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Hexed Page 37

by Ingrid Walsh

  - gave us some gray hairs, little princess. - Let's go home, principessa mia. - my father says, forcing a more controlled voice. I look at Mike, who is tightening his jaw when he realizes that my father will not give me back. - My love. - the call and his dirty, tense face relaxes a little. It comes close, but my jealous and turrão father still will not give me back. Mike entered the vehicle and pulls me into his lap more than fast. Eye mio papà and reach out, reassuring him with my gaze. Dio, why men are so territorial? He comes to sit next to us and takes my hand in his. If my father is well, I do not even want to imagine how mamma mia felt this week I've been away, risking death. I think nap on Mike's shoulder because when I start, we are coming out of the private elevator and the voices of my family members was run over in salute. Rio, stunned, raising his head and looking relieved expressions on their faces. My mother comes into the room, coming from one of the corridors. She is cast down, his green eyes identical to my fill with tears and I go down Mike's arms, going to meet her halfway. She takes me forward in such a tight hug that leaves me breathless. My shoulders are shaking and I break into tears, feeling his loving arms and armor around me. - My princess. - sobbing loudly. - my little princess is at home, oh, my God, thank you! - Mamma ... - I cry more. - I was so afraid. So afraid. - Shhh, he passed. Now, dear. - her sweet voice warms my heart. - is with your mamma now. With your family. And as happened before with my father, therefore I am surrounded by my Aunt Cassie and Helena godmother, their faces bathed in tears too. Caress me and kiss my head. I'm all dirty, but they do not care, cover me with love. - Grazie a Dio, figlia. - my godmother murmurs choked. - were terrifying days. Tell me about it, godmother. I think. We prayed so much, honey. So much. - thia Cassie complements. - Grazie sponsor, Cassie aunt. - I murmur. Then I see Max. He's gritting his jaw bright eyes and wiping the tears already shed. My return. I know it will not stop anytime soon. - Hey, handsome. - I try to play with my little brother, but my voice is shaky, hoarse by so much that I cried for help. It moves quickly and takes me in a warm hug. - I missed you, fratello. He strongly exudes, shuddering, kissing my hair. - And I yours, sorella. - mutters, pulling away slightly to look at me. - I wanted to go along with Luc, Samu and Lipe. Mike and Dam did not let us. Middle growling. - They did well, dear mio. - secure her face in her hands and kiss her cheek. - that's not the kind of place for my little brother. - I look around for the twins and Lipe. - none of which I love. - complement. They come to me also, their faces relaxed, but still showing remnants of the days of anguish. - Damn, press! Tell me Mike and Dam kicked the ass of the unfortunate. This will compensate for the fact that we have been vetoed in the mission. - Luke pulls me of Max's arms and leaves a gentle kiss on my hair. A chill goes through me to recall the outcome of everything. Themselves, they kicked more ass than that scum ... - welcome, dear sister. Pull away a bit confused by him calling me sister and do not press. So, I understand and nod. - Thank God, Ella. - is the time of Samuel embrace and kiss. I want to complain to them, for I am unclean and are hugging me and kissing. - good to have you back, sister. - Si, grazie a Dio'm home, cousins. - whisper them, returning their tender kisses. - and you, they did what they had to do. - Full softly, not daring to face Dam, either Mike. The girls arrive also, his usually lively and full of youthful irreverence faces are still a bit tense. Their faces stained with tears. - You need a bath, sister. - In loose in a silly attempt to make a joke. I hear Aunt Cassie scolding her and Mike snarling. She smiles and hugs me. - we were so afflicted. - Yes, do not you dare give us another scare these soon. - Sam walks over and hugs me too. - they can leave. - grumbling, smiling. - I do not intend to go through another of these girls. I look over his shoulder and see Anna sniffling and wiping her face. Lipe is laughing at her, but gives a soft kiss on his cheek and the two come to me. - Hey, cousin. - my voice embarga the umpteenth time. missed me? She rolls her eyes and crushes me in a trembling embrace. For a moment only sniffs without answers, then moves away slightly to look me in the eyes. - I made all kinds of promises to you to be brought safely home, press. - finally says. Then, twist the nose, hiding behind his irreverence as ever and loose: - because of you I will not practice jumping bug for a whole year! I arregalo eyes. She loves extreme sport. The practice since ... Well, since Nate's gone and left a list of things you always wanted to do but never had the chance because maledeta disease took him very young. Anna has been devoted to fulfill the list since. - Anna! - my godmother rebuke. Smile and kiss my dear cousin on the cheek. - I'll make you press. Can you tell me that this will want on their birthday. - offer and she smiles, her dark green eyes swimming in tears. - Hey, we also want this regalia, Ella! - the twin complain in unison. Lipe smiles and approaches, kissing me on the forehead. He and Max are getting huge. - You are right, cousin? Do not call Anna's crazy. - jokes. Anna mutters, pushing the younger brother on the shoulder. - I'm fine, dear mio. - return his affection. now I'm with my family. strong arms wrap around my waist. - In're right. - smile, turning to face my love. - I need a shower. - I'll take you, doll. - Mike whispers. I hear someone clearing his throat and eye, seeing my father with face of few friends. Dio, so jealous. Uncle Don puts his arm over his shoulders and laughed, winking at me. I laugh, anticipating what will come out of his mouth. - Brothers, do not know you, but I need a drink. - makes a funny face, looking at my godfather. - I meant it when I said I had no more old enough, guys. If I, I'm in better shape than you, I'm just imagine ... - Do idiot shut up, Leon. - my godfather roars. My father snorts, but lets himself be led into the hall. - I have not figured out how to achieve such a feat, Jay. - growls. We laughed when the trio some of our views. I thank silently Dio more and more for allowing me to return to my family. Everything is back to his place. - my mother smiles, bright eyes when staring at me and then Mike. - Mind if I take care of my princess a bit more, dear? I feel your body tense, but it relaxes and then smiled at my mother. - at all, aunt. - says and looks at me with regret. Being extremely protective, he wanted to take care of me, is written there in the way black eyes holding mine. I am about to speak when Aunt Cassie adds: - While Julia takes care of Ella, let's enjoy and take care of that arm and eyebrow son. - looks at you with the same softness that my mom is driving me. We go with our mothers without argument. My mamma bathes me like I was a child. She already had everything prepared. My father must have called while I slept on Mike's lap. Take the bulk of the dirt in the shower and then take me to the bath with foam. I ask her to add the healing herbs that Mike always use in my bath after our sessions. My mother frowns, reading the labels on the bottles, but do not ask anything, which makes me relieved. How to explain to his mother that her husband has sexual practices, say very intense and your little princess loves each of these practices? I'm immersed me and lean back on the edge. Her soft hands, but firm, wash my hair. I can not hold a treat groan for their care. - Are you in pain? - asks, stopping movement, a touch of anxiety in her voice. - No, mamma. - I smile to reassure her. - I'm feeling a little girl with such treat. Her sweet laughter fills me with love. - The children are always like babies to their mothers, dear. - kisses my head and then uses the shower head to take the product of my hair. - my little princess. I never want to feel an affliction that size, Ella. His father and I agreed to increase their security indefinitely. - warns. - It's over, mother. This was an isolated case. - I say. She mutters disagrees and apply conditioner. - but perhaps it is advisable to increase security for all of us, not just mine. That infelice showed that it is possible to reach any of us and that's not good for our name. - Yes darling. His father used almost those same arguments. - rinse again. - you know how he is concerned about the image of Di Castellani, is not it? Si, my father does not like to appear weak to the public and this episode has left us in a vulnerable position before the world. A few minutes later, I'm wrapped in one of the robes Mike. I inhale the lapel smelling I thought of my despair, never feel. Wrap a towel in her hair, like a turban. My mother looking at me with a knowing smile when I turn. A first aid kit is on t
he bathroom sink. - You need to talk. mutters, making gesture for me to get closer and checks my wrists. They are sore and injured at some points by repeated use of handcuffs. - after dinner already we agreed to go with staying at Jay and Cassie to give them privacy. - says while clean the affected area with hydrogen peroxide and apply an antiseptic ointment. Whistle by sensitivity, but I'm smiling because she is simply the best. I tell you just that with my eyes. Leans gently kissing me on the cheek. - change up, honey. I will take care of me and make me presentable for dinner now. - announces, leaving the room. The follow to the room. Mamma? - I call her and she turns. Whisper excitedly: - ti amo, regina mean. Inhale a little high and smiles, her beautiful face lighting up in full. - No more than I you, my princess. whispers and I will set a kiss before she left the room. I dry my hair and wear a fluffy knit dress. I walk out of the closet and stop, my peripheral vision realizing something that did not see when I went with my mother. Something that was not here before. I walk further into the spacious room and gasp with the huge table on the bed. Oh Dio mio! It's me. A close my smiling face is on our bed. He did that. - He almost died when Falconi agent had the idea to forge his death, press. - Anna's voice startled me. I not hear you come in. She also changed her clothes. I gasp, my heart hurts to imagine this news being given to him. Mike ... My Mike ... - whisper, looking at the picture, my eyes burning. So, Anna starts to tell me everything that happened in my absence. I realize that Mike also lived his own hell with my kidnapping. If I had not already forgiven, I forgive now. I take a deep breath. Everything is behind us. All the pain will last. Still I have nightmares about my captivity for a while? Si will have. But the dreams that I will perform with the man I love, the supplant little by little to nothing this dark episode. All had dinner at the big table in the dining room. Mike and I rarely use it when we are alone. We prefer the intimacy kitchen, or eat in bed. At various times I caught my parents staring at me with bright eyes as if they did not believe I'm here, back. The conversation lasted long after the dessert, all excited, talking about trivial matters as if the kidnapping had never happened. I think my parents had something to do with it to save me from having to talk about the horror I experienced these days. After dinner the Falconi agent appeared with news about Vivian. It seems that his condition is critical because too much blood lost. However, there is hope to survive against all odds. She is a strong, courageous woman. I am forever grateful for what you did for me. The agent also warned that such a sultan with whom Tony would negotiate not only me, but a whole lot of girls, is arrested and the feds were able to find evidence that will lead to other tucked bigwigs in this rotten trade. All went to the house of my godfather then. Well, less Dam which is a closed-door meeting with Falconi and Mike in the office. I go to the room and turn on the sound system. Select a folder of Sia and I will do my evening hygiene. I finish brushing teeth, returning to the room. My attention goes to the moon, beautiful and full in the sky through the glass doors of the terrace. I walk slowly, stopping at the threshold and look at it. I tuck hands in pockets dress. I feel the stone in the left pocket of the bottom and pull her out. I took the ring before dinner. He was still exactly as I left it, on top of the nightstand. I raise my right hand and slide back on her finger. Love beats in my chest while admiring the exquisite stone cutting and chosen to match my eyes. He belongs there, on her finger, doll. - the deep voice close to my ear makes me close my eyes, and a delicious hot tremor slipping into my spine. His strong arms around me, pulling my back to his chest. - I know. - mumble, half choking the pleasure of being in his arms. I'll never take it off. A silence falls upon us, just as we observe the moon. The second song ends and Angel wings by the gentle sounds in a volume. - You want to talk? - I hear him swallowing audibly. It seems nervous for some reason. Turning in his arms, facing. His eyes are tormented. I raise my hand, gently touching the bruises on his manly face. It has a small bandage on the left eyebrow, showing the ferocity with which he fought for me. My eyes turn to flood with the still fresh grotesque scenes in my mind. - I love you. - crying, palming his hard chest on the black shirt. Your heart is pounding in my palm. I get lost in the black vastness of his gaze. He inhales sharply and leans his forehead against mine. - I do not know the name of what I feel for you. - his voice trembles a bit, as we look at closely. - Love is very little doll. You are my life and I was so stupid, irrational ... Almost lost. - sighs with regret. I lift my face, touching my mouth on hers. - No more blame. He would find a way to catch me anyway. There was no escape. - sigh tremulously. - we did not know who we were dealing with and that helped them. - Yes I know. - says softly, eyes darting all over my face. - I do not deserve you, princess. - his voice embarga. - I do not deserve, but die if you lose. Hill. - Stop it, per favore. - I ask you, my heart aching for the pain I see in your face. He has not yet forgiven, I see it clearly. - You picked me up, I packed ... - choking. - you'd die with me. I can not imagine anyone who deserves me more than you, mio amato. He exhales, his eyes shining in the moonlight, fingers up and plot my face reverently. - My precious girl. - murmurs with emotion. - Make love with me. whisper against her lips full. - I need to feel my man inside me. I wished, dreamed about it every day that kept me away from you. He moans hoarsely. - Damn, Ella ... - roars, his face undergoes a transformation, eyes shining onyx, then quickly the light goes out. - today was very traumatic for you, princess ... That piece of shit ... - his Adam's apple moves showing their discomfort and I see what is the reason for his anguish. He thinks he was abused. does that pile of garbage did you wrong? -. The maledeto not never touched me sexually. - I choose to not tell the monster touched my breasts and sucked one the day they took me. It will not do any good to hear that Mike. He did not rape me, it is all that matters. - How is this possible? - questions, the shadow in his eyes giving way to relief. Toco forefinger between his eyebrows, massaging the wrinkles that still persists. - Vivian. - reveal. - she saved me from this sad fate when Sultan answered a link to infelice who wanted to sell me.

  - grit my teeth. It is too early to talk about it, but I need to take this concern of his head. This should be eating the inside. - it seems that other monster was very excited about the idea of having a princess as a sex slave. Mike growls, bulging nostrils. I'm like not remember that I am safe now. It's all over. - Vivian was very smart, she played with the deep interest of the Sultan and instructed him to ask for my exams daily. It is a common practice for buyers to prevent their acquisition is violated before trading. His eyes widen and he exhales softly. - Cum. We owe a lot to her doll. - range between surprised and admired. - Si. I promised that would help bring his sister back. - sigh, remembering who is in critical condition in the hospital. - hopefully survive to see it happen. Mike frowns. - I do not want to be pessimistic, princess, but the life expectancy for these trafficked girls is on average two years. - it's my turn to frown. - they live drugged and are used without any care for the monsters who buy them. They are disposable, like any object. - How do you know that? - I ask horrified. - The Cassidy agent gave us some information as we prepared to invade. - something back to close his face. - about what I did there ... - swallows. - I think that equaled those monsters? - No! Do not even think such a thing. - I hurry and secure your face on each side, looking him straight in the eyes intense. - You are still my prince. My Mike .. Always my Mike. - their eyes light up, leaving a bit of shadow behind. - now kiss me, mio amato. Take me, my owner. - he growls of animalistic way, making my body shiver. Sauce, throb anxiously. softly moan. -Dio that miss the average dominatore. - Doll ... - her voice is a whisper. A mix of love, awe and lust as well. His thumb rubs my mouth. I gasp, debauchery invading my veins. - I miss my good girl ... - his voice becomes more rude, thickened by horny. Our eyes although the hot pungent need each other, are full of tears. We are still very sensitive in the face of atrocity to which we were subjected tonight. We need to merge in to begin our healing process. Shot his hands from his face and he looks at me blankly, then understand when I go down the straps of the d
ress by the shoulders. Her gaze never leaves the mine, while the fabric slide through my body. The cool evening breeze assails me, from the balcony. Shudder, my breasts weighing the nipples by swelling. Arfo, dense cream flooding my vagina. - Take me, amore mio. - gasp. I need your touch, your smell, your essence filling me to erase all the bad we live in today. His eyes are even more ardent and down all over my body, burning my skin. So finally pulls me back, pressing our bodies. I feel the massive erection under the trousers and rub me on it. Growls, one hand holding my waist and the other the back of my neck. He joins her hair in hand, giving a soft, gentle tug. Snort, throbbing, dripping, my panties getting all sticky between her thighs. Is watching me closely, admiring my desperate state to have it. Kiss my chin up and the soft, warm mouth to my cheekbone where bites, giving a glimpse of my manly dark, evil, too hot. I let out a yelp. He knows it drives me crazy when it bites me in the face. His low, indulgent laughter is proof that'll be fine. Everything is coming back to his place. - I will kiss every centimeter of this silk skin, doll. - raises me by the ass and wrap my legs around you. He shoves a hand over her panties and slips her fingers into my back crack. Nibbling my lower lip, while massaging my anus. -ofereça delicious breasts to suckle its owner. - asks hoarse moan arching my back. Cry when biting the right nipple. Ri and gently licks her lips shut and sucking in the mood all the way to bed. Switch to the other breast and hard. I waddled on his cock, my breathing starts to become erratic. I'm going to come. The cry gets stuck in my throat, though. Mike smiles softly, placing me in the center, cutting our contact. Caspita! Gemo in regret. He kicks off the clothes quickly and went up to his knees on the bed. I bite my lip, seeing the body whole dark toned. The long and thick cock drooling pre tip of semen. Without saying a word, he drags her panties down my legs and bares my thighs. Arfo, my chest rising and falling as his hungry gaze plunges into my naked vagina inspecting it. I feel oozing thick cream to the anus. Bends down and kisses plant all over my lot and wet flesh. Secure his broad shoulders and close my eyes, feeling the delicious mouth sucking and licking me slowly. Very soon, he rises, depositing light kiss and suck in my belly. Is dedicated to my breasts again. Suck hard, thrusting a hand between my thighs, holding my vagina strongly. Whimper when you put two fingers, going to the bottom and rub your thumb on my swollen mound. The enjoyment begins to form in my stomach again. He growls and nibbles, punishes my most sensitive breast, sucking the painfully soft flesh and I scream, undoing me in joy. He laughs, pulling out and lies down between my thighs. The strong, warm body weighing on my, your manly smell invading my senses. I open my eyes and my heart expands to see the face of my beloved close. Still speechless, his mouth down in mine and I open my lips eagerly, getting his tongue. He licks me, growling, rubbing the shaft and head of the fat cock between my folds. Slips his arms under my shoulders and holds me as his mouth devours me. It is an intense kiss, love too, voracious. Gasp, opening me more when I head rooming in my entry.


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