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Hexed Page 15

by Ingrid Walsh

  - You would not dare. - Just try me, baby. - he growls his threat and bite my neck. - Dio ... whistle, joining the legs. My hot skin all, vibrating with such a capsule inside me. Mike laughs and walks away. - I do not know you, but I'm going to look for some fun. - Eye for Lucas to the sound of your voice. His blue eyes are stuck on something at the bar. I follow your line of vision and I see a beautiful blonde staring at my cousin back, a look up there in inviting. - You come, Samu? He calls the twin and Anna laughed a little. I can imagine what's going on in your head. - Of course, brother. - Samuel nodded, opening a smirk and accomplice. The two are gone. Caspita! I think I just found the evening sandwich woman. I laugh of frivolous thought. I have nothing to do with the eccentric preferences of my cousins. Mike and Dam smile with male complicity and resumed our walk to one of the turnstiles. - Man, how does it work, press? - Anna conspire while leaning to whisper in my ear. I wag his head, laughing. Madonna mia. Anna is so ... Anna. While the rest of us are just thinking, my cousin can not stop the mouth. I remember the depraved pictures of that exhibition in Rome. Oh, you, I have an idea of how this works ... - Do you think they take turns, or will the two at once? Dio santo! I gasp at his complete lack of tact. - Anna! - I exclaim. - Well, the girls that go with them are brave ... - balance eyebrows, dancing mood in her green eyes. - And lucky, let's face it, press. Look at our cousins, two identical pieces of bad way ... Jesus shakes me! - Heck, Anna! - I make. - Will you stop? I'm learning not to judge the sexual tastes of people. Should exercise it too. - I say quietly. A sly smile curls his mouth. - Oh, I bet Mike is teaching you this, principessa. - hums. - That and more ... cozitas - warms my face, remembering and feeling the small object sliding wicked and deliciously inside me every step I take. She laughs more. - Your face is so guilty now, Ella.

  - Dio, you're so silly. - roll my eyes, not containing a furtive smile. I count almost everything to her. Almost. There are things that are very private and only concern me and my man. I know he would not want me to tell. We arrived at the table. The dealer instructs, dropping the ball on the roulette wheel. - Make your bets! I smile at Anna, who smiled back, accepting my challenge. Here the story is different. I have an inexplicable luck gambles and I will pluck my cousin the next few minutes. The desk attendant welcomes us with a respectful. - Sheets, your highnesses? - question has skillfully handling the chips of various colors and values. - Si per favoring Enrico. - I speak and Anna endorses. The boy smiles, all pleased when called by name. He's in the casino two years ago. We like to treat our employees by name. My father says he grew up not giving much importance to this, but when my mother went to live in the palace just teaching him a few things in dealing with employees. Mike greets a little too dry for my taste. I hold a smile for his jealousy. Our chips are delivered, me and my cousin we stand to shake things up. Dam makes a request to a waitress who came to meet immediately. I'm all right alegrinha with the amount of wine that ingest at dinner and decide to take a break in the drink. Mike asks a dose of Johnnie Walker produced especially for marketing here on the Island. You will not find this issue elsewhere in the world. The dealer tells you the minimum and maximum values of bets on the table. Twenty thousand is the highest. I whistle, looking around. I see a famous actor and his latest girlfriend. He seems to be sending the game by the broad grin on his boyish face of Hollywood. I laugh and nod, a thin layer of sweat is starting to sprout on my skin by persistent tremor in my vagina. It will be a miracle if I do not come within a maximum of two minutes! Dio ... - Twenty eleven twenty-two! - I say a little shrill and Mike smiled, squeezing his arm around my waist. Place the chips twenty thousand dollars on every number. Approaching the mouth to my ear, he whispers: - Any particular reason for these numbers? I shudder with his hot breath on my skin. - Very special, I would say ... - groan with indecent massage on my walls. The first numbers make up our wedding date: 20 November. The second is the age that I will do in two weeks. - You will not play? - I ask amid the euphoria of Anna screaming their numbers. His laughter in my ear is evil, very evil, and the object back to expand on my channel. - Santo cielo ... - gasp, my nipples poking the dress of velvet. My heart is dripping with excitement. - I prefer another type of game, princess. - his voice is hoarse and rough. I feel his hard cock against my ass. - Do not you dare come. Act naturally, or already know what to expect later ... Punishment. The gag. Caspita! These threats should not leave me so wet, is not it? - Number twenty! - I jump euphoric with the dealer's ad, my eyes going to the ball making final spins at number twenty. The vibration in my vulva increases mercilessly and I stand on the table, panting and struggling not to come. Taking advantage of the euphoria of the game, I issue a kind of rallying cry to vent the feelings being built in my womb. Gasp and hold my breath, the wave of orgasm coming fast. - Ahh ... - the sound escapes me, without any control, then everything and orgasm is gone before I reach it. Damn it! You bastard! I fuzilo Mike with my eyes. He laughs slow and predatory. - Damn it! You cheat, Ella, admit it! - Anna seems a crying baby next to me, scowling. I breathe slowly, trying at all costs not to show that I am being attacked by my perverse dominatore. - You never wrong! This is not normal. Dam and Mike laugh of his tantrum. Always makes a scene when she bet and losing at roulette. - It's just luck, cousin. - shrug. - Only that. - my voice is a little high and breathless, but no one at the table except Mike, seems to realize. She snorted, rolling his eyes as the dealer hands me my winning chips. We bet another round and I won again. Anna plays the chips on the table as if he played the towel in a fight. Secure a smile at great cost not to irritate it further. She hates to lose. I decide to quit at roulette, but Dam and Mike decide to try their luck then. Each round wins, which only increases the nozzle Anna tantrums. - Let's try the slots, press? - Dam to pull the waist. - machine has a biased on the other side. - it flashes, teasing her. - Maybe this will help her win. She snorts. - I do not care as long as I get some shit now, cousin. - creaky and lets you steer it through the small crowd to the other side of the room. I move me gently when the sexy tune of The Weeknd in I Feel It Coming sounds in the environment. Love this song. Mike takes the rest of his drink, making a sign to the nearest waiter collect glass. - Maybe we should try the slots too, baby. - whispers in my ear. - Those most remote of all this agitation ... - eye in the opposite direction Dam and Anna were. The machines are slow moving, watch. - I want to be able to touch you without the damn curious eyes on us. I agree. This is uncomfortable. I can feel many eyes on us since we got here. - Take me, my lord. - murmur, looking him in the eye, my tone sending a double meaning. Mike growls down before taking my hand and drag me into the corner less movement of the enclosure. We passed some machines and it takes me to the last, even more remote. Press me in front of a, tearing me a surprised shriek. - Hold the sides, the levers, as if he is playing. - commands thickly. Front stuck in my back. Hold my chin, pulling my face to his and he bites my bottom lip with a little pressure. Whimper shameless, making him laugh at his evil way. The vibration resumes in my vagina. I open my mouth, moaning in lust. - Per favore ... - my call goes out on a moan and he responds with a feral growl, deep. - Please what? - mocks, but is also affected, I can feel in his tone and look intense. - Ask me. What my good little bitch want? All you need is to ask your teacher and will be yours. Oh, Dio mio ... I'm a runny liquid confusion between my legs. Panting. Lambo dry lips in anticipation. - I want ... - mio, unable to finish. He laughed indulgently and climbs up my waist to my right breast. - Do not look in the direction of the camera. It has a slightly behind us, but do not worry, baby. My body is protecting yours. warns and involves large hand on my breast from her dress. - My beautiful girl wants to enjoy, right? - whispers harshly, kneading my breast with possession. Snarling down, sticks his hand inside my neck and groans, going to knead the bare flesh. Pinches my nipple, minced making me yelp softly, biting her lip to keep from screaming. - God, you're sexy, princess. - roaring, sucking my neck. His hard cock is lodged between my cheeks and subtly grinds, tasty. The shaking becomes unbear
able in my completely soaked channel. scorching heat meets in my guts, going to the vagina, sweeping me mercilessly. - Almost there, do you, doll? - his laugh is pachorrenta. I feel the capsule swelling even more inside me. It looks like a penis now. Big, thick, sliding on my walls. - Ahhh! Mike ... - whimper choppy. I will not give account to hold. Will be punished later, that's right. - I can not ... He growls and caresses my breast lazily. Pulling the nozzle gently far as to pet. I snort. Like I was his toy. - You are not allowed to enjoy, Ella. - repeats in my ear. - If you enjoy, your ass and your mouth will be my all night fucking. - range, his voice dark with domination. I will haze you! Is that what you want? Be gagged, beaten and fucked hard? Dio holy! Choking, shivering without control of my own body. - No ... No ... - I deny, but I'm hanging and he knows it, because all evil laughs and goes to the other breast, pinching the nipple as he did with the other. - Caspita! - Do not lie to me, baby. You want, longs for it. - growls. What will raise the skirt and replace the capsule at my dick. - breathes roughly, biting my ear. - If you do not have so many fucking cameras here, I eat now. Can you imagine that, my love? - roars dominant, the way horny kill me. - I fucking you here while the unsuspecting playing around. My cock pounding up the stalk that hungry pussy and taking you all ... As my dog. Always so eager to please her male ... - Ohhhh ... - I squeak, biting my lip. Close. Very close. - My delicious and obedient girl ... - his voice is soft with calculated complacent flattery. - We both fucking tasty here, and no one would suspect they do not know that their delicate and precious princess is my bitch. - start convulsing, burning and merciless waves sweeping my lower abdomen. Arfo, dry throat, hanging by a taut line, about to leave. - No, no one knows that the princess is my little slut. My bitch. My to use anyway I want. - growls and is my end. Degradation reaches the highest peak. I cum hard. Orgasm mercilessly takes me, making me stagger on the machine. My legs saw jelly, as my heart gallops and my vagina pulsating, dripping joy in my thighs. My views fog up a bit and close my eyes for a second, enjoying the waves of wanton pleasure rolling on me. Amore mio ... - moan in utter helplessness, scorched by the intense enjoyment. He laughs, as smooth and tender sound, although it may feel the sexual tension in your body not satisfied. - Shh, little doll ... - mutters, his strong arms wrapping around my waist, keeping me standing. I put my head on his shoulder, fighting for my breathing back to normal. That, my love, breathe slowly. - there is a fun and provocative note in his tone now. - Very intense? I'm still heaving and turning his head, our eyes meeting. - Intense is the hallmark of dominatore average. - whisper, a faint smile playing on my mouth. - Looks like I will be punished later ... His eyes burn into mine. - Yes. - it range - and will love, beg for every second, I assure you, my princess. I'm not so sure. I mean, if there is no whips in this equation. I want to better discuss the terms of my punishment, but I am not able to be naughty at that time. He just broke up with me. The object inside me, his body, his scent around me, and his deep voice telling me corrupting and indecent things reduced me to dust. I feel his free hand down my hip and going to the thigh, rising again in the dress bar. I hold my breath as his fingers reach my vagina. He growls a lot of profanity and pulls the cord, the capsule gently sliding out of me. - Damn, you're all honeydew. - murmurs, keeping the object in his pants pocket. - I want to lick you ... - gnashes his teeth, his jaw throbbing. Gemo stamped with coarse horny in dark face, dark eyes burning upon me. He turns me from the front, his mouth covering mine in a fiery, hard kiss and I melt, holding him by the neck. His hands spike in my waist, keeping our sexes aligned to grind subtly. Morro horny for you, doll. - grunts, sucking my tongue hard. Go up one hand and hold my neck, fingers seeping through my hair, pulling them. I start to throb again. He growls, biting my lips, before pulling back, eyes glued to mine. - Let's move a little with Dam and Anna. - says with sexy hoarseness. - Then you're all mine. - Perfetto. - purr, sucking his lip.

  - Damn girl ... - he growls, licking my mouth slowly. I mean, making him laugh. In licked in sexy provocation, grabbing us and rubbing subtly not to give a show to the next camera. Our love whisper in each other's mouths and deepened the kiss again, the rest being forgotten. Mike before pulling back, eyes glued to mine. - Let's move a little with Dam and Anna. - says with sexy hoarseness. - Then you're all mine. - Perfetto. - purr, sucking his lip.

  - Damn girl ... - he growls, licking my mouth slowly. I mean, making him laugh. In licked in sexy provocation, grabbing us and rubbing subtly not to give a show to the next camera. Our love whisper in each other's mouths and deepened the kiss again, the rest being forgotten. Mike before pulling back, eyes glued to mine. - Let's move a little with Dam and Anna. - says with sexy hoarseness. - Then you're all mine. - Perfetto. - purr, sucking his lip.

  - Damn girl ... - he growls, licking my mouth slowly. I mean, making him laugh. In licked in sexy provocation, grabbing us and rubbing subtly not to give a show to the next camera. Our love whisper in each other's mouths and deepened the kiss again, the rest being forgotten. Mike the grabbing and rubbing subtly not to give a show to the next camera. Our love whisper in each other's mouths and deepened the kiss again, the rest being forgotten. Mike the grabbing and rubbing subtly not to give a show to the next camera. Our love whisper in each other's mouths and deepened the kiss again, the rest being forgotten. Mike A week later...

  I fill my mug with coffee while listening to Tom, one of the architects, talk about the progress of the industry which was in charge. I called the meeting to get right pointers, as the works are moving towards the end. Vivian is the next to speak. She has been much more focused and on her in recent weeks. The princess walked to confronting and telling some truths, the pair stayed. me cost much to convince her to let Vivian complete the project. Ella succumbed after much conversation. But I have noticed that my doll is causing the other woman at every opportunity. I hold a smile. Ella knows to be feisty and flippant when the situation demands. They do not want to be around when my girl is jealous of me. Vivian talks about the delivery of the materials we use in the finish. - All right with Gothic stained glass? - I ask, taking a sip of my coffee. - It was to have delivered the pieces yesterday? She frowns a little frown. Everyone knows that I'm brutal about meeting deadlines. I snort. I am brutal in all professional aspects. I do not admit fault. This is how I built my name. Being son Jayden King would not give me the year of the engineer title twice in a row. No, if I do not hard I tried, it would be just a daddy's boy. I opened my own way with a lot of hard work. Of course, the name of my father softened many things here and there and I have to thank my old. To my old, correct me, it is noteworthy that my mother is an above average architect. And for all the company of stained glass is unlikely to have another chance at King's. - I already called charging, Mike. - warns. - They said they faced problems as the raw material, so the delay in delivery. Assured, however, that our order arrives today without fail. Balance head. - Let them know they lost points with us. - I say briskly. She nods. - I warned you. - opens a half smile. - They already knew the tough reputation of the new King and engineer were scared shitless. She plays and the team struggle to contain their smiles. I let out a groan, but I end up laughing grudgingly. - That's right. Let's give them this vote of confidence. I want full attention in this final stretch. - eye each of the faces in front of me accommodated on the sofa in my little room in the museum funds. - No distractions, we understood? They wave and ensure that everything will go as predicted. - Great. We ended here. - warning, standing up. One by one they shake my hand and will be heading for the door. I have a video conference in twenty minutes with my old team and the works on the subway in London. They are completing ahead of schedule too, next week. I want to enjoy the journey that I have to do to the monthly meeting with the shareholder directors and inspect everything closely. I will take advantage of this visit to something else, though. I will quench my hunger of my sub in the playroom. I am dying to show you a few tricks for my doll. Ella drives me crazy with his delivery without reservation. The night we went to t
he casino, played with it much of the night. I ate tied in one of the chairs in my room and we enjoy like crazy. I'm using all my impromptu repertoire, but nothing compares to overwhelm her and fuck her in the playroom. All prepared for our enjoyment. I hold a groan, feeling my cock thicken, anticipating all I will do with my princess. Just a week, Mike, control the fuck. Rebuke me. We will return to the island for the dance in celebration of his birthday twenty-two years, the king did not give up. Then our fate will be my home in Ibiza, as I promised to her for over a month. We will have just three days off due to the completion of the works here, but I'll make it worth every second. - Can I have a word with you? - Vivian asks, coming back a few steps. I stare at her, wary. Please God do not give me indecent proposals or to send away, being in the final or not straight. - Of course. Sit down. - use my boss tone and makes it to settle, this time in one of the chairs in front of my desk. I take my tie and suit over the back of my seat and get busy to make myself presentable for the videoconference. Vivian's brown eyes shine watching my movements. Raise an inquisitive eyebrow and she clears her throat. - I want to thank you for keeping me in the project. - says in a very soft voice. I suspect that Vivian nourish feelings for me. She never admitted it, but their looks are not just lust. Is there anything else there when stares at me. - The princess hates me and I know I asked my head for you ... - Do not thank me, Vivian. - I say, sitting down while I adjust my tie. - I did not do this by being benevolent. I did it because it was the right thing and do not like unexpected in my flower beds, as is tired to know. - she nods, a little uncomfortable. - And yes, Ella is not much a fan, so please, not come up with silly proposals. - eye firmly and add: - For any of us. She looks at me for a long moment, then nods. - My God, you love her in a way so ... - she murmurs. - I do not know how to explain. The way her speech. The way she looks ... - Do not try to understand. - I'll cut. - It is beyond love. It is devotion. Worship. - my tone softens. - My heart, my body, my soul, everything in me belongs to that girl. - your eyes so bright that for a moment I think it's going to cry in front of me. - And all of it belongs to me. - complete. Vivian pulls a sharp breath and exhale slowly, then rises. That's ... - clears his throat. - Beautiful. - your look safe mine with an eerie glow. - Make sure that you never miss. When you love someone with this force, the loss must be devastating. - We'll get married soon. I will not lose her, nor she to me. - grind, frowning. Why did you say that? - No particular reason. Just some advice, Mike. - he says, getting serious. - It scares me to love someone with all that intensity. I try to read her expression. His words leave me with an uncomfortable feeling. - Anything else? - I ask, already organizing my laptop to the conference. - Thank you for your letter of reference. You have been generous in their words. I snort some. - You are an excellent professional, Vivian. his face lights up with my praise. - I did not do him any favors, just went sincere. Will find something to their height, I'm sure. She nods, vivid emotion in his watery eyes. - I could make him happy if there was only one chance. - she dares whisper. - Remember how pleased him in our sessions? Cum. Here we go. More than one sub pleased me in the past, I will not deny. But it was just sex. The second I finished enjoy, had just satisfaction. Ella did not. With my doll, I want to touch, caressing, kissing whole even after having enjoyed. Again, again and again. - Do not go there. - shave boring. Vivian smiled, raising his hands in surrender. - I know I know. - his voice is soft, apparently won. - I'd do anything to be loved like that. Anything. I feel bad about this conversation. Damn, she's thinking it will get where it? - Look in the right place, Vivian. With me it was always fun, you know that from the beginning. - my tone leaves no doubt. She watches me for another long moment. - If there were a princess. - asks softly, speculative. - I have a chance? I know you like to fuck me. - looks very hurt now. Cum. When will pick up the fucking hint? - You enjoyed strong in our sessions. I growl, gritting his teeth. - Vivian, do not want to be rude to you, but is not leaving me no choice. - grind. - There is no such possibility. Ella was always the one who loved outside my mother and sisters. Ella is my life. - I say with conviction and exasperation. - Yes, I enjoyed our sessions and I came strong. I am a man, you're beautiful and sexy, what to expect? I like to fuck, fuck. - admit it brings a bad feeling. It's like a betrayal of Ella. - But they were just that: sessions between a Dom and a sub who had no link out there. Now if there's nothing to treat, I have a video conference in a few minutes. Vivian sighed defeated, but nods. - Of course. I'm going back to work. - mutters, heading for the door. - Do it. - I agree and I focus on the conference call the next hour. Ella was accompanying his mother on an official visit to one of the orphanages of the Island and we arranged to meet with the organizer of the wedding buffet at five in the afternoon for proof of the cake. I find this very feminine shit for my taste, however, my doll is excited to taste the delicacies. Who am I to deprive it of its greed for sweets. I smile, closing hours for today and leave the room. My cell phone rings while I cross the porch, looking around, the sense of duty being fulfilled settles on me as I see it being finished and the men working at an intense pace. Pick up the phone to see the name of Daniel, my personal friend and one of the most respected members in our club in London. I invited him to be one of my groomsmen. Even not going to the club in recent months, we kept talking by phone. He was glad to hit me with Ella, but did not expect such a call on my part, I have always been reserved in our friendship. I am a son of a bitch quibble with people outside of my family circle. It is an arduous task to win my trust. This takes time, but this guy earned it. Daniel is one of the few Masters that respect in our midst. It has some pulhas using BDSM free to practice violence against their submissive or slave. Daniel always fought these Domes false and that was what made us closer and closer ties. Well, that and the fact that magnified two nightclubs of your property a few years ago. He's in the entertainment business and is successful, only the elite of the elite go to their establishments. Ella has met a few times in London, however, only came to know that it is also a gift recently. - Hey dude. - I salute, into the parking lot and unlocking the car I am using one of the sports models Dam Entro and Accommodotrainer me, adjusting the phone to Bluetooth on the central console.. What do I owe the honor? He laughs at the other side. - Hey, buddy. - responds with his calm, slow voice. - How are things on royalty? I snort. He always teases me by my title and now, twice because of my marriage to a princess of the blood, in fact. - I'm going to find Ella for proof of the cake, partner. - I say with a grunt. He laughs. - Damn, what the hell does that mean, man? - Kids. I snort, maneuvering to leave the garage. - I mean I have to prove and approve the wedding cake, you son of a bitch. - I growl. Daniel laughed more, worshiping see me struggling with a girl. That's news to him. - Definitely this marriage business is not for me, friend. - mocked. Clears his throat and continues: - However, I called to say I want to offer a dinner for you in my house. We can take advantage of his visit to London next week, do you think? I get a little touched with your attention. Daniel is as elusive as I in the category human relations. From the little I know of its history, it came from below, from a humble family and went through their own efforts and work. I've been several times in his mansion. He likes to organize meetings for the closest members of the club. In these meetings there is always good food, drink and sex .... Lots of sex. I hope this is something more intimate dinner. I want to introduce the princess gently in our world. - It will be something intimate, Mike. - clarifies as if reading my mind. - Just to welcome the princess in our midst and of course celebrate their engagement. - adds to provocation again:


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