The Queen's Champion

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The Queen's Champion Page 2

by Whiskey Flowers

  “And to protect Kevin Wilson,” Farrah said. “After being around him I can honestly say I do not care for him. I thought you might attack him on sight.”

  “There are too many people counting on me for me to do something so stupid,” Jonathan said. “Just great, here comes your brother.”

  “What are you doing out here with my sister Thunder?” Russell asked. “I thought you were just angry with Mage Commander Wilson, I didn't know you really wanted me to kill you.”

  “Mage Commander?” Jonathan said surprised. “Is that some special title given just to him?”

  “Doesn't matter, now why are you out here with my sister?” Russell asked. “Farrah you should know better.”

  “Nothing is going on with me and Thunder,” Farrah said. “I am just making sure he is gone by first light.”

  “I am leaving tonight,” Jonathan said.

  “Even better,” Russell said. “You have been here and people are making you out to be a hero. I will not dismiss your accomplishments out here, many military people hold you in high regard. I am only going to be here for three weeks, during that time I am sure everyone around me will see what a superior mage could do in the same situation as you have been in.”

  “And I hope you do ten times better than I did,” Jonathan replied.

  “Stop your lying Thunder,” Russell said. “I know you want everyone to believe you are special.”

  “The only good Raelinian is a dead one,” Jonathan snapped. “I don't care who does the killing, I just want them dead.”

  “That actually sounded sincere,” Russell said. “Perhaps the Raelinians have angered you enough that you honestly do not care about trying stick out.”


  Jonathan took a deep breath as he finally reached Dyson. Jonathan had heard rumors that there was going to be another Tower of Magic built and had just witnessed it first hand. Land had been cleared and Jonathan had seen stonecutters stacking stones a few miles from the capital city. Dyson was nicer to look at this time around, the first time Jonathan had seen it he was a criminal. Kevin Wilson was the Archmage and dragged him here under locks and chains to fight in the arena against his brother. Jonathan didn't see much after the fight either, he was dragged into tavern after tavern and left Dyson with a hangover. Jonathan wondered what he was doing here or why the King would summon him.

  Jonathan knew the King hated him, the man never said as much but his behavior had made it clear. The King had belittled Jonathan before his duel and insulted Jonathan afterwards. The Queen treated Jonathan with respect and sent him to fight the Raelinians. Jonathan was given permission to handle himself in the war instead of being under some noble. Jonathan wondered if the Queen knew that others would flock to Jonathan, Jonathan thought the woman was smart and probably figured that would happen. The Queen isn't the person who wanted him though, the King did.

  Jonathan didn't know what to do once he got into the palace. Finding it was easy but it was unlikely the guards would just let him walk inside and up to the King. Even if they did allow it, then what was he supposed to do? Jonathan became more agitated the closer he got to the palace until he remembered the new Archmage. After Jonathan had killed Quevin Wilson he challenged the old Archmage, Kevin Wilson to a duel to the death. Jonathan thought the Queen made Wilson step down since Kevin declined to fight. The King had briefly filled in as Archmage immediately after, Jonathan knew many mages wanted the job but Queen Mildred officially put an unwritten rule in place. The Archmage should be the strongest mage in the Kingdom and had to accept all challengers. No one wanted the job after that, Jonathan smiled and knew he was the reason why.

  Jonathan had killed Quevin Wilson and was not considered the strongest his class had to offer. Anyone who took the position had to worry about him wanting the position, Jonathan would have been a handful to fight off and Jonathan would had fought to kill. There were three other mages in his year that would have also tried challenging for the position even if Jonathan didn't want it. Russell could have challenged, everyone knew he was the strongest and him taking over would have been seen as a formality. Farrah could have been tired of being in Russell’s shadow and challenged for the position. Jonathan could not think of too many people that could have beaten her. Monica Manchin would have been the most likely challenger for the title. She was angry she was once considered either the second or third strongest mage in the Kingdom until Jonathan came along. Jonathan thought Monica was an ass before, now she was insufferable and nearly got herself killed trying to outdo him with the Raelinians. There was an unofficial truce among the Big Four, the name given to the four strongest mages in Jonathan’s class. The truce was that no one would challenge the current Archmage, Erlanger Telfarin. Erlanger used to be one of the instructors at the Tower of Magic then became the Tower Mage. Jonathan respected the man enough not to challenge him for the position. If any of the other three did then Jonathan would not hesitate in challenging them. As Jonathan walked up to the palace, he thought he should see the Archmage first.

  “Jonathan Thunder to see the Archmage,” Jonathan said to a guard and held out the summons that was given to him to see the King.

  “Through the front, first hallway on the left,” the burly guard said as he looked over the summons. “Wait a moment, this says you are supposed to meet with His Majesty.”

  “I think I should meet with the Archmage first,” Jonathan said. “I don't know the protocol for meeting with His Majesty.”

  “The King can be a bit prickly,” the guard said. “Go on now, and good luck boy.”

  Jonathan walked into the palace after showing his summons to another set of guards and was awestruck. The outside of the Bissell Palace was made of some kind of pinkish marble and shone in the sunlight. The inside of Bissell Palace looked as grand as anything Jonathan could have imagined. The walls had rich tapestries and the floor was like the outside, solid marble. Jonathan thought he could have marveled at the place for hours but remembered he had a meeting. Jonathan found the hallway and finding the Archmage was even easier.

  Erlanger Telfarin fit the stereotype of an angry old man. Erlanger came across like many other noble mages, like someone who despised commoners with magic. Jonathan found out that was all just a mirage, although he had never came out and said as much Erlanger respected Jonathan and every other commoner mage. Currently the Archmage was yelling at whoever was in his office with him, Jonathan felt sorry for whoever it was and knocked on the door.

  “Who the pit is at my door?” the Archmage screamed. “Get lost.”

  Jonathan knocked on the door again after a few moments and could hear movement and more yelling as the door flew open. Erlanger was standing there and leaning heavily on his cane, his face didn't lose its frown as he looked Jonathan over. Erlanger moved to the side and Jonathan took it as his cue to walk inside, Jonathan could see the other person in the room was also a mage. Something about the man Jonathan instantly did not like, it could have been the way he looked at Jonathan or the way he was sitting. Jonathan couldn't put his finger on it, he only knew the man rubbed him the wrong way. Jonathan sat down next to the mage who looked at Jonathan in disgust as he moved his chair over.

  “Just look at the company you keep,” the mage said as he gave Jonathan a side eye.

  “Why don't we go outside and handle this then idiot,” Jonathan said as he stood up.

  “Just who do you think you are talking to commoner?” the mage said and also stood up.

  “Both of you sit your asses down!” Erlanger snapped. “Fredette all you will accomplish by antagonizing that boy is an early death. Thunder if you threaten anyone else in my office I am going upside your head with my cane. I still owe you a proper beating for putting me in this role.”

  “Thunder?” Fredette said and took a step back. “This is the boy that killed the Tower Mage?”

  “That is him,” Erlanger said. “And he has less respect for nobles than you for commoners.”

is is also the boy who nearly got the Crown Prince killed,” Fredette said. “It is of no matter. Erlanger we both know you shouldn't be Archmage, now that you are there are certain things you need to pass.”

  “I am not getting into anyone’s personal business,” Erlanger said.

  “The King wants it done!” Fredette screamed.

  “Then he needs to enact that law,” Erlanger said. “With any luck I can be fired and I can go back to my actual job. Now why are you here Thunder?”

  “His Majesty summoned me,” Jonathan said and stuck out his summons.

  “And you don't know what to do so you are dropping more of your problems here at my feet,” Erlanger said angrily. “I will be there with you boy, he is just going to yell at you a bit and let you know he personally put you back at the Tower. Just stand there and let him get whatever he needs to say off his chest.”

  “Do not disrespect His Majesty in my presence,” Fredette said. “You are speaking too familiar in front of a child and a commoner.”

  “Or what exactly?” Mage Erlanger said. “I don't want the damn job. Especially since I am not able to actually do it with the King and his lackeys telling me what to do!”

  “I am not anyone’s lackey!” Fredette said. “You have a duty to uphold.”

  “Then you take over!” Erlanger said. “I don't have time for this. Let’s go see His Majesty boy and get this all over with. You can be out of my hair and into Winchell’s, someone else who hates his job.”

  Jonathan followed the Archmage out into the hall and into another room. The King was there and he sat down reading something and did not notice them come in. Jonathan stared at the man and could tell it was going to be a horrible conversation. Whatever the King was reading had him angry, the man frowned and crumpled up the papers he was reading. The King looked up and noticed him and the Archmage and started to yell.

  “Jonathan Thunder!” King Jeffrey said as he stared across the room at Jonathan. “You come here this instant! Archmage you are dismissed!”

  “Yes Your Majesty?” Jonathan replied as the Archmage left. Jonathan knew why the King summoned him from a battlefield. Jonathan was giving the Blood Priests of Raelin all they could handle. He was the first commoner mage in such a position and all of the other commoner mages had rallied around him and did so without pay or telling King Jeffrey or the sitting Archmage that they were going. Now Kevin Wilson was in charge and Jonathan thought Wilson should have went on his own accord before Jonathan’s parents were sent. Unfortunately for Wilson, all of the volunteers left when Jonathan did. Jonathan wondered how the man would get along without the fifty mages Jonathan had ready to fight for him.

  “You may be a favorite of my wife but you are not mine,” King Jeffrey said. “Your parents died in service to this Kingdom and that is the fault of no one that they were not talented enough to survive. You will end this foolishness you have caused right now.”

  “I am assuming you are talking about my attitude with Kevin Wilson Your Majesty,” Jonathan said trying to keep the anger out of his voice. “It is not my fault the man is a coward and hid from me. If he had any skill or courage he would face me and die like his little brother.”

  “You shut up, I’m talking!” King Jeffery screamed. “You will treat the Mage Commander and any other mage you come across with the respect their station demands. I pulled you from the border with Raelin to offer you the same jobs your parents were doing once you leave the Tower. Your mother and father knew how to handle themselves, they mostly stayed quiet and out of the public eye. His lightning spell was stronger than I gave it credit for, he could have taken down many mages a lot stronger than he was with it. But he knew his place in the Kingdom and was happy to make a little money and raise you up. I am giving you the chance to do the same thing.”

  “I decline,” Jonathan said. “My parents were treated like garbage. What do either of them have to show for their years of service? They were sent to die by a coward that refuses to face me.”

  “I can send you to the frontlines.”

  “I was already there Your Majesty and I thrived.”

  “What are you doing here Thunder?” Xalen said as he walked into the room.

  “His Majesty summoned me Highness,” Jonathan replied.

  “If you are here then where is Gerald?” Xalen asked.

  A shiver went through Jonathan at the mention of Gerald Morningstar’s name. Gerald Morningstar volunteered to fight alongside of Jonathan so he could practice his magic on live subjects. Gerald tortured any prisoner that he could get his hands on until their death. Gerald had first started with random painful spells then brought in a few mundane healers to practice their craft on live subjects. Gerald would injure the prisoners and let the healers try to fix them then documented his results. Every time Jonathan was in his presence he heard about the best spells to use and the best way to torture a man. Jonathan could still hear men screaming from Gerald’s abuse and knew the man was not right in the head. Some people even claimed the feminine looking man sodomized captured soldiers. Jonathan would have stopped Gerald but could not bring himself to. The Raelin had killed Jacob and Sara Thunder, Jonathan’s parents. They reaped the bitter harvest they had sown.

  “Gerald was still at the front when I left him,” Jonathan said with a shiver. “He never fought in any battles until you came. He appointed himself Torturer to further his knowledge of pain limits and to gather information from the enemy.”

  “You can have this discussion later!” King Jeffrey screamed. “Thunder you are trying to ruin everything that makes this Kingdom great.”

  “What would you have me do then Your Majesty? Someone went out of their way to have my parents killed and I should just walk away? Even when I know I could squash him with no more effort than a child stepping on a bug. You want me to forget about my parents and what they went through?”

  “I want you to think about what is best for the Kingdom!”

  “And I am Your Majesty. By calling out and obliterating cowards like Kevin Wilson. The Archmage and Your Champion both stepped down because they knew I was coming for them. I am making this Kingdom great by eliminating pretenders and evil men. With all due respect Your Majesty, my quarrel with the former Archmage will never end until he is dead. Then I do not mind blending in as another mage.”

  “You are trying to take power away from nobles who have the Kingdom’s best interest at heart and hand it over to commoners who are only out for themselves!” Xalen said angrily as he stood next to his father.

  “Pay all of your mages an equal wage and I doubt whatever wrongdoings that are happening will continue. I am one of the strongest mages in this Kingdom and I am not going to be treated like garbage. I will use my right as a mage to challenge whoever takes the mantle of Archmage barring the Royal Family. I may not be a noble but none of you can find one that can beat me.”

  “Russell could trounce you,” Xalen said. “And so could Farrah and Monica if they wanted to. Just because you are trying to romance Farrah secretly does not make you a match for them.”

  “Russell knows any fight between us would not end in him walking away comfortably,” Jonathan said. “And he knows he will have to be flawless during the battle. My lightning magic is strong enough and fast enough to keep him off me. He may win the fight but he will regret ever having it. And he is not petty enough to fight me on your whim, neither is Monica or Farrah. The rest will recognize my power or die in the arena.”

  “Are you threatening me?” King Jeffrey asked as he started motioning to someone behind Jonathan.

  “I am not threatening anyone Your Majesty,” Jonathan said.

  “Jonathan Thunder why are you here?” Queen Mildred asked as she walked into the room. “I sent you to face down the Raelin and get a measure of revenge. Did you run from your duty?”

  “I was summoned by the King Your Majesty and replaced by Kevin Wilson who has taken the position as Mage Commander,” Jonathan replied as he took a knee. “I
still don’t know what that title means but I left a week and a half ago and rode hard all the way here.”

  “Why did you take him away from the border Jeffrey?” Queen Mildred asked.

  “I left Wilson in charge, he is one of the best mages we have,” King Jeffrey replied. “This commoner has been riling people up against mages.”

  “And what did he do to rile people up?” Queen Mildred asked.

  “Well he is going around saying that he is the strongest mage in the Kingdom and the former Archmage is a coward and stepped down because he was scared to face him. He is trying to rally the commoners against us.”

  “This can be handled easily,” Queen Mildred said. “If he believes the former Archmage is a coward and his assumption is false then have the man fight him. I will give my blessing on this battle, all that is needed is for Kevin to agree. Just because he is saying something you do not like does not make it any less true. As for the border, who do you have out there other than Kevin? I put this boy out there because I knew many mages would come to his aid. I think over forty mages have volunteered their time to fight the Raelinians for free. I am sure all of them left when this boy did and did not stay to fight for the former Archmage. Who do you have out there taking their place and how much is this costing the crown?”

  “Well, all I asked for was him,” King Jeffrey stammered.

  “So you're telling me you left the border defended by a handful of mages?” Queen Mildred asked.

  “This boy is ruining what we have built!” King Jeffrey said angrily.

  “He can be dealt with later. I am asking about our border with Raelin. Who do you have out there other than Kevin?”

  “I didn’t know people came to help him. That is what I am talking about. He is rallying the commoners against us.”


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