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Hexed Page 32

by Ingrid Walsh

  Or you erased me completely from your memory?

  I often think about where I went wrong

  And the more I do, the less I know

  I feel a hand on my shoulder and scare me, looking up. My father is there, his face twisted,

  really. - Can I sit here with you? - asks softly. Nod, unable to speak. I clean my face and the

  music is moving towards the end. It just gives me one of the glasses that brings hands and

  sat in silence until Adele singing the last chord of a broken heart. - How are you, son?

  asks after a while. - Dying. - answer succinctly. New silence. I take a welcome sip of

  whiskey. - I'll tell you a story, Mike. - his serious tone makes me look up and find it already

  looking at me. I nod and he breathes deeply. - Your mother, you think she would be able to

  betray me? - question and I start. What question is that? My father smiled at my reaction.

  No need to answer, I see it in his face. - exhale, staring at me. - The way I treated him out

  there ... I was reminding myself when I was a donkey and walked Cassie for two whole

  years. Two years! She was pregnant with Lucas and Samuel, and still did not know. An

  intimate mine enemy plotted to separate us. It for a moment and see that remembering it

  makes you sick. - Carl Turner was the son of the engineer who saved me from the streets.

  We come to live since adolescence. It was like a brother to me, but the feeling was not

  mutual. He developed a sickly jealous of me, of my achievements and how his father

  treated me. - my old look so sad. I hate myself more for making him remember that shit.

  He planned everything meticulously, and I believed that Cassie had betrayed me. Result: I

  sent while pregnant with his brothers. Cum. He never told me that story. For me and my

  brothers, our parents are madly in love with each other forever and never imagined, I'm

  sure the boys did not, who have gone through some trouble to be together. - Just got back to

  see us after two years. His brothers already had a year and three months. The damn envious

  joined with the half-brother of his mother and they got ready too. I did spend two years

  without the woman he loved and lost a lot of my children, because I was arrogant and blind.

  I should have checked everything, talked to her. But I did it and hurt a woman who loved

  me so much that he forgave me, even though I knew he did not deserve his forgiveness. - he sighs. - We won at great cost. Anyway, what I mean is that you fuck, you did the same with Ella. - I know, Dad. - I say quietly. - You are quite right to be pissed at me. His arm goes over my shoulders and pulls me close. - Yes, I'm pissed off and upset that has tried and convicted to my goddaughter. Distressed your reaction to have left vulnerable to the point of being kidnapped. - he stares at me steadily. My old has never been to sweeten the pill. He knows he messed up ugly and will not move his hand on my head. - But with my experience, if there was someone behind you it would attack, regardless of whether you make things easier or not. - hits my back. - Your guilt comes down to how reacted to the alleged evidence of Ella's betrayal. It can not be blamed for being chased by a fucking psycho. He growls, then his eyes widen, something lit inside. - Oh my God! - cries and quietly rises. - We need to talk to the Falconi agent now! I get up quickly. - What is it, Dad? - All the time I thought it was someone from his past, Mike. - his face is turned. - But, perhaps, is one of mine. Enrugo brow, not understanding. - What are you saying? - Carl Turner. - gnashes his teeth.



  A day passed. Two, three, four, and Ella no signal. We scour London and the surrounding area inside out and nothing, no clue. Falconi checked her as Carl Turner in prison and found that died last week. cardiac arrest, as reported. Never in my life I felt so lost, so scared. What this damn psycho want from me? And the question that torments us: who is this unhappy and why are you doing this? Leon uncle, aunt Julia and Dam arrived on the same day it was taken. Max arrived the next day, along with Lipe, Anna and my sisters. Uncle Dom also came with Aunt Helena New York. My house has turned into a kind of headquarters, full of men, so the Secret Service, the security guards assigned by Isaac. When I'm not in the glue Falconi, checking some clue, I hide in my office not to have to face the accusers looks king. The Queen was lifted up upon your arrival, Dam and Max too, but with each passing day, were softening me and realizing that I am suffering like hell. But my uncle is not talking to me. My old man told me to leave it quiet, which instead would do the same. After all, I left her unprotected girl. I look at the plate of food that my mother brought to the office an hour ago. It's cold and I'm not hungry, anyway. I have fed me since Ella was gone. I'm surviving on energy and whiskey. I take the glass to his mouth, noticing that my hand is shaking. Cum. A knock on the door makes me lower the glass to the table. In between. - grumbling. Falconi enters and walks to the front of my table. Wrinkling his nose when he sees the nearly dry glass of whiskey, and then the plate of untouched food. Do you think it wise not to eat, Your Highness? - asks, displeased. I snort. - Your task is to find Ella, agent, not my nanny. - growl. His face is hard, bulging nostrils. - Great. If you want to kill yourself before you find the princess, keep it up, Prince. - he growls back. The man has no idea about fucking. - I came to bring me any news? If not, leave me alone, damn it! - cry, completely beyond me. He snorts back. - That your friend is out there wanting to see him. - he says with disgust in his tone. - Daniel? - Yes. - wrinkles her nose. I still do not like this guy. Yesterday I caught one of the men who sent us a link which I considered suspicious. Everything is suspect to Falconi, and he insists that peeve with Daniel. - Did you find anything when checked my friend? - inquiro, raising an eyebrow. Sigh defeated. - No. Nothing.. Man is cleaner than the sky on a summer day. - retorts sarcastically. - Great. So do not bother me with this unfounded suspicion agent. - Give me permission to track their phones, my lord, I beg. - Falconi insists. - After that, if there is really nothing wrong with this man, I'll leave you in peace, you have my word. I frown. Damn, that's a lot of privacy invasion. There is one thing that friends do. - I will not do it with my friend. - I deny categorically. - That you're asking me is fucked, agent. His shoulders slump and he does a tense all reverence. - Understood, Highness. - says seriously.

  - I'll release the Slatam entry. Out and then Daniel enters the room. His eyes widen a bit, obviously startled by my appearance. I look like a scarecrow these days. - Hello, Mike. says in tone tense. - Apparently, it's still on hunger strike, friend? I snort, showing you one of the chairs in front of the table. It accommodates up. Daniel has visited me religiously every day and on several times since it learned of Ella sequestration. He offered me a large contingent of men who have your safety as well and it showed me that he is loyal. I can not understand this peeve of Falconi agent. Daniel is a good man, I'm sure. - I'm not hungry, that's all. - grumbling. - Can you get me a drink? - points out my empty glass. - Want another one, friend? - nod. He takes the cup and goes to the bar, getting back to prepare the drinks. I blink, feeling weak as fuck. - So remember that bitch I told you earlier this week? Damn, that tight pussy. - he groans spitefully. I kind of growl. - I'm not in the mood to hear his adventures with the new sub, man. - grind. It gives a strange laugh. - Too bad, buddy. I really have a lot to tell ... It is so tight that bled the first time I took my stick. - Middle growling. - But you'll get used to, because it is not going nowhere. It is my slave. I decided that I will keep it. It's mine, forever. How is this sub speaking particularly bother me. Daniel is a very tough Dom. I have seen him often draw blood from their subs in demonstrations, all agreed, of course. But now, listen to this story annoys me and I want to hit him to be boasting of taking blood from a woman. God, I'm fucked up and cranky. I do not want to see anyone, I should have instructed Falconi not let him in. He comes back with the drinks and sat
down, handing me my glass. - Right. No small talk. - he says, looking guilty by the comments out of turn. - Nothing concrete yet, buddy? Long sigh and take a big gulp under his watchful eye. - Anything. - my voice is a sore wire. - Cum. It is not normal in cases of kidnapping, Mike. - he frowns. - That your enemy really hates you, friend. I've never seen anything like it. - Yes, it's a strange situation. - I say, turning the whole glass. - Hey Hey! Take it easy, fuck. - he takes the glass out of my hand. - Must be sober, Mike. E need to feed the fuck! Must be hard to find when your princess, man. I gasp, feeling a burning sensation in the stomach. The air suddenly getting scarce. - I'm so afraid. babbling hoarse, so I break, crying and sobbing uncontrollably. - Where's my girl? Who took her? Daniel circles the table and instead of touching my shoulder as did the other times, he just looks at me. I try to draw a breath, but do not find air. The absurd pain spreads in my abdomen and I cringe, bringing hands to the region. - A-lgo is wrong with me. - I say hard, my throat closing, so I panic. - Chhame My p-parents, please! - I force myself to speak. My tongue is winding. It's a scary feeling like hell. - What? I do not understand you, man. - he says, still not doing anything to support me. I fall from the chair, falling heavily to the ground. My face close to his sleek shoe. My eyes are dry, but I can still see his face. He's smiling? Pisco, seeing everything blurry. I'm hallucinating? Why yes, Daniel is smiling. - How may I help you, my old friend? - his tone seems facetious too. What the fuck? I close my eyes, feeling a tremendous force to drag me into the depths. Before losing consciousness, I hear my mother's voice. She's screaming for someone to come help. So everything is pitch black. *********** I open my eyes, feeling my dry throat and watch around, keeping his eyes tight for enlightenment hitting my face. - You're in a hospital, cousin. - Dam's voice makes me turn my head sideways. He is standing by the window, open shutters. His face is tense and a little thinner too. - He was unconscious for two days for medical advice. I was very weak, needed to be fed and watered. - Where are my parents? - I ask, feeling much better than two days ago. I sit on the bed, snorting for intravenous in my left arm. - Aunt Cassie slept here, but went just to be with my mother. The way you say that makes me alert. - Any news? - my voice fails in the end. He looks at me, the vein in his forehead getting pronounced, his eyes filling with tears. - The kidnapper contacted yesterday. - What the fucking say? - I ask, gritting his teeth. An expression I've never seen before takes your face. - The person warned that Ella ... - her voice trembles. What mia sorella was dead. All my blood runs away from the body, leaving me cold. - No . I moan, feeling die, my vision getting blurred. - No, God, no! - The police contacted us two hours ago. - gasps and crack teeth. - They found a body with the characteristics of it. No -. I repeat. Acute pain tearing me in half. - You must be strong, Mike. We need to be strong to go through this. - his face is bathed with tears. Never in all my life, I saw Dam cry so openly. Not in adulthood, at least. - My father, uncle and uncle Jay Don went to IML and made the recognition. - make a break full of meaning and adds in a whisper: - It is the nostra Ella, cousin. So, I die once. - No! - intravenous abruptly jerk my arm vein blood spilling. - Ella! No, no! Ellaaaaaaaaa! I yell loudly, leaping to the ground. I'm blinded by pain and kick all encounter ahead. Bed, chairs, sofas. Yank the mattress and the game on the ground. Shoot serum support the windows and glass splinters in all directions, making a loud noise. Panting breath, I fall to my knees. Despair, the agonizing and excruciating pain of knowing that the woman you love with all your heart is no longer here. You will never see your beautiful face. You never feel the softness of your skin, your unique smell. You never look inside the most green and beautiful eyes that ever existed. You never hear his whispers of love while he was inside it. My chest hurts so much to raise my hand and insurance, squeezing my flesh. A sob escapes me full of hopelessness. - Ella ... - curl up on the floor. - Doll ... crying and crying, lamenting the actions that brought me here. After a while, my eyes are dry as small, painful sobs leave my mouth. The floor is cold, but my mind is not processing it. I'm not processing anything around me. Nothing else matters. I know, for sure, I'll never get over this pain. Without it I'm dead too. This is how I feel. Dead. One arm passes over my shoulders and pulls me up. I think it's Dam, but against the brown eyes of Daniel when I lift my head. Only now I realize that was also in the room. I'm sorry, my friend. - regrets with tearful eyes. - I asked both God to keep his little girl safe. I look, reminding me that I was smiling when blacked out in my house two days ago. It was a hallucination? Confusion settles on me because he's here, showing their support as if none of this had happened. I decide not to ask him anything. No, I do not have the strength now. Nothing else matters. - I can not even imagine the pain you are feeling now. he continues, comforting me as a good friend. Dam is watching us with his tough stance, only red eyes betray their pain. - My fault. - babbling. - My fault. -. How could I not know, Mike? As if the girl photos and the video was wearing the clothes and that exclusive princess bracelet? - Daniel rebate firmly. In the midst of my pain and madness, I stop and absorb his words. And ice again. I do not remember to tell you me that the girl was wearing Ella things, let alone the unique strap. Pull in memory and nothing. No, I did not tell you many details. My gaze crosses the Dam and saw something flicker quickly as if warning me. About what? I wonder, confused, devastated. However, not verbalize anything like that, I remain quiet and let me be comforted by my supposed and devoted friend. Although mistrust begins to creep into me. I think it's time to give the authorization to invade Daniel Falconi phone. The next day, I get high and when I get home, lock myself in my room. I want to be closer to Ella, feeling its smell which is almost non-existent now. My mother comes to see me. My father then. The twins, the twins. Max, Lipe. Uncle Don and Aunt Helena, he trying to be witty, but the sadness is on the faces of all of us, I can not send her away. In my case, it will never go away. Even the king and queen were here and we exchanged half a dozen words strained. He's still hurt. The Palace spokesman announced yesterday formally the death of Princess and the funeral in Ardócia for the end of the week. The world press is mad. Pictures of me leaving the hospital, crestfallen, devastated being supported by my parents are circulating alongside other mine and it, together happily. I can not stand to see this shit. The only good news we receive is that Lorenzo is out of danger but responded well to surgery. Thank God. softly exhale and look the beautiful, smiling face in the frame to put on our bed. My mother did it to me and I hung today. I shove his hands in pajama pants pockets and lose myself in time, watching every detail perfect face of Ella. I feel strangely calm. I suspect Dam asked to inject some soothing on my system. I'm not in my normal state, I feel it. I was supposed to be screaming, kicking, but I'm not. I just feel hollow, a void that has no size inside. - There will never be another for me. whisper you, my heart an open wound, my eyes filling with tears. I'm shattered. It is painful to breathe in here, where we were so happy. But at the same time, there is no other place I want to be. Here I feel closer to her. - I swear I'll get the unfortunate who took her and then I'll join you, my love. I refuse to live in a world where you are not. A gasp startled me and look back, seeing Anna standing in the doorway. - I did not hear knocking, Anna. grumbling. She enters and sits next to me, looking at the picture. We were silent for a while, just watching our little girl. - It's still so hard to believe, Mike. - his voice is cracking. - But do not do what I heard him saying, cousin. There is a family who loves you and will support you. Ever. side eye, seeing his handsome face usually cheerful, all tears plated now. She was always very close to Ella. I imagine how much must be suffering too. I open my arms and she is silent. We hugged and cried both. Some time later, I pull away a little to look at her. - I can not live without it, Anna. - my voice cracks. His eyes soften with empathy. She knows well what it is to lose a love. - I know, cousin. - sobbing softly. - I know how much it hurts. I wipe her face gently. She does the same with me. - How did you manage to bounce back after ... - After the death of Nate? - question, sniffling. -
You can speak his name, Mike. I've been through that stage. As reergui me? - a melancholy smile, painful, crosses his face. - He asked me to move on and live for both of us. I can not disappoint that kid. I get up every day and think about your request, so I live. - her green eyes swimming in tears again. - Living intensely as my love asked me. Wave and kiss on the temple. - In my case, there is another option. - I whisper, turning to face the bright green eyes in the frame. - I'll find my little girl as soon as all this is resolved. - Oh my God! Please do not speak it. - asks tearfully and frowns a little forehead. - Why are you talking about taking his own life and at the same time is looking so calm? I snort. - I think Dam sent apply some soothing shit on me. He knows how I would react. She almost smiled. - the future king Typical make decisions like that, huh? - says with a bit of his irreverence. - In fact, I offered to bring a note of it and Falconi agent. They are waiting in the office. I growl.

  - Tell them you do not want to see anyone right now. I want to stay with Ella. - I think it's serious, cousin. - amendment before my reaction. - Please get out a bit here. Get well not do you any good. - I'll never be well, Anna. - my voice embarga. - Never. She swallows audibly and stretches on tiptoe, giving me an affectionate kiss on the cheek. - you should go talk to them. - insists. - It seems that Paolo Montessola made a deal. I heard my father talking to Leon and Uncle Jay uncle just now. This has my full attention. What the shit duquezinho have to talk? - Cum. - growl. - Tell them I'm coming. I'll just put a shirt. When I enter the office a few minutes later, I see that my father and uncles are there too, and Dam, Falconi and Harry. - Son, come, sit with us. - My old man calls me, banging on the sofa beside her. - We have many things to discuss. I will, tilting his chin at each step while they going to accommodate me next to my father. Falconi and Harry remains standing vigilant. I think out of habit. - How do you feel, cousin? - Dam inquire when the stare. I narrow my eyes on him, making sure that even the idiot doped me. - Very quiet for my liking, cousin. - grit my teeth. He snorts back. - We needed you very calm, without running the risk of destroying everything ahead as it did in the hospital room. - his face is even more serious. - The agent Falconi has some things to share with us. I turn my attention to the agent, which straightens, wiping a little throat. - First of all, you have been poisoned, Your Highness. - sends the-blank and I arregalo eyes in shock. - What?! - I and others exclaimed. - Si, took the cup that took whiskey on the night he fell ill and was rushed to the hospital. I noticed signs of poisoning in his reaction. He was too weak from lack of nutrition and hydration, but nothing justifies that collapse. - amendment and I blink, dumbfounded. - I told the doctor who had ingested toxic substance and he did a stomach wash immediately. Poisoned? What the fuck? So, understanding hits me like a powerful punch. Daniel. Cum! Daniel prepared my drink that night. Hell, no. - It is a rare type of poison, it does not appear in public examinations laboratories. I sent the cup to our headquarters in Ardócia and received the results this morning. - everyone in the room are launching incredulous expressions. - Poisoned ?! My son poisoned inside the house? - my dad range. - Just as mia bambina was taken from within that same house, brother. - King retorts. My father is tense but not rebate, says nothing to stir his brother. He has acted diplomatically those days. Who knew my old man, who is usually so broken out as I, being diplomatic? Opportunity makes the monk, says the popular saying. - Daniel. - I murmured almost to myself, the taste of betrayal leaving my mouth bitter. - He wanted to kill me? Falconi shakes her head. -. The dose was not small to lead to death, but large enough to cause permanent damage to the nervous system if not rescued in time. - Cum! He stares at me seriously. - I researched the poison. Its action is fast, leaving the person who ingested in a vegetative state. It is a new composition of a drug widely used in Nazi concentration camps. My. Holy. God! Nazis? I get up, unable to sit in front of so much information. Now it makes sense not move a finger to help me. He wanted me to be not rescued in time. Because? What he has to do this with my mysterious enemy? - Depending on the situation, they used it to weaken your enemies permanently, as a kind of punishment they considered worse than death. It is worrying that your friend has access to this type of drug. I growl. - It is worrying that my supposed fucking friend has used this shit on me, damn it! - Holy Mother of God! - my father exclaims. - Jesus Christ, Mike! - Uncle Dom exudes down. What did you do to this guy, son? - I do not know, Uncle. - my shoulders slump. - I have no fucking clue what can be done. - I turn my attention to Falconi. - What else you find out? Does he helped this mysterious fucking person in the kidnapping of Ella? What you saw on phone calls? - I bombardment with questions. Falconi shakes his head. - Daniel is clean, your highness. - twists his mouth ironically. - Immaculately clean. At least, as far as I could get. - What do you mean, agent? Let us not kill curiosity, cáspita! - Dam breaks. - I found nothing suspicious on conventional lines. But the good news is I found two private lines. The bad news is that these are very protected and could not penetrate. I contacted another of our network intrusion experts in Ardócia and he is already working on it. - and expert network intrusion, read: hacker. But it is clear that the Secret Service would not use this term to its agents. - We will access the bank accounts as well. - see? I do not care anymore, however. If the bastard Daniel dared to screw me, you will receive much more than their accounts hacked, can be sure of that. - I could have stopped if he had not featured in your slide with the poison. He underestimated the trust that sophisticated drug formula would not be easily detected in the tests and that was his second mistake. - What was the first? Uncle Leon asks. An arrogant expression takes Falconi's face. - The first was that it did not make mistakes, majesty. - says respectfully. - There is no perfect crime. We are close to unravel each point of this trap, believe me. My uncle nods. He has fired the boss of the Secret Service the mistake in declaring Paolo sole culprit. Well, not fired, in fact, he forced him to retirement without the normal honors of his rank. Falconi is in charge of things until further notice. - Answer my question, agent. - I stare. - Do you think Daniel's involved in that? He nods. - The young Montessola made a deal in exchange for amnesty king, my lord.


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