performance of some type and then sucker me in under false pretense. And yet, even with him being who he was, the gravity of what he’d said was so heavy. What was more unbelievable? That there were a bunch of government agents closing in to stop me from telling anyone Aiden could turn himself into a bear?

  Or that he set up a scheme with a couple of his wolf shifter pals to fuck his sister, just to prove how much of a player he was?

  Shit. I wouldn’t put it past him.

  But that look in his eyes…

  His hands to my face … His lips to mine…

  What if he was telling the truth?

  I knew it. I’d always known it. I had to give him another chance.

  I walk
ed back around the side of the car and headed in Aiden’s trail towards the resort. Only now did he look back. As if he knew I would take the time to think about it.

  There’s no expression on his face. He was just standing there, one hand holding open the door, looking back at me.


  “Oh brother,” I whispered.

  He let the door slide behind him and reenter the party.

  I continued walking.

  Into what, I did not know.


  Be normal. Behave rationally. Say nothing about the things you know…

  From the corner of the room Aiden shot me a glance, and then looked away, and went back to his conversation. The lights had dimmed and Lara and Ryan were slow dancing in the centre with others around. The music was soft, emotive and heartfelt. In moments like these, we could believe all is forgiven.

  I pulled out an empty chair and sat down, the wedding couple disappearing under the shadows of others. I plucked the wine bottle from the ice bucket in the centre of the table and poured myself a glass. Drank it. And for a few minutes, nothing else happened. Everybody was okay.

  Then I heard the sound of a chair scraping the ground behind me. A shuffling of feet.


  I turned and came face to face with the first soldier from earlier.

  His face still marked by the bruises Aiden had inflicted on him.

  “Bianca, I saw you talking with Aiden. I told you not to do that.”

  “I won’t say anything,” I said trying to reassure him. “No one needs to get hurt.”

  He stared at me whilst pressing his tongue to the bottom of his mouth. His lips parted and his pointed teeth sparkled.

  “You better not say anything,” he murmured. “It will be bad for him if you do.”

  My eyes drifted out to where Aiden was.

  His back still facing me.

  “I know,” I said.

  The solider leaned forward. “You had better apologize to your sister once she’s finished her dance. You better let her know that you were just talking crazy before.”

  “I will,” I said, glaring back at him. “There won’t be any more outbursts, I promise.”

  “Good girl.”

  He patted me on the back and then stood up.

  I saw him signal to his comrade, and the pair began to make their way out to the entrance. It appeared they were leaving.

  Meanwhile the lights had brightened and a more upbeat song was playing. Lara approached me, with her husband lingering behind her.

  “Who was that?” she asked. “He’s not on the guest list.”

  “One of Aiden’s friends,” I said. “I think he’s leaving now.”

  Lara nodded. “Good.”

  She turned and I grabbed her wrist. “Wait a moment.”


  “Can you sit down?”

  Lara’s eyebrows frowned with suspicion, but she relented. “Apologizing again?”

  “Yeah,” I said. “I don’t know why I said that stuff before.”

  “Because it’s true?”

  “What? Of course not. I couldn’t he’s –”

  “I’m not stupid,” she cut me off. “I know the truth when I hear it.”

  “Well, it’s not really what you –”

  “He’s sick, Bianca,” she said. “You always knew that. He doesn’t know right from wrong. I’m disappointed, shocked, disgusted, I honestly don’t know how you could do it, tonight of all nights.”

  “It wasn’t like what you’re thinking,” I said. “Not at all.”

  Lara nodded. “I still need time to process it, and I don’t want to think about it now. Do you understand?”

  “Look,” I said leaning forward. “There are other things too. You … have no idea the types of…”

  I trailed off.

  Lara looked like she was about to punch me in the face.

  “What’s going on here?” Ryan said, peering over her shoulder. “You were just kidding about that stuff before right? With you and Aiden?”

  “Yes,” I said, nodding. “I’m really sorry.”

  “I told you it was a joke,” he said to Lara. “Now come on, let’s dance again.”

  Lara pursed her lips together and stood up.

  “Go on,” I said. “Enjoy what’s left of your night.”

  “Same to you,” Lara said tonelessly.

  Then she and Ryan walked back out to the floor.

  I took another drink from my glass.

  I looked around for Aiden but he was nowhere to be found.


  The night wore on. I hadn’t seen Aiden in half an hour, and wasn’t sure if he was still here. Lara had retired from the dance floor to her table, surrounded by her bridesmaids chatting with laughter. I had a feeling soon people would start leaving. It was getting kind of late. I figured that it was time for me to go home also, but felt sad that I wouldn’t be able to talk to Aiden beforehand. You know. Just to say goodbye. Who knew how long it was going to be before I saw him again?

  I spotted my father at the bar and decided maybe I’d ask him.

  “Why?” he asked, looking up from the table. “I thought you guys –”

  “Never mind,” I muttered.

  “Try the men’s room,” someone else suggested.

  “Uh … Okay…”

  I walked round and towards the passageway with the toilets, and went down the end to the men’s.

  I knocked quietly on the door.

  No answer. I pushed the door open slightly and peered round the corner. It appeared to be empty.

  Then I heard a voice.

  “If we’re going to do this thing, we need to do it now. I think Aiden’s still here, but he could be gone any minute … They’re keeping him … Did you tell them about it? Or are we taking them out too? Okay. Right. I’ll start the countdown. Do you have people watching from your end? No one can get out of here alive…”

  I let the door swing to a close and took a few steps back.

  Heart rate falling. Panic rising.

  I felt numb.

  The door suddenly opened and I turned away quickly walking in the other direction.

  “Bianca,” the male called behind me. “What are you doing?”

  I turned.

  It was Lara’s newlywed husband.



  “Was that you knocking on the door before?” Ryan asked.

  “Uh, yeah,” I mumbled. “I was … looking for Aiden.”

  “Well, he’s not in there. And you shouldn’t really be wandering around after him. Stay with Lara. Keep her company. She needs you.”

  “I was thinking about taking off actually,” I said.

  “Really?” He stepped in front of me. “Why?”

  “Just tired, you know.”

  “I think it would be better if you stayed. Just another half hour or so. No one else has left yet.”


  “Are you okay?” he asked me.

  “Yes,” I replied.

  “You didn’t…?”

  “No,” I said. “I’m fine.”

  I walked past him and continued towards the end of the passage.

  Without warning his hands were upon me, dragging me back.

  “No!” I squealed. “Let go!”

  My screams were drowned out by the music, and my attempts to fight him were fruitless. He pulled me back into the men’s room with him and shoved me up against the wall.

  “Did you hear me before? When I was on the phone?” he demanded.

  “No,” I said, twisting in his grasp. “Fuck you.”

  Ryan grinned. “No. Fuck you.”

  He squeezed my throat my breathing completely ceased. I felt my cheeks flush and burn with fire as my arms and legs flayed about aimlessly. Ryan had no sympathy for me in his eyes. He appeared to be enjoying himself.

  Just as my world was beginning to go dark, and I felt
my last efforts failing…

  The bathroom door burst open.

  “Let her go,” Aiden’s voice boomed.

  Ryan cast me aside like a rag doll, and I hit the floor in a heap, choking on my breaths.

  “Hey man,” Ryan said casually. “We were just having a little conversation here. It appears my temper got away with me.”

  “I know who you are,” Aiden said. “You’re working for the General.”

  Ryan put his hands together, clapping. “Bravo.”

  “Did she tell you to kill her?”

  Ryan walked towards Aiden, shaking his head. “Not at all. She overheard a conversation of mine.”

  “What conversation?”

  Ryan looked back to me. “I guess it doesn’t matter now.”

  Aiden gave Ryan a huge shove to the chest and he toppled backwards across the bathroom floor. He hit the opposite wall and managed to stay upright.

  Aiden reached down for my hand, and pulled me to my feet.

  Ryan straightened himself up, grinning. He pulled something from his pocket.

  “What’s that?” Aiden said.

  “A detonator,” Ryan replied. “I’m gonna take you all out.”

  “You’ll die too.”

  Ryan winced. “Stand back!”

  Aiden pushed me against the wall as Ryan moved past us. He exited the bathroom.

  “Shit,” Aiden gasped.

  I hurried behind him as we entered the passageway again, Ryan disappearing around the corner.

  “What’s he –?” I spluttered. “What –?”

  “Just go,” Aiden said. “Get out of here.”

  “No, I can’t,” I cried. “I just –”

  Aiden then shifted into his bear and let out a humungous roar.

  I quickly fled in terror, screaming for everyone else to flee with me.


  The bear wasn’t just coming after me. He stormed into the reception area and ripped up the first table he could find, sending it flying across the room. The wedding party gasped and cried out in horror, before they flooded to the exit behind me. Outside the resort my knees hit the ground and I spotted a dark figure running towards the lake on the horizon. But when he came to it he did not go into the water. The figure was replaced with that of a giant bird – it wings outspread and soaring to the skies upward. Was that Ryan? I wondered. Had he been through Aiden’s experiments too?


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