London Bound: New Adult Romance (Chase Brothers)

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London Bound: New Adult Romance (Chase Brothers) Page 15

by Malone, Nana

  He immediately adjusted his pressure. “How’s the speed?” His kisses trailed back down to her left breast.

  Her back bowed as his lips wrapped around the tip again. If he could just… “Faster, please faster.”

  Lifting his head slightly, he released her breast to ask. “What about if I add a finger. Do you like that?” He slid his middle finger back inside her depths, and he hissed. “Fuck, I will never get over touching you like this.”

  He began a rhythm of sucking on her nipples that he paired with the stroke, retreat, stroke and retreat of his finger while he circled her clit just how she liked.

  Abbie’s legs trembled and heat tapped up her spine. “Alexi?”

  “Yeah. That’s it sweetheart. Let go. I have you.”

  “Oh, God!” Stars danced on the edges of her vision, and her climax rocketed through her as she held on tight to Alexi.

  Even as waves of pleasure pulsed through her body, he continued to stroke her gently until she lay limp in his arms. He tucked her against him and wound his arms around her tightly. “You are so fucking gorgeous.”

  As the hazy fog of sleep threatened to drag her under, her brain clamped onto the knowledge that she’d only taken pleasure, but not given any. Damn. She hadn’t gotten to explore very much at all. He’d distracted her with his very skilled fingers. Leaning up, she placed an open-mouthed kiss on his jaw.

  He groaned and held her still. “Sweetheart, I’m holding on by a thread here. You start kissing me again, and I’m going to explode.”

  “But you didn’t…” She tried again. “I didn’t get to…”

  He caught on quick to her meaning. “That’s not what this is about. You let me touch you. That alone felt like Christmas and my birthday wrapped into one. There’s no rush.”


  He kissed her forehead. “But nothing.”

  She sat up a little. “But I want to touch you.” It was true. She was curious. She wanted to drive him crazy. Wanted to explore his body. Have fun playing. She’d never really reveled in someone’s body before.

  He squeezed his eyes shut and lay his head back on the pillows. “And believe me when I say, I want you to touch me. But I’d like to take some care with you. You matter to me. And I don’t want to cock it up by moving too fast. Do you understand?”

  She nodded slowly. Where the hell had he come from? “I understand.”

  “Good.” He settled her back against him, tucking her head under his as he held her. “Now maybe you can go ahead and tell me what kind of twat your ex was that he never made you come.”

  Heat crept over her skin. She’d known she’d have to answer this question eventually. She had just planned on having more clothes to do it. “I-uh, I’ve only had one serious boyfriend since I was sixteen.”

  His brows shot up. “Just the one?”

  She sucked in her bottom lip and raked it with her teeth. “Yeah.”

  There was a beat of silence. “Were you ever with anybody before him?”

  She shook her head. “No. I figured I was the problem. I even went to see a doctor about it. She told me it was perfectly normal, that lots of women couldn’t. I guess it turns out that I can.”

  She could feel him nodding. “Yes. Yes you can.” She heard the smile in his voice, and she swatted his arm.

  “Modest, aren’t you?”

  “Nope. Not even a little bit. And to be clear—I would very much like to see you come again and again…And—”

  Abbie giggled. “Yeah. I get the picture.” Her heart did a happy flip, even though her brain tried to quell it. No need to get ahead of herself. No matter how hot Alexi was, she still didn’t know him very well. But know him or not, she knew how he made her feel. And she liked it.

  “Good. As long as I’m clear.” He was silent for several minutes before asking, “So, do you have any plans on Saturday?”

  Her heart went from slumberous thudding to galloping, in seconds. “Probably getting some shots. Why?”

  “That photo op I mentioned in Brixton, it’s on Saturday.”

  Like a date? “Photo op?” She couldn’t make her brain work properly.

  “Yeah it’s a party for the rich and bored.” He examined one of her braids closely. “C’mon. I want to see you. You need to work. We’ll kill two birds with one stone. What do you say?”

  Hell yes. But she hesitated. Could she really do a London society thing? It was one thing to flit about the nightlife. It was a whole other thing to stroll in to a garden party as a guest. “I’m not sure. Not really my kind of crowd. Pretty sure I’d stick out like an elephant in a herd of gazelles.”

  He kissed her nose. “You’ll be my guest. Don’t worry about everyone else.”

  She liked the idea of being his guest, but still. She’d never fit in with Evan’s friends. She’d always felt like the imposter. He is not Evan. “Sure. I’ll come.”

  “Brilliant. Then after, we can go out to dinner. I can show you my London.”

  She tucked her head and kissed his chest. Was it bad that the only part of London she wanted to see was him? “Sounds like a plan.” And because she couldn’t help herself, she kissed him again.

  “Woman, didn’t I tell you that you’re killing me.”

  She grinned. “Sorry.” Was this her? Lying in bed with a man, enjoying herself and not praying for him to drop off so she could finally relax enough to sleep herself? She liked the new her. This she could certainly get used to.

  Alexi spent the next hour kissing her and asking her questions about her childhood until the gray light of dawn broke through the shadows of the night. He groaned. “I really don’t want to leave you.”

  She didn’t want him to go either. “St—”

  He interrupted her by kissing her. “Don’t say it. You tell me to stay, and I will. And that would mean a whole bunch of nosy questions. And I frankly would like to keep you to myself for a bit, if that’s okay with you.”

  She sighed. “You’re right. You should go.”

  Thanks to more kissing that nearly got out of hand, it took him another ten minutes to leave. But when he finally slipped from her bed, Abbie wished she’d had the courage to tell him to stay.

  Chapter 23

  Abbie fidgeted with her camera as she waited outside the estate. The home was set on a sprawling lush lawn, complete with a garden maze. This was the stuff fairytales were made of. Right. Fairytales for other people. This did not look like her kind of party at all. But she was here for work.

  Xander wanted her to photograph love. Easier said than done. She snapped a few pictures, but nothing depicting love. Though she might be able to use some for later assignments.

  She’d spotted Alexi as soon as she’d arrived, but he’d been engaged in conversation with a striking brunette, and from the angle of both their heads, it looked like an intimate conversation. When Alexi’s hand rested on the brunette’s waist, Abbie’s stomach knotted.

  She was just about to turn around when he looked up and beamed at her. “There you are.”

  She plastered a smile on her face through gritted teeth as he approached with the same gorgeous brunette. The brunette smiled at her warmly.

  “So you must be, Abbie. I’m Gemma. Lex’s been telling me all about you and your photography. It would be lovely to have some candids of the party.”

  Abbie had to look away from the startling beauty, and she fought not to stare at her shoes. She tried hard to swallow the bitter bile of jealousy, but it still stung to see Alexi with another woman. Considering how he’d made her feel two nights ago.

  “Of course. I appreciate the opportunity.” She hoped that didn’t sound as wooden to them as it did to her. It must have, because Lex frowned. She ignored his downturned features. “So where do I start?”

  Gemma led the way. “We’ll have you go in through the side entrance. Mother will have a cow if you go in through the front and aren’t a guest who will get into OK magazine.”

  Abbie ground her teeth. So
she was expected to shuffle in through the back like the help. Why the fuck had she agreed to this? She didn’t belong here.

  Because at the time Lex asked, she’d been in a hazy stupor of lust that she hadn’t understood. Now she realized she wasn’t exactly here as Lex’s date. Of course not. She only briefly met his impassive gaze.

  Gemma led her through the side entrance, chattering the whole way about the accessible areas of the mansion, the kinds of photos she wanted, and who the most important guests were.

  When Gemma excused herself, Lex drew Abbie into the library. “What’s the matter?”

  Abbie shook her head. “Nothing. Everything is fine.” She’d misunderstood and that was her mistake.

  He frowned and studied her. “No, it’s not fine. I can see by how your shoulders have crept up near your ears. You’re vibrating. Just look at me and tell me what’s wrong.”

  What the hell was she supposed to say? That she was jealous? That she’d seen the way Gemma touched him like she was all too familiar with him and it was driving her nuts? Or that, she knew they were miles apart in status. That he belonged here in the country estate and she, well, she did not. The bite of jealousy surprised her, and she didn’t like it. “Please don’t. I’m here to work. And like I said, I appreciate the oppor—”

  “Don’t do that,” he muttered under his breath. “Don’t do that prim and coolly pissed off thing. It’s not you. I thought we…” His voice trailed.

  Abbie ducked her head and fingered her camera lens. “Alexi, it’s fine. You should go talk to Gemma. She looks like she needs you.”

  “I’m sure she can handle herself. Right now, I’m more concerned with you. I’m not sure what I did, but last time I saw you, we were good, right?” His voice pitched even lower. “Better than good, I recall.”

  Oh God, did he have to bring it up? She was acting like a jealous brat, and she knew it. He didn’t deserve it. It wasn’t his fault. She inhaled then let out a long slow breath. “I’m sorry. I’m just tense. I want this assignment to go well. And I saw… Never mind.”

  He frowned as he studied her. “Why won’t you talk to me?”

  “I have work to do,” she whispered.

  “Fine, but I’m not letting this go. You’ll have to talk to me eventually.”

  * * *

  For the next two hours, Abbie snapped photos of revelers. Old men chasing around pretty young things. Old women doing the same. And all the while, her eyes were drawn to Alexi like a magnet. Every time he walked into the room they would disobey the command to not look at him.

  This was pathetic. She’d just decided to leave when she caught sight of him with an older gentleman who looked like he might in thirty years. Given his crossed arms and lack of expression, and the way his body leaned slightly away from the older man, it wasn’t a pleasant conversation. On autopilot, Abbie snapped the picture. Lex’s beautiful face turned toward her, and in that moment, she saw pain and resentment and…longing.

  Yeah okay. Time to go. He wasn’t longing for her; that was for sure.

  She fought the tide of people as they all headed into the center courtyard for an announcement. The lady of the house—who someone had pointed out as Gemma’s mother—stood and addressed her guests. Abbie only half-listened as she shoved a canapé in her mouth and took a quick sip of champagne. She was pretty sure it was frowned upon for the help to eat at this little soiree, but what the hell did she care? These were not her people.

  Mrs. Eastmoore addressed the crowd, thanked them for attending the party, and encouraged everyone to continue to enjoy the food and announced that dancing would start shortly. Certainly not any kind of dancing that she or her friends would be into. Abbie snorted and several guests turned to glare at her. Time to blow this pop stand.

  Quickly, she checked the pictures she’d taken, praying some of them would suffice. The majority were lackluster. But she could use some from last week in a pinch. She wasn’t going to squeeze any love out of this crowd.

  Of their own volition, her eyes scanned the grounds for Alexi, and once again found him talking animatedly with Gemma. Pain knotted Abbie’s belly. She’d told him she didn’t want to talk to him, but that didn’t mean it didn’t sting to see him obviously so comfortable with Gemma.

  Turning a circle in the wide hallway, she decided it was probably best to go out the way she’d come in before she got lost and trapped in this cross between Downton Abbey and British Stepford hell.

  With her camera bag slung over her shoulder, she shuffled out the side door without anyone seeing her. Her mind had already turned to the long hot bath she needed when she heard the shouting.

  “How could you be so stupid? Do you understand how you made me look?”

  Abbie’s skin prickled as a chill settled around her. A fear and anxiety cocktail made a roiling boiling science project out of her stomach. “Mind your business, Abbie,” she mumbled to herself.

  But as she bypassed the side garden, her feet rooted to the grass. When she saw the contorted features of a hulking man as he screamed in the face of a barely five-foot-five redhead, adrenaline coursed through her veins.

  Over the years, she’d never told anyone how Evan had treated her because she was too embarrassed that he’d hit her. She could have been one of those statistics if she hadn’t finally had enough. But what if she’d had someone to step in when she needed it? He might never have hit her in the first place.

  He’s bigger than you, and this time you’re not brandishing a weapon.

  She shook off the doubt demon that climbed onto her back. This was the right thing to do. It didn’t matter that fear and doubt were like two sets of chains holding her back, begging her to turn away and mind her own business.

  When she spoke, her voice wobbled. “Hey, are you all right?”

  The redhead didn’t even look at her, just mutely nodded. The man though, he glared. With all his fury directed at her, her steps faltered. “Just remember, he’s a coward at heart,” she mumbled to herself. Yeah, easier said than done.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Aren’t you the help? Mind your fucking business,” he snarled.

  Anger had her cocking her head. Her voice was steadier now. “You see, I would love to mind my own fucking business, but you’re out here bullying a woman half your size and screaming the house down, so you’ve made it my business.” Without taking her eyes off the man, she asked the woman again, “Are you okay? You don’t have to stay here with him. We can go to my car, and I can drop you anywhere you like.”

  Abbie desperately hoped this douchebag wasn’t the woman’s husband or something. Even as beads of sweat ran rivulets down her back, still, she inched closer. “My friends are inside, and they’ll take care of you too if you want.” She prayed Alexi would fulfill that promise, she just knew she had to get this woman away from this man.

  “N-no, it’s okay. I’m okay. It was my fault really, I—”

  Echoes of her own life flashed in Abbie’s head.

  She took another step until she stood next to the woman, close enough to shove her out of the way of a fist, if one came. The man backed up, but his face was beet-red, and the vein in his forehead had started to throb.

  Abbie licked her lips. “Look, why don’t you take a minute to think this through. In the meantime, she’ll go in the house.” Call the cops. “We’ll have a drink.” Escape out the front door. “Then you two can talk this out.” Yeah, with your sorry ass behind bars.

  His words came out clipped and extra crisp with his accent. “Who the fuck do you think you are? Do you have any idea who I am? I will ruin you. You have no business butting into an argument between me and my wife.”

  Oh hell. She was married to this douche? In that moment, Abbie knew this woman wasn’t going to run away or call the police or do anything that she should. She was going to go on pretending everything was okay. Like I did.

  “Consider me a Good Samaritan, making sure she was okay. You’re nothing more than
a bully.”

  Tendrils of fear snaked out and wrapped themselves around her spine as the man snapped a meaty hand around her upper arm. She winced inwardly as he applied pressure. Outwardly, she schooled her features to read disdain.

  “What the hell is going on here?”

  Even though Abbie couldn’t see Alexi, hearing his voice was enough to put her at ease. “I saw this woman here needed some help getting away from her idiot of a husband. Now he thinks it’s a good idea to manhandle me.”

  The man advanced a step, and Alexi was at her side like a flash. “Sir Robert, my friend was just leaving.”

  Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Alexi knew this asshole? Anger made her voice waver, and she hated it. “He was going to hurt her. If I hadn’t stepped in—”

  Ice dripped off of each of Alexi’s words. “Maybe you didn’t hear me, Abbie, but it’s time to go.”

  She tore her arm loose from the oaf’s grip and glared at Alexi. Why the hell was he so furious with her? Had she broken some rich elite code? “I didn’t do anything wro—”

  The woman beside her shook her head. “Oh, no. You must have misunderstood. We were just having an animated conversation. My husband would never hurt me.”

  Abbie stared at the redhead incredulously. He’d been gripping her so tight, Abbie could see hints of bruising on the woman’s arms. But she was going to back up this asshat? She turned to face Alexi, and she saw they weren’t alone. Gemma and her mother had followed him.

  The older woman stalked over to the red-headed woman. “Emily, Robert, you’ll have to forgive Alexi and Gemma’s guest. Obviously, she misunderstood and shouldn’t have gotten involved. Emily, why don’t I take you inside so you can freshen up?”

  Alexi stood firm by Abbie’s side, but she could feel the chasm between them widening. “I’m not lying, Alexi. He was going to hurt her.”

  “Gemma, do me a favor and make sure Abbie gets the fuck out of here.”

  The bottom fell out from her stomach. He doesn’t believe you. In his world, things like this are par for the course. And he was clearly pissed that she’d embarrassed him.


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