by Mark Moyar
political life and career of, 65–66
in WWI, 65
Dostum, Abdul Rashid, 226–230
drones, 306
See also surgical strikes
Durant, Mike, 207–212
Earles, I. B., 44–45
Eastern Alliance, 238–239
Eddy, William, 81
Edson, Merritt, 43, 48–53, 56
Edson’s Ridge, 52
Ehalt, Robert E., 26–27
Eifler, Carl, 71–74, 77–78
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 81, 90, 93
El Salvador, 175–176
Escobar, Pablo, 216
European Theater, WWII, xvi, 34–36, 62, 335
See also Italian Theater, WWII
Eversmann, Matt, 195–196, 203
FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation
FDR. See Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 69
“Fighting Irish” Regiment, 65
Fillmore, Earl, 205–207
First Special Service Force (Forcemen)
casualties in Italian Theater of, 28–29
conventional military conflict with, 39
dissolution of, 29
in Monte la Difensa battles, 18–21
snow training of, 17
at Winter Line battles, 16, 18
WWII campaigns scope for, 39, 334–335
Floyd, David, 202
Forcemen. See First Special Service Force
Forrestal, James, 87
Dieppe raid in, 11
Jedburgh candidates from, 86
resistance forces in WWII, 80, 81–82, 83, 87–92, 95
Franks, Tommy, 257–258, 260, 268
Frederick, Robert T., 18–20, 28–29
Frogmen. See Navy Frogmen
Garrison, William F., 199–201, 205, 207–208, 213, 214
Gates, Robert, 286–287, 302–305
Gela. See Sicily
gender, 323–324
German Army
Cisterna battle, 23–28
Forcemen bombardment by, 20–21
French resistance treatment from, 90
Hermann Goering Division of, 25–26, 28
Italian lines of defense of, 21–22
in Pointe du Hoc battle, 29–33, 38
Ranger landing at Anzio impact on, 22–23
weapons of, 4, 20
Winter Line battles with, 15–18
Berlin, 118–119, 268
Ranger raid on heartland of, 34–36
Global SOF Network, 309–311, 313
Goering, Hermann, 25–26, 28
Goffena, Mike, 209–211
Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986, 340
Gordon, Gary, 209–211
Gray Fox intelligence organization, 242, 271
Green Berets. See Army Special Forces
Greer, Thomas, 238–239
Grenada, 176–180, 191
Grenier, Robert L., 231, 237
Guadalcanal raid, 50–54, 62
Guam invasion, 60–61
Guest, Jim, 182–183, 186
HAHO. See High Altitude, High Opening
Haines, John, 46, 48
Harriman, Stanley L., 243–244, 250
Harris, Randall “Harry,” 4
Hartle, Russell P., 7–8
Henderson Field, 50, 52, 54
High Altitude, High Opening (HAHO), ix–x
civilians understanding of military, xix–xx
future operation success with knowledge of, 327, 345
Hitler, Adolf, 7, 16, 35, 38, 69
See also German Army; Nazis
Ho Chi Minh Trail, 130, 144–147, 154–155
Hoar, Joseph P., 199, 209
Hodenfield, G. K., 32
Holcomb, Thomas, 42–43, 54–55, 56
Hollywood, 54, 305
“Home by Christmas” offensive, 100, 106
Hoover, J. Edgar, 69, 93
hostage rescue and negotiation
JSOC in Iran, 172–180
as priority of SOF, 190–191
by SEALs, ix–xiv, 172–173, 190, 322–323
in Vietnam War, 139–141
See also Operation Eagle Claw; prisoners of war
Hunter, Charles N., 57
Hussein, Saddam
escape of, 272
fall of, 268–269
hunt for, 265–267, 272
Kuwait invasion by, 185–186
Operation Desert Storm and, 188
sons killed by SOF, 273–274
statue destruction of, 268
Team Tank impact on, 260
weapons inventory of, 256, 301–302
Hyder, Vic, 246–247
India. See China-Burma-India Theater, WWII
Operation Eagle Claw hostage rescue in, 163–180, 190, 300
Iraq, 272
counterterrorism operations after 2014 in, 317–319
insurgents in, 274, 279
troop withdrawal from, 306, 332
See also Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
Iraq invasion (Operation Iraqi Freedom)
first operations in, 259–260
hunt for Hussein in, 265–267
Rumsfeld on, 256–257, 261–262
SOF groups in, 258–260
Team Tank in, 260–261
Iraq War
casualties in, 279
counterinsurgency operations in, 269–270, 272–273, 279–281, 284–285, 291
counterterrorism operations in, 270–281
intelligence and information technology in, 277–279
JSOC surgical strikes in, 271–272, 276–277
McChrystal command of JSOC in, 276–279
post-Hussein environment of, 268–269
SOCOM in, 272, 277
ISIS. See Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
Islamic Republic of Iran. See Iran
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), 315–317, 322
Italian Theater, WWII
Forcemen battles in, 16–21, 28–29
German defensive lines in, 21–22
OSS in, 82
Pointe du Hoc operation in, 29–33, 38
Ranger operations in, 2–6, 14–16, 22–33, 38
See also Sicily
Japanese Army
American-Kachin success against, 79–80
Burma offensive and, 57–58, 79–80
Burmese support for invasion of, 74–75
Detachment 101 battles with, 73–75
Guam invasion and, 61
Kachin resistance to, 74–76
Makin Atoll raid and, 43–48
Ranger battles with, 36–38
Solomon Islands raids and, 48–58
Jawbreaker, 224–225
Jedburghs, 94, 115
casualties of, 91
French resistance help from, 88–91
in Normandy invasion, 83
training for, 85–86
Johnson, Lyndon B., 130, 131, 146, 154
Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), 199
in Afghanistan invasion, 237–238
black SOF teams of, 270, 271, 288
casualties in Iraq War of, 279
counterinsurgency success of, 218
creation of, 171–172, 190
hostage rescue in Iran by, 172–180
Hussein hunt by, 265–267
in Iraq invasion, 259–260
low-level fighter strikes and, 307
McChrystal command of, in Iraq, 276–279
Operation Desert Storm and, 187–189
operations in 1990s, 215–216
surgical strike priority of, 324
surgical strikes of, in Iraq War, 271–272, 276–277
Jones, David C., 165–166, 171, 172
Jones, Garrett, 200
JSOC. See Joint Special Operations Command
Jungle Jim, 127
Kabul. See Afghanistan invasion
br /> Kachins, 74–80
Kandahar. See Afghanistan invasion
Karzai, Hamid, 231–235, 256, 290–291
Kennedy, John F., 345
assassination of, 130
on Communist insurgents, 124–125
counterinsurgency operations push from, 126–127, 153–154, 331, 336
early life of, 123–124
SOF championed by, xvii, 125–127, 153–154, 328
Keyes, Geoffrey, 21
Khan, Fahim, 229–230
Korean partisans, 109–113
Korean War, 335–336
Army Special Forces in, 118, 121–122
Attrition Section in, 109–112
beginning of, 97–98
Chinese Army in, 100–103, 105–106
CIA in, 120
Psychological Warfare alliance for, 113
Rangers in, 99–108, 121–122, 330
See also North Korean Army; South Korea
Krueger, Walter, 35–36
Kurth, Mike, 205, 207, 212
Kuwait, 185–186
See also Operation Desert Storm
language proficiency, 83, 333
Laos, 137–139, 146–147, 155
laser acquisition system, 225–226, 228, 234
Le Francois, Wilfred S., 44–46
Leahy Amendment, 319–320
Libya, 319, 333
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 129
Lodge Bill, 117
Lodin, Zia, 244–245, 255
Losey, Brian L., 314
Lucas, John P., 22–23
Lyons, James A. “Ace,” 172–173
M29 Weasel, 17
MacArthur, Douglas
Korean War command of, 99–100
Pacific Theater command of, 41–42, 70
Mack, Al, 248–250
Mackmull, Jack, 160–162
Major Force Program 11, 181, 189, 191, 312
Makin Atoll raid, 43–48
Mali, Africa, 320–321
al-Maliki, Nouri, 284–285, 315
Manor, Leroy J., 150–151
Mao Zedong, xvi–xvii, 42, 100, 134, 285
Maquis, 80, 81–82, 83, 87–92, 95
Marauders. See Merrill’s Marauders
Marcinko, Richard, 172–175
Marine Corps, US, xv, 43
in Pacific Theater, 39, 42
Raiders siphoned from, 56
SOCOM involvement of, 181, 280–283
SOF mistrust by, 287–288, 297
SOF units for, 281–282
in Solomon Islands raids, 49–52
in Somalia missions, 197–198
Marine Corps Raiders, xvi
conflict with Marine Corps regulars, 43
debate on benefit of, 54–55
dissolution of, 62
Edson’s Ridge casualties of, 52
FDR on, 43, 61
in Guadalcanal raid, 50–54, 62
Makin Atoll raid by, 43–48
origin of, 42–43
in Pacific Theater, 43–58, 335
press and publicity on, 54–55
Solomon Island raids by, 48–58
training of, 43
Marine Parachute Battalion, 50–52
Marine Special Operations Command (MARSOC), xvi, 283–284
Markham, Jerry N., 59–60
Marshall, George, 7, 38, 87, 327–328
MARSOC. See Marine Special Operations Command
McChrystal, Stanley, 342
Afghanistan operations command of, 286–290
dismissal of, 290
early life and military education of, 274–275
JSOC command in Iraq war of, 276–279
McClure, Robert A., 113–115, 119–120
McGee, John H., 98–99
Attrition Section command by, 108–109
Ranger revival advocated by, 104–105
McGirr, Wes, 230–231
McKnight, Danny, 207–208
McNair, Lesley J., 13, 15
McNamara, Robert, 130–133
McRaven, William, 314
on Abbottabad raid, 302–303
SOCOM expansion campaign of, 309–313, 325, 341–342
Meadows, Dick, 139–141, 150, 152, 164
Medal of Honor. See Congressional Medal of Honor
Merrill, Frank D., 56–57
Merrill’s Marauders, 335
in Burma offensive, 57–58, 79, 80
casualties of, 57–58
dissolution of, 62
origin of, 56–57, 61
Metcalf, Joseph, 177–179
Meyer, Shy, 160–162
MI-6, 67
military, conventional. See conventional military
military history. See history
military leadership
SOF compared to conventional, 339–341
“toxic,” 343–344
Miller, A. Scott “Scotty,” 211, 288, 291
Miller, Jennifer, 312
Milton Hall, 85–86
Mitchel, Pat, 147–149
Mixter, David, 147–148
Mogadishu. See Somalia
Mondale, Walter, 165–166
Montagnard tribes, 128–129, 136–137
See also Civilian Irregular Defense Groups
Monte la Difensa battles, 18–21, 38
Montgomery, Bernard, 2
Montgomery, Thomas, 208–209, 214
Mucci, Henry, 36–37
Mulholland, John, 225
al-Muslit, Muhammed Ibrahim Omar, 265–266
Mussolini, Benito, 2–3
National Security Act of 1947, 111
NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Naval Combat Demolition Units, 58–59
Naval Special Operations, 307, 315
Navy, US, 49, 65
Kennedy push for SOF under, 127
in Pacific Theater, 39, 41–42, 60
underwater demolition capabilities of, 58–60
Navy Frogmen, xvi
origin of, 58–60
in Pacific Theater operations, 59–61, 328
political fascination with, 61–62
Navy Sea Kings, 140–141
Navy Sea Stallions, 167–170
Navy SEALs, 177
in Abbottabad raid, 299–300, 304–305
Bin Laden assassination by, xiii, xiv, 303–304, 309, 338, 341
creation and first deployment of, 127–128
HAHO parachute jumps by, ix–x
Marcinko command of, 172–175
Marine SOF and, 282
in Operation Anaconda, 241–242, 246–250
recruitment and training of, 344
rescue missions by, ix–xiv, 172–173, 190, 322–323
Somali rescue mission by, ix–xiv
Team Six, 172–175, 190, 247
in Vietnam War, 127–128, 143, 331
Nazis, 66–67, 91
See also German Army
Nebelwerfer, 20
New Georgia, 55–58
Ngo Dinh Diem, 129–130
Nightstalkers. See Air Force Nightstalkers
Nimitz, Chester, 41–42, 54, 56, 70
Nimitz, USS, 167–170
9/11 attacks, 301
Bush, G. W., response to, 221–223
legislation passed following, 222
SOF affected by, 222–223, 262, 283–284, 337
Nixon, Richard, 147, 150, 152
Noriega, Manuel, 183–185, 196
Normandy invasion, 91–92
Jedburghs in, 83
Rangers in, 29–30, 34
See also Operation Overlord
North Africa, 11–13, 38, 39
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 216, 289, 297, 309
North Korean Army
Chinese Army supporting, 100–103, 105–106
MacArthur combats, 99–100
power of, 98
undercover commandos from, 104
North Vietnamese forces
CIDG operations against, 133–134, 154
ountermeasure intensification by, 144
operations of, 130–133
Northern Alliance, 338–339
Afghanistan invasion role of, 223–227, 230, 262
commander of, 226–227
Taliban war with, 223, 331
See also Dostum, Abdul Rashid
nuclear weapons. See weapons
Nungs, 136, 140–141
Nunn, Sam, 180–181
Nunn-Cohen Amendment, 181, 190, 191, 337
Nutsch, Mark, 227–229
Obama, Barack, 300, 332, 345
on Abbottabad raid, 302–303
Afghanistan troop removal by, 317–318
on Bin Laden capture and killing, 304
on counterinsurgency operations, 284–285, 296
Iraq troop withdrawal of, 306
ISIS combat response by, 315–316
SEAL rescue mission authorized by, xi
on SOF benefits, xiv–xv
on surgical strikes, 324, 329
2012 State of the Union Address by, xiii–xiv
on women in military, 324
Office of Strategic Services (OSS), xvi, 330
abolition of, 93–94
analysis of, 94–95
Bank as operative for, 83, 84–85
in China-Burma-India Theater, 70–80, 95
communists aided by, 93
founding of, 70
French resistance support by, 81–82, 83, 87–92, 95
in Italian Theater, 82
Kachin guerrillas alliance with, 75–77, 79–80
as model for Army Special Forces Command, 115
recruitment and training for, 70, 84–85
success and shortcomings of, 90–91, 335
suicide pill of operators in, 88
surrender to Nazis, 91
See also Detachment 101; Jedburghs
Olson, Eric, 281, 310, 311, 315
Omaha Beach, 59–60
Omar, Mohammed, 222, 237
Operation Anaconda, 251–254, 256, 263
Delta Force in, 241–246
ODA training in, 240
Al Qaeda casualties and impact from, 245, 255
SEALs in, 241–242, 246–250
Operation Bodyguard, 91–92
Operation Desert Storm, 186–191, 275–276, 342
Operation Eagle Claw, 163–172, 190, 300
Operation Gothic Serpent, 201–212, 219, 337
Operation Iraqi Freedom. See Iraq invasion
Operation Just Cause, 183–185
Operation Neptune Spear, 299–300, 302–305, 309, 324
Operation Overlord, 29, 59, 86–88
Operation Plough, 16
Operation Red Dawn, 265–266
Operation Think, 120
Operation Tomahawk, 106
Operation Torch, 11–12
Operational Groups, 82–83, 91, 115
OSS. See Office of Strategic Services
Pacific Theater, WWII
challenges of, 39
command of, debate, 41–42
Frogmen in, 59–61, 328
Navy in, 39, 41–42, 60
OSS denied in, 70
Raiders in, 43–58, 335
Rangers in, 35–38, 39
Pakistan, 256, 302–303, 305–306, 319, 325, 338
See also Abbottabad