Dragon Harem: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance

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Dragon Harem: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance Page 9

by Rains, Nina

  “Do what Latias did to me,” I whispered gently.

  Ampharos’ cheeky smile returned. His eyes flashed with excitement. He cupped my face with his hands and kissed my lips. He deepened his kiss as he lowered me back to the soft bed of grass.

  His kisses moved down to my chin, to my neck and until he reached the top part of my chest. He looked at me again for confirmation. I gulped down my excitement, took a deep breath and nodded.

  My eyes were shut and my lips curved a smile when his tongue licked my nipples. His rough taste buds grazed my nipples repeatedly. My body shuddered from the strange ticklish feeling as he continued to lick and suck my nipples.

  “Ampharos,” I moaned softly.

  Ampharos spread my legs and moved in between them carefully. He moved his kisses at the center of my breasts while his hands massaged them.

  He removed one of his hands from my breasts and reached for the hem of my dress. He rolled it up to my waist. His fingers strummed into my inner thighs.

  I froze a little. I remembered Latias doing the same to me. My hidden and found memory only fueled my excitement. My breathing hastened as Ampharos’ fingers advanced nearer to my vagina.

  “Ampharos,” I repeated again.

  Ampharos smiled and moved his head to my face. He awarded my lips with a deep kiss before he slipped his fingers into my wet slit. I moaned into his mouth when he touched the sensitive pearl between my labia.

  “Are you hurt, princess?” he asked.

  I could only reply by shaking my head. I was still lost by the beautiful sensations of his touch.

  Ampharos moved his kisses to my neck and chest. His fingers also moved lower to my wet opening. A shivering moan escaped my mouth when his fingertips traced the outline of my womanhood. I called his name again. He must have gotten used to my moans as he did not pause when I called out his name.

  His fingers plunged deeper into my opening. I jumped when I felt his fingers inside me. He stopped and looked at me with worry.

  “I’m fine. You can thrust them deeper if you want,” I responded in between moans.

  I inhaled deeply when he thrust his fingers deeper, as requested. I felt the walls of my vagina spread and squeeze his fingers.

  Ampharos pulled his fingers out. I shivered. He looked at me again and I begged him to do it again. He started moving his fingers in and out. The friction spread more heat all over me. I writhed under him.

  Ampharos suddenly stopped. I wanted to complain but hesitated when I saw him pull his trousers down. I froze at the sight of his manhood. It was long, dark and huge, like the mountain of Sijeem. My hands gripped the grass as fear and arousal filled my heart.

  I took a deep breath and calmed myself. Ampharos looked at me and I gave him a nod. He removed my soaking wet underwear. The cold breeze of the wonderful night blew on the wet lips of my vagina. It calmed me down of my fear but excited me as well.

  Ampharos spread my legs wider and placed them around his hips. He imitated what Latias did, but we were on the ground instead of against a tree.

  He placed the tip of his rigid manhood on my sensitive pearl. I moaned as I twitched. He let out a breath of excitement, too. My wet pearl clearly pleasured him. He rubbed it again and I let him.

  “Ampharos,” I moaned again when he rubbed the tip of his penis harder and faster on my pearl.

  “Princess,” he called me.

  His voice sounded like music that swayed my heart. I opened my eyes and looked at him. I was stunned when I saw him.

  Ampharos’ skin had turned into a dark tan. His veins drew a pattern of beautiful flowers and trees on his skin. His body had become a painting of a lovely garden.

  I looked around us. Everything had changed. Yellow flowers filled the green auri trees. Tiny rose-like flowers grew around us.

  The scent of the wind had become a mixture of ripe mango fruits and jasmine flowers. It kept me calm and wild at the same time.

  Ampharos’ long manhood slipped down into my opening. We both gasped. He looked at me with eager eyes – like a child who discovered something new.

  I smiled and nodded. His eyes sparkled with thrill. He leaned down and kissed my lips. I pressed his face harder on mine as I felt his thick penis trace the sides of my opening.

  I exhaled on his face when he thrust his erect shaft deeper.

  My heart beat fast as I suddenly remembered what happened with Latias. His thrust almost turned me into ice. I became scared that Ampharos would also kill me.

  I pushed Ampharos a little, but he was caught up in a wonderful moment. He pushed deeper. I forgot about my fears when his warm, thick tip spread the walls of my vagina. It did not feel cold or hot, but it spread an unexplainable passion and happiness all over me.

  Suddenly, something blocked his tip. He pushed hard to break it. I groaned as the pain traveled through my hips. It was not as painful as a cut from a sword, but I felt like his shaft tried to divide my whole being.

  I took a deep breath and tried to withstand the pain. Ampharos pushed harder and his tip broke into a tinier hole inside me. My fingernails pressed hard on his skin as I tried not to cry from the stinging pain.

  I looked at Ampharos. His cheeks turned rosy. He kissed me and whispered, “It’s beautiful. This feeling is beautiful. You are beautiful.”

  His words eased a bit of the stinging pain. He was right. It was a beautiful feeling of fulfillment. It felt like I became a real woman.

  He thrust even deeper into me. The pain spread again. He pulled his shaft out of the tinier hole and pushed it back in. The pain stung me again, but it felt nicer this time around. My body rejoiced as he thrust in, but left wanting for more when he pulled out. I forgot about the pain, acknowledged the longing and enjoyed the union.

  “Ampharos,” I whispered.

  I wrapped my legs tighter around his hips and encouraged him to go deeper.

  He thrust his strongly erect manhood in and out of me, rocking me into a state of pain and ecstasy. Suddenly, my chest became heavy. My body became weak. I ignored it and continued to enjoy the joy of his erection inside me.

  Then, Ampharos became heavy – too heavy for me. My body also began to stiffen. My breath shortened. It felt like something started to suck the life out of me.

  I opened my eyes and looked at Ampharos. He looked more beautiful. His golden hair sparkled like the gold pollens of roses. Flowers and trees were tattooed all over his skin. I wanted to ignore the heaviness I felt. Maybe this was just how losing your innocence feels.

  My eyes shifted to my hands that held on to his shoulders. Confusion filled me. The skin on my hands wrinkled like prunes. It looked like the skin of an elderly who had lived four times my age.

  I raised Ampharos' face and looked into his eyes. They reflected an image of a different woman. The woman had a wrinkled face and gray hair. It was not me!

  “Ampharos,” I uttered when my body shivered.

  My body could still feel the pleasure of his full thrusts, but I felt like crushing under him. What was happening? The pleasure I felt was suddenly mixed with worry. I reached for some strands of my hair. I panicked when they fell off my scalp. They were all gray.

  I looked back at Ampharos. He was still caught up in the moment of pleasure. I looked into his eyes again. No! The woman was me. His happiness was sucking my life out of me.

  “Ampharos, stop!” I yelled.

  Ampharos stopped and looked at me. He was surprised to see me. He quickly rolled away from me.

  “I’m sorry, princess,” he muttered in between breaths.

  I wanted to look at him, but I felt too weak and too old to move. He crawled next to me and held my face.

  “Look into my eyes,” he pleaded.

  I peered into his eyes. His eyes lit up into golden brown. I watched as my true appearance returned before his eyes. I slowly recovered my strength.

  Ampharos looked sorry and ashamed. Somehow, I understood him. He succeeded in taking away my innocence, but he failed to gi
ve me the same pleasure he had.

  The flowers from the trees withered and the rose-like flowers returned into buds.

  Ampharos stood up, but he knelt back quickly. “Did I hurt you that much?” he asked in an even more worried voice.

  I looked down on my legs. A small amount of blood dripped on my thighs. I rose from the grass and shook my head.

  “That is just how it should be when a woman loses her innocence,” I said.

  Ampharos looked at me with apologetic eyes. I forced a smile and hugged him. I felt sorry for him. It was not his fault. None of them was at fault. It was me. I looked up at the dark night sky. Couldn’t I really be the woman in the prophecy?

  Chapter Nine

  Amara presented me in front of Saicin. She pushed me on a kneeling position. I looked at my sister. She looked paler than before.

  King Apollyeon and Prince Minhyeon kept on using the other part of Dratini’s heart to summon the lost dragon. Saicin’s tiny body suffered the fatigue and the pain of all their rituals.

  Saicin glared at me and looked at Amara. “No one should know about what happened,” she ordered.

  Saicin insisted that I did not commit a grave sin. I knew that the dragons would save me, so I did not really make any attempt against my own life.

  “Aurora did not commit any mistake worthy of any prosecution,” Saicin added.

  “As you wish, your Highness,” Amara answered.

  I wanted to object. This is not what I planned. I wanted Saicin to remove me from my position as the high priestess. I did not want to tell my secret to Saicin, but she had to know. I was no longer innocent. Hence, I was no longer suited to be a priestess.

  Saicin countered me with an irritated frown before I could confess my secret. She heaved a sigh of disappointment and announced, “Aurora shall return to her post as the head of the royal guards.”

  I felt relieved, but I felt sorry when I turned to Amara. She had taken my place when I had been assigned as the high priestess. Now, she was demoted because of me.

  “You will prepare to pass the examination for the position of the high priestess,” Saicin ordered Amara. “I will talk to the elders. If you pass, you shall be the high priestess.”

  Amara bowed and answered, “As you wish your Highness.”

  “No,” I objected. I rose from the floor and looked at Amara. “You do not have to do it.”

  “It is the Queen’s order,” Amara reminded me.

  I looked at Saicin. She replied with a blaming look. I looked at Amara and she only smiled. I understood the reason Saicin chose Amara.

  Amara had been our friend since we were young. Her mother was our nurse. We even shared milk from her mother’s breasts because our mother had a weaker body. She had proven her loyalty to us. Saicin was confident that Amara would never betray her.

  “If you do not want to be the high priestess, you can fail the test,” I advised Amara.

  Amara only laughed and shook her head. I could not see any regret or doubt in her eyes. She wanted to take the position, but not for any selfish reasons. She wanted it because she believed she could protect Elastin better.

  I smiled and whispered, “Then, pass those tests.”

  Amara was not from the royal line. She had to get the approval of the elders to get the position. I had no doubts that she would be granted the position. The elders knew of her skills and her loyalty. She was even fit to become the queen.

  * * *

  “Welcome back, your Highness,” my elite warriors greeted as I entered the room.

  I looked around the room. My eyes landed on a table with a new map of the kingdom. The map extended beyond the Mountain of Sijeem. I looked at Sarisa.

  “General Amara gave us an order to scout the area,” Sarisa explained. “For the past weeks, King Apollyeon and Prince Minhyeon remained inside the mountain.”

  “Outside, the other kingdoms were preparing for a war,” Eunisa added.

  “How do we fare?” I asked.

  “We have set up traps. They would delay any attack for about two days,” Eunisa answered. “But, our male soldiers are yet to be ready for any attacks.”

  My shoulders dropped as my frustration became heavy. Amara had explained her strategy to me. The Plaedisian wanted to abduct our women. Sending our army to the battle would be the same as handing out our women to them. We needed to train male soldiers, instead.

  “Our scouts discovered something this morning,” Sarisa announced.

  I gave her a sign to relay what they discovered. Sarisa explained that King Apollyeon intended to wake the lost dragon, hidden in the Mountain of Sijeem. The human Plaedisians claimed that the dragon was the key to conquering Elastin.

  “But, how could they summon the dragon without his heart?” Eunisa asked.

  “This must be why they want to abduct the Queen,” Sarisa concluded. “Only then could they wholly summon the lost dragon. What do you think, your Highness?”

  I kept my reaction indifferent. All the people who knew the truth about Saicin had taken it to the grave. Only Saicin, Amara and I were left with the truth.

  “Tighten the security around the castle,” I ordered the other generals. “No one should pass beyond the entrance of the castle without the approval of the generals-in-duty.”

  The generals bowed in acceptance. I looked at the replica of Mount Sijeem on the map. It would be better if the dragons could help us.

  My mind drifted when I thought of the three brothers. I wanted to see them – more than I wanted their help. However, I began to lose hope. Those cruel gods of the heavens! It was all their fault. Why did the brothers’ powers have to become the death of me?

  A gasping warrior interrupted the meeting. She removed her helmet and bowed before me. I recognized her. She was Cynara, Sarisa’s younger sister and the head of the west gate guards.

  “Speak,” I ordered.

  “They have launched an attack,” Cynara announced.

  Gasps filled the room. Cynara took a pebble and placed it on the west side of the map. She said that hundreds of King Apollyeon’s vampire soldiers approached the west side, intentionally avoiding the New East Mountain.

  “It is the farthest to the castle,” Sarisa stated.

  “The first town?” I asked.

  “If they pass through our traps, it would take them about three hours to reach the village of Andante,” Sarisa answered.

  “How much time do we have?” I asked before Sarisa could lengthen her explanation.

  “Three days,” Sarisa answered briefly.

  “Get the villagers out of the…”

  My voice trailed when another warrior entered. She came from the south gate. She had the same concerned look as Cynara.

  “I think the Queen needs to call the dragons now,” Eunisa suggested. “You have met them, your Highness. They took you to their lair.”

  “We need to take a stand on our own,” I answered with resentment. “The dragons may not come.”

  “This is all the priestesses’ fault!” Eunisa shouted fiercely.

  And the first Queen's. I wanted to add. I looked at the replica of the New East Mountain. The dragons would come and help Elastin. They would come for me. However, what good could it bring? We could win this battle, but what about the real war? The three brothers could not stop Dratini without the woman in the prophecy.

  “Your Highness,” Sarisa called when my mind roamed.

  “Let’s win this battle,” I encouraged my troops. “Tell Amara to find other ways to eliminate the vampires.”

  “As you wish, your Highness,” my warriors answered in a chorus.

  * * *

  I calmed my horse as we waited in line along with my troops. I looked at my warriors. Some had fear in their eyes. Some had courage, but all had the will to protect the kingdom.

  Sarisa looked at the stars of Cassiopeia. Many of my warriors still looked for the guidance of the first Queen. I frowned. How could the first Queen help us? She and her people we
re full of greed. Elastin was nothing but a queen who used her beauty to cause all these troubles. She might have saved her people, but only to bring their descendants doom.

  “Your Highness,” Eunisa uttered. Her voice shook a little.

  Eunisa pointed something from afar. My heart felt like falling from my chest.

  The smokes from the traps thinned out and our enemies appeared clearly before us. Their armors were minimal, which made them more agile. They only covered the parts that could kill them – the heart, the neck, and the head. They crawled towards us like hungry wolves, hunting for wild boars.

  “Remember. Do not let them take you!” I reminded my warriors. “Let’s fight until the end!”

  My warriors cheered. I looked at Cynara and raised my sword. Cynara bowed and ordered her archers to get into their positions.

  The archers lit up their arrows as the vampires crawled closer. I raised my sword again and swung it towards the enemies. The archers let go of their arrows.

  The arrows dropped from the sky like burning stars. They went down in series, killing plenty of our enemies. However, they were not enough.

  “There are just too many of them,” Eunisa stated.

  “Your Highness, look!” A warrior called.

  “The Queen succeeded!” Another warrior rejoiced. “She called upon the dragons!”

  I looked up to the sky. Renisham, Latias, and Ampharos flew across the dark sky. They blew fire against our enemies. My warriors celebrated and praised the stars of Cassiopeia and Saicin. I did not mind.

  Ampharos flew closer to us. He bowed his dragonhead to meet my eyes. Even as a dragon, he looked mischievous. He winked at me and flew back to join his brothers.

  A wall of fire emerged from the western border of the kingdom. The smoke darkened into a deep cloud as our monstrous foes burned to their death. The thick smoke flew towards us.

  A wall of ice appeared before us and repelled the smoke. A part of the ice was as clear as glass. Latias stuck his head on that part and looked at me. A glass rose appeared in his eyes before he thickened the ice.

  “Step back!” I ordered my warriors when I noticed a shadow of a dragon darken the ice wall.


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