In the Beginning (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book I)

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In the Beginning (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book I) Page 29

by John J Higgins

  "Gabriel, Uriel! Provide Adam and Eve with some clothing since they feel that their nakedness as My creations is somehow lacking. Then fly them out of Eden and place them on the Earth. Have Cerebriel assign Cherubim to guard the gates to Eden in case they attempt to find their way back here, for they are not to return while they live."

  The Almighty turned back to face Adam and Eve. "Adam and Eve, look upon Me for the last time. You will never see Me again through those eyes of yours."

  As the Almighty spoke those words He changed out of his Human form and appeared before them as He truly was, the way the Angels knew Him. Neither Adam nor Eve could look upon Him in that form and they dropped their heads and eyes to the ground, trembling even more. Both realized what a terrible choice they had made. They were in the presence of a force that was greater than all forces in the Universe, for the Universe was but a part of the Almighty Himself.

  Chapter 46


  As the sun was setting, Cerebriel flew into the entrance of Jarahmael's palace in the Seventh Heaven. Looking down he could see the Throne Room sitting off a small distance away. Great view, he thought to himself. He had never been to Jarahmael's palace before; he only came to the Seventh Heaven for the morning ceremonies conducted in the Throne Room. Although they had become friends, he always spoke to Jarahmael in the Throne Room, the lower Heavens or on Earth.

  But he had important news for his friend that he felt could not wait until the next morning. Things had already been set in motion that he was sure Jarahmael would want to know about. News about the Humans.

  He called out for Jarahmael as he landed and walked through the entrance platform and waited for a reply. Lillith came out of one of the side rooms in the mansion and walked towards him.

  "Greetings, Lillith. I am looking for Jarahmael. Is he present?"

  "Greetings, lord Cerebriel. Yes, he is back in his workshop, finishing some of his mirrors."

  She reached out for his hand and said, "Come with me and I will show you."

  Cerebriel was impressed that the Human had both manners in addressing him and was taking him to see his friend rather than just giving him directions.

  "How do you like it up here in the Seventh Heaven?" Cerebriel asked.

  "It's a very beautiful place and I am so happy being here with Jarahmael."

  "Do you miss your own kind?" Cerebriel asked, regretting the question as soon as it left his lips.

  Lillith turned her head sideways to look directly in his eyes when she answered, "I am with my own kind. Jarahmael makes me complete in ways that Adam never could. When I was with Adam I was happy when he was gone for the day. On the other hand, I miss Jarahmael when he is not here with me. I feel special around him. You aren't here to take him with you this evening, are you? " she said with growing concern forming lines across her forehead.

  "No, not all Lillith, there is no need for him to leave you this evening, you can relax."

  They had arrived at Jarahmael's workshop and Lillith stopped and pointed inside to where Jarahmael was bent over working on one of his mirrors.

  Lillith said, "Jarahmael, we have company, your friend has come to see you."

  Jarahmael turned his head to look back at the doorway and a smile lit up his face as he recognized Cerebriel.

  "So nice to see you, my friend, you have never been to my palace. So glad you have come to see us. What brings you here?"

  "Angel news I am afraid," Cerebriel said as he motioned his head upwards, indicating Lillith standing behind him. He paused for a moment as he looked around the group of mirrors with handsomely carved frames. They formed a circle, shining light into the center of the room and when Cerebriel looked into them he saw his image reflected back to him in smaller and smaller images that went on forever.

  Jarahmael put down his tool and moved towards the Cherubim. "Anything you can say to me you can say in front of her, Cerebriel."

  "Just wanted to be sure," Cerebriel said as he walked further into the room. "Lillith, you should come closer as well and hear the news then."

  Lillith moved beside Jarahmael and all three sat on down on chairs Jarahmael had scattered in the center of the room.

  Cerebriel began, "Something terrible has happened in the Garden of Eden. Remember all the debate about free will and the need for consequences if the Humans disobeyed the Almighty's commandment to not eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?"

  Jarahmael nodded yes and then turned slightly to Lillith. "Luciferael and his close allies among the Archangels argued with the Almighty that the ability to choose what to do, 'free will,' given to the Humans such as yourself, should have a major consequence if any chose to disobey the wishes of the Almighty."

  Lillith nodded that she understood.

  Jarahmael then turned to Cerebriel and said, "Proceed."

  Cerebriel then said, "Adam and Eve disobeyed the commandment and ate the fruit from that Tree. I have just come back from placing Cherubim guards in the Garden of Eden to keep the Humans out. Adam and Eve were removed from the Garden and taken to the Earth, where they will eventually die, meaning that they will cease to exist. The Almighty also placed a number of additional curses on them to endure for the rest of their lives. He also punished this creature of Luciferael's called Serpentalia, apparently it was this serpent that deceived the Humans."

  Jarahmael looked thoughtful and said, "I knew there was something wrong with that snake creature of Luciferael's. Seemed to be unable to think though when I met it, hard to believe it was the same creature that could have deceived anyone or anything. But in any event, Luciferael and his Auxilium got their wish then. We will no longer be required to assist the Humans?"

  "That is unclear as of now. I expect the Almighty will tell us more about it in the morning." Cerebriel said, shifting in his chair so he could watch Lillith and Jarahmael's reactions more closely.

  Lillith did not seem at all upset at hearing this terrible fate for her former mate and Eve. Cerebriel was surprised to see a slight grin appear on her face as she seemed to be happy that the other two Humans would be gone.

  Jarahmael then said, "This is terrible news. The Almighty spent a great deal of time and effort creating and developing these creatures. It is a shame that they responded by disobeying His strict orders."

  "I thought you would feel that way, Jarahmael. Not that you would have any particularly fond feelings for Lillith's earlier mate. But I thought you should know right away. That you may want to take steps."

  "Steps?" Jarahmael asked. "Steps for what?"

  "Steps to protect your Human Jarahmael, Lillith," Cerebriel said as he pointed towards her.

  "Why would he have to do that?" Lillith interjected, the hint of a smile disappearing as she grew more serious.

  "Because it is becoming clear that in most likelihood Luciferael and his Auxilium are behind the temptation and enticing the Humans to eat from the forbidden fruit," Cerebriel answered, watching Jarahmael's face grow more serious as well.

  "I see," Jarahmael muttered as his eyebrows furrowed deep in thought. He turned again to face Lillith. "Of course. Sammuael and Beelzebael had been searching for you after you left Adam and before I found you. It makes sense now. They did intend you harm, it was only that I found you before they did. I did not tell you at the time, but I decided to bring you up into the Heavens after I did find you, rather than return you to the Garden of Eden as the Almighty had instructed me to, as I felt you were safer staying with me."

  "Oh really!" Lillith said as she slid closer to Jarahmael and wrapped her arms around one of his.

  "Agreed!" said Cerebriel. "I am afraid that if it is true that Luciferael and his Auxilium and creations were behind Adam and Eve's disobedience, they may try to harm Lillith."

  Jarahmael thought about it again then said, "They would not dare harm her up here in the Seventh Heaven. Luciferael and his Auxilium may get away with more when they are down in Eden or on the planet Earth; it is experi
mental after all. But up here in my palace, within view of the Almighty's Throne Room itself? They would never dare!"

  "I just wanted to warn you my friend," Cerebriel said. "Things seem different today. We did not have death for the two Humans before, but with the Almighty's pronouncement it's as though something ripped through the fabric that encapsulates the Heavens."

  Jarahmael quickly turned to Lillith and asked, "Do you feel anything different up here in the Heavens?"

  "No, Jarahmael. I do not," Lillith responded emphatically.

  Jarahmael then turned back and answered the Cherubim, "I understand Cerebriel, but both Lillith and I have been here in the palace all day, without venturing forth so it all feels the same to us. Perhaps it's a rift dealing with the Earth itself."

  "I just wanted to make sure that neither you nor Lillith were cursed," Cerebriel added as he began to walk back towards the door.

  "I don't see how," Jarahmael answered. "Neither she nor I broke any commandments. If anything, I protected her from harm for the Almighty and Lillith did Adam a favor by leaving him. He can now find happiness with another mate as best they can under the new circumstances."

  "Would you like me to assign some Cherubim guards for your mansion here Jarahmael? To protect Lillith?"

  "No, that will not be necessary," Jarahmael answered. "I can't imagine the day when we will need armed Angels in the Heavens protecting ourselves."

  "As you wish Jarahmael," Cerebriel responded as he made a slight bow in deference to Jarahmael.

  "Thanks for telling me though. The upcoming morning ceremony should be interesting!" Jarahmael observed. "Cerebriel, you can stay the night here in my palace if you would prefer."

  "Thanks for the offer Jarahmael, and for your hospitality Lillith. But I still have things to attend to in the Sixth Heaven. If you change your mind about the guards, just let me know."

  "You are welcome and thank you for informing us," Lillith said.

  Jarahmael then escorted his friend back to the entrance platform of his palace, leaving Lillith behind. As they walked Jarahmael whispered to Cerebriel, "Strange days are upon us, my friend. And with the way Luciferael has been acting, I think darker times are on their way."

  Chapter 47


  The morning ceremony following the fall of Adam and Eve was different than any other that had come before it. And easily the shortest. Luciferael could tell the Almighty was angry about the prior days' events in Eden by His reluctance to speak about it with him before the morning ceremony. All that He would say about it was His announcement to the Assembly of the Angels that He had banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and that they were exiled to the Earth. They would no longer be immortal, nor would they have access to the Garden of Eden or the Tree of Life. Now earthbound, they would also not have access to the pyramids as a transportation system, as He did not want them to be able to access the Heavens again.

  For once, He did not entertain any discussion about the situation from the Assembly of Angels and announced that He was going to be away for a week to rearrange things in the Universe to accommodate these new events. Upon His return He would make final decisions, but for now He wanted the Humans to remain earthbound, and connections between the Earth and the Heavens severed. He took a few moments to give individual assignments to various Angels, but did so directly into their minds, without announcing them publicly. And He left immediately after the announcement.

  Luciferael now was angry too, as he wanted to discuss in more detail what to do about the Humans, how to destroy them once and for all, but never had the opportunity to do so. And he did not like that the Almighty did not publicly announce the assignments given to the other Angels, especially with Him leaving for a week. How was he supposed to lead under these circumstances?

  Certainly this was not the result Luciferael expected, or worked so hard to bring about. He had major concerns that the Almighty did not immediately destroy all of these Humans and return the Universe back to the way it had been before His experiment with these new Beings. They were clearly as much, if not more, of a failed experiment as Luciferael's dinosaurs. His anger was rising and knew that it was best not to remain where the other Angels could see that within him. But he also did not have much information or details about what happened with the Humans after they had eaten the fruit. He knew he could not stay around the Garden of Eden as he did not want to be caught by the Almighty or other Archangels in his disguise as Serpentalia, or even more troublesome, as himself. There was no legitimate explanation that he could think of that would adequately explain his presence there. As the morning ceremony was breaking up, he quickly whispered to Sammuael to see what he could discover from the other Angels. Then Luciferael waited for a few moments after the Almighty left the Throne Room, and headed back to his palace in the Seventh Heaven to await news.

  Sammuael was able to speak with Michael as he was leaving the Heavens with his group of Archangels. Michael inadvertently revealed that he and his group had been assigned to check on the status of the pyramids and the Humans. Sammuael then flew to Luciferael's palace to deliver the details. Upon arriving, he found Luciferael deep in conversation with Mephistophael and Beelzebael. Despite his anger, Luciferael was smiling as he was telling them the details from the day before and how he so easily tricked the Human creatures.

  "War with those creatures would be easy," Luciferael said, his eyes gleaming. "They may think for themselves to a degree, but they are unable to see all the possibilities of their actions. Archangels such as us could destroy them quickly. A few lies and dupes and they will fall into any trap we set."

  "Pardon me for interrupting," announced Sammuael as he entered into the room. "But I have news about Eden."

  "Pray, tell us what you know!" said Luciferael as he pointed to a seat next to him.

  "Well, my lord Luciferael, this is what I found out. Michael and some of the other Archangels know of the events as you described them of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit," Sammuael said as he seated himself. "I found Michael as he was flying with Jarahmael and the others on their way to the Earth. Michael explained that the Almighty discovered the Humans attempting to clothe themselves, when they appeared before Him. At that point, the Almighty realized that they had to have eaten of the Tree of Knowledge for them to feel shame about their bodies. When He confronted them about it they eventually both confessed."

  Luciferael and the other Archangels nodded in approval.

  "What happened as a result?" asked Luciferael.

  "Weren't they supposed to die immediately?" asked Beelzebael.

  "Good, we are done with those creatures!" said Mephistophael.

  "Not quite," said Sammuael. "The Almighty spared them."

  "What?" said Beelzebael outraged

  Luciferael was now flushed with anger.

  Sammuael continued to speak but also did not want to be the target of Luciferael's growing rage. "The Almighty sentenced them, that they will die, but for now they will live out the rest of their lives on the Earth."

  "I knew it!" said Luciferael. "The Almighty still won't destroy these creatures! They are worse than any of the dinosaurs or serpents I have made. These Humans can think for themselves, yet they choose to disobey the Almighty. And without any immediate consequences. They should die immediately!"

  "What should we do, my lord?" asked Beelzebael.

  "Is there anything for us to do?" asked Mephistophael. "After all, we have never had much interest in Eden, why should we care about any of that now? Nor has there been much of interest left on the Earth since your dinosaurs were destroyed my lord."

  Luciferael looked each of them in the eyes as he moved his glance from one to the other and spoke with resolve.

  "We must finally destroy these Humans. They are a threat to the very existence of the Angels. As Beings of Light we should have always been above any interest the Almighty had for these mud creatures. Next thing we know, the Almighty will be allowing
these creatures into the upper Heavens."

  "Should we go destroy these Humans on the Earth?" asked Mephistophael, with a gleam of enjoyment passing through his eyes.

  Beelzebael added, "Wait, didn't the Almighty already allow Lillith into the upper Heavens?"

  Luciferael grew quiet for a moment. The others could see that he was deep in thought.

  "Killing the Humans would not end this," Luciferael said. "Isn't the real problem that the Almighty no longer treats us as the special ones? His greatest creations, the First Born?"

  "Yes," said Beelzebael.

  Sammuael added, "The Almighty will just create more like them. Possibly more refined and perhaps less subject to your charms, my lord Luciferael."

  Mephistophael pulled himself up to his full height of nine feet and said: "Let's get to the crux of the matter. We simply need to replace the Almighty. Our lord Luciferael can do a much better job, and he loves us Angels above all other creatures."

  Luciferael stayed quiet for a moment as he let that information sink in with all of them. He had been working for this day for a long time, although he may not have always known it. He could only see that in hindsight. But the thought of him ruling the Universe excited him. It was what he was born to do and his destiny.

  "You realize that once we choose to take the path of revolting against the Almighty, there will be no turning back," Luciferael said.

  "Yes, we do."

  "What about the others in the Auxilium and those disgruntled in the ranks of the other Orders of the Angels? Will they agree to cast out the Almighty and place me as the next Almighty?"

  "I am sure they will, my lord," Sammuael said. "But at some point you will need to meet with all of them and discuss the situation. Remember not all Angels have been happy about our lesser roles or yours."


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