Captured Hearts (The Men of Five Nations International)

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Captured Hearts (The Men of Five Nations International) Page 2

by Quinn, Shelli

  Prescott smiled at the phone as he sat it on the floor beside him. “Maybe now I’ll be able to get some sleep.” He said pushing himself to his feet as he rose from the floor and slid back into bed turning off the bed side lamp, hoping to get a sound night’s sleep.

  Closing his eyes he tried clearing his mind so that sleep would claim him quickly, but he had no such luck. Instead of darkness greeting him when he closed his eyes, it was her gorgeous face with those dark brown eyes of hers staring up at him.

  Prescott had a feeling that if he didn’t get the image of Akiva out of his head this would be another sleepless night for him.

  Akiva was surprised and delighted at the thought of having dinner with Prescott Hawk. He was one of the finest men she’d ever laid eyes on and she couldn’t believe that he’d asked her out. If she was dreaming then she didn’t want to wake up anytime soon, but if this was a cruel joke then he wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon when she was done with him.

  There was no way she’d be able to sleep now all she could think about was what she should wear when she went to dinner with him. She definitely had to wear something that would be flattering on her curvy figure. Although she didn’t want to overdo it, she did want to dress to impress. She was fairly certain that she was going to be useless all day until it was time for him to pick her up she also knew that without much sleep it was going to be a really long day.

  Chapter Two

  Akiva stood back and gazed at her reflection in the full length mirror positioned in the corner of her bedroom. She’d changed her outfit at least nine times this evening and she’d finally found the perfect one. The turquoise and gold trimmed outfit had one full, wide styled sleeve that stopped at her left wrist. The other side of the wrap style designer top sported a two-inch wide strap that looped over her right shoulder. The top fit snuggly at her trim waist lying smoothly over her perfectly flat stomach.

  The matching skirt also fit snuggly however not too much so, it flattered her figure nicely and although it was a modest length, the split of her right thigh ended well past modest. Her peep-toe heels complimented her outfit bringing the look together. Her short auburn hair was styled flawlessly and so was the light coat of make-up she wore.

  The door bell rang at six fifty-five and Akiva took one last glance at the mirror before going to answer it. Taking a deep breath she pulled the door open and her breath caught in her throat as her gaze traveled the length of his long frame from head to toe and back again.

  Prescott had tied his long black hair into a ponytail at the nape of his neck. He wore tiny silver hoops in each ear, a silver bracelet on his left wrist and around his neck was a black cord with a silver bullet hanging from the center. He was wearing all black from his expensive looking collarless shirt, to his perfectly ceased black dress pants and matching jacket. His pricey leather shoes were also black, on many men the all black look wouldn’t work too well. But on this man she was sure he could wear anything and make it work for him.

  He was too fine for words as his six foot four inch frame towered over her much shorter five foot six inch frame. Even in her four inch heels the top of her head barely reached his shoulder.

  Prescott locked both his hands together in front of him for two reasons, one of which was so that he didn’t reach for her as he was very tempted to do. The second reason was to hide the evidence of exactly what seeing her dressed like that did to his manhood.

  “You look lovely, Akiva.” He said with a tight smile as he let his gaze roam over her thoroughly.

  “Thank you and you look very handsome.” She said with a smile.

  “Thank you are you ready to go?” He asked with a slight smile.

  “Yes just let me get my purse and jacket.” She said as she turned for her room to retrieve them.

  He stepped inside and glanced around her apartment while he waited, she’d done a nice job decorating the spacious place. When she rejoined him he smiled escorting her out the door and to his shiny new Range Rover in black with darkly tinted windows.

  Opening the passenger side door for her Prescott helped her inside before closing it. As he made his way around to the driver side he took several deep breaths to calm his over excited nerves. The sight of her in that outfit turned him on so much he prayed that he’d be able to get through the evening without hauling her off to the nearest bed.

  Prescott started the car and the smooth sound of jazz music by Esperanza Spalding surrounded them.

  Akiva smiled excitedly. “Oh my goodness I love her music.” She said.

  “That’s good because I really enjoy listening to her music she’s a very talented artist.” He said.

  “Yes, she certainly is.” She said as she sat back to enjoy the music and the ride as they made their way to their destination.

  “Now that we know we enjoy the same music what are some of the other things you like?” He asked.

  “Wow, let’s see I enjoy cooking and spending time with my family. I like going to my kickboxing class.” She said with a smile.

  “Oh, that’s how you keep that body of yours looking so fit and sexy.” Prescott said as he took his eyes off the road for a moment to glance over at her.

  “Hey you know, a girl has to work with what she’s got. And needless to say some of us have more than others.” She said teasingly.

  “Well luckily for me you have just enough.” He added seductively.

  “You sure know how to make a girl blush, and on someone with my skin tone that’s not easy to do.” She joked.

  “You have a beautiful skin tone it reminds me of warm cocoa on a cold night, hot and delicious.” He said in a husky tone.

  “Hot maybe but I’m not sure about the delicious part though.” She said laughing softly.

  “How about we find out later?” Prescott said wearing a devilish smirk.

  “You are incorrigible let’s just see if we can get through dinner first.” She replied.

  Prescott had made reservations at one of the most expensive and posh restaurants in Atlanta with valet parking and snotty waiters. As they were escorted to their table in one of the very private areas of the dining room, Akiva was certain that almost every head in that place turned to stare at them. She didn’t know if she should be flattered or offended while some of the stares were from people that seemed to admire them as a couple. There were clearly others that definitely did not.

  But to Akiva all the stares and glares were forgotten when Prescott placed his warm hand at the small of her back. A sharp jolt of electricity raced up her spine when the heat from his palm seeped through to the skin beneath her designer blouse.

  Once they made it to their table he politely pulled her chair out for her then gently pushed it in as she took a seat. Instead of taking the chair on the other side table that was directly in front of her, he took a seat in the one closest to her.

  Prescott ordered a very expensive bottle of wine for them, while they looked over the menu. They spent the evening making easy conversation over dinner as they both learned a lot more about one another. She told him all about her ailing mother and her younger sister that she was putting through college. He told her about his family that lived in South Carolina, his mother and father were still married and quite happy he had one younger brother and two younger sisters.

  They briefly discussed work but since they both had highly classified jobs that topic was extremely brief each only mentioning how they’d become employed by their prospective agencies.

  Akiva excused herself to go to the powder room Prescott stood to pull her chair out for her.

  “Thank you, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She said as she walked away.

  Prescott took his seat to get a better view of her well rounded backside as she walked away. He watched the flex of her calf muscles in those sexy four inch heels she was wearing as they carried her further away from their table.

  When she’d opened the door for him earlier this evening she’d caused him to become as hard a
s granite. Akiva may be a full-figured woman but she was very nicely toned with smooth slightly muscled arms and the hottest pair of legs he’d ever set eyes on.

  The lovely turquoise and gold outfit was extremely flattering on her, showcasing her sexy shape. From her full breasts and slender waist down to her ample sized bottom and smooth shapely legs she was a sight to behold.

  His gaze was glued to her as she made her way back to their table. Prescott glanced past her and noticed several men unable to take their eyes off of her. And she seemed to be clueless about the effect she had on the opposite sex.

  Prescott smiled before taking a sip of his wine as he continued to track her approach. He watched the gentle sway of her hips as she seductively strutted towards him. Akiva’s short elegantly styled hair complemented her gorgeous heart-shaped face. She smiled when she reached their table as he stood to once again pull out the chair for her.

  “Thanks, but you don’t have to keep doing that you know.” She said glancing up at him.

  “I know but I enjoy doing this for you.” He replied sweetly as she took her seat.

  “Well who am I to get in the way of your enjoyment?” She said teasingly.

  The two talked a while longer as they finished their wine. When they were done Prescott paid the bill with cash and moved around to the back of her chair pulling it out gently so that she could stand. Once she was standing he helped her into her jacket before leaning towards her to whisper in her ear

  “You smell really nice, Akiva.” He whispered softly. She shivered as his breath drifted lightly across her ear and neck. Closing her eyes for a brief moment as her treacherous body attempted to betray her right there in the restaurant in front of all these people. Regaining her senses she opened her eyes and smiled up at him.

  “Thank you, it’s my favorite fragrance.” She said politely.

  “It’ll be my favorite also from now on.” He whispered near her ear and smiled when he saw her shiver once again.

  “I…um…I guess we should get out of here.” She said nervously.

  “I guess we should.” He said placing his hand at the small of her back as he escorted her out.

  After they were in the car he glanced over at her before asking. “Are you in a hurry to get home?”

  She turned her head in his direction. “Not really, why what do you have in mind?” She asked.

  “Have you ever been to Club Thai-Land over in the Buckhead area?” He asked.

  “Uh no, I try to stay in the areas of Atlanta that are in my price range and Buckhead is definitely not in that range.” She teased lightheartedly.

  Prescott laughed. “I’m pretty sure that you make a nice paycheck so don’t even try to con me doc.” He teased back.

  “Ok so you got me, no matter how much money I make hob-knobbing in Buckhead just isn’t on my list of things to do, at least not with an ailing mother and having to put my little sister through college.” She said with a lop-sided smile.

  “Well tonight we’ll both be hob-knobbing in Buckhead. Camille’s brother Thai owns Club Thai-Land and I want to take you there, only if you’re game for it.” He said as a dare.

  Akiva glanced over and caught a glimpse of the smirk on his face and challenge in his tone. “Oh, game on big boy you-done-mess-up-now you might regret taking me to your snotty little club because this sister right here just might bring down the house with all of my super-duper swagger.” She joked playfully.

  Prescott laughed uncontrollably as he drove to club Thai-Land this was turning out to be one heck of a night. Akiva was quite a woman she was everything a man could want she was smart, beautiful, and sexy, she didn’t take crap from anyone.

  A short time later they were greeted by a unique blend of beats pumping through the sound system as they stepped inside Club Thai-Land. The place was packed with ritzy looking, expensively dressed rich people who were dancing, drinking and having a damn good time.

  Akiva glanced around observing her surroundings and she had to admit that this really did seem like a nice club. There also appeared to be a whole hell of a lot of security in this place so it was fairly certain that it was safe enough. But of course she wouldn’t expect anything less from an Interpol agent.

  When she looked up she saw that Thai Andrews was headed their way. He was six foot two and a very handsome man with a smooth mahogany skin tone and dark brown eyes. He and Camille had similar features making it quite evident that they were siblings. Thai had a very strong Creole accent whereas Camille had a very faint accent.

  Prescott greeted Thai with a brotherly hug once he’d reached them wearing a bright smile that showed his perfect white teeth.

  “Hello Thai, you remember Dr. Akiva Jennings don’t you?” Prescott asked.

  “Of course I do, what’s happening doc, how are you doing tonight?” Thai asked shaking her hand gently.

  “I’m fine thank you and it’s nice to see you again.” Akiva said with a smile.

  “You certainly are fine and it’s definitely nice seeing you again. But I have to ask are you trying to burn down my club, coming in here looking that smoking hot.” Thai said teasingly.

  Akiva smiled before responding. “I see that you have the same silver tongue that Prescott has. Don’t tell me that’s, one of the job requirements, for you to be able to talk a woman right out of her panties. With your pretty words and handsome faces I’m sure it works like a charm.”

  “It helps get the job done when necessary, but speaking honestly you really are looking very lovely tonight.” Thai replied seriously.

  “In that case thank you for the compliment.” She said with a wide smile before accepting his kind words.

  “Now if you’re finished flirting with my date will you show us to the V.I.P room?” Prescott said a bit annoyed with Thai for flirting with Akiva even though he knew that was just the way he was. He didn’t want her to smile like that at anyone but him. When she smiled he felt a gently tugging in his heart at the sight of it. She was having a very overpowering effect on him and he was powerless to stop it, not that he wanted to because he most certainly didn’t.

  “Hey man you know that I’m just messing around however I do appreciate a beautiful woman when I see one. And tonight you happen to have the most beautiful woman in here on your arm, so forgive me if I’m a little jealous.” Thai said in a serious tone before turning for the stairs that lead to the second floor V.I.P room.

  Prescott placed his hand at the small of her back indicating that they should follow Thai up the stairs. As she climbed the stairs ahead of him he had a great view of her perfectly rounded behind and he was so tempted to reach out and palm her ass with both hands. But he quickly squashed that thought knowing that if he did what he was thinking about doing she’d turn around and slap him silly.

  Although he was so tempted to take a chance as his gaze remained glued to her delightfully plumb ass. A slow smile formed on his handsome face as images of the things that he’d like to do to her raced through his mind.

  Akiva glance over her shoulder at Prescott and caught a glimpse of the sly smile on his face and the look in his eyes as he stared at her ass. Seeing the sensual expression on his face sent an array of tiny shivers coursing up and down her spine causing her to lose her footing on the stairs.

  When she started to fall backwards Prescott was there with open arms to catch her. He lifted her into arms and carried her the rest of the way up the stairs.

  “You could hurt your back carrying me like this.” She said as they reached the landing at the top of the stairs.

  “Sweetie, my back is a lot stronger than you think it is.” He replied with a smirk.

  “It just might be but I’m not light you know.” She said gazing into his whiskey colored eyes. “Uh, you can put me down now Prescott.”

  “Actually you aren’t as heavy as you seem to think that you are.” He replied gazing down at her as he made no attempt to put her down.

  Thai turned from the door of VIP room and grin
ned when he saw Prescott holding Akiva in his arms. “Did you two want a private VIP room so that you can be alone?” He asked.

  “What, no Prescott put me down!” She demanded.

  “I didn’t hear a please in that command.” He said as she glared up at him.

  “Will you please put me down?” She said through clenched teeth.

  “Okay, I’ll put you down for now, but next time I won’t relent so easily.” He whispered as he set her on her feet.

  “Who says that there’s going to be a next time?” She asked gazing up at him.

  Prescott leaned towards her wearing a devilish smile. “Oh, there will be a next time you can bet on that sweetheart.”


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