The Complete Dramatic Works of Tang Xianzu

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The Complete Dramatic Works of Tang Xianzu Page 36

by Tang Xianzu


  Let’s look and see

  How many separated lovers can meet,

  Like those in the celestial world.

  BAO SINIANG (To the previous tune):

  The birds,

  Let’s beg the dimly discernable silver birds,

  And the numerous black crows,

  To form a bridge across the celestial river.

  The crispy sound of pendants can be vaguely heard,

  Like the raindrops.

  Tonight we are in the mood

  To look at the sky by the window,

  To walk about in lithe steps,

  And to enjoy the most unforgettable sights.


  Let’s look and see

  How many separated lovers can meet,

  Like those in the celestial world.

  HUANSHA (To the previous tune):

  In a manner so sedate and dignified,

  I put up a windscreen with patterns of cloud,

  To bathe my face in moonlight

  And to pour out my long lovesickness.

  It is a quiet place here,

  Overflowing with sweet air.

  The celestial lovers clearly hear

  Through the breeze

  The happy whispers

  (Laughter within)

  Of the emperor and his mistress.


  Let’s look and see

  How many separated lovers can meet,

  Like those in the celestial world.

  LADY ZHENG (To the tune of Guluntai):

  Through the soft and tender night cloud,

  The bright moon and candlelight illuminate the painted screen,

  While fragrant smoke curls up from the incense burner.


  When the bright moon shines o’er the decorated houses.

  Who is walking quietly at night

  And celebrating the love so precious?

  Celestial lovers are enjoying an untroubled tryst,

  Which embodies the wish of all human lovers.


  There are endless words to tell her lover

  In a gentle breeze that flaps the silk ribbons on her dress.

  The love is as gentle as water;

  The date is as happy as a dream.

  The sky is clean and bright,

  But this precious night will soon be over.


  On this beautiful and bright night

  Who is lamenting over her fate in the moonlight?

  BAO SINIANG (To the precious tune):

  For love,

  Temporary reunion and joy

  Can be abandoned,

  As long as the love is loyal and permanent.

  HUO XIAOYU (In sorrow):

  While time slips away without a sound,

  The woeful west wind moans on and on.

  Having to part with the remote lover

  And suffer from long separation,

  The Weaving Girl returns to her loom

  And continues to weave her web of love.


  With the Cowboy lover in her mind’s eye,

  She sheds pearls of tears

  That soak her bolt of silk.

  A hairpin is given

  As a keepsake in private.

  The celestial river would surge and roar,

  Let alone the waters in the human world.

  (To the tune of Yibujin)

  A celestial bird will come to the human world

  And ask the frivolous husband

  Whether he sees the love between the Cowboy and the Weaving Girl.

  Mother and daughter are both filled with woe,

  And have to face the dim and flickering lamp.

  As the way to true love is hard to trail,

  It’s better to keep a lovesick lady company.

  Scene Thirty-Four

  Distress in the Frontier

  (Enter the generals and soldiers)

  GENERALS (To the tune of Northern Dianjiangchun):

  When frost falls on the Great Wall

  And the bright moon shines over the smooth sand,

  Our military flags are fluttering in wind.

  Against the wall is the array of weapons

  That shines towards the tent of the generals.

  “Our consultant leaves for Lanzhou at commander’s order;

  His green wagon runs fast under red clouds.

  The patrol flags in the frontier may have been changed,

  And the fortress in the mountains needs to be renovated.”

  We are subordinates of Governor Liu Gongji. His consultant Mr. Li Yi has dispatched troops to the Huile Peak and the city of Shouxiang to cut off Tubo troop’s retreat. As Mr. Li Yi will inspect the frontier tonight, all the watchmen, heighten your vigilance!

  (The soldiers respond in chorus)

  (Enter Li Yi, followed by attendants beating drums and holding lanterns)

  LI YI (To the tune of Jinlongcong):

  Numerous and fully armoured are our warriors

  Who fight bravely in the deserted western areas.

  The gongs are ringing high and low

  While the horns are resounding solemn and stirring.

  I feel chilly in the wind wearing a gorgeous embroidered robe,

  But our troops are assembled for training at dawn.

  “Frost fell in the frontier last night

  When the moon was shining and horns were blowing loudly.

  The wild geese can never fly over the Great Wall;

  The music of Xiaochanyu is blown here by autumn wind.”

  I’m a man of letters, but am now acting as a military consultant in the frontier. The military affairs make me very tired. Now pass my order for all the generals and soldiers to sharpen their vigilance!

  (The generals and soldiers respond in chorus)

  LI YI:

  Roll up the tent curtain so that I can watch the view of the frontier!

  (To the tune of Yijiangfeng)

  After I get off the wagon,

  We roll up the tent curtain

  And ascend the city wall.

  Our flags flutter

  Against the light of lanterns —

  What a sight of beauty!

  Are the flames in the distance from the night hunting by the Huns?


  It’s not the night hunting,

  It’s not the night hunting,

  It’s the beacon signaling peace and safety.

  The generals guarding the Yumen Pass are to be promoted.

  It’s the Huile Peak ahead.

  LI YI (To the previous tune):

  Have a look over there,

  Where the endless wildness

  Arouses bleak and sad feelings.

  Is that snow?


  It’s the sand.

  LI YI:

  The dense and thick sands over there

  Look like swirling snow.

  I should drink wine beside the desert,

  I should drink wine beside the desert.


  You can also write poems on the ancient battlefield,

  But you have to build barriers before the enemy arrives.

  Here we are in the city of Shouxiang.

  LI YI (To the previous tune):

  Cold and desolate,

  Everything is shrouded in the slight mist

  And shimmering in the shadow.

  Is it frost?


  It’s the moonlight.

  LI YI:

  The moon palace is visible

  When the moon is crystal-clear and bright.

  My robe bears the trace of frost,

  My robe bears the trace of frost.


  The moon goddess above the city wall

  Brings grief to the warriors here.

  LI YI:

  Now I’ll sit here for a while.

  (To the previou
s tune)

  Sitting on the chair,

  I watch the bright moon over the desert,

  (Flute music within)

  With loud music coming into my ear.


  Where does the flute music come from? Is it Guanshanyue or Siguiyin?

  (Look back in the direction of their hometowns)

  (Point at the clouds)

  Isn’t that my hometown Luoyang? Isn’t that my hometown Chang’an? Isn’t that his hometown Longtou?

  (Li Yi also looks in the direction of his hometown and weeps)


  Startled by the flute music,

  We miss our hometowns all the night.

  Where are our hometowns?

  Where are our hometowns?

  We feel sad for parting with families,

  And weep with heart-broken tears.

  (Enter Scout Wang)


  “Weeping at the sound of the flute,

  We tie our letters home to the geese’s feet.”

  Your Excellency, I’m Scout Wang from General Lu’s official residence in the capital. I’m sent here to inquire Governor Liu Gongji about the situation in the frontier. Do you want me to take a letter home for you?

  LI YI:

  I really have to trouble you for this. I’m afraid that a single letter isn’t enough to convey my love and longing for my wife. So let me paint the night scene here on foldable paper screen to tell her my loneliness. Qiuhong, bring me the painting brush and colourings.

  (Enter Qiuhong)


  “Painting paper is unfolded,

  On which homesickness is conveyed.”

  Here is the painting brush and ink.

  LI YI (Paints):

  (To the tune of Sanxianqiao)

  There’s withering grass all round

  In the frontier at sunset.

  Along the riverside,

  I vaguely see wild geese in flight.

  On the city wall in the painting,

  I add several small points

  That represent our fluttering flags,

  While the Huns are far away from this place.


  I take out the silk handkerchief

  To wipe off my tears of lovesickness.

  Following the regular way of painting,

  With my brush dipped in ink,

  I draw the sight of wind and sand.

  On the screen,

  I paint sections and sections of the Great Wall,

  But cannot paint my fond dream of family reunion.

  Let me add the snow-like sand and the frosty moonlight.

  (To the previous tune)

  Why is the remote snow-like desert

  Providing little joy for the Huile Peak?

  With frost over the Shouxiang City,

  My picture represents warriors

  Accompanying sand and moonlight.

  When shadows are swaying,

  And everything is shrouded

  In misty light greenness,

  Our tents are quiet in the chilly night.

  Looking around, I’m overwhelmed with sorrow,

  In unbearable coldness and loneliness.

  My brush falls softly on paper,

  Depicting the evening glow

  And the dim twilight.

  On the paper screen,

  I paint with ingenuity

  In the hopes of depicting this place for my lonely wife.

  Let me add a warrior looking in the direction of his hometown and listening to the flute music.

  (To the previous tune)

  The wind blows on a moonlit night,

  Carrying the refined flute music

  Of warriors’ homesickness

  Throughout the night.

  Together we look into the distance

  With homesick tears,

  Snuggling up on the Great Wall

  And staring blankly in trance.

  The willows in the hometown

  Might be shivering and falling in the west wind.

  When I stay in the frontier at dawn,

  I play some music in the open air,

  But The Liangzhou Tunes can hardly express my feelings.

  On the paper screen,

  How can I send the music I play

  To the pining wife at home?

  Now the painting is finished. Let me inscribe a poem on it.

  “The sand before the Huile Peak is like snow;

  The moonlight in the Shouxian City is like frost.

  Where is the flute music coming from

  That makes us homesick all night?”

  Now you can bring this to my wife, Scout Wang.


  You’ll surely have a letter in reply.

  LI YI (To the tune of Coda):

  No match to General Li Guang in old times,

  I depict the snow, moon, frost and sand here,

  For the south-flying geese to bring home.

  (Exit Scout Wang)

  (Enter the messenger)


  “It’s good anyway that the birds fly south,

  But for whom has the messenger come?”

  I’m a messenger from the capital to inform Mr. Li Yi that he’ll be transferred to another place. Let me go straight inside.

  (Greets Li Yi)

  Congratulations! By His Majesty’s decree, you’re appointed to work in the Secretariat as the military consultant to General Lu. And you’re required to leave immediately.

  LI YI:

  How come this happens? Let me tip the messenger first and then write a farewell letter to Governor Liu.


  Governor Liu is also ordered back to the court to take charge of the imperial military affairs.

  LI YI:

  Oh, I see.

  Before I come from frontiers to the court,

  With weeping eyes I paint a paper screen.

  Now that my wife is waiting there for nought,

  She’ll have more woe for what she’s seen.

  Scene Thirty-Five

  The Frontier Governor Returns

  (Enter Liu Gongji, followed by the subordinates)

  LIU GONGJI (To the tune of Baoding’er):

  Our military camp looks imposing,

  With beautiful clouds floating in the sky

  And the stars of war setting in the west.

  When the frontier’s warfare is over,

  The swords and chariots will be left unused.

  A frontier governor will stay behind,

  To patrol the peaceful borders.


  When autumn hears the sound of drums

  And sees the fluttering military flags,

  Brave warriors gather in the camp.


  “With all the military affairs under my command,

  I serve in the army in the autumn frost.

  General Ban Chao was promoted in his old age

  While General Li Guang was never given a title.”

  I’m Liu Gongji, now stationed beyond the Yumen Pass. Since I came here, I’ve put quiet a few talents in important positions and have expanded our territory.

  “When the nomads’ tents are swept away at last,

  The entire Yellow River flows into the Han territory.”

  His Majesty’s decree came yesterday that I should go back to the court to take charge of the imperial military affairs. Mr. Li was appointed to work in the Secretariat as General Lu’s military consultant. I suppose Li’s letter to me will soon arrive.

  (Enter a soldier with Li Yi’s letter)


  “The geese bring the letter at dawn,

  While the scouts return at dusk.”


  Here’s a letter from Mr. Li Yi.

  LIU GONGJI (Smiles and reads the letter):

  “Dear respected Governor Liu,

  During the three years I work here under you, I’v
e received great care and favour from you. But I am still suffering from great homesickness. As we are far away from each other, I cannot say goodbye to you personally. Fortunately, I shall benefit from your return and promotion at the court. I am sending you this letter to shorten the distance between us. Your grand feats will surely bring you a bright future. So much for this letter. Respectfully yours, Li Yi.” Alas! Mr. Li Yi has already left for General Lu’s garrison. Now that I’ve received His Majesty’s decree, I should not stay here any longer. Attendants, fetch the golden seal of the Frontier Governor and hand it over to the vice commander. I’ll be on my way today.

  (Enter the vice commander, followed by the subordinates)


  “We work under your command

  And pay you great respect.

  We all envy your return with grand feats

  That excel the ancient heroes.”

  Congratulations on your return to the court!


  What contributions have I made to get such favour from His Majesty?

  (To the tune of Zhuomu’er)

  I am old but still have a heart of devotion,

  Remaining energetic and high-spirited.

  How many ancient generals enjoyed their retired life?

  To my relief I can now enjoy a leisurely life.

  (Raises his hand)

  I’ve served my duties with your assistance;

  Now that I have to part with you by His Majesty’s decree,


  I cannot help dropping tears on my robe.


  Ah, Your Excellency!

  (To the previous tune)

  You can deploy the army and handle the warfare

  By studying intensively the arts of war.

  By reversing the desperate situation and settling the military affairs,

  You are more meritorious than the most famous ancient generals.


  In chorus we congratulate you on your promotion!


  With tearful cheers echoing in the gloomy music,

  We’ll no longer enjoy wine and songs at the banquet.


  It’s time to say goodbye.


  Please stay a couple of nights longer so that the people here can express their thanks to you for your heroic deeds.


  The imperial military affairs are busy and urgent, so I must be off at once. The Frontier Governor’s golden seal is now handed over to the vice commander. Please take good care of it!

  (Hands over the seal)

  (To the tune of Sanduanzi)

  Tie the big golden seal with ribbons

  And hang it on your elbow.

  When you do not hang it on your elbow,

  Keep it safely in front of your bed.

  If the seal should be stolen,

  Military affairs might be mismanaged.

  The seal should never be misused,

  For military affairs are no joking matters.


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