Seaside Seduction

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Seaside Seduction Page 10

by Sabrina Devonshire

  Below us, I saw the dirt runway, surrounded by desert vegetation.

  “I’m going to shoot an approach once to get a feel for the length of the runway before I line up to land.”

  He flew over the runway before circling and landing the plane neatly. He turned off the engines and flipped off the cabin lights.

  “Ethan, you stay here. I’ll pretend I flew the plane myself. Hopefully he’ll fall for it.” My voice echoed in the eerie darkness.

  “You’re going to go out there and meet them alone?”

  “I’ve got backup,” I said. I waved my remote before placing it in my pocket and patting it.”

  “I’m sure they’ll want to do a weapon search. If they take that thing away from you, you’ll be in real trouble.”

  “Don’t worry, they won’t.”

  “Okay.” Ethan paused. “Are you sure you don’t want back up? It’s damn dark out there.”

  “I’ll be fine don’t worry.” I had to convince myself as well as him. A single mistake could be deadly—for me or for Selena. Doubts catapulted around inside my head. What if the man who called wasn’t really Jose? Selena could already be dead. I hit a button on the remote. The door opened, and the stairs unfolded in front of me. Gripping my pistol tightly at my side, I walked down the stairs onto the dirt. “Is anyone there?” I called out tentatively.

  I was greeted only by eerie silence and the haunting glow of the crescent moon on the rocky terrain around me. I ground my molars together. Maybe I’m too late. Maybe I’ve lost her. The thought of losing her gnawed at my belly worse than any hunger I’d ever experienced. Selena. I strode a distance away from the plane, taking cover behind an ironwood tree. I illuminated my watch, checking the time repeatedly. I called out again, still no answer. Minutes turned into hours. “Damn.” My eyes had adjusted to the dim light, and I paced anxiously around the uneven, rocky terrain, feeling nervous sweat drip down my back. Holy hell. I’d never felt so helpless before.

  Then a car drove up. Two men stepped from the car and yanked open the back door. “Get out,” the man said gruffly. “And keep your hands where I can see them.” Two people got out of the back seat. I saw the outline of Selena’s flowing hair in the faint moonlight. Thank God she’s here.

  One man waved his gun around. “Game’s over, Mr. Gallero. I suggest you come out now, or I’ll have to shoot these two and start cutting them up in really small pieces. Are you alone?”

  “Yes, I’m alone.”

  “So you flew that jet down here yourself?”

  “Sure—I’ve had a pilot’s license since I was twenty—I fly this plane all the time.”

  “I hope for your sake, you’re telling the truth. Your lady won’t look so good in bite-sized pieces.” He let out a booming laugh.

  I clenched my fists. “What do you want? I’ll give you anything if you’ll turn those two over to me.”

  “Are you armed?”

  “Yes, I’ve got a pistol on me.” I tossed it out on the runway. One of the men illuminated it with a flashlight.

  “Very good. We appreciate your cooperation. It could very well prolong your lady’s life. Now you hand us the aircraft keys and come along with us—then we’ll release them.”

  Damn. I forgot the keys. I hadn’t planned to let Manual board the plane, but the keys were part of my plan to buy time. “You’re lying,” I said. “You tried to kill her that day I rescued her from the sea. Why should I believe you?”

  I slid my hand in my pocket and fingered my device.

  “Come out where I can see you,” Manuel ordered.

  “I’ll come out and give you the keys after you let them get in your car and drive away.”

  “Nicholas, no,” Selena shouted. “They’ll kill you.”

  “I suppose I could do that. It won’t take me long to track them down once I shoot a hole in your head anyway.”

  We’ll see about that. “Why do you want Selena dead?”

  “Because she and that brother of hers have a way of sticking their noses where they shouldn’t.”

  “What do you mean? What did they ever do to you?”

  “Her brother works undercover—he’s been chasing down drug network activity in U.S. states bordering Mexico. Apparently, he can’t get over the fact that drug gangs murdered his family. Some people just never get a life.” Manuel let out a bone-chilling cackle. “He found out I was working at Costa Verde Elementary and reported it to the San Diego police. I broke into Selena’s apartment, hoping to find his address so I could kill the fucker. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find it and even when Selena walked through the door and I threatened to kill her, she wouldn’t talk.”

  “So you raped her.” I spewed out the words, my clenched fists shaking with uncontrolled rage. I wanted to grab the man by the throat and rip him into pieces.

  Manuel’s evil laugh echoed off the granite hills around us. He strutted toward Selena and slid a hand down her back toward her bottom. “I would have loved—”

  “Get your hands off her or I won’t give you the keys!”

  “Fine.” He dropped his hands to his side. “But don’t you want to hear what happened after that?”

  I didn’t think I could bear hearing a description of him violating her. Every muscle in my body tensed and I sucked in a desperate breath like an asthmatic. “No, that’s not necessary.”

  “Don’t have the stomach to hear about me fucking your girl, eh? Well, unfortunately a neighbor called the cops and they showed up before I had the chance.”

  Oh, thank God. My taut muscles slackened. “But that still doesn’t explain how she ended up down here?”

  “Some agent Jose hired escorted her to the airport, but I had a man watching her apartment. They boarded a flight to Cabo and I gave them a cordial greeting at the airport. After shooting her escort in the head, I asked Selena if she’d like to take a little swim.” His maniacal laugh echoed into the night.

  Fucker. “Okay, enough talk. Let them leave if you still want the plane.” Pushing buttons on my remote, I clenched my teeth, hoping my skills at pocket punching were as good as I hoped.

  “I could shoot her dead and then come after you and kill you, too.”

  “That would be a really foolish move. This plane doesn’t operate by key. It requires two access codes.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “Are you willing to take that risk?”

  “Fine.” He tossed the car keys to Jose. “Take a little drive and we’ll catch up with you in a little while.”

  Selena let out a wail. “No, no. I won’t leave you here, Nick.”

  “Nick? You two are on quite friendly terms aren’t you? I bet you fucked her, didn’t you?”

  “Shut up, goddammit.”

  The man laughed and waved his rifle around. “Then it’s true? I ought to blow your fucking cock off.”

  “No, leave him alone.” Selena tried to rush toward me, but Manuel gripped her across the chest. She squirmed and thrashed, trying to escape.

  “You just try it, Manuel. Then you’ll have a damn expensive plane you can’t fly.”

  “Fine.” He turned and gave Selena a shove. “Get in the car and get out of here.”

  “I won’t,” said Selena defiantly.

  “You have to go, Selena. Everything will turn out for the best this way.”

  “Nothing will be good with you dead,” she cried. “I love you.”

  Blissful warmth blossomed inside my chest. “I love you, too. Just go and remember that first night we spent together. Then everything won’t seem so bad.”

  “I’m going to shoot you right now if you don’t shut up and get into that car,” said Manuel.

  “Come on.” Jose grabbed her by the arm. “Let’s go.”

  Selena’s sobs were cut off when the car door shut and there was a screech as Jose hit the accelerator and drove away.

  “Okay, Mr. CEO. It’s just us now. Now walk over here with your hands up so I can make sure you don’t have any more w

  I pulled it from my pocket and looked at the screen. I was into the program. Just two more buttons to press. “I’ll be out in a second. I just really had to take a leak.”

  “Hey, what was that noise? It sounded like it came from the aircraft.”

  I aimed and locked on the target and pressed the final button. “I don’t know what you’re talking abou—” My voice was blocked out by the sound of the weapon firing. I knew there wouldn’t be much more than ashes left of the two men. This weapon system was super-precise and could obliterate much larger targets. The program allowed me to choose building, vehicle or person and once the remote eye zoomed in on their shapes; it struck accordingly.

  I strode back to my jet and walked up the stairs, closing them up behind me. I stepped into the cockpit and flipped on the lights. “It’s over now, Ethan.”

  “What the hell did you just do?”

  “I told you this thing had some fire power.”

  “You weren’t kidding, were you? I only saw an orange flash and a monstrous explosion.”

  “Yeah, those guys won’t give us anymore trouble. You ready for some more excitement?”

  “Not really. Aren’t we going back to Tucson yet?”

  “Not until I save the girl. But to do that, we’ll have to make a water landing.”

  “Water landing? How the hell will I do that?”

  I pointed to the button that deployed the landing gears. “See the switch I installed above that? That releases the pontoons.”

  “Fuck. Are you kidding me?”

  “I’ve got to get you better trained on this aircraft, Ethan. It can do all sorts of amazing things. Now let’s get going.”

  Ethan neatly skimmed the plane off of the runway and flew along the coast toward Cabo. Moonlight glittered on the smooth water. As we approached the rugged coastline, Ethan flipped the switch.

  “Here goes nothing.”

  He landed the plane neatly on the surface of the water.

  “How are we going to keep from drifting off to sea?”

  I held up the remote. “I just press this anchor button.”

  “Okay, James Bond, I sure hope that works.”

  “Hasn’t everything so far? Now you stay here while I swim for it?” I peeled off my shirt and shucked off my pants to reveal my swimsuit.

  “Are you nuts?”

  “Come on, Ethan. You already know the answer to that.” I opened the door and plunged into the dark water. I swam to shore, thinking about Selena. I hoped she’d understood the subtext of what I’d said. Please be here. Oh, please.

  I dashed up the beach to the cove of rocks where we’d first made love. Her melodic voice broke into the silence of the night. “Nicholas, is that you?”

  I rushed toward her moonlight-outlined form. “Yes, Selena, I’m here.”

  She dove into my arms, clinging to me like she never wanted to let go—her soft curtain of hair tickling my face. “Thank God you’re okay. How did you get away?”

  “Let’s just say my private jet has many technological upgrades no one knows about. Manuel and his goons won’t be bothering you anymore.”

  She peppered my face with kisses. “I was so worried about you, Nick. I can’t bear the thought of losing you.” She took a step back and cleared her throat and looked toward another dark shape that stood nearby. “Sorry, I got a little carried away, Jose.”

  “I understand.”

  She turned toward me as the man stepped closer. “Oh, by the way, Nicholas, this is my brother, Jose.”

  “Nice to meet you.” I extended my hand, and he gave it a firm shake.

  “Nice to meet you, too. I’ve heard a lot about you. And thanks for saving our butts back there.”

  “It was a pleasure. So I’m just curious. Do you know how Selena ended up down here?”

  “I do. Once the story about Manuel’s work at the school leaked to the press, he sent a hit man after me, so I had to escape fast. Cabo seemed like the perfect hideout since this city has been fairly safe and quiet until recently. On my way out of town, I contacted another agent and asked him to go to Selena’s apartment and bring her down here. Since I didn’t know about the break-in, I never imagined anyone would be watching her apartment. When I never heard from her or Pete, I contacted the Cabo police. They said Pete’s body had been found in the desert near the airport and that you’d called in a missing person report. I watched your house after that because I knew those men would pursue Selena again if they learned she was still alive.”

  “So you were the one who shot one of the men at the hotel in La Paz.”

  “Yes. I followed your SUV to La Paz and checked into a room beside yours. When they attacked, I was ready. I haven’t slept one night since all this started.”

  “Without both of you, I’d be dead by now,” said Selena.

  “Fortunately, it’s all over. And if you’re up for a short swim, I can fly you both back to the States.”

  “What do you mean?” Jose stared out toward the sea.

  “My pilot landed the plane out there.” I pointed to the dark form, which bobbed over the waves. “It’s got pontoons.”

  “That’s some jet you got there,” said Jose.

  “You have to show me every one of its special features.” Selena linked arms with me and leaned in toward my neck.

  I kissed the top of her head. “That can be arranged as long as you’ll keep what you learn to yourself.”

  “I could do that.”

  “We better be on our way. I’ve got a very important business meeting at six AM, and if I’m not there, the American military is going to want to hang me.”

  Selena nuzzled my neck with her nose. “Let’s go.”

  “But first, there’s something I want to ask you.”

  “Oh, and what’s that.”

  I dropped into the sand in front of her and held her hands in mine. “I love you, Selena. So much more than I ever imagined I could love someone. And I can’t imagine not having you beside me every day of my life. Will you marry me?”

  Selena gasped. “Oh, Nick, yes.”

  “I rose and embraced her, capturing her lips in a kiss that sent waves of pleasure ricocheting through my body.

  When our kiss ended, Jose strode over and gave me a bone-crushing hug. “Wow, congratulations.”

  “Now let’s race,” I said. “There’s a shower on board and plenty of bathrobes in the closet. Once we clean up a bit, we can celebrate with a bottle of chilled champagne.


  3 months later

  After our wedding and reception at the historic Arizona Inn, Ethan flew us down to Jamaica for a two-week honeymoon in Ochos Rios. During the day we’d spent together so far, we’d made love, talked about our childhoods, our careers, our families, and even how we’d raise our kids. In no time at all, she’d become my lover, my best friend, and the one person in the world who knew me best. My mom had been thrilled I’d finally met someone and found Selena’s company such a delight; the two of them often chatted for hours like mother and daughter.

  Selena had found a teaching job at a south Tucson elementary school in a neighborhood where few kids finished high school. “Everyone in my class will graduate,” she’d said confidently. And I didn’t doubt her. The woman knew how to make an impression on people—she’d certainly made one deep inside of me.

  We cuddled in a hammock on our patio overlooking the Caribbean Sea; our naked bodies entwined, pillows under our heads. Our villa was the only one on this private crescent of white sand so clothing was optional and only worn during room service deliveries.

  “I can’t believe you’re taking two whole weeks off work.” After sipping her Jamaican Rum Punch, Selena leaned toward me, planting warm sensual kisses down my neck and across my chest.

  “The problem with work is that it doesn’t give me enough time to do this.” I skimmed my hands over her full breasts, bronzed after two days of naked swimming and sunning. Her nipples peaked at my persi
stent touch and excited goose pimples rose on her belly. “Making love once a day is like having an appetizer without dinner. I savor the taste, but still hunger for more. I much prefer being with you twenty-four hours a day so I can devour you over and over again.”

  She laughed. “If we do it much more today, you’re not going to have any skin left down there.” She slid her hands over my stomach toward my cock. “But I’m curious—do you think we can do it on here without falling off.”

  “I doubt it, but it’s worth a try.” I slid a leg across her hips and dropped my foot to the floor before standing on my other leg and straddling her.

  Selena opened her knees, exposing her already wet opening. I claimed her mouth, teasing her lips apart with my tongue, relishing the taste and texture of her tongue and full lips. She gripped me behind the head, urging my tongue in further as I plunged inside her mouth; mating with her lips as powerful lusty sensations ripped through my body. Blood rushed to my cock, engorging it, readying it for her warmth, for my possession of her.

  She moaned. “Oh, Nick. I love the way you kiss me.”

  “Hey, I learned this technique from you. Your lips are made for kissing. You’re so goddamn sexy—I’ll be a nymphomaniac the rest of my life.” My voice sounded ragged and desperate. My mind emptied of everything except hazy lust.

  I slid my hands down between her thighs, briefly wetting my fingers with her slick nectar before I slid them away, tempting, tracing them over her inner thighs until she squirmed. I knew she was desperate for a more intimate touch, so I spread apart her pussy lips so I could admire the delicious wet hole I was about to slide my cock into. It felt so warm and wet and made such a delicious sound as I moved my finger in and out of her. My cock pulsed just looking at her weeping hole.

  I opened her legs wider, desperate with lust and aimed my penis toward her hole. I groaned with hedonistic bliss as the head of my penis connected with the mouth of her opening. Its wetness overcame me, and I sank slowly inside, relishing her vagina’s squeeze. “Oh, Selena, you feel so good.” My breathing grew heavy and ragged.

  My feet still planted on the ground, I bent my knees and then pushed upward so I could sink in and out of her.


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