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Hexed Page 29

by Ingrid Walsh

  I go back on the roof, a bad feeling made her way into me at the time that Lucy called me an hour ago telling me not to spend more for the company, because Mike had an unforeseen and had to leave. Why he did not call me. We talk so little today and I'm so homesick. I tried to call, but went straight to voicemail. The such an undertaking should be in an area outside the city, I suppose. To compensate frustrated plans of the afternoon, I make reservations at our favorite restaurant and tidy me to wait for him. He delay. One, two hours pass, contributing to that bad feeling increase. I wander around the room, terrace and back inside, all the while trying his cell phone, but it seems that is off. I sit on the couch where I can see the private elevator. I'm staring at him, then I end up falling asleep. When I open my eyes, I ran into Mike, standing a good distance from where I am. His suit is in disarray, torn tie, disheveled hair. But it is his gaze that causes me discomfort. It's intense in a way I have never seen, it seems hard, angry and hurt. I get up, I put my feet in heels on the carpet. - My love. - mutter, walking toward him. - You took so long. What time is it? - I ask, disoriented. His eyes narrowed down for me and back to meet mine. The serious expression on them're scaring me. Any problems in the company? Your device never extended much. He always strives to come earlier when I'm home. Even when we were not dating, I was always priority. So my discomfort with this unforeseen today dragged so far. Going somewhere? - Your question is somewhat dry, dark eyes sharp a little more in me. I'm intrigued by your posture. There came to me, did not kiss me as usual. What is happening? - Or coming back from somewhere, who knows? - What? What are these questions, Mike? - wrinkling his brow, stopping before you get to him. - What is happening? Canceled our commitment afternoon ... Something happens in your eyes. He tightens his jaw, looking like pain. - I had an unforeseen, as Lucy said. - his tone is tight, almost hurt. - Problems in the company? - inquiro, getting closer. - No -. Says succinct and turns, starting to walk down the hall toward the bedrooms. - Caspita! What's going on with you today? - I follow through the corridor. I push the door of our room. He's in his closet. I walk there and stop abruptly to see him pushing clothes into a small suitcase. - Traveling? Silence. He just keeps picking up things and throwing in the suitcase. Then closes and goes past me. real panic starts to take me. - I'll have to get out a few days. - he says evasively and turns to me. His words make me even more confused. - A few days? Why am I not going with you? - my voice trembles a bit, my eyes burning, I resented the way you're treating me. - Talk to me, amore mio. - beg, his gaze softens just a nanosecond before returning to harden. - Tell me what's going on. And with me? Tell me so I can fix. - And work. I will go to Scotland inspect a new project. - says and walks to the door, making my heart ache for clear rejection. Something very bad happened. Now I'm sure. Mike has never been so cold to me before. - When you come back? - sob, letting the tears come down my cheeks. He does not turn to look at me, just grumbles: - I still do not know. I get cold. Another kind of fear sinking her claws into me. They are missing a few weeks for our wedding. His suit of proof will be in two days. - His last race suit is in two days. - my voice is only one wire, sore and hoarse. His body stiffens. - I know. - his tone is a mix of anger and pain, and I start to freak when she goes to the door and out without even looking at me.

  - Mike ... - I follow him down the hall. - Do not leave me here alone, amore mio, per favore. He calls the elevator and enters it without giving me an answer and turns finally staring at me. His hard, unyielding expression makes it hurt my chest. - Tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it. - babble amid sobs. - Take me with you. Do not leave me alone, I beg you. He inhales sharply and looks away to the panel, punching the digits. - Harry and Lorenzo will take care of you. When I return, we'll talk. Now I can not, Ella. - mutters voice felt as if I had driving here. The doors begin to close and utter despair comes over me. - No! Per favore ... - crying, looking at him until they closed for good. Two days later...

  - mutters voice felt as if I had driving here. The doors begin to close and utter despair comes over me. - No! Per favore ... - crying, looking at him until they closed for good. Two days later... - mutters voice felt as if I had driving here. The doors begin to close and utter despair comes over me. - No! Per favore ... - crying, looking at him until they closed for good. Two days later...

  I walk decided when I leave the elevator on the floor of the presidency of the King's office. I've come to the information desk of Mike on this mysterious journey. Two days have passed since you left me on the roof. Two days he is clearly ignoring me. I call, but he never answers. Rings and rings to go to voicemail. I do not know what to think. There were two days we stayed there, weeping and breaking my head, trying to get a clue of the reason that led him to leave the house and leave me behind so abruptly. But one thing I am sure, the problem is me. Something happened. Something serious, and rather than share with me, he chose to leave and leave me in the dark. I opened with Anna yesterday and she offered to come here and kick his ass, the other option is to open the game with Cassie aunt. I ended up not accepting any of their solutions. I do not want to put our parents in between. Whatever happened we solve both of us. I determined, approaching me of Lucy table. She looks up and eyes widen in surprise taking her face. His expression a mixture of shock and guilt, intrigues me. His gaze shifted to the Mike room door and she seems upset now. He's in there? I wonder, narrowing his eyes at her guilty face. - Good morning, Lucy. - force my voice calm, watching her closely. - Good day, Princess Ella. - until the woman's voice is so full of guilt as his face and now I know for sure that Mike is inside. He came back from the trip and did not bother to go home, or warn me that was already in the city. An uncomfortable cold invades my body. My hands sweat and I ask the question: - He's in there, right? - I can not help the tremor in my voice this time. Sympathy fills the face of the desk. - Your Highness, I really need this job ... - mutters, leaving the implied statement. I'm sorry ... A cold hand involves my heart and tears fill my eyes. I walk to the door and picked up on the doorknob, ready to confront him. So stop, rethink about it. No, I will not humiliate me more. It is clear that he does not want to see me, he gave orders to his secretary to bar me. He never, ever done anything like this, nothing as painful as this. If that's what he wants, so be it. I return to the table Lucy. The girl is holding back tears too and I feel ashamed, humiliated. - Can you get me a pad of paper and pen, per favore? waves, opening a drawer and hands me a small pad and pen. I picked up and write a quick message and trembling. - Can you at least confirm something for me? - I ask, holding me not to fall apart. She nods, half bewildered. - He's been sleeping here in the last two days? Again the blame takes his expression and do not need words to confirm. My chest compresses horribly. He lied. He never traveled. I just wanted to get away from me. - I'm sorry, Princess. I do not know what's going on with him ... - Not me, Lucy. - clean the tears from her face and you give the folded note. - Give it to him. Only at the end of the day, per favore. - she looks at me ressabiada with my requirement, but shakes his head. - Grazie, cara mia. So I get out of there as fast as I can. Stumbling into the elevator, a bitter sense of deja vu spreading in me. I see my face in the mirrored wall, my eyes are lifeless, sad, I'm pale, because I could not feed myself right these days. Lift the chin and clean tears, determined not to give anything of mine. Lorenzo closes the face when the doors open directly onto the private parking. I put my dark glasses to hide my swollen eyes. It gives me ticket and escort me in silence. - Where to, ma'am? - question when settled in the Aston Martin Mike. Breathe shakily and hesitate a moment. - To the roof. - I pause. - We're going back to Ardócia, Lorenzo. Her surprise only appears for one second smallest in his face, the next instant, his agent mask is back in place. - Prince Mike is aware of that? - question. I want to snort. Prince Mike is not bothering me. - Si's. - answer without hesitation. He watches me for a while, then nods and turns the sound on a local radio station before starting the vehicle. Sam Smith starts singing Too Good At Goodbyes. You must think I'm stup

  You must think I'm a fool ... Fresh tears fill my eyes and this time I let them fall freely. My heart aches absurdly the more I think that Mike lied to me, which was all the time in his office, on the run for something that I do not know what it is. I was not worthy of a word. Any word. I'll never let you near me

  Even if you mean everything to me

  Because every time I open myself, it hurts

  So I'll never get too close to you

  Even if I mean anything to you

  If you go away and leave me in the mud

  And the more you hurt me, I cry less

  And every time you leave me, faster these tears dry

  And every time you go away, but I love you

  Honey, we have no chance, it's sad but true

  The music is like a powerful punch in my heart. Raise my left hand, the engagement ring gleaming, mocking my misadventure. That night in Rome back in my head and sob, tears down uncontrollably. It thrilled me looking, love marking his features as he swore to love and protect me for ever and ever. The rain of fire, the floor covered in rose petals. Where is all that love now? If the first difficulty he cuts me, then maybe we should rethink the marriage. I cry more to contemplate that. I'm so confused and hurt. Now, I just want to go to my home and lick my wounds. I ask Lorenzo to take care of leasing a jet that is ready to take me to Ardócia within two hours. Again he frowns, not liking the situation, but agreed without argument. When we reached the coverage, I run pack my things. Play all I can within the three larger bags and go to the bathroom, grabbing my toiletries. All end with the triple weight on my chest. I'm kind of out of breath as I watch the suite, the bed where love each other so intensely. Hug myself, looking every corner. My blurred vision, I see us here and there. Him holding me in his arms, carrying me to bed. And waking me up with a single rose strolling down my face. A shaky breath out of my mouth. Fresh tears bathe my face. An agony, a horrible feeling of helplessness makes me whole. What happened to him leaving me behind? Lift my ring again, watching him for a long time, then the retreat of my finger. It seems so wrong, however, I am very hurt and disappointed with Mike to continue using it. I leave on the nightstand and after another painful look around the room, I begin to drag my bags out. Lorenzo helps me to take everything to the elevator and went down to the private garage. I asked him not this flag to warn Harry he or Mike. I want to be out of their reach when falling itself. I want you to suffer trying to get to me as I suffered anguish wondering heard from him these two days of shit. I'll call my mother as Lorenzo put the luggage in the trunk. The space is half dark, a bit odd. I do not remember this little light when we arrived an hour ago. I forget it and call my mother. It meets on the second ring. Hi daughter. - your loving voice almost brings me to tears again. I swallow hard and I lean back in the car's back door. - Hi, mamma. - I murmur. - I'm coming back home. - No Mike?

  - asks. - Si, I'm coming alone. - whisper unable to disguise the pain in my voice. She is quiet time, certainly analyzing my statement. My parents were here a week ago, certainly my mother is wondering the fact that I'm back now. The plan was to go back to Mike within two weeks for final preparations of our marriage. However, at this juncture, I do not know anything. He confused me with her coldness. - What's going on, Ella? - question with motherly concern. - I feel for his voice that something is not right, dear. I bite my lip, holding back a sob and squint, breathing deeply. After a silent moment, I'll tell you about what happened before Mike leave me alone on the roof. - Relationships are never easy, my princess. - he says with a loving voice, full of wisdom that comforts me since childhood. Are you sure you really want to come without telling your fiance? When she asks, it seems wrong. But the way Mike treated me hurt me too much. It was to have talked and solved whatever your problem. I thought we were strong, unshakable as a couple, but it seems I was wrong. - He does not want to see me, mother. - I say, I felt with rejection. - Lied to me.


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