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Hexed Page 24

by Ingrid Walsh

  A week later. Island Ardócia ...

  The works were finally closed and I spent the day walking in every little division of the museum, giving the finishes, even after Vivian assured me that everything was perfect. It's my thing. I like to look with my own eyes. Projects that sign has my full attention, because I value my good name. Do a quick meeting with the team, I thank and congratulate the effort of each. Bosses will ever go back to London tomorrow. But Vivian still made sure to stay to oversee the outsourced cleaning staff we hire to take care of the mess that was. The king was overjoyed to be able to reopen before my wedding, since with the festivities yearend approaching, many are protocol commitments to him and the Royal family attend. I tidy my things in German leather folder and look around the small room that was my office for more than two months. Exhale a deep breath of accomplishment. Until February devote myself to bureaucratic issues and management of the King's and then I and Ella came back here to start construction of the adequacy of the racecourse. To be honest I would not need to switch back to the island, however, I do not want to start my doll's family environment so abruptly. I withdraw my tie and suit, picked up a brown leather jacket over the chair, already preparing to leave. Today I am riding the bike Ella. The princess left early for proof of wedding dress. Her mother came by to accompany it and it was a God help us, because everyone wanted to see the Queen. A knock sounds. I send anyone in. - Can I have one last word? - Vivian opens the door, putting his head into the room. I almost roll my eyes, but nod. She enters and right near my desk. - I just wanted to say goodbye and say it was a pleasure to work so closely with you. - a charming smile curved her mouth. It refers not only our professional relationship apparently. - You are an excellent professional, it was my pleasure. - I say business tone to not give you the slightest breach. It must definitely stop fantasizing that we will return to fuck at some point. That will never happen. Ella is the only woman that satisfies me fully. My chest is full of pride and my hard cock, only to remember how has advanced in training, how he is studying the doctrine seriously and, as is increasingly hot, submissive, making me do anything I want with it. The trip to Ibiza was phenomenal. Desgrudamos not in a second. I do not know if this kind of thing is normal in relationships, just know that with my doll seems natural. None of us want to get away from the other. The ate in every room of the house, on a bloody horse and of course on the yacht, she tied the bow and I fucking her hard from behind as fantasized infinite times. She is spoiling me doing all my desires in sex. I'm sure the Malandrinha know that the saucy girl smile crossing his face whenever they see me at his feet, worshiping her, completely surrendered. - You got another placement? - I ask to be polite. Her brown eyes light up, clearly enjoying my interest. - Yes. - twists a little nose. - does not reach the foot of the King's, but I think I'll do well there. Balance head nodding. - I wish you luck, Vivian. - I say earnestly, looking into the eyes. An uncomfortable silence falls between us. - See you at the club, then? - murmurs, his voice a little shaky. - Mike, I ... - she pulls a nervous breath and moves the bag strap over his shoulder. His eyes are swimming in tears now. - I love you. His confession is so low that I think I'm imagining things. But her beautiful face is bathed in tears then confirming me that I'm not going crazy. I kind of growl. I guess I always knew she harbored deeper feelings for me, however, chose to ignore the signs. - II know I should not, but I fell in love. I love you so much. - she cries copiously in front of me. Cum! - please do not be mad at me. I just wanted you to know before you go out of your life. - I'm sorry to hear that, Vivian. - say careful not to hurt his feelings. - but know this does not change anything. I will marry the woman I love in a few days. There is no chance for you or any other, understand this once and for all. - my tone changes a note. She sighs and nods shakily, wiping her face. It seems desolate and I feel bad, but there's nothing you can do. - Never cheated. - I say tense, then sigh, rubbing his face. - Have a good life, Vivian. You are an amazing woman. - she presses her lips, crying harder when I say this. you will find the right guy at some point, just give up looking in the wrong place. We looked in silence and she sighs with resignation. - Be happy too, Mike. - says in a small voice and reaches somewhat uncertain. - no hard feelings? I accept his hand, and the table between us and the clamping cordially. - No hard feelings. - grant and she leaves then his shoulders slumped, looking defeated. Fuck. I strongly exhale and picked up my briefcase, looking once more around, checking if I'm not forgetting anything. Leave the hall toward the back, taking the shortcut to the underground parking. My cell phone rings and the suit pocket I pull when I stop next to the Harley-Davidson. A smile pulls my face. And my mother. - Hi Mom. - I welcome it gently. - Hi dear. - her sweet voice filled my ears, however, detect a tense note. - What happened? - I ask point-blank. - Lucas. - his voice trembles. - his brother had an accident, Mike. Cum. Accident? I start. - An accident? How was it, Mom? He is fine? - the bombing. She sighs on the other side. - We're going to the hospital now, dear. His father is driving like crazy here. - informs berating the old. - Samuel told us that he was driving home when a van chased him and cut him off, causing him to go against the grain and being struck by two other vehicles. But, what the fuck. His voice has a hoarseness indicating that ever cried earlier. - According to Samuel, Lucas broke his foot and is with a few bruises on his face. - He'll be fine, Mom. - I reassure her, but my brow is furrowed with the incident. - got the fucking of the van? - Samuel said police fined the time. It was drunk students. - says angrily. - two of them. I feel some relief in knowing that. The paranoia that someone is still behind me crossed my mind. There is nothing to fear. Everything was resolved. I repeat it to myself, adjusting the strap of my briefcase in the back and ride the bike. - Good thing, Mom. Keep me updated. If you need me then tell me.

  - No, son, it's okay. - his loving voice sounds calmer. - Samuel ensured that Lucas is aware all the time. It was nothing serious, thank God. - Thank God. - I murmur. - I love you dear. Give a kiss to Ella. - whispers tenderly. - his father said connecting later, okay? - I love you too, Mom. I give yes. - I smile slightly. - Tell the old man I'll wait. I hang up and keep cell phone in his jacket pocket. I put the helmet and turn on the powerful engine. A strange feeling seeps into me, as if being observed, the hairs on my neck stand up and I look quickly around the garage. There is nothing. No living soul here. Cum. I exhale slowly. When that this schism will leave me? Annoyed by sound like a frightened little girl, I accelerate and leave the busy avenue, using all the power of the machine under me.



  Two weeks later ... London, England ...

  We went through the glass doors to the large side garden of my parents' house in Chelsea. There is a tent on the lawn near the tennis court. My old are offering a birthday dinner for Chloe, the youngest of Isaac and also goddaughter of them. Curl Ella waist with one arm and through the tables follow. It's a more intimate event for what I see looking around, seeing the family birthday scattered here and there. Some friends of Isaac security company and the kids of the age of Chloe range. Is completing seventeen, I think. Wrinkling his brow reminding me that already has a time no see the girl. She joined last year in Architecture and has been the pride of his old since. - Mikeeeee! - I laugh to sound enthusiastic, but do not have time to defend myself when my ruivinhas jump on me, almost knocking me butt in the grass. - Caspita, girls! - ri Ella, moving away at a safe distance from the disorderly. Cum! I balance, snarling and laughing at the same time. - Hey, will there calmly, ruivinhas! - grumbling. They laugh wide as to hold each arm and lift the floor in a large bear hug. They always do when I do spree. - I think they missed that annoying older brother, is it? - the tease, kissing the top of her auburn head. They roll their eyes on his youthful impertinence. - Just a little. - In says with a cheeky smile. - Maybe, bro. - Sam endorse the provocation. I growl, then smiled, remembering something that will leave them if gnawing curiosity. - It's all right. - shrug. - so I will not say what I'm preparing for
her birthday in two months. - escancaram their mouths and dark eyes sparkle with curiosity. Bingo! - no, of course you do not want to know about it, little sisters ... - Mike ... - In pout.

  - know it's our favorite brother ... I roll my eyes with his flattery. I hear the laughter Ella fun just watching our interaction. - Of course he knows, Em. - Sam enters the twin set. I do not hold a high laugh, hot and pull closer, loving to have them as well. We do not see so often after he went to Boston. At first it was difficult for my old and I get used to his absence and understand that is the natural process of things. They grew. - Well, since Mike is preferred, how about we suspend that order for the girls, bro? - Luke's voice, with a fun touch, coming from behind us. He comes into our field of vision with Samuel at his side. Yeah, man, I think it's the right thing to do in this case. - Samuel says trying to look serious.

  - Men are so territorial ... - In snorts bored. I laugh, hoping to see his cunning in getting out of this. - I agree, sister. - Sam opens a mischievous smile. - Oh, come on, hunks, you are all our favorites. Duh! Everyone laughed at her sweet labia not to lose the gifts. They snort, but end up laughing too. Give me popped kisses on each cheek and will compliment Ella, surrounding her in the same way they did to me. I avert my eyes to my brothers, especially Lucas. It is well recovered from the incident that involved in traffic two weeks ago, but is still wearing an orthopedic boot, since it had even broken left foot. - Hey guys. - give a quick hug each. - how's that foot? - stare at Lucas. He makes a face. It must be a bore being not moving properly. Lucas is the busier of the twins. - A complete shit, bro, if you must know. - grumbles. - Do not be ungrateful, bro. - Samuel rebukes. - it could have been worse. You did not go seriously injured. Lucas snorts. - I'm bored, fucking. This life to stay home on the couch, scratching the bag is not for me, brothers. - his face twists with something diabolical. - to the hot nurse first week my mother replaced. Besides boredom, I have to look at a middle-aged lady all damn day. - complains to another face. We laughed at his impertinence. - Yes, because you ate the girl only on the second day, man. - his twin grunts. A smile shameless opens wide in Luke's face. These brats. I can not help but feel pure masculine pride, however. - What can I do, bro? I was bored ... - rebate with a smile unrepentant. - And that was not even the worst, Mike. - Samuel looks around and sees me, lowering the tone more. - the idiot here said the girl at point-blank that would share it with his twin brother. Result: she told our mother who was harassed ... - Beset my ass. The smart-ass just ran after he heard my proposal. - ri Lucas perverse. - are not a lot of girls who know how to have fun today ... I snort. For fun he means that not all who accept sex with two guys at once. - Your stalker. - I cough to disguise, since the girls are very close conferring with Ella. They laugh without the slightest hint of shame in their identical faces.

  - Then, Mike, what is the feeling of being just a month to hang himself? - Lucas as always do not lose the chance. - Hey! - Ella scowls at him, raising hands, laughing with impudence. I pull her to my side again, kissing her hair. - Do not listen to the idiot here, press. - Samuel advances, kissing her on the cheek. Ella laughed, kissing him back. - I'm just kidding, Ella. - ri Lucas, kissing, too. Ella twists cute little nose, but laughs, the tantrum being left out and returns the kiss. Sam and perch in the arms of the twins and start to make your own game provocation brothers. It is strange to see the two identical double. My old certainly has a fucking affinity. Uh, mentally I cringe, not wanting to think of them in sexual situation. Especially my mother. A waitress serving us for champagne and whiskey. The ruivinhas pouting when left not pick up champagne and instruct the waitress to bring sparkling alcohol for them. - I thought that being with Ella in tow all the time he would be more relaxed. - In complains watching her twin. - He's so old-fashioned. - Sam rolls his eyes. - He's right here. - tell me not changing. - I'm your older brother, whether they like it or not, espertinhas. - If it depends on you will die virgins! - In loose, his disgusted tone. I almost choke on my whiskey and the twins do the same. - Emily ... - Luke says in a warning tone. The danadinha rolls his eyes. - That's right. We are in the twenty-first century, brothers. - Sam is on the side of the sister. - Women are also entitled to sex. Holy Mother! As they grew so fast? It seems like just the other day, They were playing with their Barbie and fucking are now demanding the right to sex? - Samantha ... - Samuel and I growled at the same time. - They will start calling us for full names. - In bored says. - are so predictable ... Ella smiles of shame dynamics duplinha. - I think a bowl just will not do any harm to girls, amore mio. - my doll says in her husky, melodious voice. A secret smile, full of sweet charm bow full lips, painted in burgundy. It's the kind of smile that can cause premature death of some unsuspecting. In this case, me. It is all casual today, wearing a green silk blouse and short black leather jacket. A short skirt and complete the costume. The hair is freely loose, and almost is not wearing makeup too. Just lipstick. My own silly smile opens wide and I wonder what I did was so good that God compensated me putting that girl in my life. Whatever it was, I am very grateful to my Creator for it. - only one cup, per favore. Cum. Its low and his delightful accent tone go straight to my cock, which begins to thicken in the dark jeans. Lucas and Samuel laugh and the girls are also trying to keep their frowns, waiting for my verdict. - It's ok. - grant. - only one cup. In more than quickly called the waiter nearby taking two glasses, giving to Sam. They take a small experimental sip and open the largest youth smiles. I can not help laughing at their reaction. - Thanks, cousin. - say almost in unison, touching the glasses with Ella. - We girls have to unite. Princess flashes every bold and satisfied for the materials, which love to hear it. - Fuck, man, you are so stooge. - Lucas can not keep his mouth shut. - Well, I have to agree it, bro.

  - Samuel also causes. I growl at them, then lean whispering in Ella's ear - I'll charge you for it later, baby. - bite her earlobe briefly and smile mean when I shiver. - I'll be ready to please mio amato Maestro. - murmurs only to my ears and my cock hardens time with his submissive promise. - I know it is, sub. - I growl in her ear and bite her neck, making her grunting softly. She turns her head, our eyes meeting to holding. Lower my head and take his mouth on mine in a warm kiss, but soon, given the complaints of my brothers fools. We laughed and we walked away. - Jesus ... - Lucas whistles, his eyes fixed on something behind me. - Jesus ... - repeats an expression delayed in the face. - she must pay tax to walk around with a butt that ... I turn and find out what caused his reaction: Chloe, the birthday of the night. Uh, I'm also taken by the change in the girl. She is almost unrecognizable. I remember it all shy, hiding behind Coke-bottle glasses and braces. - Damn ... - Samuel murmurs. - the little Chloe grew ... I laugh with the two drooling over Isaac's daughter. Guys, I suggest you pick your jaws off the floor before Isaac realize they are coveting your little girl. She seems to have just arrived and is greeting my parents, that engage in affectionate hugs. - Samu ... - Luke's voice is just a rough growl and it makes me look at him, frowning at what I see on your face. Raw Lust. - No -. I notice. - not think about it, man. - snort and add: - expensive. - Mike is right, Luc. She is very young. - Samuel agrees, however, does not seem satisfied. - and it is very close to home ... Too risky, man. Lucas grunts, but nods in agreement. His gaze incendiary turning to the young Chloe. - Yes, she is very young, bro. - mutters with devilish expression I know well. It always announced confusion since it was small. - we will not invest ... - more a wicked grin. - for a while. The twins looked at each other and something passes between them, as a tacit agreement, that shit that only they understand without words. Samuel opens a slow smile and nods. - Wise decision, bro. - settled. I look sideways, realizing my parents coming our way, accompanied by the small, right now not so small, Chloe. My mother has that look and gentle smile, probably to see his assembled children. She loves these family reunions. - My loves, all together. - murmurs thrilled with blue eyes sliding by each of us. - I miss this. - Complete, up-wrenching Old my arm and come to me, placing a soft kiss on
my cheek. I feel like a boy when you do that. The wrap in a warm hug and kiss her temple. - Hey Mom. - I murmur. - Hey dear. - my face safe side, his gaze running through me, taking in every detail. She always does that when passing many days without seeing any of us. - I have not seen my eldest son much these days. - says with a wistful smile. I laugh and joke with his complaint: - In will soon return to see me every day, Mrs. Cassandra. She laughs, nodding, his gaze goes to Ella, filling with the same tenderness. - Ella. - says softly, involving his niece a hug. - I do not know how you can be even more beautiful every time I see you, darling. - Grazie aunt. The lady is that is becoming more beautiful. - my doll blush slightly. My father comes to greet us with a firm hug for me and an affectionate kiss on Ella's forehead. - How's that cantankerous your father, dear? - he asked with humor dancing in his eyes. - It's great, godfather. - Ella laughs provocation between the brothers. - he and my mamma sent souvenirs. My old laughs and kisses her on the cheek again. - I heard you did an exquisite job with the restoration. - his face is more serious. - congratulations, daughter. Ella smiled softly and looks at me sideways. - Grazie, but I think it was very good of the chief engineer. - says with a touch of defiance in her husky, sexy voice. - it was just my first professional job, godfather. My father shakes his head. - Believe me, the chief engineer not influenced by nothing but hard work. - he says. - That's true, Ella. - my mother intervenes, linking her arm with my father again. - I went through this with another engineer boss ... My old laughs, looking much younger than his fifty years and face my mother. The love between them is palpable. - Yes, you went, beautiful redhead. - whispers before giving a tender kiss on the lips of my mother. - Dad! Mother! - Sam and complain in their public display of affection, while the rest of us smiled. My attention is on parade girl between Sam and Em. Chloe looks set to run and hide somewhere. She is still so shy. My mother turns and smiles, taking the goddaughter's arm, pulling her into our circle. - Chloe, darling, come talk to boys. It has not so long that they are thus not? It is Samuel who first approaches, reaching out for a Chloe totally scared. She blushes as the teenager is. His reaction is like neon lights kindle on his forehead, complaining that they have a crush on. Oh, this is bad. She did not imagine that you are giving the green light to these perverts go after her. - Long same mother. - he says all charming, while taking the girl's hand to his lips and kisses the torso with gallantry. Make no mistake with his gentlemanly ways. Samuel is so degenerate as his twin. It's just more discreet about it. - Good to see you again. Congratulations, Chloe. Lucas through growling and prospers, reaching out as well. - Yes, my mother is right. You have much time do not we meet as well. - his blue eyes light up with the predatory gleam and your voice an octave: - congratulations, little Chloe. I have heard my father down grunt. Certainly seeing indecent looks of their children to the youngest of his best friend. I predict confusion. - Congratulations, Chloe. - I say, bringing his attention to me. - the anniversary and also for entrance into architecture. I never had the chance to talk to you personally after it was accepted. His face twists slightly. It is something quick, but I realize. She does not look happy university typical. It seems that Isaac and Harry are much happier than their own. - Oo brigade, Mike. - mumble awkwardly. - Congratulations, Chloe. - Ella also murmurs. The girl is like a beet red as to have the princess greeting. - I was taken aback, then I have no gift for today. But let Harry know what he pleases and I will gladly send to your home. Chloe gasps, his eyes widening. I feel sorry for the shy girl with so much attention on it. - O-bound, Ella princess. - stutters again, wringing her hands in front of him. - it is very kind, but not necessary. Ella smiled, shaking his head. - I make a point. Tell Harry and ready. - says gently but firmly. Isaac and his wife come to our circle, greeting us and the conversation flows now between my old and them. The group will disperse slowly. First the twins, leading to birthday boy in tow. After the twins, Luke complaining of feeling pain in the foot and giving Samuel scolding him for not taking the medicines at the right times. I look at the table of little farther buffet on the side of the tent. - Hungry, doll? - I whisper looking at my girl. Her face lights up. I laugh fun because my baby is always hungry. - I thought you'd never ask, amore mio. murmurs with her beautiful face of saucy princess. She loves to use double meaning lately.


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