London Bound: New Adult Romance (Chase Brothers)

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London Bound: New Adult Romance (Chase Brothers) Page 21

by Malone, Nana

  Abbie shook her head. “Okay. I’ll deal with it later. Right now, priority number one is what the fuck I’m going to do about school? I’m fine for the rest of the term, but if I’m to stay here, I need to come up with cash quickly.”

  “Obviously you need a job,” Tamsin squeaked, still miffed about not being included on the Lex secret.

  “No shit, Tams. What do you think I’ve been trying to secure for the past month?”

  Tamsin winced. “Okay, sorry. I’m sort of in uber bitch drive at the moment. Lex, that asshole Evan. I’m going to kill him when I see him, by the way.” She shook her head. “I wish you had told us.”

  Abbie sighed. “I’m sorry for all of it. I thought I was doing the best thing. I’m a thousand times sorry for not telling you. But I honestly just needed time.”

  Sophie sashayed over and plopped down on the settee next to her. “Okay. Now that we’ve established you’re sorry and that you won’t keep secrets from your besties anymore, and that we’ll obviously get the juicy details from you later, let’s work on the main issue.”

  Abbie sighed. “You know anyone who wants to give me a job?”

  Sophie shrugged. “I know lots of artists, darling. One of them has to be looking for a muse.”

  Abbie’s heart sank. “I meant like a real paying job, Soph.”

  Her friend nodded. “You’d be surprised. I was the muse for a fabulous painter last year, and I earned two thousand quid for the three weeks.”

  As intriguing as that sounded, Abbie had a feeling that being a muse might require something that made her all kinds of uncomfortable. Like naked uncomfortable. Besides, she needed to depend on herself. Counting on others, no matter how well intentioned, was likely a bad call. It had already gotten her in trouble with school and with her family. “It’s okay. I’ll figure it out.”

  Tamsin ran a hand through her hair. “Well I might be able to get you a job at the PR firm. You’ll likely just need a letter of recommendation.”

  Abbie wanted to hug Tamsin for thinking of her, but she needed to be available to do her class assignments during most daylight hours, so a day job wasn’t going to work out well.

  “Hello, sorry to harp, but can we get back to the larger problem of Lex and how you ended up in OK magazine?” Sophie interjected. “What are you going to do about him?”

  Abbie’s stomach rolled. Oh yeah him. The liar. Why the hell was she surprised that he’d hidden some key details about himself? Just like Evan.

  “He lied about who he was. About who he was going to marry. About everything. I have no idea who he is. All I know is that the sex is good.” Okay, not entirely true. She also knew that when she was with him, she felt truly alive. But that didn’t matter now.

  Chapter 28

  Abbie’s phone rang, and she popped her head out of the covers to glare at it. Sophie brought it over for her.

  “Doesn’t say a name, only a number.”

  “What’s the number?” Abbie grumbled.

  Sophie rattled off the digits, and Abbie shook her head. “Nope, that’s Alexi.”

  Sophie pressed ignore, then turned it off. “There that’s better. Safer if you don’t have to hear it ring.”

  Tamsin brought some tea over and set it down on the coffee table. “I don’t know, guys. I mean, he’s a first class wanker, but perhaps she should hear him out.”

  Sophie scowled. “Even if she does eventually decide to take him back, she can’t just talk to him right away. That looks desperate. She’s going to have to make him beg for it. It’s the only way he’ll learn.”

  “Tams, I don’t get it. You had such a hard line with Evan.”

  “That’s because I know how much you gave up with Evan. Don’t get me wrong. I liked the guy enough when you were together, and you seemed happy with him, but as time wore on, you were more like a shell of yourself. And now that I know what you were going through, I shudder to think of what you were really going through that I didn’t see.” She sighed. “But with Lex, you’ve been bubbly these last few weeks. Happy, despite all the crazy and the stress. Granted, I thought it was your hot professor, but all I’m saying is, you’ve been happy. When you’re happy, I can be lenient.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not happy anymore, am I?” Abbie grabbed a tissue and blew her nose, then dropped the tissue in the wastebasket the girls had left by the couch for her. “I mean, I thought I was falling for this guy.” She sat up, dragging the duvet around her so no part of her skin was exposed to the chilly air. “I’ve never felt as…combustive as I have with Alexi.”

  “Ah, passion. There’s no real substitute for it, is there?” muttered Sophie. Her expression was contemplative. “I have to ask though, what do you really know about him besides how great he is in bed—which I want to hear all about by the way. He’s been friends with Max for years, but he’s really private. Beyond surface stuff, I haven’t ever gotten much.”

  Tamsin frowned. “Sophie has a point. I hate to say it. I mean he’s hot, and I’m sure you guys have had your, erm, moments, but in that deep connection way, have you actually talked about anything real? Did he tell you anything about himself?”

  Abbie’s head throbbed. She racked her brain, thinking back to their earlier conversations. They’d talked about his parents, his brother, about his dreams. But basic stuff, she didn’t know—like that he had a fiancée. Or where he worked exactly. Or what he did. Or what he spent his spare time doing. He’d mentioned parental angst, but again, had never gone into detail. Instead, he’d listened to her, prodding for more information about her. Shit. Sophie was right. She was in love with the way he made her feel. Not with the guy.

  And while Abbie was in no mood for company, Tamsin and Sophie insisted. Granted, when Sophie had tried to pop out to the corner shop, she’d been met by a hoard of paparazzi on the front steps. They both declared that Abbie needed to stay somewhere calm until the storm blew over.

  In just over an hour they had her safely ensconced in Max’s house, far away from the ringing home line and the buzzing of the door. Sophie had gone on a full reconnaissance mission, scouting down the street to make sure Lex wasn’t lurking, waiting to try to talk to Abbie. Abbie had tried to tell them he wouldn’t bother, but neither one listened as they shuffled her through the back door and into Sophie’s car.

  Now as she sat huddled between Tamsin and Jasper, she watched the parade of model boys flit around the house in various stages of undress. Now she understood why Sophie was never in their flat. Hell, she never wanted to leave this magical land of hot men.

  All the guys, Jasper especially, were surprisingly sweet. Oh, he still flirted, but he toned down his more outrageous tendencies. Though, his flirting made her feel somewhat normal.

  Max was the consummate host. Told her to think of the house as hers. Whatever she needed, all she had to do was ask. Abbie felt like she’d been enveloped into a large rag-tag family. There were two new models renting rooms as well. Even though they didn’t know her, they went out of their way to make her comfortable.

  When Jasper headed out that night, he told her to take his room as he wouldn’t be back till the morning.

  “Oh, no, I couldn’t. The couch is fine.”

  He laughed. “Look, the sheets are clean and it makes me smile thinking of you in my bed.”

  She just rolled her eyes. Shameless. “No really.”

  “I insist. You can sleep on the couch if you want, but honestly, the bed is more comfortable.”

  “Okay, I’ll think about it.”

  Sophie took Jasper’s spot, flanking her. “Honestly, Abbie, don’t beat yourself up over this. How were you supposed to know all this?”

  “And he did like you. Does, like you,” Tamsin amended quickly.

  “I’m not so sure about that. I just want to forget I ever met him. You see what they’re saying in the papers. That I broke up him and Gemma. That I’m the other woman. He did that to me. Humiliated me in public.”

  Sophie nodded sympathet
ically. Tamsin nodded too, but her expression held a note of reservation.

  “I still need to figure out what I’m going to do about a job. I’ve been searching the campus and still nothing. I’m going to need to take it off campus. Problem is, no part time job will really do the trick.

  Angel trotted down the stairs. With his deeply tanned skin, sandy brown hair, bright green eyes, and killer angular face, not to mention ripped shirtless body, Abbie had no problem seeing why he was a model. There would probably be millions of women willing to pay to have him walk around their houses in various stages of undress.

  When he spoke, his voice was heavily accented. He sounded Middle Eastern, maybe Israeli. “You’re a photographer, right?”

  She nodded slowly. “Yeah.”

  “Well, I need some of my headshots redone, as I’m looking for a new agency. Would you think about doing them?”

  Abbie smiled. Taking some pictures might help keep her mind occupied. “Yeah, sure. When do you need them by?”

  “End of next week would be great. I could pay you two hundred pounds. I’d planned to shell out a lot more for them, so now it’s a win win.”

  She perked up. “Wait, you’d be paying me?”

  He grinned, and she was so temporarily blinded by his sheer beauty that she could only stare, slack jawed.”

  “Well yeah. Didn’t you just say you needed a job?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “Max said to give you whatever you wanted. You want a job, you have one. I’ll check with some of the other models I know. Some actors too. Everyone needs a good photographer.”

  Abbie blinked at him. “How do you know I’m any good?”

  He nodded toward Sophie. “Sophie brought home that one you’d taken in Brixton with the kids krumping. It’s pretty killer.” He shrugged. “Besides, it’s good karma to help out a beautiful girl. Just tell me anything else you need, and it’s yours.” His smile was just this side of interested and super sexy as he headed into the kitchen.

  Something told her he was offering her more than just a job. But unfortunately, he didn’t do it for her. It didn’t matter how pretty he was.

  After he vanished down the back stairs to the kitchen, she and Tamsin stared agog at Sophie.

  “Did he just offer to sleep with you to make you feel better?” Tamsin squeaked.

  Abbie stared after him. “I’m not sure.”

  Sophie shrugged. “Couldn’t hurt. Best way to get over someone, and all that.”

  Abbie shook her head. “Just what has Max told these guys to do for me?”

  “Oh, I don’t think that had anything to do with Max, babes. I think he genuinely wants your body.”

  Oh. Well. Then. “As pretty as he is to look at, I’m staying away from uber hot guys for a while. It’s probably safer that way.”

  Chapter 29

  Under the cover of night and away from Sophie’s judging eyes, Abbie climbed into bed with her phone. The good news was, she had a paying gig lined up. A decent, paying gig. She just needed more of those.

  Max had gotten two new models in the house that night so the spare room she’d been sleeping in was occupied. She’d taken Jasper up on his offer and was frankly glad she did. His bed was soft, and the electric blanket chased the chill away.

  The bad news was, she still had to face the outside world come tomorrow. She couldn’t very well ignore her assignment, which meant she’d have to head out into Soho tomorrow to capture street fashion. Maybe she could convince Sophie to go with her. Tamsin had to work. She could always ask Angel or somebody to tag along with them for the day and grab some shots of him, but when they weren’t working, the boys tended toward sloppy hipster chic with their skinny jeans and faded ironic T-shirts. But it wouldn’t hurt to ask. They also knew a load of female models, so that could make her assignment pretty easy.

  With a deep breath and a silent prayer, she sat up under the blanket and turned on both of her phones. As she waited for the screens to light up, her breathing and her heart rate increased. Both phones immediately started to vibrate. Shit. Between the two, there were eleven missed calls and fifteen texts. Her hands shook as she checked the voicemails first.


  “Jesus, shit. Abbie, I’m so sorry. I—”

  She deleted it without listening to the rest of the message.

  The next from her sister Akos. “Fuck, Abbie, what kind of mess have you gotten yourself into? I mean of all the moronic—”

  Abbie deleted that one too.

  The next one was from Ilani. “Oh, you dark horse, you. Look, I know it’s probably messy and all right now, but if you need to chat, I’m here. Call me.”

  Abbie’s shoulders slumped. It was sweet of Ilani to call, but she wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone. She’d just have to wait and see her at school.

  The rest of the messages included one from her mother telling her she’d already pulled the funds for her second semester out of her bank and stating her disappointment. Silence from her father. So much for him admiring me. Two more from her sisters, and one from Evan, insisting that she call him right away.

  Right. On to the texts.

  She squeezed her eyes shut when her screen lit up, slowly opening one lid at a time. Alexi, Alexi…They were all Alexi.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Please let me explain.”

  “Please don’t shut me out.”

  “I’m coming over.”

  They were all a variation of the I-know-I-fucked-up-please-believe-me theme.

  But she wasn’t going to do that any time soon. She couldn’t deal with him right now. Couldn’t deal with any of it. It wasn’t so much that he hadn’t told her who he was. But more about the way he’d gone about it. He’d had a million opportunities. He’d slept with her knowing he was deceiving her. Knowing she had no idea. She’d slept with a total stranger. One who had more secrets than anyone she’d ever met.

  Tears stung Abbie’s eyes as she deleted all her text messages. How had she gotten it so wrong? He said he cared about her, but this wasn’t how you showed someone you cared. She’d fabricated all of that in her mind. She’d need time before she could deal with him.

  She eventually drifted into fitful sleep. Tossing and turning, wishing that Alexi would call, then wishing he wouldn’t.

  It was three in the morning when she heard Jasper and Max finally stumble home. They weren’t being too loud, but since she was up, she heard every footstep.

  When Jasper opened the door to his room, she immediately sat up. “Hey. I’m sorry. You said I could sleep here so…” She cleared her throat. “Tams stayed the night, so she’s on the couch.”

  Jasper just blinked at her like a kid on Christmas morning who couldn’t quite believe he’d gotten the gift he’d asked for. “Ahh, that would explain why the bundle on the couch didn’t slap me when I suggested I might snuggle in.”

  He laughed when she rolled her eyes.

  “It’s cool. I like you in here. Now my sheets are going to smell like you.”

  Oh Jasper, always outrageous. She hated the weakness that made her consider staying, and she didn’t want to be alone, so she hesitated, but finally said, “I’ll grab a duvet and head to the media room to sleep on the recliners.”

  Jasper halted her with a hand on her foot. “No, don’t.”

  “But I’m in your bed. Where are you going to sleep?”

  He grinned, and Abbie stammered. “O-oh, no, I don’t think that will work.”

  “Look, we’ll just sleep okay? I can be a friend.” He smiled sheepishly. “Besides, I’m knackered. And you look like you could use a friend.”

  She chewed her bottom lip. She didn’t particularly want to be alone, but she didn’t want to give him the wrong impression either. “Just friends. And you’ll keep your hands to yourself?”

  Jasper put his hand over his heart. “I swear to be on my best behavior.”

  She nodded.

  After changing in the bathroom, he sl
id into the bed next to her. If she closed her eyes and snuggled into the cocoon of his warmth, she could pretend it was Alexi. Just to help her sleep…

  Jasper kissed her shoulder and wrapped an arm around her waist, tugging her close to his body. Just as her eyes fluttered closed, he whispered, “But if you did want me to go down on you or something, I promise I’m willing and very good. I like to take my time with a woman’s body. You can pretend I’m anyone you want.”

  She swatted the arm that wrapped around her waist. “Go to sleep, Jasper.”

  Chapter 30

  The following morning, Alexi’s head throbbed as Jasper, Angel, Nick, and Max all convened on the barge. He hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep, and he wasn’t in the mood for the mental beat down he was about to endure. And to make matters worse, Abbie hadn’t replied to a single one of his messages.

  “Mate, what the fuck were you thinking?”

  Lex glared at Max. He really didn’t need his friend taking the moral high ground with him. “Look, it wasn’t supposed to happen like that. The whole thing just got fucking messy, okay?”

  “She’s a nice girl. You really should have left her alone.” Jasper’s voice was barely above a snarl.

  “And what, left her for you?” Lex growled.

  “Maybe.” Jasper stood to glare at him.

  Nick stepped between the two of them. “Come on, you two. Are you really going to get in a row over some bird? Use your brains.” He turned his attention to Angel and Max. “A little help here?”

  Angel shook his head. “I was just looking for a lift to the agency. I’m starting to think I should have taken the tube.”

  Max shrugged. “I didn’t think I’d agree with Nick on this one, but he’s right. We’ve been mates for how long? Stop being mad for just a moment and use the brains God gave ya.”

  Lex dragged in a breath. “I just want to know that she’s okay.”

  “She’s fine,” Max said. “Well, as fine as she can be. Sophie’s got her holed up at the house, and she and Tamsin are pretty much circling her like mother hens.”


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