The Queen's Champion

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The Queen's Champion Page 7

by Whiskey Flowers

  Jonathan looked around and was shocked at what he saw. Xalen, Monica, Russell, Red, Farrah and a quiet noble named Gentry were the only second years other than himself who had not gotten married. Tabitha herself looked a little shocked, it was a class of twenty three and none were over twenty one yet they had all settled down.

  “This is a bit shocking,” Mage Tabitha said. “My greatest regret was marrying after my first year. We absolutely hated each other. Well I hated him, I married for the money and he married me because I was young and pretty. I wasn't perfect either, he had good reason to hate me as well. My advice to the rest of you is marry the person you want for the reasons you want. Money isn't everything.”

  “Mages have responsibility to birth the next generation of protectors,” Xalen said.

  “And yet you are not one of those already married,” Tabitha said. “Since you keep standing up, why don't you tell me who you are and what you hope to accomplish.”

  “I am the Crown Prince and I hope to keep commoners in their place,” Xalen said. “Sometimes they have a bit of luck and think they are more than what they actually are.”

  “That sounds very personal,” Tabitha said. “And how do you plan on doing this?”

  “By becoming King!” Xalen said. “I can do what I want when that happens.”

  “Well I hope it works out the way you want,” Tabitha said. “And that you can do so without angering a sizable population of your subjects. I am not going to call you Your Highness while you are here. Which Prince are you?”

  “What do you mean which Prince am I?” Xalen said. “Everyone knows my brother is a mundane.”

  “I do not keep up with royal business,” Mage Tabitha said. “You are either Xalen or Jordan. I don't know which one of you are the elder or who has magic.”

  “My name is Xalen,” Xalen replied.

  A knock sounded at the door. Before Tabitha could speak another mage came through the door wearing instructor robes. Jonathan had never seen this man and suspected he was new as well. This mage looked only a few years older than Jonathan was, Jonathan didn't think he was older than twenty five. This man was short, he was the same height as Emmet and came through the door followed by the first years.

  Jonathan was not surprised the only person he saw that was not among the group to get this far in the testing was Emmet. The mountain men were probably Duke Golad’s pet project, there were hardly any mountain mages in the Kingdom. Duke Golad had probably seen to it that the men had taken the exam a few times before they got here. The first part of the exam involved reading, Bradley obviously knew how to read and Jonathan knew Poppy and her group did as well. The second part of the exam involved making a mage light appear. The part Jonathan was allowed to view would be when the first years would be tested to see if they could cast multiple spells and how many they could handle. Jonathan knew he had everyone he had ever met beat, lightning magic involved blending different magics together which was the reason only he could do it. Being able to cast more than one spell was extremely rare in commoners, noble mages depending on the abilities of their parents had a decent chance of inheriting the trait. The next part involved a test of shield strength, someone would beat on their mage shields with a blunt weapon. The final part would involve moving a heavy metal block a few inches on a platform. Hardly anyone ever passed that test, in Jonathan’s class only the group now called the Big Four ever did.

  “They are all yours,” the Mage spoke. “I only have one that is going to stay back in the basic education classes. I have him and you can give the rest of the initial exam. After you are finished with them you can send them to Mage Alissa in the beginner casting classes.”

  “Why do I have to be in the beginner classes?” A red haired girl whined. “I have been practicing my magic since I was five. I want to fight one of the so called Big Four.”

  “I suppose I should yell and talk about tradition right now,” Mage Tabitha said. “I can go on about how being a mage entails more than just fighting and all of that. But I have heard about the Big Four for months now. Not many people wanted this job because of it. I want to see what the Big Four can do as well. What about you Lehman? I know you have to be curious.”

  “I am curious,” the other instructor spoke. “I know there are better mages than us out there that deserve this job more. The only reason we got the job was because the Tower Mage knew we had the right temperament to not get ourselves killed and enough power to be respected.”

  “Well then you can see the Big Four smashed,” the red haired girl said.

  “You do know that each of the Big Four have already killed people for real?” Red said. “This ain't no game girl, if you call someone out from the second year class it should be someone like me. I got a big mouth, little magic and I am a commoner unlike the rest of you fancy folk.”

  “You should listen to him,” Monica said. “The only thing I hate worse than commoner mages are noble ones who think we are equals. I have never sparred before, there are only two people worth my time. Shutting you up will let the rest of them know their place.”

  “Then I’ll meet you outside,” the red haired noble said.

  “I am not going to let you kill her,” Jonathan said as another first year started talking.

  “I want to fight one of the Big Four as well,” a brown haired boy said. This boy had an athletic build, Jonathan could tell beneath his robes he was not as skinny as Jonathan was. Jonathan still had him by a head, in a fight though Jonathan wasn't sure if he would be able to over power this boy by physical means.

  “Didn't any of you listen to what I just said?” Red asked. “Or are you that stupid that you desperately need a proper beating?”

  “I want the commoner who has been going around like he is something special,” the athletic boy said. “Many people are scared of that idiot but I am not. I aim to put him in his place.”

  “Ten gold,” Jonathan said as he stood up and took off his coin purse. “I don't spar for free, especially not people who don't know what they are getting into.”

  “Are you that scared?” the athletic boy said facing Jonathan. “You think by putting an absurd amount of money up that I will just walk away. That is the mark of a true coward.”

  “I don't spar for free,” Jonathan said. “However if you are so aggrieved that you demand satisfaction, Prince Xalen can sanction our match right now. “I’ll fight any idiot to the death, including you right now.”

  “You’ve stepped into it now,” Red said standing in front of Jonathan. “Why don't you just run along. This ain't the lad you want to have issues with.”

  “I will not sanction any more matches on your behalf Thunder!” Xalen said. “Not now or ever.”

  “Then it looks like it is your lucky day,” Jonathan said as he sat down.

  “I want to face you coward!” the athletic boy said loudly. “No money, no life and death. Your honor is at stake!”

  “I am not going to let you kill him,” Russell said looking at Jonathan. “He is just trying to uphold tradition.”

  “Are you going to let him bad mouth you?” Cassidy said. “The great Jonathan Thunder cowed by some nameless noble.”

  “I think you will regret this,” Jonathan said looking at his challenger. “Many people think me and Monica are the third and fourth among the Big Four. I am going to show you why you should just keep your mouth shut. Go ahead and grab a partner. I figure after I break two of you down no other idiots will be quick to see what I am about.”

  “You want two of us?” the athletic boy said giggling. “You are a coward. You want an excuse for when you lose.”

  “I’ll bet any noble here a gold coin that whoever this is will not last ten heartbeats,” Jonathan said as jiggled his coin purse. If he lasts longer than five I will let you keep your money.”

  “You are just trying to embarrass him,” Xalen said. “There will be no betting.”

  “You don't set the rules here,” Jonathan said looking at Xal

  “But gambling is illegal,” Mage Tabitha said. “But if you are going to fight him, this is something I want to see.”

  Jonathan looked at Red who shrugged his shoulders then at Edgar who did the same. Jonathan walked out of the classroom and into the dueling area, wondering if he had underestimated his opponent. The boy had a silly grin on his face the entire time and talked about how he would make Jonathan beg before he ended the match. Jonathan lined up across from his opponent and came up with his plan. Jonathan decided to go with defense instead of his lightning. The Blood Priests had let him know that he could not depend on his lightning one hundred percent of the time. Jonathan nodded that he was ready and saw his opponent go into a spell casting form with his hands. Jonathan was a little shocked watching this happen.

  Mages with poor to average power often had to move their hands into certain forms for their magic to come quicker. Mages on the upper level just had to point their hands and wait a moment. Jonathan had his shield up just as a strong mage bolt slammed into his shield. Jonathan felt his shield shimmer for a second but it held up well, the next mage bolt had a bit more power in it but the result was the same. Jonathan looked over at the boy who had a frown on his face, Jonathan smirked at him a bit.

  “I am still waiting for an attack,” Jonathan said. “Don't tell me you have already gave it all you had. You wanted the commoner, you wanted to shut my mouth. Now shut it or walk away like the loser you are.”

  The next spell that came was Shatter, it was a spell that took a long time to cast and was only good at fighting other mages. Shatter worked on mage shields but was useless for anything else. The only time someone would cast something like Shatter is if it was a group of mages were fighting each other. In a one on one it wasn't the best spell to use, it took too long to set up and automatically used half of whatever magical energy the mage had stored. It couldn't voluntarily be made stronger or weaker, the strength of it depended on the energy level the caster had left. Shatter hit Jonathan hard, if Russell would have used it Jonathan was sure his shield would have been destroyed. The mage Jonathan was fighting though didn't have it in him, Jonathan’s shield held and his opponent swayed at the sudden loss of power. Jonathan dropped his shield at let a weak mage bolt rush from his hands. The bolt smacked his opponent in the face and made his head snap back. Before the boy could get his senses he was smacked by several more in quick succession. Jonathan’s opponent fell on his behind and Jonathan crossed his arms and looked at Russell.

  “You should get him out of here before I get serious,” Jonathan said. “All he has done is embarrass himself. I am already up here, if that girl that wants to fight Monica wants to have a go with me she can do so now.”

  “I think I’ll pass,” the red haired girl said looking at Monica then back at Jonathan’s opponent. “I think I have seen enough.”

  “That was insane!” Mage Tabitha said. “You took everything he had and put him down easily. I don't think I have ever seen a mage duel where someone was so thoroughly dominated after being given every chance to win. You even let him get Shatter off before you dropped him.”

  “Well since we are already out here,” Lehman began. “You can finish up with the first years, I will see about getting young Hymie there patched up after his fight.”

  Jonathan didn't pay much attention to the rest of the testing. He already knew what Poppy could do and told the rest of her crew to under perform to the best of their ability. Jonathan was cognizant that Blaine Gillespie pointed out Lauryn and told anyone he could that she was hiding what she could do and he thought she was as strong as Monica Manchin. After the tests were over Jonathan and the rest were brought into the Tower again to be separated and begin their studies.


  “Well look who it is,” Poppy said as she sat down next to Jonathan while he was eating. “You certainly have been keeping your distance.”

  “Has the Tower been everything I have been telling you it was and more?” Jonathan asked.

  “It is insane here,” Poppy said with a smile. “I have been beating them off with a stick. Everyday some boy comes around trying to sweet talk me or letting me know he has a family member that would love to meet me. Even the prince has stopped by to make sure I didn't need anything. My friends have all been getting their share of admirers as well. It is a shame that this cannot last.”

  “You have come to grips with reality?” Jonathan asked.

  “Already I have seen the hatred that some here have for some of the commoner males,” Poppy said. “There are supposed to be some secret duels that happen late at night. The only reason that hasn't happened is because everyone says that you would get involved.”

  “I would continuously challenge and beat the pit out of anyone trying to be sadistic,” Jonathan replied.

  “Your battle with Hymie Satherland is still being talked about,” Poppy said. “People have been telling him what he did wrong and have been trying to help him plan better. Some even want to know if you were serious about facing two of them down.”

  “At the time I was,” Jonathan replied. “But that idiot should be lucky it was me and not Monica he was fighting. She has a mean streak, the rest of us see no point in it.”

  “Hello Jonathan,” Farrah said as she sat down. “I see you and your friend are getting along again.”

  “Farrah have you and Poppy ever been introduced?” Jonathan asked.

  “I want to know what her plans are for you,” Farrah said. “I also want to let her know that if she is just here to play with your emotions she is going to have to deal with me.”

  “Deal with you?” Poppy said laughing. “From what I hear you had your chance to eat but instead you got up from the table. Jonathan isn't your concern anymore.”

  “You think you are real cute with your little crew,” Farrah said. “I have observed them, I know you are hiding something. One day you were practically falling over Jonathan and the next day absolutely nothing. Except for you and that little tart. Don't get me wrong, I want you and Jon to work out. Almost everyone that has been at the Tower longer than a year does. Jonathan has the kind of power that should stay with noble families. No one wants his dream of marrying some commoner girl to come to fruition, that is why I am hoping you beat out everyone else around here. You are a noble and have no plans to shake things up.”

  “Of course you want us to be together,” Poppy said sarcastically.

  “Me and Jonathan would never work out, I have responsibilities to uphold,” Farrah said. “To many barriers are in our way. I do want him to be happy though, since his tragedy he hasn't been.”

  “Are you through with whatever this is?” Jonathan asked.

  “Why are you angry at me?” Farrah asked.

  “Because you are a coward,” Jonathan said. “Now if you are finished.”

  “You don't dismiss me,” Farrah said. “I am your only friend among nobles that matter.”

  “I don't care what they think of me,” Jonathan said. “I never have and never will, that is including your brother.”

  “Go ahead and hurt,” Farrah said as she got up. “It will help you heal quicker.”

  Jonathan watched Farrah walk away and shook his head. They had flirted for a bit and he did manage to steal a kiss from her during their rare alone time but that was it. Farrah wrote him a very short letter about responsibilities and never wrote him again. It was just as well Jonathan thought, he had the Raelin to worry about at the time and couldn't be bothered about what some girl thought of him. Jonathan saw Poppy smirk then pick a grape off his plate and pop it in her mouth. She chewed it and gave him a devilish grin before swallowing it.

  “You know she still likes you,” Poppy said. “I can see it in her eyes when she saw us together.”

  “Who cares,” Jonathan said. “She has her own path and I have mine.”

  “And which way does your path lead?” Poppy asked.

  “Forward,” Jonathan said. “My path will always
lead forward. Last year I spent most of my time trying my best not to stick out. This year I am going to throw myself into my magic. Specifically I am going to throw myself into my fighting. I am never going to be a healer or someone that fixes roads or other things. I have speed in casting and my shields are strong. I am going to push my magic as far as it can go and see where it leaves me.”

  “I think you will do okay,” Poppy smiled.

  “I hope so,” Jonathan said. “I have been scouting the Golads in case we ever have to fight. My only chance is to eliminate one of them quickly, after that I can go to work.”

  “You have a plan for killing a future Duke?” Poppy asked surprised. “And I thought you and that giant woman have a thing or had a thing going on.”

  “I would be stupid not to have a plan,” Jonathan said. “I am sure they have a plan for me.”

  “What about the other girl?” Poppy asked. “Monica something.”

  “I am not worried about her,” Jonathan said. “In a fight I am too fast, too strong and I have better defense. She would find me a tough opponent unless she teamed up with the Golads. Even then I think I could eliminate her easily, my lightning magic is nothing to play around with.”

  “I have never seen you practice it,” Poppy said. “I have heard about it but I have never seen it.”

  “I practice it, just not around here,” Jonathan said. “I know there are eyes here who want to scout what I can do. Just like I want to scout what the others could do. Monica practices out in the open is how I know so much about her.”

  “She could be purposely holding herself back,” Poppy said.

  “Never really thought about that,” Jonathan admitted. “But I can still work on myself. I think I am half a heartbeat faster than I was last year at this time.”

  “Half a heartbeat?” Poppy said surprised. “That isn't very much improvement at all.”

  “It is on this level,” Jonathan said. “I need to strike fast, strike hard and more importantly strike first.”


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