Kink the Halls: A Christmas Novella

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Kink the Halls: A Christmas Novella Page 3

by Dawn Robertson

  “Eh, I just threw this all together. Magnolia helped me, it’s all what she wanted for Christmas.” I can't help but smile at the mention of my niece. The niece I never knew I had. The niece Star stopped at nothing to find, even though she was right under our noses for years. I reach my arms out, and wrap them around my best friend.

  “How is Maggie?” I ask, just as the little blonde comes barreling out of the front door. Her long hair is free, hanging down her back and she is wearing a Hello Kitty pull over sweatshirt with black yoga pants. She looks like a carbon copy of Star, even though she decided to dye her hair dark. There is not the slightest hint of my brother in that child. Star's genes definitely overpowered him in every way. Not surprising, dick bag.

  “She’s wonderful. Doing awesome in school, we finally finished her bedroom up!” As she said the word bedroom, Maggie was grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the front door.

  “Aunt Seven, you have to come see it!” Yes, please. Just don't pull my fucking arm out of the socket, kid. She takes the stairs two at a time, I hold onto the railing for dear life; taking one at a time and, by the time I hit the landing at the top, I am almost completely out of breath. FUCK!

  We round the corner, and she pushes the bright pink door open. It looks like Hello Kitty shit all over the place. Her bedding, curtains, everything. I want to be sick, there is so much pink. But then again, what did I expect from the daughter of the woman with a My Little Pony sleeve?

  “It’s awesome, Maggie!” I jump on the bed and kick my feet up, sliding my Uggs off and letting them hit the floor. Damn this bed is comfy.

  “So when are you and Uncle Levi moving up here?” Out of the mouths of babes. Damn. Is there a polite way to say fucking never to a little girl? Because I sure as shit will not be responsible for corrupting her. I have my own kid who is going to be scarred for life someday.

  “Oh honey, we just can't. Our work is in Manhattan.” Work, perfect excuse. I mean, without my parents here in Woodstock, it really isn't that bad. But I’m never going to give up the board room, baby or not. I worked far too hard and too long to give any of it up. No fucking way.

  “When I’m on maternity leave, I will come up and stay here for a bit. I promise honey,” I run my fingers through her long blonde hair and pull her in close. We lay in the bed for a couple minutes until Star peeks in the door. A tear streams down her face.

  “Look at this,” she says, and joins us on the bed. I can't help but feel my heart swelling. Over the years, all we have been through. The ups and the downs. The betrayal, and the heartbreak. The love, and the unity. I never thought we would have a moment even close to something like this. It’s fucking perfect. This is my family, and no matter how much shit has changed over the last couple months of our lives, I wouldn't have it any other way.

  “Come on Seven, let me show you what room you and Levi have. It’s downstairs.” Thank god, I don't think I could deal with the hustle and bustle of the second floor, way too many bedrooms, and people coming and going. It was like she ran a fucking hotel.

  Channeling My Inner Martha


  The house is full, jam packed full of family, and friends. I never thought I would see the day when the Bloom-James, and now Parker, clan actually had a picture perfect Christmas together, but we were getting there. Seven and Levi got here earlier, and she’s in the kitchen trying to bake something, I’m steering clear; if she lights the kitchen on fire, I don't want to be anywhere near when it happens. I placed a fire extinguisher on the counter and decided to hide in my bedroom.

  Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I sit on the computer trolling Pinterest for some last minute recipes. I know there’s probably more than enough food, but I feel like I should be doing shit instead of just sitting around. I look up when Paisley comes barreling into my room and plants her ass on my bed with a dramatic sigh. She has been hot and cold since Seven drove her up on Thanksgiving. Something happened, I just don't know what. I have asked, but I won't pry because I know that isn't what she needs.

  “I'm ready.” Paisley lays her head down on my pillow, and grabs the decorative accent pillow, hugging it tight. A month I have waited for her to come to me. I take a couple steps, and plop down on the bed next to her and listen.

  “When I was in Florida, I was stripping.” I shouldn't be as surprised as I am. I mean, I did end up in the porn business, which isn't much different. Yup, all those daddy issues really did a number on us. I just wish I’d known, I wish I could have been there for her, to help her, to guide her through it. I feel like I’ve fucking let her down. It isn't the first time either.

  “I ended up meeting this guy. You know the typical bad news assholes. Biker, drugs, good sex. Then, he beat the fuck out of me. I thought maybe he was different than all the other guys I’d been with through my travels, and I was wrong. Again.” I can see the tear forming in the corner of her eye, and I pull her into my arms across the bed. She rests on my shoulder, and continues speaking.

  “I ran. After he put me in the hospital, I ran. I’m sure they are still looking for me. He was in some biker gang, and I think I may need Chrome's help if he finds me. I want to move on. I want to be done with it all. I want to fucking do something with my life.” I want the same for her, and I’m sure Chrome would do anything to help her.

  “If it comes to that, Paisley, we will protect you. No doubt about it. You stay here as long as you need to. I will help you get on your feet. Anything you want, Paisley, it is yours.” It is the least I can do. She sits up and gives me another big hug and finally cracks a smile for the first time since she moved in at Thanksgiving. Her voice gets quiet, she is whispering like she doesn't want another soul in the house to hear what she is about to say.

  “I like him, Star. Like, really like him.” I freeze as I think about whoever the cocksucker was that she was shacked up with. The same man that beat her ass. How could she like him? How could she sit on my bed in tears one minute, and glowing the next?

  “How? How can you like him after what he did to you, Paisley? You are better than that! You deserve better!” I don't want to sound harsh, but it certainly comes out that way. Horror washes over her face. Her eyes scrunch up, and her mouth turns. Disgust clear on her face.

  “Not him, Star! River!” Oh dear baby Jesus, thank you. Wait. What?

  “River? River River? My River?” Well, not really my River, but my new adopted baby brother. The same man who helped me through some of my darkest hours when I first stepped foot back in Woodstock. He is sweet, understanding, hardworking, and sexy as hell for a kid. I mean, for my man's little brother.

  “First off, he isn't yours. You are shacked up with his big brother.” She lets out a laugh, a real fucking laugh and I’m finally relieved that Paisley is going to be okay. “Second, those fucking eyes, Star! That body! Those lips!” She starts to fan herself off with her hand in a dramatic fashion. My baby sister is crushin' on my baby-brother-in-law and I pray nothing bad comes from this.

  “Looks like I’m just going to have to play cupid this Christmas,” I wink at Paisley and I get up to go find River, because I’m pretty sure he has to be somewhere around the house.

  “These are supposed to be what?” I ask Seven as I take a bite out of the sketchy looking chocolate ball. It isn't half bad though. Could use something... more sugar? Everything needs more sugar.

  “They’re Oreo Truffles, at least that’s what the recipe is called.” She tosses a small one in her mouth and immediately spits it out. Maybe they aren't as good as I thought?

  “That’s fucking gross. How could you eat that?” Seven starts laughing, and spits out the mouth full of chocolate disgustingness. “Fuck it, I’m so not cut out for anything domestic.” At least she can laugh at her own failure in the kitchen.

  River rounds the corner, and reaches for one of the Oreo disasters, and throws it in his mouth before either of us have the chance to warn him. I watch his face carefully while he chews up the bitter piece of flavorl
ess chocolate. He looks like he wants to throw up, but he continues chewing with a fake smile plastered to his face. I try to maintain a straight face, but it is way too fucking hard. I burst out laughing, and his eyes fly wide, and swing in my direction.

  “Spit it out! You know it’s fucking disgusting!” Seven laughs at him while he lunges for the garbage can spitting whatever is leftover in his mouth into the can. He looks from Seven to me, and back to Seven before he finally grows a sack and speaks.

  “Thanks, really. That was fucking disgusting.” He’s in the fridge searching for something to wash the taste out of his mouth. I continue laughing at him. I can't help it, because I know exactly how bad that shit tasted.

  “That’s what happens when Seven is left alone in the kitchen for a couple hours.” I catch my breath as River has a good laugh along with us. Then I remember exactly why I was looking for him in the first place.

  “I know something you don't know,” I sing across the kitchen in River's direction. His bright green eyes narrow at me as I continue to taunt him like we are back in sixth grade.

  “Spill, Star.” He continues watching me without any other words. I can tell he’s interested, but doesn't want to show exactly how interested he is in my new found information.

  “How do you feel about Paisley?” I question him, and his eyes soften, his lips push together, but instead of a hard line a smile peaks through. BINGO!

  “She’s sweet, quiet though. She's got some shit goin' on,” he tries to play it off. Anyone around here can tell something hasn't been right with her, but River is overly receptive when it comes to the sensitive side men should have.

  “You think she’s hot?” He’s blushing. Fucking blushing. I want to laugh in his face, because this boy is so damn shy. But it’s adorable, and I begin to think River is exactly who Paisley needs to fix the fucking mess she has created with her life. Just like it took River, Chrome, and Magnolia to fix mine.

  “She’s gorgeous, Star. All of you are.” Trying to win brownie points. “I gotta head down to the motel, I’m not sure how the new girl is working out.” He tries to make his escape, but I step in front of him before he is able to get out of the kitchen.

  “Yes or no, River?” I ask, and he knows exactly what I mean. I will play matchmaker the minute he says yes.

  “Yes, Star. Yes,” and he turns to walk out. Winning!


  I should have been back to Woodstock a lot earlier than this. As I pull up the driveway I notice an obscene amount of cars. River, Paisley, Seven and Levi, and of course Ryker's bike. I thought everyone would be asleep considering tomorrow is Christmas eve, but the closer I get to the porch the more commotion I hear. But what I walk in on is nothing I would ever expect.

  The music is blaring Bing Crosby's Christmas tunes, and everyone is sitting around the Christmas tree laughing. It’s like out of a movie, and it warms my cold heart. It has been so long since I’ve been happy about the holiday season. I always try and make it the best for Scarlett, but I’ve never been able to provide her with a real family Christmas. Scarlett and Star have become just as close as Magnolia and Star. She treats my baby girl just as she treats her own. The only difference is the fact that our family is split between two homes. I hope to change that tomorrow night.

  I walk through the door, and the small crowd erupts with a warm welcome home. It never gets old when I’ve been on the road for a couple days. Something I am praying will come to an end soon. I love the club, but the responsibilities it has been placing on my shoulders lately is just too much.

  That’s when I see them, cuddled up on the couch, lost in each other’s eyes. They both look like love-struck puppy dogs and I’m wondering what parallel universe I just walked into. Paisley laughs, and her long blonde locks fall into her face. River takes this opportunity to skim his finger across her pink cheek while he tucks the loose strands behind her ear.

  “What the hell?” I point at the two of them on the couch, and they both look at me like they got caught doing something wrong. Maybe they did? I’m still trying to decide if I’m happy about this pairing. “When did this take place?” That’s when my beautiful girlfriend cuts in.

  “Over dinner tonight, aren't they an adorable couple?” Her smile could light up the fucking Empire State Building. She is beaming, overjoyed that, not only is her sister finally out of the funk she’s been sulking around the house in for a month, but my baby brother has been the one to pull her out of it. I don't know much about Paisley because she has been a recluse since she got here, but I do know that River is just about the best guy you can find. My mother really taught him well.

  “Well, whatever.” I shrug and pull Star off the couch into my arms. “I missed you,” and her lips crash on mine. It has been four long days thinking about this moment. I want to throw her over my shoulder and drag her down the hallway to the master bedroom. I totally accept the fact that I am a fucking caveman when it comes to this woman.

  “If you will excuse us for a few minutes,” Star grabs my hand and starts to pull me toward the bedroom. I don't even need to make the first move, she clearly missed me just as much as I missed her.

  The living room explodes with hoots and hollers. The guys are whistling, the girls are yelling, and someone mentions something about protection. Ha. Yeah. I’m not too worried about that.

  The bedroom door slams shut, and her hand moves behind me pressing the lock into place. Her tongue slides up my neck, and my hands fist into her hair. I pull her pony tail and tilt her mouth up to mine. I press my lips against her welcoming mouth. She opens without an ounce of hesitation.

  “I missed you so fucking much,” I lift her up and she instinctually wraps her legs around my body. The heels of her boots rest right on my ass, and I can't wait any longer before I bury my cock deep inside her perfect pink pussy. I back up to the bed and toss her down. I pull the white sweater dress up, only to discover this dirty little bitch isn't wearing any panties and I almost blow my load right then and there.

  No matter how many times I will be balls deep inside her, it’s never enough. Eternity will never be enough. She is just too fucking perfect. A moan slips from her lips and I can't fucking hold back anymore. Her hands work on the button of my jeans and my aching cock springs free. I can't take it anymore, I spread her legs and roughly slam into her.

  “OH FUCK!” she screams, and a long drawn out moan follows. With those little sexy noises escaping her, I’m not going to last long at all. Jerking off for four days could never compare to the sweet warmth of her tight cunt.

  “Fuck baby girl, it gets better every fucking time,” I hammer into her harder with each thrust. Her hand reaches down between our bodies and rubs her clit.

  “Shit! Star you know that fucking drives me crazy.” a seductive smile spreads across her face, as she slides her hand further down and cups my balls. That’s all I need to tip over the edge. I slam my dick into her until my balls slap against her bare cunt, and I unload every drop of come I have deep inside her waiting cunt.

  As my dick empties the last bit of my seed, her pussy tightens around my dick, and she releases her own juices all over me. Watching her cunt squirt in release will never fucking get old, in fact the only thing I want to do is fuck her again as soon as I see her come every damn time.

  I collapse on top of her, and our chests desperately heave against each other as we try and catch our breath. Then, I hear it. A fucking giant crash outside the bedroom door. Followed by the hallway full of laughter. Fucking children. I don't need to open the door to know what’s going on, since it’s pretty typical around the house these days.

  Making a Move


  Most of the house has gone to bed for the night. Star and Chrome locked themselves in the master bedroom hours ago. Gross. Seven and Levi retired to the guest suite off the kitchen, and now just River and I sit on the couch bullshitting about anything and everything. Between my sister's big mouth, and all the glances I’ve
been stealing it’s obvious to River that I’m interested. I just never thought he would be such a gentleman.

  I’m used to assholes pawing at my clothing, or being interested in nothing more than a quick fuck. But, River. He is different. He is the sweet kind of guy I need to help me heal from all the shit I’ve been dealing with over the past couple months. Let's be honest here, Florida really fucked me up.

  I never thought I would see the day when I had to put the moves on a guy though. I mean, I’m not socially awkward when it comes to sexual tension by any means. I just want to approach this all in the right way.

  My head is swimming, and I’m pretty sure I should have skipped that last beer. Come to think of it, I’m a little shocked my sister allows any kind of alcohol in the house given her history. Maybe it’s just for the holidays? What the fuck ever. Why am I even thinking about any of this?

  “Wanna come up to my room for a bit? We can watch a movie or something.” I get up from River's lap, where I’ve been comfortably sitting for the past two hours. There has been no uncomfortable moments, when our bodies connect everything feels right for the first time in forever. I’m fucking cheesy.

  “Got National Lampoons Christmas Vacation?” River asks, standing up and stretching his legs. His arms shoot out over his head, and I can see the slightest bit of dark black hair on his stomach while his blue jeans ride low on his hips. I’m momentarily distracted while I ogle his body, then I realize he just mentioned my favorite Christmas movie of all time. Screw White Christmas, or It’s a Wonderful Life; National Lampoons is where it’s at!

  “Is Rusty still in the Navy?” I reply in my best Aunt Bethany voice, and River starts cracking up. Yup, something about this all is just right. His fingers lace between mine, and we make our way up the stairs, and to the end of the long hallway in the front of the house. My secluded bedroom sits far from everyone else, surrounded by two unoccupied spare rooms.


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