Assignment: Code of Love [Hawt Men In and Out of Uniform 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Assignment: Code of Love [Hawt Men In and Out of Uniform 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Honor James

  A soft snort came from her other side. Turning her head, she saw that Elliott was watching her with a bemused expression.

  “So, thoughts?” she asked. “What do you think about the three of us perhaps making something up together?”

  “I think it’s a good plan. Though you and Yoshi should get to know one another a little better prior. At least that’s my thought on it. He only knows what I’ve shared, which hasn’t been a whole lot in the grand scheme of things. You and I know one another very well, but I don’t want Yoshi feeling left out of the loop too much. If that makes any sense at all,” he added before laughing softly.

  “Actually that makes a great deal of sense. We will need to find a rhythm together just as you and I had so long ago. Communication is key, right?” she asked quietly. “It will be good, right? We will all talk and we will always ensure that the others know what’s going on in our lives.”

  “Absolutely.” Both men nodded firmly, and clearly on board with her thought. “Without communication, misunderstandings can occur that were easily avoidable,” Craig said. “It doesn’t take much effort, and yet the results are astounding.”

  “I agree. I think that this will be perhaps the start of something good.” Or so she hoped. “This will be a first for me. A relationship with two men. It’s something that I’ve always wanted though,” she admitted.

  “Any particular reason?” Craig asked with a curious expression. “Not judging or anything, but I am intrigued.” She didn’t get to answer right away as the server returned with their drinks and the appetizers in hand.

  “Oh why I haven’t or why I want that?” she asked when they were alone. When he didn’t reply, she said, “I haven’t because I haven’t found two men I trust enough to give in to fully. As to the why.” She shrugged. “It’s a desire that I’ve always had. I’ve always known that I’ve wanted two men. I can’t explain it, but it is something that I’ve wanted. I was even kicked out of the house because I voiced that desire when I was a teen.”

  He nodded slowly without looking away from her. “Now this might be a bit too personal, but I’m the curious sort so I have to ask. If I don’t ask I’ll never know right?” Craig smiled at her. “When you first realized that you were interested in that sort of relationship, who popped into your head as being one of the active members?”

  “Honestly? Elliott was the first one.” He had always played starring roles in her dreams. “And then later?” She felt herself blushing and took a deep breath. “The first time that I saw you I was enamored. How effective that you were, how graceful. I think that you guys were in Bosnia at the time. That’s when the second half began to play in my mind. I didn’t think that it would ever be a reality however until Elliott mentioned that the two of you have shared women in the past.”

  Craig leaned forward a little, his gaze moving past her to obviously land on Elliott. “Telling stories about me are you?” She heard Elliott’s chuckle behind her but he didn’t say anything as Craig returned his gaze to her. “He told the truth. It wasn’t all the time, only on a rare occasion. Truthfully he’s always seemed a little hung up on something, or rather someone as I’m now realizing. I had an inkling that it might be you. He’d share stories of your childhood, but he always clammed up whenever we asked about you in a more present tone. The only time he ever admitted anything was one night, we were all beyond hammered, and he said that he’d made a mistake, and that he didn’t know if he’d ever get back what had been ripped from his life. Never expanded on it, wouldn’t talk about it the next day or any other day, and I still don’t know the whole story behind that. Given the expression on his face I doubt I’ll ever get an explanation.”

  “He didn’t make the mistake, it was me,” she said with a sigh. “Or perhaps he is talking about when he ran into me several years ago and refused to even acknowledge me.” That had hurt, but that was the past. “That’s all the past, though. We are in the present and hopefully future. I’m a bit of a brat and now that I’m in his life and he’s back in mine I refuse to let him go. You should know that about me, when I care for someone I don’t let them go.”

  “That’s a good quality to have. The fact you’re willing to fight for what you want, no matter the odds, is a great trait. Just know your limits. Not everything needs a full frontal attack. Sometimes being sneaky has its merits,” he said. He shot Elliott another look before shifting to lay his napkin over his lap. Leaning into her slightly, he dropped his voice to barely a murmur. “I’d talk to him about your past with him, clear the air I mean. You don’t want, nor need, it potentially clogging up your future. My advice anyway, but it’s your life so it’s of course up to you to choose what to do.” Sitting back in his chair again, he offered her the appetizer platter they’d ordered so she could make her selections.

  She took some of the appetizers from the platter and looked at Elliott. “We will talk later, right?”

  He frowned slightly but nodded. “Of course,” he said in a low tone. “Is everything okay, Clara?” he asked. Leaning into her slightly he moved his hand from under hers to brush her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “You look off-balance.”

  “Of course, everything is fine,” she told him with a smile. “I just need to ensure that you want this as much as I do. That I’m not the only one who is hopeful that this relationship will work out.”

  Turning his hand to cup her cheek, Elliott leveled the most serious look she’d ever seen from him her way. “I want this, you, everything, and anything I can get. I won’t let you go again without the biggest, messiest, and loudest fight anyone’s ever seen. We might not have had a lot of choice the first time around when we were pulled apart, but we do now.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead before pulling back. “You’d better eat, sweetheart. You’ll need to start building up a reservoir of energy.”

  That had her grinning and she nodded. “Good. I’m glad that you would put up a fight as well because I will, too.” She put her hand on his and gave it a light squeeze and then released him once more. With that done she began to again eat, enjoying the food and the company all the more.

  Through the appetizers, and then the main course they all kept the conversation light by some silent mutual agreement. Once they were done, and the bill paid, they headed back to the Nightshade offices.

  “So what are your plans this afternoon?” Craig asked her.

  “She’s got a date with Markham for some more self-defense tips, and tricks,” Elliott said with amusement in his voice. “Knowing her she’ll be better trained than I am by the end of the day. She’s very focused when she has a goal in sight.”

  “And you aren’t?” Clara snorted. “Yes, I am focused but I got that from someone.” She was teasing, mostly. “But yes. He’s going to teach me some more self-defense moves but I think I should go to my place and grab some shorts and a top so that I’m not flipped ass overhead and flash everyone.”

  “Don’t do that,” Craig said with a grin her way. “I will come down and keep watch to make sure you don’t flash anyone you shouldn’t. It would be my honor.”

  Elliott snorted out a laugh at that. “You are so full of crap, Yoshi. We both know what a load of bull that line was. You can borrow one of my shirts, and a pair of shorts if you want, sweetheart. The shorts have a drawstring on them so you should be able to keep them up around your lovely little waist. Plus then you’ll be able to clean up, slip back into your dress, and then we can take you out to dinner as well tonight. Nothing too fancy, but if you’re interested the offer’s there.”

  “I would like that. A lot.” Anything that she could do in order to spend more time with these men she would do. “And Craig, if you want to come and watch over me I wouldn’t object to that at all. I would even flash you if you wanted me to.” She wasn’t teasing either.

  “Hot damn, I’m there,” he said. Laughing, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a quick hug before dropping his arm down so he could take her hand again. “You don
’t even have to flash me, but if you do I swear to keep my lips mostly sealed.”

  “Oh boy,” Elliott muttered. “Well you two can do that while I do some work. Come on, Clara. I’ll get you set up with the change of clothes, and Yoshi can trundle you over to Markham’s office so you can grab him for your lesson.” Pulling the door open to the agency, he waved her in ahead of him.

  Chapter Four

  “Good,” Slater said to her. He held up the punch mitts for her to strike at again. “Very good. You’re getting some power behind those strikes finally.” Clara had her hands in a pair of boxing gloves to protect her hands while he’d taught her to hit. Eventually he said she’d have to get down to just taped knuckles, but that was for much later. She had to first learn how to hit so she hit effectively, instead of blindly flailing about like a possessed Muppet. Slater’s words, not hers.

  “Do another one, two, three punch combo. Two at my head, the third at my chest,” he told her. When she hit each of the mitts he nodded at her. “Very good. I think that’s it for today,” he said. Which was okay with Clara, she was exhausted.

  He pulled off the punch mitts and looked her way. “The next step will be throwing kicks, and learning to know when to throw a kick. As a woman you have much more power in your legs than in your upper body, but it’s a tool you need to be careful with. For now, go grab a hot shower, and get changed. I need to figure out why Yoshi’s been signaling me for the last five minutes.”

  Clara grinned and turned so that she could look at Craig. Walking to the man she put her hand on Craig’s chest and looked up. “Are you okay?” She was in his personal space and knew it, but she actually liked being there in his space. She enjoyed touching the man as well. “I’m all gross and sweaty but do you think that maybe you could give me a hug before I hit the showers?”

  “I’m good,” he said. Opening his arms to her, he hugged her when she stepped in closer. “You might be all sweaty but you’re definitely not gross in any fashion. You smell like a well-worked-out woman.” Chuckling he stepped back, and then groaned when his phone buzzed on the bench. “Sorry, I have to take this. Go grab your shower. I’ll be here when you come back out.”

  “Sounds good.” Pulling away from Craig she began to walk to the showers, tossing a look over her shoulder at Craig as he answered the phone and then smiled. Shaking her head she was more than happy in that moment. It was because her life was finally going to get started with the man she loved and a man that she might be able to love as well.

  When she came back out Craig was talking to both Slater and Elliott. What she noticed was that Slater and Elliott were both geared up with weapons and Kevlar vests. When he caught sight of her Elliott headed her way. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I’m going to have to cancel on you tonight. Michael needs some help on a job, and unfortunately it falls into my wheelhouse. Yoshi’s still free, willing, and apparently able to take you out if you’re interested.”

  “Sure. I didn’t think that you went into the field. I thought that you were one of the tech guys instead of warrior guys. You will be okay, right?” she added in there as she moved to touch him. “And you will come by my place after you are done so that I know you are okay?”

  “I am more tech than warrior these days, but you can’t take back all the training I managed to somehow absorb over the years. Besides, I’m going in for a tech reason, but it’s always been my policy to be able to cover my own ass should it be needed.” Tugging her into his arms, he gave her a gentle hug. “I’ll stop by if it’s not too late. Otherwise I’ll send you a text, with a picture, to assure you I’m fine so when you wake in the morning you don’t worry. How’s that for a compromise?”

  “Stop by anyway?” When she felt him just squeeze her tighter, she sighed and nodded. “Okay, text and picture will do.” She pulled back and looked up at him. “You are good. You have changed a great deal and you have to remember that I’ve seen you in battle, too, so I know that you will be okay. Besides, Craig will keep me occupied, right?”

  “He will at that,” he said with a smile. Cupping her face, he leaned in to kiss her lightly on her lips. “If it’s before one I’ll stop by, otherwise you’ll have to make do with the picture. You need your sleep. Trust me, you’re going to be feeling that workout Markham put you through in the morning, and will thank me for letting you get some rest. You may not be feeling it now, but I was peeking in now and again, and he was working you good.”

  “He was but he showed me a great deal of things that I never would have dreamed of. I did take a very hot shower and rubbed some of the oil into my body after. I might be able to talk Craig into giving me a massage tonight as well.” She was not teasing him either. “Just be safe.” She looked at Slater and smiled. “You, too. I don’t think that your wife would be too happy if you were to get hurt.”

  “She’d be downright pissed,” Slater said. “Take another hot shower before you go to sleep, it’ll help you rest easier. Don’t forget what I said about drinking plenty of water. You may not feel like it, but your body easily dehydrates even on a modified workout like we did. Especially the muscles you don’t usually use as you did today. Stay away from alcohol if you can, at least for tonight.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ve never been a huge drinker. I love wine, but I will lay off tonight.” She wasn’t a booze drinker but she loved wine. “Craig will also help remind me I’m sure.” If the man was still willing to take her out that night that was. She was hopeful that he was because she wanted to spend some time getting to know him.

  “I’ll make sure she drinks plenty of water, gets home before curfew, has her shower, and a massage before she’s tucked in bed. I’ll even read her a bedtime story if need be,” Craig offered. He gave her a wink when she looked his way.

  Clara grinned and nodded. “See, there we go. You boys go out and save the world and be careful. I’m going to have Craig take me out for dinner, maybe a dessert, and walk before he takes me home.”

  “Have fun, sweetheart,” Elliott told her. He gave her another quick hug before he and Slater headed for the doors.

  Craig moved closer to her, shooting her a look. “You sure you still want to go out? You look worried, when you shouldn’t be. The recon and prep they’re doing tonight is as easy as it comes. And it’s in a major city no less, not like they’ll have a bunch of militants chasing them through the sand dunes or anything. Maybe a pissed off Tom cat, but that would be about it.”

  “I’m sure.” She looked up at Craig and smiled. “I look forward to spending time with you and getting to know you. This actually came at a good time, right? This way the two of us will have some time alone and we can get to know each other.” Yes, she was worried, but she actually felt better now that Craig explained to her that it was more of a recon mission than anything. “You made me feel better with that explanation, thank you for that.”

  “It happens to be the truth, so why not. I can’t tell you where they are going, or the specifics, but I figured at least the details I gave you would help. Now,” he said. Turning to face her fully he rubbed his hands together. “Where are we going to go? Do you want something low-key like a pub with a bunch of finger food? Or maybe a cafe with something a little less suspicious on the plates, and the lighting to see it? Or a restaurant, low key of course, where we can sit and get a good meal, and lots of sweets?”

  “I think a pub with a bunch of finger foods with a little alcove so we can have time alone. Whatever it is that we do I just want to ensure that we have intimate alone time. Not physical, but so that we can get to know each other.”

  “Works for me. There’s a place about a mile from here. We can drive over, and then I’ll take you back to your place if you’re okay with that? They have these jalapeno poppers that are amazing, to say the least, if you like something with a little kick to it.” He held out his arm to her. “Shall we, my dear?”

  “We shall.” She put her arm through his and then moved with him away from the area they were in a
nd toward the exit. “I happen to love jalapeno poppers. Anything that is a finger food I actually like it. A lot.”

  “Good to know,” he said. Leading her out of the building, he took her over to a car and held the door open for her to slip inside. Once he joined her he got them moving to their destination as they chatted about music in general, and some of their not-so-favorite songs over the years.

  “I can’t believe that the song about calling her went so viral.” Then again, it was one of those earworm songs that stayed with you. “Gosh blessed it, now I can’t think of anything except that song. I keep seeing the Marines who made the parody video for it as well. I think that was fabulous, better than the original video.”

  “They were pretty good I have to admit, though only to you. Markham and Michael both find it amusing, but the rest of the team doesn’t so much. While you can get them to admit the guys were not terrible singers, that’s the best you’ll get out of them. Don’t even play that song around Timmons, though. He gets really twitchy and then you end up with your computer doing weird shit to you for about three weeks before you manage to figure out a bribe that will get him to stop. I’ve learned it’s always best not to annoy or piss off the computer genius in the group. At least in any way that leads him directly back to your doorstep.”

  That had her snickering. “Well for you, Craig, I will always fix your computer. Should you ever need me to fix anything that he does to your computer just give me a call. Tell me why he might have done it and as long as you weren’t being mean to him I will fix you every single time.” She did frown however and asked, “Why does Elliott not like the song? Other than the obvious?” Of it being a bad song.

  “I would never be mean to him,” he said in an outraged tone. The fact his lips were twitching told her he was pulling her leg. “I don’t know why he doesn’t like it. You’d have to ask him on that one. I just know Michael’s banned him from having anything small and heavy enough in his office to throw. Like a stapler, paper weight, and so forth because of the damage he has done to both staff and property. He’s got really lethal aim for a computer nerd, no offence, but sometimes we’re lucky and can duck.” He gave a shrug as he eased into a parking stall. “As to the why, he’s never told any of us. Just warned us to never, ever play it, hum it, or otherwise make reference to it in any manner around him. He’s even walked out of bars because of it. It’s weird. It’s a horrid song, but not that bad.”


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