Will You Marry Me? (Sam Darling Mystery Book 4)

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Will You Marry Me? (Sam Darling Mystery Book 4) Page 1

by Jerilyn Dufresne


  About "Will You Marry Me?"


  Books by Jerilyn Dufresne

  Title Page



  Will You Marry Me?

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  About the Author



  There's a Chicken Convention in town as Sam Darling takes her curiosity on the road and tries to solve another murder--and this time the feathers are flying!

  Savvy sleuth Sam and her canine sidekick Clancy are at it again in the fourth book in Jerilyn Dufresne's bestselling cozy mystery series. Sam and her sweetheart George are headed off for a well-earned vacation. That is, until Clancy digs up a mysterious human bone. With help from the Bobs--Bob Bob, Jim Bob, Joe Bob, Mike Bob, Billy Bob, and Mary Bob--Sam jumps in as always to help figure out who done it.

  How far will Sam go to solve the case? Far enough to squeeze into a fluffy chicken suit and infiltrate the world of those who love to cluck. Once again, intrepid Sam goes from the frying pan into the fire...but will she get burned?

  What they're saying about the writing of bestselling author


  Dufresne has created a charming, nosy, and slightly irreverent character in Samantha Darling, the heroine in Who Killed My Boss?, a fast-paced cozy that takes place in the small town of Quincy, Illinois.

  Beth Amos, author of the Mattie Winston Mystery series

  (as Annelise Ryan)

  The plot kept me guessing until nearly the end and I am looking forward to reading further adventures! Fun and entertaining read. Highly recommended...well done!

  Anne Kelleher, author of A Once and Future Love and

  The Ghost and Katie Coyle

  Dufresne shows her gift of storytelling as she moves the plot forward, introducing believable characters and a complicated plot. Recommended to everyone who enjoys a well-written, fun, cozy mystery!

  Kimberly Shursen, author of Itsy Bitsy Spider and Hush

  And from Amazon reviewers:

  ...It's like reading the old Nancy Drew books with others. Loved it very very much!

  ...This book was very well written and I loved all the humor sprinkled throughout the story. Characters were loveable, not to mention the dog. Great ending.

  ...Sam Darling is the kind of gal you wish you could know in real life. Funny, quirky, entertaining. And her "partner," Clancy the dog, helped make this book just plain fun to read. When's the next one?!



  Who Killed My Boss? (Sam Darling mystery #1)

  Any Meat in That Soup? (Sam Darling mystery #2)

  Can You Picture This? (Sam Darling mystery #3)

  Triple Trouble (Box Set of Sam Darling mysteries 1-3) October, 2014

  Will You Marry Me? (Sam Darling mystery #4)

  Where is Henderson? (Sam Darling mystery #5) December, 2014

  Will You Marry Me?

  Jerilyn Dufresne


  © 2014 Jerilyn Dufresne, all rights reserved, worldwide. No part of this ebook may be reproduced, uploaded to the Internet, or copied without author permission.

  The author appreciates your support in respecting her rights to this work. There is much joy in writing, but artists deserve to be paid.

  Want to find out about new books by Jerilyn before anyone else does? Sign up here: http://eepurl.com/z30jv


  To the Housewife Writers, who have been encouraging me since 1995, for cherishing me even though I'm neither a house nor a wife.

  "The scream echoed through the canyon and bounced back to me, hitting me so hard I almost fell over."


  My excitement about our trip could not be dampened. George and I were going away and we were taking Clancy with us. What could be better?

  Gus and Georgianne, my landlords, were at my carriage house pretending to listen to my instructions on how to care for the place in my absence.

  "Calm down, Sam," Gus said. "You act like we've never been in this place before. We watched it when you were in the hospital after getting shot in the bottom, when you were poisoned, when you had to stay at George's because your life was threatened, when...."

  "Okay, okay," I said, "I'm convinced." I didn't want to hear a litany of the times I'd been hospitalized or otherwise unable to be in my cozy nest. Or rather their cozy nest. They owned it, plus the mansion that sat in front of it.

  I looked down at my dog, Clancy, sitting faithfully at my side. Her thoughts intruded on the talking. She was amused by Gus's speech.

  "Clancy, that's not nice. Are you sure you want to go with us?"

  Her thoughts were kinder after that, and her soft growl meant she gave in.

  "George is going to pick up Clancy and me in a few minutes. I know I've forgotten something. I just know it," I said as I continued to look around.

  Recently I'd begun taking medicine for ADHD and my system was still getting used to my brain slowing down a bit. It was a welcome respite from my normally unwelcome impulsiveness and inattention, but at times there was a brain fog I didn't like.

  "If you forgot something just give me a call. Hell, you're never without that fancy phone of yours." Gus was allowed to tease me. He was almost an adopted grandpa and my best friend. Well, besides Clancy.

  "Samantha, we are honored you want us to watch your place. I'd be pleased to check every room while you're away. On a daily basis." Georgianne was my friend too, but I didn't quite trust this offer.

  "That's okay, and not necessary. I'm sure it will be fine. There are no plants to water--I've killed them. I'm taking my dog with me. Everything inside is in working order. I stopped my mail. So all you have to do is keep an eye on the outside."

  I prayed that Georgianne could keep her paws off my house. Even though I inherited my nosy gene from my mom, I preferred to call myself curious. I saved the nosy moniker for Georgianne.

  But I loved her. Couldn't help it. She was my best friend's wife.

  I was still looking around when George walked in. We kissed, and my day was made. Nothing could bring me down when I had George and Clancy at my side. I felt like I could conquer the world, and was ready to leave Quincy so I could do it.

  A quick kiss and hug for Gus and Georgianne, and a conscious locking of my door, and we were off.

  "I love you," was all I could think to say to them as we waved goodbye. The air was crisp but tolerable and the sight and smell of leaves falling off the trees announced the middle of autumn without the need for a calendar. I left my window open so I could smell the season.

  There was also a whiff of George's Hai Karate aftershave, which always took me back to high school. He was my friend from kindergarten on, but was my boyfriend in high school. That relationship ended abruptly when he stood me up for prom. Twenty-five years later, I've not only forgiven him, I've falle
n in love with him again.

  He started chatting about something. He was the Chief of Detectives at Quincy Police Department, and was probably talking about a case, but I drifted off, thinking about how the last several months had made me love him even more than before.

  Finally, I tuned back in.

  "So it's really important that you and Clancy come with me to the Grand Canyon. It's the first place I want to travel to as a couple, er...um...a triple." George was adorable, always making sure to include Clancy in everything. She was the only reason we were driving rather than flying.

  "You know," I whispered, "we could have left Clancy with Gus. She would have been fine, and we could have flown, giving us more time there."

  Clancy, relegated to the back seat of the rented SUV, perked up her ears and started "talking." Her low growl sounded kind, but then she put in the inflections that would let anyone know she was unhappy with that remark. Not only do Clancy and I have a psychic connection, sort of, she also "talks" quite eloquently once you learn to understand her language.

  "I know," George said to her. "Don't worry. I wanted you with us on this trip."

  "Sounds like you two are in collusion." I couldn't help but smile. I loved them both so much, and to see their connection intensified my feeling of joy.

  It felt great to be on vacation. Even though I'd started work as a therapist at the Quincy Community Clinic less than a year ago, and didn't really have vacation time saved up, I still felt the need for relaxation. A few months ago, I was in the ER with a bullet in my butt. Prior to that I'd been hospitalized because I'd been poisoned. I still couldn't believe people in Quincy had actually tried to kill me. Shaking off any fear, I was determined to enjoy this trip.

  George crossed the Mississippi into Missouri and drove south on US-61. We planned to drive to St. Louis and take I-44 southwest. He had it all planned out, but I wasn't too interested. I listened to the music, looked at George, and absentmindedly reached back to pet Clancy.

  What a wonderful life I had. And to think--the excitement we were going to experience on the trip was planned, not accidental. Rare for me, recently.

  I noticed George yawning.

  "Honey, didn't you sleep last night?"

  "Not much. Between planning for the trip and finishing up paperwork on some cases, I didn't get too much shuteye."

  "Let me drive for a while, and you can rest." I wanted to pull my weight on this trip so George didn't have to do everything. After all, I had been the single parent who took my kids camping, backpacking, spelunking, and climbing, and I drove all over the USA. I was a pretty capable person, and there was no reason to change just because I was in a relationship.

  "Okay," he said, without argument. "I'll make it to St. Louis, and once we're on I-44, it'll be yours."

  I smiled, feeling like I'd won a non-existent argument.

  Just as he had promised, George pulled over after we hit 44. We changed places, and Clancy didn't move a muscle. I hooked up my iPhone to George's radio and listened to my own songs as I drove. George was asleep before I even had the Bluetooth set up.

  I sang and grinned. Belted out song after song after song. Poor George was so exhausted that my bellowing didn't even wake him.

  Time passed quickly, and before I knew it we were nearing Springfield, MO. On an impulse, I turned south on US-65 toward Branson. I wanted to see the famous city where people flocked from all over the world to see the shows.

  The journey was easy and definitely not exciting. I drove around the town, rather than through it, deciding at the last minute that there was nothing there of interest to me.

  Clancy's whine let me know she needed a bathroom break, and the needle on the gas gauge informed me the car needed filling. I took a random exit and drove on a narrow road until I reached a town. The sign said "Crackertown, 'We're the Ritz of the Ozarks.' Population: Varies."

  The whole sign made me giggle.

  As I slowed to thirty miles an hour, George woke up, stretched, leaned over to kiss me, and asked where we were.

  To say he exploded might be an understatement. And since George was usually such an easygoing guy with me, my eyebrows shot up and my mouth opened, but nothing came out.

  Finally I was able to talk.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd mind." I was used to saying "I'm sorry" to George because I messed up a lot. But things had gotten better since I started taking ADHD medication.

  "Oh my, I just remembered what I forgot."

  "What?" George asked in the middle of his anger.

  "You're going to be mad," I promised him.

  "Tell me now while I'm already mad."

  "I forgot my meds for my impulsiveness. I am so, so sorry." My impulsivity and inattention have caused a lot of trouble for us, and make me unlikeable. Well, except to my family, including my dog and my George. But still, I knew I was hard to put up with.

  George's handsome face was red, as was the top of his head where hair used to be.

  "Honey," I said. "Please try to relax. I don't want you to have a stroke on our vacation." Even Clancy looked concerned.

  "We can call Gus and have him send your meds."

  I nodded, then yelled, "NO! I don't remember where they are, and I refuse to let Georgianne have an excuse to look through my house. I couldn't bear it." I touched his shoulder. "Please. Let's just see how I am. If it's not too bad, I can wait until I get home for the meds. If I'm so annoying you want to throttle me, I'll have Gus look for the bottle and overnight it. Or I can call my pharmacist to send the prescription to a place nearby. Okay?"

  George was the sweetest guy in the universe. "Okay. But no more unplanned detours. We have to make it to the Grand Canyon."

  Smiling, I pulled over to the first gas station I could find.

  "Will you please pump the gas?" I asked. "I'll take Clancy for a little walk."

  George didn't say anything, so I assumed assent.

  "C'mon, Clance, wanna go potty?" Clancy quickly jumped out of the open back door and immediately sat so I could hook on her leash. I saw some grass between the gas station and a small restaurant, so I headed there.

  Clancy began pulling me, which was unusual, but I realized it had been a long time since she had gotten a potty break. She peed immediately when we got to the grass, but continued pulling. I let her take the lead because I was now intrigued about what could be attracting her.

  I thought it was probably some meat. Since I'm a vegetarian she doesn't get meat scraps at home, so when she's around any kind of meat, she goes bonkers. I knew I'd need to be careful she didn't get into any spoiled food, but I still let her have the lead.

  Clancy stayed on the grass, moving to the part between the station and the blacktop road, and began digging. And digging. She surprised me with how intent and focused she was.

  Finally she stopped digging, but kept her nose down in the hole she'd dug. It was obvious she had something, and she began pulling with great force. I found myself rooting for her to succeed. She hunkered down and used all her Lab/Chow strength to give one final jerk. She pulled so hard that when she succeeded she fell onto her butt, then rolled over. But she held on to her prize. A very long bone.

  She didn't chew on it, which surprised me. She placed it at my feet as if it were a prize or a gift. Then it hit me.

  "George, come here. Hurry."

  He rushed over, probably because he thought I was in some sort of trouble. But this time was different.

  "What does this look like?"

  "Damn it. It's a human bone." He petted Clancy as he said it. "Good job, girl." But his face didn't say the same thing.

  His face said, "There goes our vacation."


  "My thoughts exactly," I said aloud, even though George hadn't. "There goes our vacation."

  He looked at me and his face was squished in a quizzical look.

  "How did you know what I was thinking? Never mind. Don't answer." He put up his hand in a stop sign, which is s
omething he did quite often to me. I wasn't offended. It was a much more pleasant way for him to say "shut up."

  "I'm going inside," he continued. "Please stay here with Clancy and don't let her dig anymore."

  He strode off, and Clancy looked at me.

  "I know, girl. He just doesn't know you as well as I do. I know you dug up the bone so we'd know it was there. You weren't just digging because you were a dog." She seemed placated.

  George returned a moment later with two men. He introduced the first, a robust, middle-aged, African-American, as Chip Jepson, the manager of the station. I wondered why someone who was African-American would live in a place called Crackertown.

  The second guy, pale white, tall, and rangy with blond hair that covered half his face, was Bob Bob Smith, a guy who worked there part-time. I knew there was a story to be told about him, just from his name alone. And I wanted to hear it.

  That would have to wait for later.

  "The sheriff is on his way," George told me. "All we can do now is wait. As soon as we tell him what happened, we can take off and we won't have lost much time. Well, except for your detour."

  He sounded convinced. I should've felt bad. But I didn't. Heck, Clancy dug up what looked like a human bone. This was exciting stuff.

  We engaged in small talk while we waited.

  "Hey, Bob Bob. Interesting name." I couldn't help myself. I had to know.

  "Yeah," he said. And that was all. Darn it. I wanted more. But I'd have to wait.

  A cop car arrived. On the side it said, Sheriff. The words under the emblem said, "Lost County."


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