My Sweet Escape: A Touched by an Angel Novel

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My Sweet Escape: A Touched by an Angel Novel Page 17

by Roselynn Reyes

  I assumed that was my cue. I grabbed my small bouquet of white roses and walked out the door. I realized that I’d forgotten to thank the ladies, but everything faded when I looked at the person standing in front of me. He was coordinated to match my dress. I looked into his baby blue eyes and he pulled me into a small hug.

  “How are you feeling?” asked Craig as he let go of me and touched my jaw.

  “Not as well as you Craig,” I joked as I removed my hands from his. “Come on. Let’s get this show over with, please.”

  Craig grabbed my hand again and led me through the back entrance when the music began and the flower girl walked towards the altar. There were a couple of hundred people present and I immediately became nervous. Everything was white in the decorations. The roses, the carpet, the chair covers, the tablecloth, the centerpieces, you name it. But it looked beautiful. The only colors visible were the guests, and my father’s black tux.

  Our lawn was covered with some sort of removable pavement so our heels wouldn’t sink into the grass. This wedding had the most beautiful view yet; a small creek where swans spent afternoons like these. It was the perfect finishing touch to the wedding because there were at least two dozen of them. Someone must have been feeding them in order for them to hang around and wait for more food like that.

  “Are you ready?”

  I looked up at Craig’s sweet baby face and nodded. We exited the house and began to slowly march towards the altar with the pace of the music. Immediately, people began to turn and look at me. Once they got a good eyeful, they would whisper to each other, look back at me, and then whisper some more. I tried to put a smile on my lips, but they were frozen. This must have been the longest short walk ever because I tried really hard not to turn back around and run away from this. But Craig’s grip on me was pretty tight, so I was sure not going anywhere. I was also certain that some of my whip scars could be visible through my dress and loose hair.

  Once I stood on the opposite side of my father, the music boomed with more energy, announcing Helen’s entrance. And she did what she’d intended to: turn everyone’s head. She walked with her back straight and her head held high. Walking with elegance and radiance, seeking the attention of the whole community of Princeton. Helen walked alone, drawing all the attention to her.

  As soon as she was in front of my father, the ceremony began. The lawyer, my father’s best friend Anthony, asked everyone to send a small prayer to god for my safe arrival home. We had a minute of silence. Then we sent out another prayer for Hunter. I tried really hard not to cry while the audience was quiet. Thankfully I didn’t. I just stood there with the white roses in my hands. But I didn’t hear anything. I didn’t hear the ceremony, I didn’t hear when they exchanged their vows, and I didn’t hear the music start up again. Craig brought me back when he took a hold of my hand and led me away.

  Once everyone began to enter the reception, I excused myself and disappeared to my bedroom for a few hours. I needed away from everyone, including Craig before he starts asking questions. I walked in and instantly realized I’d missed it. My room was huge. Everything was still pink and yellow, including my sheets and curtains. But I also had a small sitting area with white couches and a flat screen mounted on the wall. My bathroom was my sanctuary. I had a hot tub large enough to fit four people, and a large vanity table with all my makeup still scattered around it.

  I walked towards my window and sat down on the cushioned windowsill. I looked out the window as more guests arrived. I just sat there and thought about everything that had happened to me on this long journey. I didn’t cry. But I did remember the last and best moment I’d spent with Hunter.

  Chapter 15

  I realized that a few hours had passed when the sun began to set. I needed to declare my presence once more before I called it a night. I wanted to relax in my bed. I wanted to soak in my tub. I put my shoes back on and made my way outside. There were at least five hundred people now, and the whole area was illuminated completely, making it look like a dream world.

  Friends, distant relatives, and acquaintances asking about my well-being stopped me at least fifty times between the back door and my father’s table. I gave them a small smile and said, “I’m okay.” But it was a lie that even I wouldn’t believe.

  I sat at the table and faced the lake, watching the swans prepare themselves to fly south for the winter. I watched them all leave, and then I watch the water settle until it looked frozen.

  I saw my father a few times. I danced a couple of jazz solos with him. He would give me a kiss and I would go back to my table and let him enjoy his day. When he came back from the honeymoon, we needed to talk about everything I’d gone through, even the stuff I’d seen in Afghanistan. Until then, I wanted him to enjoy his night. Nobody approached me to ask me to dance. I guess it was written all over my face that I didn’t want to be bothered.

  The waiter came and brought me dinner. I don’t know what it was because it looked like one of those rich people dishes that Helen loved. But it was incredible. I couldn’t remember the last time that I’d eaten something this good, so rich in taste. I looked around, hoping that there wasn’t anyone watching the way I’d inhaled two helpings in a matter of ten minutes.

  There was someone watching, because as soon as I was done with the second plate, a hand appeared in my view. “Let’s dance, Samantha.”

  The meal had made me feel better, because I accepted Craig’s offer. We danced for a while in silence. Craig smelled my hair and said, “God Samantha, I missed you.”

  I pulled away a bit. This is the only way I can break up with him without any problems. “Craig, I need space.”

  Craig looked into my eyes and caressed my cheeks. “Babe, I finally got you back…”

  “I understand you Craig, but I have been through so much. I just need to be alone for a while.”

  He just stared at me for a while in silence until he said, “I’m sorry you went through everything alone. I wish I could have been there with you. I wish I could have taken all the torture instead of you.”

  I looked into his baby face and said, “I was alone for the torture. But I wasn’t alone for the part of getting out. Angel was with me the whole time. He never turned his back on me. No matter how difficult it was for us to escape...”

  He laughed brutally, cutting me off. I forgot how much of a jerk he could be. “You mean that military junkie who ditched you as soon as he dumped you in the hospital?”

  I stopped dancing and I began screaming loud enough for everyone on the dance floor to hear. “You don’t have the slightest idea of what I’ve gone through. I was raped, Craig, over and over again, until they got tired of me. I was beat up. I was tortured. I was shot at. I was treated like I was nothing. And here you stand trying to prove a point that is completely irrelevant to what I just went through in Afghanistan. I forgot what an asshole you are.” I slapped him hard enough for the people around us to stop dancing and gawk at us. “Go fuck yourself Craig, its over,” and walked away, leaving him standing on the dance floor alone.

  I went back to my table and sat down. If these people thought that I was going to run away and cry like a girl, they were wrong. I got a few orders of champagne and stared out at the lake like before.

  I began to feel the buzz of the alcohol when my father went to the stage where the jazz performers were. I clumsily picked up my glass and stood up, assuming that he was going to toast his wife.

  “May I have everyone’s attention, please? I would like everyone to stand up.” He waited a few seconds for everyone to get up. “I want to thank the only man who took the mission of rescuing my daughter. The only man who cared about my innocent girl’s safety. A man who made the impossible possible and brought my daughter safely home. A man to whom I will forever be in debt.” I dropped the champagne glass, and everyone turned to me, except for my father. He continued, “Please welcome Navy SEAL veteran, Angel Polanski, with a respectful round of applause.”

ryone went silent because nobody was coming forward. But then I saw him. He exited the back door of the house, and the only people who noticed him were the young women. Most of them straightened their hair and stuck out their busts with extra emphasis.

  He was in a Vera Wang tuxedo that fit his body perfectly. His broad chest and thick thighs were still visible underneath all those clothes, and it clearly looked like he’d gotten back into shape, which was perfect. The straight black pants made him look taller than I last remembered. I didn’t know what he looked better in, the tux or his army uniform. But they were both breathtaking.

  He didn’t see me, or at least he shouldn’t be able to. I was a little secluded from his line of sight. But he did. He turned those brilliant blue eyes to me at the same time everyone began to cheer and applaud him as he made his way to the stage. His buzz cut was shorter and sexier than ever, bringing his exquisite cheekbone structure and perfect pink lips to life.

  I looked over at Helen, who was looking a little bored until Angel appeared. She smoothed her expensive dress and made her way to the stage so she could get some attention. She kissed each cheek and stepped aside to admire him, like every other woman in this reception.

  My father gave him a tight hug after he said, “God bless you,” through the microphone. He pulled out a handkerchief and absently wiped his eyes in front of half of New Jersey, which was rare. Ex-Army lieutenant tearing up in front of people. Throughout this whole time, the applause never died down, until Angel picked up the microphone.

  Everyone went silent as if the President himself was about to speak. “Come on, John. No tears. There’s no need for that. Today is your wedding, and your daughter is home in one piece. I was given that job. And even with everything Samantha and I went through, I would take that same job again, because she was worth it. Now, if it’s okay with you, I would like to have a dance with your daughter.” He looked at my dad, and he encouraged him as if that was the most utterly important question ever.

  With that, Angel made his way towards me. That was the longest I’d ever waited for a dance. Angel was stopped at least fifty times, by men saluting and shaking his hand respectfully. Some asked about his skills and then looked at his young face. Angel would charmingly kiss the hands of the wives of his admirers. He would give quick kisses on the cheeks to the younger women. And I could already tell Angel doesn’t give up until he has the whole crowd in his favor, even if he’s flirting with the women. Maybe he should run for President.

  I didn’t move from where I was standing, I couldn’t. The buzz was wearing off quickly. But the glass was still shattered in front of me; my feet were a little wet from the champagne. I was still staring at Angel, finally making his way towards me. Angel in a tux was something like sugar for coffee. The two went together perfectly, though anything would look good on him. I watched him come closer to me and I closed my eyes.

  I felt him slip his cool fingers to mine and they found home. I opened my eyes and stared up at him. The whole world was looking at us, but when we were together, it was as if we were the only ones on this planet. The jazz boomed back to life, making the night as magical as ever.

  He came up extremely close to me and gently kissed my forehead, moaning with pleasure. “Mmmm. You look beautiful. I waited all night for that.” He held out his arm for me and I took it.

  I felt someone grab my arm from his, hard enough to leave a bruise the next day. I looked to see Craig standing behind me. “No! No.”

  Angel walked past me and faced him, gently removing my arm from his grip; Craig was only an inch shorter than him. So they were pretty much evenly matched, though I’d already seen what Angel could do. There was no competition. Physically or emotionally. “What are you going to do about it, kid?” Craig never answered.

  They stared at each other for a few seconds then Angel sneered, “That’s what I thought. Samantha, let’s dance.” It sounded more like a demand than an invitation, but right now, I would do anything to get these two men away from each other.

  I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the dance floor. At first, he wouldn’t stop staring at Craig, who was walking back to his table where some of his buddies were eyeing Angel like an ex-con, until about half way through the first song. Finally, he turned his eyes to me and I fell in love all over again. I smiled, a warm bright smile, for the first time in a long time. I rested my head on his shoulders, well, more like his thick arm, and closed my eyes. His smell revived my system, his heartbeat slow, his breathing even. He seemed so calm then, always keeping his cool.

  I was feeling the rhythm of the music, feeling the way his arms were around me. I felt his finger on my chin, lifting it up so I could look at him, and I did. His eyes were extra shiny with the night-lights. He closed his eyes and leaned in for a sweet kiss, a kiss that answered the questions of everyone staring. A kiss that sealed the look on Craig, staring at us from his table. A kiss that took me to the highest stars imaginable.

  He released me from his spell and said, “Let’s go for a walk.”

  He pulled me a little and I stumbled on the dance floor, feeling completely embarrassed. He turned around and smiled before walking away from the staring crowd and towards the dark where the moon was reflecting on the lake. The music sounded fainter the further we walked. People’s voices were no more. So once we were far enough, Angel turned to me and pulled me closer to him, entwining his fingers with mine.

  “What happened to you?” I asked before he kissed me and made me forget.

  He turned away from me, letting go of my hands. He put his hands in his pockets and stared out at the eerie lake for a long time. Finally, he turned around, removed his jacket, and placed it on the grass so we could sit side-by-side facing the lake.

  “I couldn’t go back to the hospital. Once I knew that you were going to be okay, I thought that the best thing for you was for me to stay as far away as possible.”

  I watched the moon light up the lake as if thousands of diamonds were sitting on the surface. “Why would you think that?”

  “Because I’m not good, Samantha.”

  I caressed his arm and said, “Let me be the judge of that.”

  He turned to me briefly. “Do you remember what that guy said in Egypt?” I nodded. “As far as I could dig up, he was telling the truth.”

  I stared out at the lake and was in deep thought. He’d already told me this. I didn’t understand why he was repeating himself.

  "So I went back to DC, where I had to let a few girls down easy.”

  “Um, what?”

  He looked down at me and gave me a wicked smile. “Do you remember Jessica? I was having an affair with her. Even though she’s married. And there were a couple of other girls that I was casually dating.”

  Was he trying to intimidate me, or make me feel more insecure around him than what I already was? “Why are you telling me this?”

  He gave me a confused look. “I thought I should come clean about…”

  I held up my hand. “I don’t care about your dirty little secrets. I care about the present.”

  He shook his head a little. “So anyway, I changed my number and moved away from all of that. But before I left, I collected a few things that I want to show you.” He looked alert all of a sudden, and looked behind us. I turned around too, but I didn’t see anyone there. “We can’t talk here. I have too much to tell you, but not here. Let’s go to my place.”

  To his place? Be alone with Angel? Without any of the distractions from the Middle East? I didn’t know anyone who would turn this down. The party was almost over and my father was about to leave for his honeymoon destination in Fiji. And I was finally twenty-one.

  He helped me up and I looked back one more time. But I didn’t see anyone near. We made our way back to the party. Angel was carrying his jacket. He followed me to my dad’s table where he was already drunk.

  “Daddy,” I whispered in his ear, “I’m going out with Angel. I’ll be back in a little while.”r />
  “Actually honey, we’re leaving for Fiji in a few hours. Will you be okay home alone?” I felt uneasy about being home alone. Not with everything that I’d been though.

  Angel stepped forward. “I’ll take care of her Mr. Kelber. Don’t worry about that. Enjoy your time there; I heard it’s a very beautiful place.”

  My father waved us away and began laughing at another joke that our Mayor told him. I kissed his forehead and shook my head before we made our way to my bedroom, Angel behind me. “Pack something for overnight. I don’t think we’ll make it back tonight, unless you want to spend your first night here and we’ll go tomorrow?”

  I shrugged while I grabbed a small backpack and took only the essentials. Of course I didn’t want to stay here. I wanted to go to the end of the world, as long as it was with Angel. I began to remove my dress and Angel turned around, pretending to be looking through my bedroom. I felt so comfortable around him that I forgot he still tried to act professional around me. I dressed in my favorite designer jeans, heelless boots, and leather jacket with a tank underneath. I let my hair loose and grabbed my bag, ready to go.

  “Do you have any sunglasses here?” he asked me, turning around with my stuffed monkey in his hands.

  “Yeah, sure,” I said, grabbing a pair before I closed the door behind me. “How did you know that I take him wherever I go?” I asked him, pointing at Benny. I admit I’m a little embarrassed that I still sleep with a stuffed animal, but Benny and I have gone all over together.

  He turned to me in the dark hallway. “Your father showed me a few pictures of you in your bedroom. Benny was in almost every single one of them so I thought you would bring him with you.”

  We walked quietly down the staircase and went outside without saying a word. Angel led me around the collection of fancy cars, where there was an all-black, fast-looking motorcycle hidden among the trees. I stopped abruptly to look at it when Craig came up behind me.


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