The Mammoth Book of Erotica Presents The Best of Saskia Walker

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The Mammoth Book of Erotica Presents The Best of Saskia Walker Page 5

by Saskia Walker

Then she found out.

  Even as he thrust into her, in shallow quick maneuvers, keeping her in place, he began to write down her spine with his free hand.

  It was almost too much. Her shoulders wriggled and her pussy twitched on his shaft. Her stomach flipped and sweat broke out on her skin. She would have staggered, if he hadn’t got her pinned by his cock. She panted out loud, her mouth opening, her body clenching on him rhythmically.

  “Oh yes, that’s good,” he said, keeping the pen moving in around her spine, working his way down her back. “This makes you so wild, you’re going to squeeze my cock until I come.”

  “Can’t control it,” she whispered, head hanging down.

  “That’s the way I like it,” he grunted.

  By the time the pen reached her tailbone, she was a panting wreck on the verge of climax. He drew a wobbly heart there at the base of her spine, following the shape around and around with his pen. The action and her response were mesmerizing, and when her climax hit it lasted long, easing off only to return in a rush when he grew rigid and jerked, coming deep inside her.

  They stayed that way until his cock finally slid free, and then he untied the blindfold and lifted her into his arms, carrying her toward the bathroom.

  She squinted up at him, clinging to him. Kissing his shoulder, his throat, and when he turned toward her, his mouth, she felt grateful to have found her perfect opposite. She was still trembling from the intensity of her release.

  “This is one of my favorite parts, scrubbing you down afterward, my dirty girl.”

  “It gets you going again,” she teased, smiling at him.

  “You’re not wrong there.”

  Inside the bathroom, he stood her on the bath mat, and reached for the taps. While the bath filled, he traced his finger across her chest, following the line of his name that he had written there earlier. “So, you’ll move in with me?”

  She shivered, an echo of her orgasm tingling from the core of her body to the tip of her spine. “Yes.”

  “Good,” he replied, nonchalantly. “Ever thought about having a tattoo?”

  She saw the humor in his eyes. He hadn’t made a big deal of her moving in, just as he hadn’t made a big deal about her kink that first day. He’d come to understand her, very quickly. “Having a tattoo would probably kill me, and you know it,” she replied.

  “Hell of a way to go, though,” he mused, as he lifted her into the bath.

  The warm water moved in and around her legs and hips, melting her. After he scrubbed her down, he would climb in with her. That was one of her favorite parts.

  He kneeled down beside the bath and reached for the sponge. “If you ever do have a tattoo, I want to be the one who is inside you while you’re having it done. Is that a deal?”

  She reached her hand around his head, drawing him in for a kiss. “It’s a deal,” she whispered.

  The Woman in his Room

  Saskia Walker

  Luke had a woman in his room.

  I could hear the familiar sound of his voice – gravely and seductive – as it filtered out of the partly open bedroom door. I paused on the landing and listened. There was music playing in the background, something sensual and rhythmic. Then I heard the woman’s laughter, and something inside me altered.

  The small part of me that was still immature balked because it was some other woman, and not me. But the part of me that was a young woman who was becoming more deeply aware of her own sexuality – the part that had been stimulated by my exposure to Luke in our home – responded altogether differently.

  Desire, and the sure knowledge of my own needs, flamed inside me. The crush I had been nurturing for Luke changed. It wasn’t an ethereal emotion cloaked in sighs of longing and wistful glances anymore. It was hardcore lust. And I liked it.

  I liked this feeling of being a woman who had physical needs that were more powerful than her daydreams. I could just as easily be that woman in Luke’s room. I wanted to be that woman, it was as simple as that.

  I’d wanted Luke since the day he had moved in, three weeks earlier. I doubt my father would have let his business partner stay over after his wife threw him out had he known that I would develop an obsession with him. Dad thought I was far too busy at college. Too busy to notice a man like Luke? No way.

  “You’ve met Luke, haven’t you, Karen?” my dad had said when Luke walked into our house that first night, a suit carrier flung casually over one shoulder, an overnight bag in the other hand. I remember being glued to the spot, thinking that I’d surely have remembered him if I’d met him before. Apparently I had, briefly. Four years earlier. I guess I’d been different then. I’d been fifteen and a tomboy. Now I was at college, and my focus was on the adult world, with all its risks and discoveries.

  Luke had set down the bag he held and put his hand out to me. “You’ve grown up,” he said under his breath and looked at me with an appraising stare that made me feel hot all over.

  I managed to put my hand in his. He held it tightly, drawing me closer in against him. I looked up into his wickedly suggestive eyes, and it made my pussy clench.

  My mother disapproved of him. Why had his wife thrown him out? she demanded of my dad, when Luke was out of the house. Dad wouldn’t answer. I made up my own reasons, fantasies that featured me in a starring role. Maybe he left his wife for a hot younger woman, me. The truth was that Luke moving in had made something shift in my world. He was a man, a real man. Sex with him wouldn’t be like the fumbling bad sex I’d had with a guy I met at college. As soon as I saw Luke, I knew that it wouldn’t feel like that, not with him. Sex would be exciting, maybe even kinky. The idea of it fascinated me.

  Luke wasn’t what you’d call handsome, but he was attractive in a bad boy sort of a way. Tall and leanly muscled, his body suggested athletic vigor. His features were craggy, his hair cut close to his head. He had a maverick quality about him that appealed to the dark side of my imagination. At night I’d lie in my bed and imagine there was no wall between our rooms and that I could reach out and touch his body. I’d imagine him responding. He’d climb over me and screw me into the bed, teaching me what it was like to be fucked by a real man.

  During the day when he was out I would go into his room and touch his things. Sometimes I even lay down on his bed. I would close my eyes and breath him in, getting high on the smell of his body and his expensive cologne, the experience building up a frenzy of longing inside me. What if he walked in and found me there? The idea of being caught by him made it even worse. Sometimes I’d push my hand inside my jeans and press my panties into the seam of my pussy, massaging my clit for relief.

  Then my parents went away for a fortnight, leaving me in Luke’s care. Oh, the irony. If only they had known how much the idea of it excited me.

  It was our first night alone, and I had been thinking about him all evening, barely aware of the blockbuster movie I’d gone to see with my friends. I wanted to get home, to see if Luke was there.

  But now he had a woman in there with him, and that woman wasn’t me.

  I was intensely curious, and it struck me that I was getting hot just thinking about him having sex, even if it wasn’t me he was having it with. The push-pull reaction of the unexpected situation had me on edge. Torn, I glanced at my bedroom door. He probably thought I was in there, asleep. Like a good girl. I looked back at his doorway and saw a shadow move across the room beyond.

  His shadow.

  I couldn’t walk away.

  Luckily I hadn’t switched the landing light on. I was glad of the darkness, glad that I was standing in the gloom and that his door was open and I could see into his room. I’d had a couple of beers earlier. That probably helped, too. I stepped farther along the landing, until I could see him.

  He had his shirt off. I’d seen him seminaked before, in the kitchen in the mornings. He’d have a towel round his waist, his body still damp and gleaming from the shower. I managed to muster up an early morning conversation so I could wat
ch him pouring out coffee, stirring in three teaspoons of sugar as he chatted to me easily, watching me all the while. Watching me in a way that made my body feel womanly and alive. That’s what he’d done to me; he’d made me feel alive. And although I remember saying something in response to his early morning conversations, it wasn’t what I was thinking. What I was thinking was X-rated. I wanted him to bend me over the breakfast bar and introduce me to real sex.

  The woman was sitting back on his bed, and he had his knees pressed against hers. As I watched, he bent over her and pushed her silky red dress up along her thigh, exposing her panties. Craning my neck, I could see that they were very small, a narrow strip of sheer black fabric. Luke stroked the front of them, and when he did her hips moved on the bed, rocking and lifting under his touch.

  My pussy ached to be stroked that way. My pulse was racing. Would he strip? Would I see him naked, as I longed to do?

  He spoke to her in a low voice. I couldn’t hear what he said. Then he straightened up and she also moved, into an upright sitting position. The light was obscured and before I knew what was happening the door opened wide and Luke’s shape filled the frame, a dark silhouette against the light behind him.

  My hand went to my throat, but there was no time to try to escape.

  “Well, hello,” he said. He didn’t sound surprised. Did he know I’d been there, watching?

  “I was at the cinema, just got back.” I could hear my own breathlessness. The light was behind him, but I could see that his fly was open, the belt on his jeans dangling suggestively down his thigh.

  “I knew you were out here, Karen,” he said more quietly. “I heard you come in. I was waiting for you to get back.”

  I stared at him in stunned silence. He knew I was here. He knew . . . he knew I wanted to go into his room and be with him, that was what he was insinuating. I could hear it in his tone. Did he know I’d already been in there, on his bed? I could feel my face growing hot.

  He pushed the door wide open. The woman was sitting on the bed looking in my direction with a curious expression. Perhaps it mirrored my own. Even from here I could see she was pretty. She had jet black hair and a smile hovered around her ruby painted lips.

  “Come in, join the party,” Luke said. The casual remark was powerfully suggestive. It went right through me, thrilling every ounce of me. He lifted his hand. He was holding a glass, and I heard ice chink as he shifted it from side to side invitingly. “You know you want to.”

  I did want to. That’s the moment I addressed what was inside me, what I was becoming – a woman who could be proactive about her desires. I had a choice, but I knew what I wanted, and he’d invited me closer to it. I stepped past him and into the room, my entire skin racing.

  Tension beaded up my spine when I heard him close the door. He stood at my back. I had to force myself to breathe, telling myself over and over to chill.

  The woman sitting on the bed ran her fingers through her hair as she looked me over, her body moving in time with the music. “You’re even prettier than Luke said you were.”

  She knew about me? That was when it hit home. He had planned this; he’d told her about me. Should I be annoyed? I looked at her more closely. She was maybe a couple of years older than me but she had an edge, a self-assured confidence I knew I didn’t have, but wanted.

  She patted the bed beside her, and when I sat down, she lifted a tumbler from the floor and offered it to me.

  Luke followed and stood close by, at the foot of the bed. When I glanced his way, I got an eyeful of bare chest and open fly. Just what I wanted. The only part I wasn’t sure about was the other woman.

  “I’m Lisa,” she said. “I’m glad you came to play with us . . .”

  She was flirting with me.

  I didn’t think it was possible for my temperature to rise any more than it already had, but it did. Okay. We were going to “play”, and I didn’t think she was referring to a card game. She was looking at me as if she were deciding which item of my clothing to take off first. Luke, half undressed already, smiled down at us. I was getting the gist of the setup now. He wanted two women. As long as one of them was me, I figured I could roll with it.

  But the way she was looking at me . . . that did weird things to me. She was very sexy. I found I wanted her to flirt with me some more. I swigged heavily from the glass. It was whiskey. The potent liquid washed over my tongue and, when I swallowed, the hit was just what I needed. “Thanks,” I said as I handed the glass back, and tried to look as relaxed as she did. Crossing my legs, I rested one hand on the surface of the bed.

  Luke smiled down at me, approvingly. I had to take a deep breath to stop myself from grinning like an idiot. Jesus, this was really happening. All I could think was: Thank god for the whiskey.

  The woman, Lisa, sprawled easily on to the bed beside me. When she got settled she reached over and ran her hand down the length of my hair. I stared at her, and when she paused with her fingers close against my neck, I smiled. She moved lower, touching my breasts briefly through my T-shirt, before wrapping her arm around my waist and drawing me closer to her.

  I rolled on to the bed next to her and she kissed me full on the mouth. I was stunned, and stiffened. I’d never kissed another woman before then. But then I melted, because she was all soft and yet full on, at the same time. I felt the urge to answer her, and I kissed her back.

  Oh, how delicious that was. For a moment I almost forgot that Luke was there. Almost. When I looked back, he had a gleam in his eyes and the bulge at his groin was larger. Between my thighs I was aching with longing and with him looming over the pair of us I felt the urge to be wild, to explore. I pushed my hand into Lisa’s silky hair, and drew her in for another sweet kiss.

  “Oh yeah, you’re delicious,” she said approvingly as we drew apart, pushing me over on to my back. She laughed gleefully, and it was infectious.

  I bit my lip, but couldn’t contain a giggle.

  “You’re really horny, aren’t you?” She pulled my T-shirt up over my breasts and off, as she asked the question, then squeezed my nipples through my bra.

  “I don’t suppose there’s any point in denying it,” I responded, another laugh escaping my mouth when she shoved my bra to one side to tug on my nipple.

  Before I knew what was happening, she had my sandals off, and my jeans undone. She wrenched them down my hips. Playfully, she lifted my panties and put her hand underneath them, touching my pussy. She watched my face for my reactions. My breath was captured in my chest. I glanced at Luke, who was looming close by. He looked as if he was about to pounce. I couldn’t predict what was going to happen next, and that thrilled me.

  When I didn’t resist her, Lisa pulled the panties off of me as well. Luke looked me up and down. I lifted my arm and drew it over my face, closing my eyes, unable to watch him staring down at me when Lisa moved between my thighs.

  I’m doing this with a woman, and Luke is watching. I felt slightly crazy, lack of control and sheer horniness sending me dizzy with pleasure. And then I felt her mouth close over my clit, and every nerve ending in my body roared approval.

  Her tongue moved with purpose, tracing a pattern up and down over my clit, driving me mad. Her hands were locked around the top of my legs, her thumbs stroking the sensitive skin on the inside of my thighs in time with the movements of her clever tongue. This was alien to me, to have a woman service me, but it felt so fucking good and I didn’t want her to stop. My head rolled from side to side on the bed, and I cried out loud, unable to keep it inside. “Oh, oh fuck, it’s so good.”

  She knew just what to do, and when I was thoroughly wound up, she nudged at my clit with the tip of her tongue until I came, my body writhing as I spasmed and fluid ran down between my buttocks.

  She rose up to her knees on the bed, and then she pulled her dress off in one long slow move. She was naked beneath, aside from that tiny G-string that barely covered her shaved pussy. She was sleek and lissome. Her breasts were small a
nd pert, nipples hard and dark. Tossing her hair back, she looked down at me. “Fuck her now, Luke. She’s so ready.”

  My face burned up, but she was right, boy, was she right. I shot a glance at him to see his reaction to her comment. He nodded at me when he saw me looking his way, and when he did, I clenched inside, my gaze automatically dropping to his groin. He undid the final two buttons on his fly. His cock jutted out from his hips, hard and ready. Holding it in an easy grip, he reached into his pocket with his free hand and pulled out a condom packet.

  My hands were shaking, I knew they were, and I pressed them down on to the bed to keep them steady. I couldn’t stop myself. He really did mean to use the condom on me. I stared at him rolling the rubber on to the hard shaft of his cock.

  Lisa had moved to one side and was watching expectantly.

  I could scarcely believe it. The surprise must have been there on my face, because Lisa chuckled softly and reached in to kiss me again, easing me back down the bed. When I was flat against it, her hands roved over my breasts, and then she captured one nipple between finger and thumb, tweaking it. As I glanced down, I saw that her other hand was in between her thighs, where she was stroking herself.

  “I like to watch, it makes me hot,” she whispered. She flashed her eyes at me, and then her mouth closed over my other nipple, her teeth grazing it.

  Tension ratcheted through me. My eyes closed, my legs falling open, and then I felt the weight of him, right there between my thighs, his hard erection pushing against me.

  “Ready for me?” he asked, when my eyes flashed open and I looked at him. He was lifting my buttocks in his hands, maneuvering me into position, his cock already easing inside.

  I managed to nod. I was so slick from Lisa’s attention that he claimed me in one easy thrust, the head of his cock wedging up against my cervix. I moaned aloud and my body closed around him, gripping his hardness in relief. Pleasure rolled through me when he drew back and then thrust again.

  Lisa was sucking hard on my breast and the pleasure arced through me to my core, where Luke was riding me hard, massaging the very quick of me with his cock. My orgasm was coming fast. I panted, hard. I reached out, gripped on to his arm when wave after wave of pleasure hit me.


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