The Book of Joshua I - Trust (The Gems & Gents Series 2)

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The Book of Joshua I - Trust (The Gems & Gents Series 2) Page 19

by Iris Bolling

  Royce smiled. “LaSheera Abdulrazaaq. She was King Tochi’s lover and the mother of his only child.

  Joshua threw the picture on the table and watched when Royce stopped it with his hand. “Tell me the story.”

  Royce frowned at the angry tone Joshua had taken. However, he respected the man enough to know he had a reason for the question. “Tochi was educated here, in the United States. We met at Howard University and became friends. When he returned home he married Queen Maya. As with most in that region, it was an arranged marriage. Tochi understood and accepted his responsibilities. As it turned out Maya could not bear children. Marriages in that region are different than here. The husbands are allowed to have other wives or concubines. Tochi turned to the daughter of one of his trusted servants, LaSheera Abdulrazaaq. As you can see, she was quite beautiful. Believe it or not, she was more beautiful on the inside. Tochi fell in love with her. When I went to visit him that last time, I met her and I believe she stole a piece of my heart as well. She was a very proud woman and fearless to a fault. Tochi warned that that pride of hers would get her killed one day. As it turned out, he was correct. Before I left, Tochi confided in me that he believed his brother was conspiring to take his throne. He gave me that picture of them and their child. We had the child finger printed and DNA tested to prove parentage. All of that information was filed and sealed to protect the child's identity.” Royce tilted his head as he looked at Joshua. “You are under the impression that I was the child’s father. Why?”

  Joshua pulled out his handheld device, hit a few buttons then stared at the screen. He hesitated, but knew what he had to do.

  “Gentlemen, meet Akande Ariana Aubree, better known to you as Sofiat Abdulrazaaq. The true Queen of Asmere.”

  Senator Davenport picked up the device, looked at the picture of a sleeping Akande and could not believe his eyes. He looked up at Joshua, then back at the picture. “Where has she been all this time? We searched Asmere and beyond.”

  “If what I think happened, she’s been in the basement of the palace in Asmere. Joshua stood, his nerves would not allow him to sit any longer. “It all makes sense now.” He looked at the Senator. “They don’t care about the sanctions. They want to destroy any proof of her existence and anyone who knew of the proof. That’s why they want you and Akande together in one place. They brainwashed her into believing you’re her father. She was told you dishonored her mother during one of your visits to Asmere. When you were told her mother was with child you disowned the child, then convinced the powers to be in the United States that the leaders of Asmere were corrupted in some way.” He picked up the device. “She has been an assassin in training for fifteen years. Like you, they could not find her for years. Once they did, they began to plot this revenge against you. Now that the diamond mines have been discovered, the timeframe to implement the plan changed. They don’t care about sanctions. They want you and Akande in the same place to kill you which tells me one thing. You better beef up security. They are here.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  The tea kettle whistled the moment she hung up the call from Royce. The situation he was working on was at a sensitive point. He had to stay in D.C. Shelly could not believe how this man had become such a part of her in just a week. But, he had. Royce Davenport had come in and rocked her world. One minute they would be sitting around talking world events and then the next minute he had her body feeling like it was in heaven.

  Thinking of him, and the way he makes her feel, she decided against the tea. Instead she pulled out the bottle of wine Royce brought the last time he was there. She took a glass from the cabinet and filled it to the rim. She sat in the chair in the family room, pulled her feet up under her and stared at the sofa. They made out on the damn sofa like teenagers. She laughed out loud. As if on cue, her cell phone rang. She did not have to look at the caller ID to know it was Rocy calling. She picked it up from the table, laughing. “Hello, Rocy.”

  “Hello, Shelly. It’s been a minute. How are things going?”

  Shelly took a long drink of her wine, then sat the glass down. “I discovered something really important.”

  “What was that?”

  “You know, I don’t kiss and tell,” she said sweetly. “But DAMN.”

  Rocy fell out laughing on the phone. “You gave up the cookies to Royce Davenport?”

  Shelly held her arms out, animated with the story. “It just happened. It started the moment he walked in the door. I swear the heat in the house hit a hundred and fifty degrees before dinner was over. After dinner it was on. Everything came off.”

  Rocy was on the phone screaming as if she was there with them. “Okay, okay, okay, here’s the question. Can he work it?”

  Shelly laughed. “My body is still humming.”

  “From Tuesday? Damn, Shelly.”

  “Well, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.”

  “Wait,” Rocy paused. “Every night this week? He’s coming again tonight?”

  “No,” she took a drink. “He asked me to come to his place in D.C. this weekend. I don’t know if I can do that.”

  “Yes, you can,” Rocy replied. “You deserve to have a man who knows how to make your body come alive. Just don’t give the man a heart attack. Remember he is a little older than us.”

  Shelly took a drink of her wine. Calmer now, she resumed the conversation. “I think that’s why we enjoyed last night so much. We are older. We knew what we wanted and there were no inhibitions on either part. He didn’t hold back and neither did I.” Shelly shook her head. “I have never experienced anything like this before.”

  “Enjoy it, Shelly. Make the most of whatever the Senator has to offer. Just be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  She hesitated. She did have concerns about this relationship with Royce. She was a school teacher, he a politician. She liked him, more than liked him, but she just wasn’t sure they were a good fit. “I told him I don’t own pearls.”

  “I cannot believe you are letting something so trivial hold you back from a caring man.” Rocy hesitated. “So what, we did not grow up with pearls like, Tammy Richardson. You are good people, Shelly. You are who you are. You can’t change it and you shouldn’t want to. I bet you Tammy is not getting her rocks off like you.” The two laughed.

  “You know Rocy, for the first time in my life, I just want to enjoy my sexuality. Royce seems to be at the same point. I’m not expecting anything from him. When this ends, it ends. For now, I’m going to enjoy the man and his body.”

  “Good for you, Shelly. Let me know how it goes. I’m living vicariously through you these days. Talk to you soon.”

  “Check you later, Rocy.”

  Shelly picked up her glass of wine, turned some Will Downing on the stereo, and went upstairs to run her a nice hot bath. Afterwards, she was going to pack an overnight bag and spend the weekend with Royce. To hell with the damn pearls.


  Joshua appeared to be asleep when Akande came out of the shower. They had made love all afternoon. He looked so peaceful. Looking at his body, his back was so strong. She smiled at the way he even smiled in his sleep. Something buzzed. She looked around and saw his cell phone light was on. She didn’t know much about cell phones, but it looked like a message was coming through. She gasped when she saw the name, Royce Davenport appear. He had contacted Senator Davenport. She sighed. He had kept his promise.

  The reality of the moment sent chills up her spine. This would probably be the last time they would be together. Her mission was about to end. The mission driven Akande was about to re-emerge. The woman, Akande, wanted to hold him one last time. She took her robe off and laid her naked body on top of his. She just needed to feel his skin against hers.

  Joshua did not move when she lay on his back. He could tell from the tears, flowing down his back she was battling with herself. Telling her what he knew would ease her fears. However, he was ordered not to reveal the information at this time. Senator Davenport was using
his contacts to locate Tarik’s people. They knew someone from Asmere was in the United States to destroy the information and kill Akande once her mission was complete. Before they set the trap, Joshua wanted to know where every player was on the chest board. He wanted to keep this woman in his life, now that it was a fact she was not the enemy. Very few things surprised him. When he pulled the picture from the file, and Akande’s eyes looked back at him, the Senator could have stuffed him in an oven and called him done. For a second, only for a second, he thought not to reveal the discovery. Then he was angry. If the file had been released when it was first requested, this situation could have been solved before they left Asmere. If it had, then the cave would not have happened, and he would have never experienced the feelings he had for her. That was something he wasn’t sure he would have changed. The time in the cave meant something to him. Hell, how many people get to play Adam and Eve? Now, all jokes aside, he could only pray when all was said and done, she would choose him over Asmere.


  Royce had just hit send on his phone when Kathy buzzed his line indicating he had a visitor. He put the phone away and stood as JD walked into his office. "Governor," Royce extended his hand. "Always good to see you."

  "Thank you for making the time, Senator." JD shook his hand then turned to LaVeré. "Senator, I don't believe you have formally met Prince LaVeré Ashro of Emure."

  "No, we haven't met.” Royce extended his hand. "Prince Ashro. Please have a seat.”

  LaVeré shook his hand and took the offered seat.

  JD began. "I'm here as an intermediary between Emure and the United States. We have a situation."

  Royce knew this all too well, however, all parties had been sworn to secrecy until they could locate and contain the killers from Asmere. The statement confused him. "A situation?"

  "Yes." JD shifted in his seat. "You are aware of the incident earlier today here, concerning Joshua Lassiter and a young woman from Asmere?"

  Royce nodded. "I am."

  "During that incident information was revealed concerning the kidnapping of Prince LaVeré’s sister, Princess Zsa Zsa. The information was investigated and we now have proof that a member of the royal family was involved. We also understand that the young woman rescued with the Princess was a ploy. Her intent was to get to the United States to take your life."

  "I am aware of that." Royce sat forward now intrigued with the information.

  "The information given by this member of the royal family was a partial payment for the kidnapping. Another ten million dollars exchanged hands giving them financing needed to carry out your assassination. The person involved knows of the strong relationship between Prince LaVeré and the Lassiter brothers. He also knew that Samuel and Joshua worked for the government. It was their intention that the kidnapping of a member of the royal family would bring one or two of the brothers to Emure. Which, it did. That brings us to the current situation." He turned to LaVeré.

  "Our family has no wish to cause you any harm or to be in disgrace with the United States by taking such action." LaVeré sat forward. "I am certain you are aware of the current partnership for protection of a certain parcel of land near the border of Emure and Asmere."

  Royce agreed, "Yes, I am."

  "For that reason and many others we wish to keep the good relations between your country and ours intact."

  With a frown on his face Royce asked, "Do you know the reason for the traitorous act by your family member?"

  "I do not." However, King Aswan has been notified of the situation. Once he arrives, it will be dealt with, swiftly.

  Royce sat back, then glanced at JD. "It is your belief that they wanted the ransom to finance my assassination. I'm afraid it is much deeper than that. For your sake, he looked at LaVeré, I pray this family member was not aware of the true purpose of the ransom." Royce pulled a folder from his desk drawer. "I was working on this just before you came in." He put one of the pictures from the folder on the desk in front of LaVeré. He pointed to the picture. "This is Tarik only hours ago. This is the army he has financed from money gained from the kidnapping." He pulled out another picture. His plan is to attack the palace and take control of your country. I'm certain you know why."

  "The diamond shafts."

  JD looked at LaVeré. "Diamonds?"

  "A strip of land between the borders of Asmere and Emure was recently excavated for a settlement during which time a substantial mine shaft of diamonds was discovered. No one other than members of the royal family and the United States knows of this."

  "We have been protecting the area at Emure's request."

  "This Tarik person is aware of this and is planning to take control of the area."

  Royce shook his head. "The region. The discovery is so substantial that whoever controls it will control that region."

  "Thus the U.S. intervention,” JD nodded in understanding. “We do not want an unsavory leader with that much control in that region."

  Royce sat back and sighed. "Greed never ceases to amaze me." He sat up with another question. "Something is still not clear. Why the attempt on Joshua and Akande's lives? They wanted her here to carry out the mission. Why try to kill her before that is done?"

  "She saw the person at the Asmere palace." JD explained. "She recognized him at a hotel here in D.C. The chase pursued and you know the outcome.” JD shook his head. “I’m still not clear on why all the cloak and dagger? If they wanted to kill you, why send the girl? Why not a professional assassin or a member of their military?”

  “That’s where the plot gets a little deep.” Royce stated. “We are speculating on some of this mind you, but here’s what we believe. Akande has been brow whipped into believing it is her responsibility to restore her family’s honor and stabilize the country for it was her mother and father, me, who brought this hardship on their country. Therefore, it was her duty to have the sanctions lifted and kill the man who dishonored her mother. The reason behind the plot was simple. They needed me to present the evidence given to me by King Tochi so it could be destroyed. Once the evidence was destroyed, then they could kill the only two people who could threaten their reign. The true leader and the person with the evidence, me.”

  “Why Akande?” LaVeré asked.

  Royce smiled. “It has not been verified. But we believe Akande is King Tochi’s daughter.”

  “The true ruler of Asmere.” JD sat back as a smile began to form.

  “Then why not kill the girl.” LaVeré asked, still confused.

  “We are told Queen Sermyera enjoys torture. We believe at first it was to torture her sister’s child. I met her, years ago. She was very jealous of her sister. See, when King Tochi requested a daughter from his servant, Sermyera was the chosen one. The King discovered Sermyera wasn’t pure and rejected her. He then turned to her sister LaSheera. King Tochi fell in love with LaSheera and loved the child even more. This only fueled Sermyera’s jealousy.”

  “I remember when Tarik married Sermyera, many believed they conspired to kill King Tochi and his family.” LaVeré added. “According to my father LaSheera escaped from the palace and hid the child.”

  “That is true. Her body was found outside the palace as was her father’s.” Royce acknowledged. “Tarik knew we were searching for the child and had been watching them closely. The girl never surfaced. How Sermyera found her, we don’t know. Their fear was the United States would declare war if the body of the heir was ever discovered. They could not risk the child being discovered dead or alive, they would have been removed from the throne.”

  They both stopped talking and turned to the now quiet JD. “What are you thinking?” Royce asked.

  JD stood. “Give me a minute.” He walked over and stood in the middle of the office, put his hands in his pockets and just hung his head in thought. He sighed and looked up a minute later. “We may have a solution to stabilizing that region.”

  “I’m all ears,” Royce said as LaVeré looked on.

u may not like it, but the more I play it around in my head. It may be the perfect answer.”

  “Are you going to share your thoughts?” LaVeré asked.

  “I’m thinking a merger between Emure and Asmere.”

  “We are enemies,” LaVeré stated. “Have you not been listening for the last hour?”

  JD walked back over and sat down. “You are enemies with Tarik and this Sermyera person. You are not enemies with the true Queen of Asmere.”

  Royce caught on. “A union would eliminate the threat in the area.” He nodded in agreement. “It could work.”

  “What could work?” LaVeré frowned.

  Both men stared at him.

  Chapter Twenty

  The train ride from Richmond to Union Station in D.C. was just the amount of time she needed to settle her nerves and prepare her mind mentally for the weekend. Naturally, she brought a romance novel to read on the way. The choice tonight, Deadly Sexy, by Beverly Jenkins. When Ms. Jenkins created that fine ass Reese Anthony, she out did herself. Shelly licked her lips just thinking about those black cherries. What better way to set the mood? She sat back crossed her legs, and began the story of the sexy truck driver.

  An hour later, Shelly was humming as the taxi pulled up to the address Royce had given her. She was ready for what she was going to find behind that door. Walking through that door meant she was ready to accept the possibility of a permanent relationship with Royce. Her life would change, that was for sure. She was taking a chance accepting his offer. To her, Royce was worth whatever the consequences might be.

  She put the key in the lock and turned it. Smiling as the door opened. Quickly she looked around for the alarm panel he told her about. “There it is,” she smiled and walked towards it, but then it dawned on her, it hadn’t gone off. Hmm, she thought, turned, took the handle of her little overnight bag and walked into what she supposed was the family room. Looking over her shoulder she was admiring the curving staircase, when she felt the impact of a cold metal object pressing against her head.


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