The Crusader States

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by Malcolm Barber

  Edbury, P.W. and J.G. Rowe, William of Tyre. Historian of the Latin East, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.

  Eddé. A.-M., Saladin, tr. J.M. Todd, Harvard University Press, 2011.

  Folda, J., The Art of the Crusaders in the Holy Land, 1098–1187, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.

  Harris, J., Byzantium and the Crusades, London: Hambledon, 2003.

  Hillenbrand, C., The Crusades. Islamic Perspectives, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1999.

  Housley, N., Fighting for the Cross. Crusading to the Holy Land, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2008.

  Jaspert, N., The Crusades, tr. P. G. Jestice, New York and London: Routledge, 2006.

  Jotischky, A., Crusading and the Crusader States, Harlow: Longman, 2004.

  Kennedy, H., Crusader Castles, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

  Lyons, M.C. and D.E.P. Jackson, Saladin. The politics of the Holy War, Cambridge University Press, 1982.

  Möhring, H., Saladin. The Sultan and His Times, 1138–1193, tr. D.S. Bachrach, Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.

  Murray, A.V., ed., The Crusades. An Encyclopedia, 4 vols, Santa Barbara and Oxford: ABC Clio, 2006.

  Richard, J., The Crusades c. 1071–c. 1291, tr. J. Birrell, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.

  Riley-Smith, J., ed., The Atlas of the Crusades, London: Times Books, 1991.

  Tyerman, C., God's War. A New History of the Crusades, London: Allen Lane, 2006.


  Primary Sources

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  Ambroise, The History of the Holy War, ed. and tr. M. Ailes and M. Barber, 2 vols, Woodbridge, 2003.

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  Barber, M., and K. Bate, trs, The Templars, Manchester Medieval Sources, Manchester, 2002.

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  Bernard of Clairvaux, Sancti Bernardi Opera, vol. 8, Epistolae, ed. J. Leclercq and H.M. Rochais, Rome, 1977.

  —, The Letters of St Bernard of Clairvaux, trs. B.S. James, introd. B.M. Kienzle, Stroud, 1998.

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  Continuation of Gregory the Priest: see Matthew of Edessa.

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  Gesta Francorum et aliorum Hierosolimitanorum, ed. and tr. R. Hill, London, 1962.

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  —, The Register of Gregory VII, 1073–1085: An English Translation, tr. H.E.J. Cowdrey, Oxford, 2002.

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  Ibn Butlan: see Palestine under the Moslems.

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