Daring Do and the Marked Thief of Marapore

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Daring Do and the Marked Thief of Marapore Page 6

by G. M. Berrow

  “The relic has connected with its brothers!” Kaaxtik shouted. “Miss Ravenhoof! You did it! We’re protected from the fiery beast!”

  At this, Mount Vehoovius expelled another great spray of lava. It was the biggest yet. Multitudes of molten hot liquid rained down through the atmosphere. Everypony crouched in fear. But whenever it got close to the town, there was an invisible force field covering the village. Not a single drop landed on them or their structures. The ponies watched in wonder. It was a miracle. Now there was just one pony left to save.


  The Stalwart Stallion of Neighples

  It wasn’t difficult to find the cave of monkeys a second time. Daring arrived in a matter of minutes. He was there, just as she’d expected, covered in ash and crouched in a corner. A howler monkey was perched near him, staring, unaware of what to make of the whole situation. Daring couldn’t admit she felt so different, but she wanted to try.

  “Mojo?” She folded her wings in and walked slowly over to the fallen villain.

  He lifted his head, took one look at her, and grunted. “What do you want now?”

  “I came to give you something back,” she replied. “Your life. And after all you’ve done to endanger these civilians, you should be grateful for it.”

  Mojo grimaced. “How do you propose to do that?”

  “Captain Pony is in the village of Ponypeii as we stand here. Go to him and tell him you want to rejoin the crew. Take this.” She tossed him the glass vial with the swirling colors inside. “On your travels, you must return the spirits to the animals and return the animals to their rightful owners. When you have finished this task, I will take you to where you can be truly healed.”

  Daring Do wasn’t totally bluffing. She knew that it would take Mojo a much longer time to do what she said than for her to find the all-healing Crystal Sphere of Khumn.

  Mojo held the vial in his hooves, and a tear came to his eyes. “But why? Why would you do this for me?”

  “Because everypony deserves their cutie mark,” Daring Do answered. “And I really hate Ahuizotl.”


  Off to the Next Adventure

  “What’s this?” Daring Do held a brown paper package in her hooves. She was about to depart from Marapore and head back to her cottage for a long, well-deserved breather. The merriment of the villagers’ victory against the volcano and the safe return of their pets had finally died down. Daring had drunk her weight in cider and had her fill of mango and pineapple pie. It was always best to leave on a high note such as this. Tater Tot rolled forward on his front hooves excitedly and Golden Rule stood behind him, smirking. “It’s a thank-you gift. For everything.”

  “I don’t know if you caught this, but I’m not really a sentimental type…” Daring said as she tore off the wrapping. Daring’s jaw dropped. “… except when it comes to books!” It was a one-of-a-kind, hoofwritten text called Indigenous Magical Plants of the North and South, Volume 5: Flowers. Gorgeous illustrations of the hibiscus and somnambular blooms in the Maraporian style embellished the cover, and the pages were annotated with Golden Rule’s personal research.

  “Are you sure you want to part with this, Bucko?” Daring scoffed. “I mean, I already have your encyclopedia back home.”

  “Believe me, you’re going to need it.” Golden Rule smiled in a way that made Daring Do wonder. How did he know all this stuff anyway?

  “Well, if you insist.” Daring shrugged with a smirk and slid the book safely into her satchel. She leaned down and patted Tater Tot on the head. “Stay outta trouble, all right, kid?” The pipsqueak nodded with a sad smile.

  “Don’t count on it,” he said. She smiled back, tipped her pith helmet, and headed off on her next quest: a relaxed reading session with some dandelion tea in her favorite green armchair.

  “Oh, and, Daring?” Golden Rule shouted after her. “Do study hard. Particularly something of interest in Chapter Eleven. It’s called the Eternal Flower.”

  Maybe that rest wouldn’t be so long after all.


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  A. K. Yearling’s adventure novels starring the fearless Daring Do have been recognized as the bestselling series in Equestrian history. Yearling holds a degree in literature from Pranceton University. After college, she briefly worked as a researcher at the National Archives for Equestrian Artifacts and Ponthropology in Canterlot. During that time, she wrote an essay based on her findings of the griffon territories, entitled “What Was the Name of That Griffon Again? Or, Beak and Roaming Studies Recalled.” It was published by the University of Equexeter’s journal, Pegasus, last year. She enjoys quiet time alone at home and long trots on the beach.

  G. M. Berrow loves to explore exotic locales around the globe, through both the stories she writes and her escapades in real life. Berrow is overjoyed to have collaborated on these adventures with her very own golden idol—A. K. Yearling herself! She adores shiny things, but she thinks the best treasure of all is a book.

  Other books by A. K. Yearling

  Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone

  Daring Do and the Griffon’s Goblet

  Daring Do and the Abyss of Despair

  Daring Do and the Razor of Dreams

  Daring Do and the Ring of Destiny

  Daring Do and the Trek to the Terrifying Tower

  Daring Do and the Volcano of Destiny

  Daring Do and the Marked Thief of Marapore

  Daring Do and the Eternal Flower

  Daring Do and the Forbidden City of Clouds

  Other books by G. M. Berrow

  Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell

  Pinkie Pie and the Rockin’ Ponypalooza Party!

  Rainbow Dash and the Daring Do Double Dare

  Rarity and the Curious Case of Charity

  Applejack and the Honest-to-Goodness Switcheroo


  Ahuizotl (Ow-whee-ZOH-tul): A giant, evil beast who will stop at nothing to gain riches and power. He is Daring Do’s biggest foe.

  Blood-Eyed Howler Monkey: A vicious breed of monkey with red eyes and long, shiny fur. Indigenous to the jungles and caves of southern Equestria.

  Captain Pony the Elder: Captain of the SS Blue Peter, a Royal Navy ship.

  Crystal Sphere of Khumn (KOOM): A relic theorized to be hidden in one of the Submerged Temples of Tehuti (tay-HOO-tee), located one hundred fathoms below the ocean’s surface. It is supposedly held by a statue between two golden hooves, beneath a shining metal rod. The Sphere has the power to heal anypony who touches it, no matter the ailment.

  Dr. Caballeron (Cab-uh-LAIR-on): A rival treasure-hunting pony. Ever since Daring Do refused to work with him as partners, he’s made his bits by doing Ahuizotl’s dirty work.

  Flankara (FLANK-ah-rah) Relics: Consisting of a staff, a sword, and an arrow, the relics are known to provide the most powerful protection in the world when in close proximity with one another. They serve as protection for the Tricorner Villages against the active volcano Vehoovius.

  Forgotten Palace of Tlatelolco (ta-la-TAY-lohl-co): Ruins near the Tenochtitlan (teen-OACH-teet-lahn) Basin, where Daring Do discovered a room stacked high with ancient gold coins.

  Get On Inn: A barn-and-breakfast run by Mrs. Trotsworth and frequented by travelers heading toward the Southern Region of Equestria.

  Golden Rule: The schoolteacher in the village of Marapore.

  Ketztwctl (kehtz-toh-WEK-tuhl) Empress: An evil ruler who once controlled the Tenochtitlan Basin with the Amulet of Atonement. Daring Do used the Radiant Shield of Razdon (RAZ-dawn) to dispel her dark enchantments and block Ahuizotl’s attempt at gaining control over the area.

  Mount Vehoovius (vuh-HOO-vee-us): An active volcano surrounded by the villages of Marapore (MAIR-uh-pour), Lusitano (loo-sih-TAHN-oh), and Ponypeii (POH-nee-pay).

  Rings of Scorchero (skor-CHAIR-oh): A set of four golden rings
that are cursed with a dark enchantment. Prophecy foretells that once the rings are joined together, the valley will be doomed to eight centuries of unrelenting heat. The rings are vulnerable to the Radiant Shield of Razdon.

  Sapphire Statue: A two-headed blue stone statue that Daring Do once retrieved from a hidden temple.

  Somnambular (som-NAM-bew-ler) Bloom: Large tropical flowers with fuchsia petals and orange stems. These dangerous blooms are known to lull ponies to sleep with their strong perfume, though some varieties affect the pony by making him or her sleepwalk. Commonly found in the southern regions and several tropical isles off the western coast of Equestria.

  Tricorner Villages: The three remote villages located at the base of Mount Vehoovius—Marapore, Lusitano, and Ponypeii. The villages work together and exchange goods that are unique to each.

  Vehoovius Hex: The Flankara Relics can be arranged in a six-pointed star formation, allowing the possessor to undo any magically inflicted injury. It can only be used once, and legend says it must be witnessed by a captive audience and a “Golden Pedagogue.”

  Wandering Tree: A magical type of tree that replants itself in different areas at will.

  Xihuitl (SHE-wheat-uhl) Grass: Turquoise grass that grows in Marapore.








  On the High Seas


  A Cloaked Stranger


  Brought to Light


  The Get On Inn


  Room Number Three


  Enter the Jungle


  The Golden Prophesied Pegasus


  The Wisdom of Colts and Scholars


  Half Past Stars Marks the Hour


  The Magnificent Arrow of Marapore


  The Hollowed Hideout


  The Belly of the Beast


  Escape from Mount Vehoovius


  The Stalwart Stallion of Neighples


  Off to the Next Adventure






  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  HASBRO and its logo, MY LITTLE PONY and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro and are used with permission. © 2014 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved.

  Cover illustration by Franco Spagnolo

  In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  Little, Brown and Company

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  First ebook edition: January 2016

  ISBN 978-0-316-30185-5





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