Bull's Eye

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Bull's Eye Page 9

by Evelyn Vox

  I wasn’t used to this.

  To wanting something more than sex from a woman. I wanted her to be happy. With me. I actually cared about her feelings.

  “Fuck,” I breathed, pulling into my driveway.

  I turned off the engine and leaned on the steering wheel for a moment. Aries whined at the door, so I let him out, and took my time as I collected my bag. Going into my house meant the end of this weekend, and the beginning of being alone again.

  Which was how I preferred it.


  These days, though, I kept wishing a certain strawberry-blonde head would pop up in my hallway. I sighed and let myself into my empty bungalow. Aries followed, happier than I was to be home. I was tired. Tired of these thoughts and weary down to my very bones.

  It hadn’t been a weekend for sleeping.

  I brushed my teeth, stripped to my boxers, and got into bed. I grabbed my phone and stared at it. I wanted to text her. I wanted to see how she was doing. Tell her I missed her and that I wanted to be with her still.

  “Fuck,” I said again, clapping a hand to my forehead.

  I put my phone on the bedside table and rolled over.

  Careful. That was my mantra these days. Careful, Derek, be careful. I’d done good work this weekend, keeping my distance and reminding her that I was her master and not her lover. But, as I closed my eyes, I couldn’t stop picturing that disappointed face she’d made when I drew that line in the sand. I’d been obsessing over the disappointment that sparked in those lovely eyes all damn day.

  I tossed and turned, unable to shake the feeling that she wanted more out of this too. And I didn’t know how to stop the dread that came after, because I had no idea how that could ever happen for us. Not when she was married. Not when I could lose my career if I claimed her publicly.

  Still, these thoughts persisted, which could only mean one thing.

  I was so royally fucked.

  I woke up to the all-encompassing sensation of morning wood. Sharp and pinching, it was a distinct type of boner that couldn’t be ignored. My balls were heavy and my cock stiff as I groaned, my arms reaching for the body that wasn’t there.

  I’d slept fitfully, plagued by dreams of Alexandra. Her ass had played a feature role in those dreams. It explained the persistent erection that demanded my attention. I wrapped one hand around my cock. A few strokes in and it became clear I needed more. I reached for my phone and texted my Venus.

  After all, what else was this long-distance situation good for? I grinned, pleased when she gave me what I wanted right away. God, help me, that ass, it was still so bruised. The beast hummed with pride to see my handiwork. I fisted my flesh, groaning as I replayed the scene in my head.


  Her text made me chuckle. Greedy little Princess, missing my cock. I took a picture of it, so hard, just for her, and told her as much. The photo of her tits she sent back had my hand pumping faster. I wanted nothing more than to burst all over those glorious globes. I could taste them, feel them in my hands, my mouth. I wanted to bite those nipples and make her squirm.

  I told her how I wanted to come. In fact, that was the first thing I’d do next time I fucked her. I’d make her suck me until I came all over those tits. But it wasn’t her breasts that had me jerking my hips, bursting so hard my cum landed on my chest. No, it was the look in her eyes. That lustful, dirty look she gave the camera as she snapped the picture for me.

  Fuck, I loved that look.

  I leaned back. The afterglow of my orgasm washed over me. It was spoiled somewhat when she asked if Brian could touch her. I didn’t want him fucking touching her. Not right now. I relished the control I had over them. I’d let him fuck her tonight, but now, in this moment, Alexandra was mine.

  I grabbed a tissue, cleaned myself off, and got ready for the day. When she didn’t say anything else, I tried to brush it off. Tried to tell myself that it didn’t bother me. It didn’t bother me that I had to wait for a text, while Brian got to see her every day. This distance was good, I reminded myself.

  Still, thoughts of her careened around my head all day.

  Careful, Derek. Distance, Derek. Boundaries, Derek.

  Stop obsessing over Alexandra, Derek.


  Chapter Eleven


  I was pouring over my new syllabus when Derek’s ringtone—dramatic, dark piano chords—made me grin. I accepted his request to video chat, happy I’d worn this little black nightie to bed.

  “Hello, Princess,” he purred, shirtless and sexy as fuck.

  My heart tightened to see his face. It’d only been a day since he’d left, but damn it, I missed that face. I missed seeing that naughty smirk he was giving me.

  “Mmm, hello, Derek,” I purred right back, settling deeper into the pillows.

  “I couldn’t get that ass out of my head all day.”

  Even through the video, his eyes sparked unmistakably. I gave him my own naughty smirk.

  “Oh, really? What would you like to do to it?”

  Already, the heat was pooling between my thighs.

  “Dirty, awful, fucked up things, Princess. Where’s Brian? I want to watch him go down on you.”

  “He’s not here,” I said.

  Derek’s eyes narrowed. “Where the hell is he?”

  “He’s at Club Midnight.” I shrugged, trying to act like it was no big deal.

  “Without you?”

  “You said he couldn’t take me,” I protested, all the sexiness slipping out of my voice.

  If he was about to change his mind…

  “I guess I expected him to wait for us to go together,” he said. “I didn’t think he’d leave you and go alone.”

  “It’s okay,” I said, forcing some brightness into my voice. “I’ve been going over my homework.”

  His brow quirked up. “Homework?”

  “I signed up for an interior design class,” I squealed, so excited I shimmied my shoulders and kicked my legs under the covers.

  A big, wide smile filled Derek’s face.

  “Amazing,” he said, still smiling. “That’s amazing. I’m happy for you, Alexandra.”


  “Hell, yes. I can’t wait to see what you come up with.”

  Oh, that tight feeling in my heart got stronger. My toes were still jumping with excitement and I was glad he couldn’t see them.

  “It’s just the one class. They let me in even though it started two weeks ago. Since it’s online, the schedule is pretty flexible.”

  “You’re a smart woman. I’m sure you’ll catch up in no time.”

  Happy, fuzzy warmth blossomed through me. I beamed at him, lost in the beautiful lines of his face, and the broad planes of his chest that filled the small screen of my phone.

  “What did you do today?” I asked, just wanting to hear his voice.

  I listened to him tell me about the project he was working on, and the bitchy client he avoided at all costs. I loved his deep, melodious voice. It was so masculine, so comforting. I especially liked lying on his chest when he spoke. I closed my eyes for a moment to remember the way it made his entire chest rumble.

  Before I knew what was happening, my eyes were suddenly too heavy to reopen. I woke up a few hours later, groggy and disoriented, thinking Derek was here, and that I’d fallen asleep in his arms. Instead, bitter disappointment filled my brain as reality hit me. I looked at the phone in my hand. He’d sent a message.

  “My sleeping beauty. Good night, Princess.”

  Butterflies fluttered through my chest. I felt fuzzy and content. I was so happy, I went right back to sleep without realizing that Brian still wasn’t home.

  The sunlight landed on my face, waking me up. I looked at the clock and winced. I’d overslept. I’d forgotten to set my alarm last night when I’d fallen asleep chatting with Derek. I sat up, frowning, as two thoughts hit me at once.

  My husband never came home last night and that
was the first time Derek and I had gotten on the phone and just talked.

  I wasn’t sure which bothered me more.

  I’d had no messages from my husband, so I called him. It went to voicemail. I sighed and sent him a text, asking if he was alive. He should be at work by now, and his answering text said as much.


  My imagination wandered at the implications. I didn’t know enough about the Club to understand the regulations around spending the night there. But I did know what happened when Derek and I spent the night there. I thought of all those rooms with beds engraved on the door. They must be for overnight guests.

  And it was fine, I decided. I wasn’t upset. I was annoyed that he hadn’t thought to message me, to tell me he was okay, but otherwise I wasn’t upset. I’d get the details from him later and make sure he knew to keep me informed next time. I was excited for him, though, and happy that he’d explored the club.

  I’d wanted to tell him about the course I was taking, but that was okay, too. He didn’t really want to hear about my class, anyways.


  I sent the message, frowning at the time. It was almost ten and I had a lot of work to do. I’d have to skip my workout today.

  By the time Brian came home for dinner, I’d already finished the first chapter’s work in my class. I didn’t tell him that I spent the entire day reading and working, and tackled my homework with a zest I hadn’t felt in a long time.

  “So,” I said, grinning as we sat on the sofa, “how was it?”

  Brian mirrored my grin. He handed me glass of freshly poured white. He settled my feet in his lap and began massaging them.

  “It was wild.”

  I smiled around the rim of my glass. “Isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, I’ve never experienced anything like it,” he said, brown eyes glittering.

  We both giggled like schoolgirls.

  “What’d you do there?” I probed, eager to hear what he was exploring.

  He giggled again, but looked away, suddenly modest. I squealed in outrage.

  “Brian!” I nudged him with my foot. “You know exactly what I got up to!”

  “I know, I know it’s just weird to talk about it.”

  I wanted to remind him that it wasn’t too long ago that I’d seen him freaking sucking Derek’s cock. But, I could sense that pushing him wouldn’t get me anywhere. I wanted to give him time to feel comfortable talking about it. He was clearly bashful, which made me realize…

  “Oh my god, did you fuck someone?”

  His hands stilled on my feet. He wouldn’t look at me.

  “Brian! Tell me.”

  I wasn’t upset, not in the least. I just didn’t want secrets. Openness and communication and all that.

  “Almost,” he admitted, “we didn’t go all the way.”

  I laughed and leaned forward to clap him on the shoulder. “That’s my baby!”

  “You’re sure this is okay, Lex?”

  His brown eyes were wide, in full puppy-dog mode. It was so sweet and adorable.

  “It’s more than okay. I just want you to be open and honest with me. That’s all.”

  “I can do that.”

  “And wear a condom,” I said, “don’t give me some kind of herpes.”

  “Sure, like you did with Derek.”

  I stiffened. Those eyes narrowed to slits. They were now more like a snake’s than a puppy’s. His grip on my foot suddenly hardened.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Forget it,” he said, not looking at me, his fingers digging deep into my heel.


  I pulled my foot away, staring at him like he was a stranger. No, I had not used condoms with Derek. I had no explanation for it, other than I was on birth control and I…I’d just trusted him. It wasn’t logical. It was my instinct. Like everything else between me and that man, it was a primal truth. I just knew it wasn’t necessary. Unlike fucking multiple strangers at a sex club.

  “Brian,” I said, unable to keep the edge out of my voice, “if you have something to say, then say it.”

  “I don’t,” he snapped.

  “If you’re uncomfortable with this arrangement, say the word and it ends. But do not,” I seethed, “make passive jabs at me like that because you’re too much of a coward to tell me what’s bothering you.”

  He was quiet. I watched him sip his wine. Waited and waited for him to say something.

  “Do you want me to end it?”

  I hadn’t considered that he would. He seemed to be enjoying himself. Was certainly enjoying the newfound openness in our marriage. Had seemed to love that nasty threesome we had just two days ago. So why the sudden bitterness?

  “No,” he said softly.

  “Then what’s wrong?”

  I placed a hand on his thigh and rubbed soothing circles over it.

  “You had an affair, Lexie. What would have happened if I’d never found out?”

  “I don’t know,” I said, honestly. “I…it was wrong. I shouldn’t have done it. And I’m so lucky to have a husband so open to it.”

  “I do like it,” he admitted. “I just wish it had been on different terms.”

  “I know.” I leaned forward. “That’s why I want us to be open and honest as we explore. I wasn’t able to be honest with you or myself about what I wanted. What I needed. Then Derek waltzed into my life and handed it to me on a silver platter. If I hadn’t been so afraid of admitting the truth to myself, to you, we could have started this on different terms.”

  “Communication,” he agreed, taking my hand in his, “is key.”

  I planted a kiss on his lips.

  “You know,” I murmured against his mouth, “Derek wanted to watch us fuck last night. I bet he’d be more than happy if we put on a show for him.”

  Brian yawned.

  “I’m so exhausted, baby, I hardly slept last night.”

  “Oh. Well. Okay, then.”

  “Sorry,” he shrugged.

  I sipped my wine as I watched him get up and walk into the bedroom. It wasn’t a big deal. There was always tomorrow night. And then, after that, the weekend wasn’t so far away. And then, I’d get to see Derek.

  I smiled as I got into bed next to Brian. I closed my eyes and listened to the rain patter against the window. I thought about the way Derek’s body felt pressed against mine.

  I couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Twelve



  “You can say that again, boss.”

  Jon and I were looking at the damage last night’s storm caused one of our renovations.

  “Water flooded the entire basement. We have to start from scratch.”

  “Which puts us about a week behind schedule,” I said, pinching the bridge of my nose.

  “Yea, boss, I hate to say it, but I think we need to pull some weekends on this bitch.”


  He was right. I knew it. We were in a rush to finish before winter hit and the weather got too bad. This particular client was also incredibly fussy, and I’d already put them on my short-list of clients to never work with again.

  I chewed over my options. I could make my crew pull the extra weekend hours while I went to Manhattan as planned. I frowned. That didn’t sit right. I rarely made them work extra hours, and it was even more rare that I wasn’t there sweating with them. No.

  “Fuck,” I said again, staring at the brackish water at the foot of the stairs like it was my mortal enemy.

  “I’ll tell the boys,” Jon said, clapping me on the shoulder. “Sorry, bro.”

  He knew. He knew that I was pissed about the weekends away from Alexandra. We hadn’t spoken about it since our conversation earlier in the week, but we didn’t need to. Jon was smart enough to know not to mention it.

  I stomped up the stairs after him. I could have Alexandra come visit me, but maybe this was a blessing in disguise.
I had wanted more distance and here it was, served to me on a silver-fucking-platter. Maybe this was exactly what we needed.

  That didn’t mean I was happy about it.

  My mood went from bad to worse by the time I got home. More damage had been uncovered. More delays. I was pissed off and dreading the phone call I had to make. The beast was angry, but I put it on a short-fucking-leash and grit my teeth as I made the call. A phone call this time, so I wouldn’t have to see the disappointment on her face. I knew it would have haunted me for weeks, otherwise.


  God, that voice. Just the sound of her voice was enough to make me hard. How was that even possible? She sounded happy. I could hear her smile over the phone, and her desire.


  “Mmm,” she breathed, “I missed the sound of your voice.”

  I knew she was as turned on as I was. Miles away and on the phone, and this spark between us still burned hot. I’d never get used to it. The wanting. I had expected it to wear off by now, but it only seemed to burn brighter every day. Which made what I was about to say even worse.

  “Princess, I have some bad news.”


  She was whining. I could almost see the pout on her face.

  “My latest renovation took some damage last night. We’re scrambling to finish on time. I have to work this weekend.”


  “And..,” I sighed, stalling, hating the words I had to say next.


  “It’s bad. It’s looking like I’ll have to work the next couple weekends.”

  Her voice dropped any hint of playfulness. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “I wish I was.” I really fucking wished I was.

  “Okay, so, I’ll come visit you,” she said, her voice brightening again.

  “That’s not a good idea. I’ll be working a lot. I won’t have much time to spend with you.”

  And you’d be too much of a delectable distraction, I wanted to add, but didn’t.


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