Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J)

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Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J) Page 5

by King Coopa J

  The guards came to get him from the cold holding cell and the bus ride over was just as cold. He entered the courtroom. Something he thought was impossible to see again. He met his lawyer there. Twenty scanned the courtroom when it was his turn. Every news channel were once again on hand to see the verdict. Not one of his friends showed. After an hour of trial that magically favored his side. The Judge ordered that 175 of his previous charges had a twenty dollar bill left behind and the one they caught him in did not. There wasn’t any evidence to link him to the others. The Judge ordered time served for one GTA. Twenty broke down and began to cry for joy. He was a free man.

  Twenty stood up in the courtroom. His lawyer hugged him and shook his hand. He couldn’t believe he was a free man. He finally got a second chance. He would use the opportunity to change his life around for the better. He went from having a life sentence, to going home as a free man. He was truly a blessed.

  Reporters swarmed around him like a bee hive. There were too many of them with too many questions coming at once. He couldn’t hear what was said with all of the commotion going on. His lawyer led him through the heavily crowded courtroom. Two police officers were on their side helping lead the way. It was mayhem. Twenty was dragged along and at the same time, he tried his best to continue to scan the courtroom thoroughly for just one of his long term friends. Still, there was no one in sight. Why wouldn’t they show at a time like this? They could wish me off, but they couldn’t welcome me from the damn place? What type of shit is that? He was happy to be home. His feeling hurt deeply because his friends never wrote him or came to a trial.

  He emerged from the courtroom. The outside air, followed by the sunray immediately let him know he was a free man. Especially since this is the first time in ten years he’s been outside without any handcuffs on. There were double the amount of reporters and people taking pictures of him on the outside. His lawyer had stopped at the top of the stairs and so did he. He began to answer some of the questions. Twenty just sat back amazed that there were so many people. The news channels are probably going crazy right now for me. Famous for lifting automobiles. That’s fuckin’ crazy. I’m a famous man for stealing vehicles and these people love that shit. I definitely have to change my life around. All of this is not the way I want to be known. What the hell would my kids say when a teacher asks them what their dad does for a living? Would they lie and make something up or would they tell the truth? Oh yeah, my dad stole your dad’s vehicle. He’s famous for stealing cars you know. I can’t wait to be just like him.

  A reporter shoved her microphone in Twenty’s face. “How do you feel after spending ten years in prison to getting a retrial and finally be free?”

  Twenty stared at the woman like she was stupid and that was a stupid question to ask. “What you mean how I feel? How would you feel if you were facing life behind bars and you were set free? I feel fuckin’ great. Ask a better question next time or find yourself a better job.” He turned his attention away from the reporter. Someone had caught his eye. The person looked a lot different after ten years. He knew exactly who is standing next to the truck with his legs crossed nonchalantly. It was his best friend Jeff. At least he thought Jeff still considered him a friend. Twenty blocked out all of the other reporters from asking questions and made his way down to Jeff. He pushed passed all of the people until he stood face to face with him. After ten seconds of staring his old friend down, he spoke. “Why?”

  Jeff knew beforehand Twenty would ask that question. Why didn't he try to stay in contact with him? “Twenty, first I like to say welcome home. I understand what you are asking me. The DEA, FBI and everyone else was out to get us. They told us if we were to have any contact with you. They would slam us. Just like they did you, man. You know Tech is not built for life behind bars. Paula was pregnant at the time. Couldn’t have a prison baby you know.”

  “Wait, Paula has a child?” Nothing else concerned him anymore.

  “Yes.” Jeff held his head down. “Paula and I have a ten-year-old daughter name, Janet.”

  Twenty was hurt to hear that and he thought Jeff and Paula deserved each other. “That’s great.” He muttered. “You did the right thing.”

  Jeff smiled and he gave him some dap. “We’re family, man.” At that moment, a black limo pulled up


  The Bad Guy

  Twentyand Jeff didn’t notice the all black limo at first. They were too busy reuniting. The limo parked in front of Jeff’s truck. A huge Mexican man emerged from the limo. Twenty noticed him immediately. Jeff was facing toward him still explaining the situation about how the law came at him and the crew ten years ago. He never seemed to notice the Mexican beast in the tailored suit and dark shades. Twenty watched the Mexican approach them and Jeff speech came to a stop. Twenty looked the guy over and he didn’t recognize the man. For some reason, he felt like the massive Mexican knew who he was. Hopefully, somewhere back down the line there wasn’t beef with a job that went bad because of his imprisonment. Nobody took a loss did they? Maybe come to straighten it out? He couldn’t recall any bad blood. This guy appeared to be about real business.

  Twenty spoke as the Mexican approached him. “Do we know you?”

  Nacho smirked at Twenty. He kept his focus on him and paid Jeff no mind. His business was with the man they called Twenty. “I need you to come with me, my friend.” He came closer towering over him. Nacho was close to 7’2 and Twenty was just over 6 feet. Nacho is 400 lbs. of solid muscle.

  By the way the Mexican man spoke to him. Twenty anticipated this man to be violent and very dangerous. “There isn’t any reason to come with you. I’m good right here talking to my friend.” He stared the Mexican down. Not showing any fear in his heart.

  Nacho slowly opened his suit jacket. He revealed his large pistol holstered inside. “I think otherwise my friend.” He spoke arrogantly.

  “Twenty,” Jeff spoke. “Maybe you should go with him. You don’t want all these reporters making this situation out to be wrong. The last thing you want is for this guy to start shooting on your first day out. They might put you back in prison for good this time. I’m sure this whole thing with this guy is a big mistake. Let’s go with him and work this out like men.” He cried.

  Twenty sucked his teeth and thought about what his friend Jeff was asking. He didn’t wish any controversy outside the courthouse on his first day out. Although, on the other hand Jeff was unaware he had been training in the art of Kung Fu for the past ten years. There would be no problem laying this big guy on his back before he drew his weapon. Twenty thought about all of the innocent people around them. He didn’t want anyone to catch a bullet on his behalf. That would send the media into a frenzy and raise questions like why was he released in the first place? “The limo right?”

  Nacho closed his suit jacket.

  “I’m coming too,” Jeff was trying to follow.

  Nacho turned around and his huge hand pressed against Jeff’s chest. “Just him.”

  “Twenty,” Jeff spoke being blocked off by the huge Mexican. “I’ll be right behind you in the truck.”

  Nacho and Twenty were greeted by that Mexican they call El’ Nino in the back seat. He looked like he was worth millions and he was. “And who you supposed to be?” Twenty asked nonchalantly.

  “El’ Nino, the man who freed you from that hell hole.” He cracked the window and puffed on his cigar. The limo pulled off.

  “Freed me from that hell hole?” Twenty asked confused.

  “Don’t worry about it. I pulled a lot of strings to have you freed, my friend. Take it as a favor. Your life is restored. I gave you your life back. I could easily take it away. In return, I need a necessary favor from you.” El’ Nino crossed his legs casually.

  Twenty was shocked. Had this man really pulled the necessary strings to set me free? And what is his favor?

  Twenty relaxed in the most comfortable seat he has ever sat in. He exhaled thinking about the situation that was unfolding in fro
nt of him. Whatever was going on he could sense that he wished no part of it. He could tell this man El’ Nino was a boss by the way he carried himself with his expensive tailored suit, the nonchalant attitude, the enormous bodyguard and the expensive limousine. This wasn’t what he expected on his first day out. You have to be on your shit to make something like this happen. Plus, owing a favor. Even though, you freed me from a life sentence. This guy is probably not to be fucked with. He already has that summed up in his mind. Twenty eyed El’ Nino while he was puffing on his Cuban cigar. “What do you want from a man that’s been confined for the past ten years? What can I possibly offer? I have no connections, no business and no money.”

  El’ Nino smirked and so did the enormous Mexican monster Nacho. He studied Twenty for a moment before he spoke while puffing on his two hundred dollar cigar. “Friend, does it look like I need your connections, your business or your money? I have plenty of those things. What I need from you is your service, my friend.”

  “A man who is well connected as you I suppose, need my service? That’s why you went through the trouble to free me, for my service?” Twenty didn’t like the way the conversation was going. He knew what type of service El’ Nino was asking him and it wasn’t cooking dope.

  “That’s what I’m asking you for.” El’ Nino elaborated the situation for him. “You are the best at what you do my friend. That’s how I roll. I only get the best. I have 2 weeks to deliver 30 vehicles. My buyers will seek a new dealer at the end of the deadline. One thing El’ Nino hate is bad business. I have the list of vehicles that need to be gathered for me. I have a secret garage you can hide all of the vehicles in for me until delivery. At the end of the mission, I will have three million dollars for your service. Everybody needs something. El’ Nino is not greedy my friend. Under one condition, the vehicles can’t be damaged in any way, shape or form. I’m sure you can handle that. Nacho will provide you with the list.”

  Twenty’s mind trailed off. What El’ Nino was asking him to do was what he was against. He changed his life around. He vowed to never lift another vehicle again. Even though El’ Nino gave him his freedom and offered him three million. The deal was no doubt sweet. Ten years ago, he probably would’ve had a great partnership with El’ Nino. Times change, this was his second chance at life. There was nothing El’ Nino could offer him. There’s no way he could accept the deal. He gave El’ Nino a sharp stare. “You should’ve left me in prison.”

  The Mexican boss smirked. He blew smoke out casually. “Are you saying fuck that Mexican motherfucker El’ Nino my friend?”

  “Not as mean,” Twenty answered coolly. “Thanks for getting me out, though. I think this ride is over.”

  El’ Nino felt punked. “Nacho!”

  Nacho immediately went for his gun. Twenty already saw the situation unfolding and was ready for action. Nacho drew his gun and aimed it at Twenty. Twenty chopped him at the wrist and bent it while taking the weapon. He had turned it on Nacho and El’ Nino. Nacho was shocked and his wrist was in a terrible pain.

  “Stop the fuckin’ limo!” Twenty ordered the driver. “Right fuckin’ now! The limo stopped.

  El’ Nino began to laugh. “You have no option but to take the job for me. I will find you wherever you might be. I’ll kill your friends and everyone else in your family. Including the kids. This is your last offer.”

  “Fuck you,” Twenty began to cautiously exit the limo.

  “I’ll be at the Mexican restaurant on Jimmy Carter when you change your mind. You’ll see the limo parked out front.” El’ Nino faced the window like Twenty was no threat and continued to puff on his cigar.

  “Find someone else!” Twenty vanished.

  El’ Nino smirked. Why, when you’ll do it for me.


  Back Home

  Twentyhopped in the truck with Jeff. “Let’s get out of here.” He ordered Jeff.

  Jeff saw the look on Twenty’s face and that it couldn’t look more serious. “What’s going on?” He asked concerned. He noticed the gun in Twenty’s hand. “You got a gun?”

  “Jeff,” Twenty said frantically. “Just get us the fuck out of here and I’ll explain.” Jeff hit the gas on the new Ford F-250 pulling away from the limousine. Twenty was relieved Jeff finally cooperated. He turned his attention back to the weapon he took from Nacho. He popped the clip out and began to wipe the weapon clean. “They wanted me to go back to my old ways. There was another Mexican man in the limo. He called himself El’ Nino. Have you ever heard of him?”

  Jeff turned his attention away from the road just a little. “Never heard of an El’ Nino. He must be a new guy in town. Ever since Janet came along I’ve been focusing on a new life.”

  Twenty continued to clean the weapon. “This guy El’ Nino wants me to lift thirty vehicles for him. He looked at it as a kind of a favor for getting me out of prison.”

  “He got you out of prison?”

  “That’s what he said and he definitely sounded serious about it.” Twenty assured him.

  “This guy El’ Nino must have some major connections to release a man from life in prison. How did that come about?” Jeff turned right at the stoplight heading toward his house.

  “He really didn’t say.” Twenty explained. “He just assured me I was the best at what I did. That’s the reason he wanted me out the prison. He also said that at the end of the mission there would be three million dollars for me. I tried to tell him that I changed my life around for the better. I couldn’t do it. He wasn’t happy about that. He sicced his guard dog on me, the huge Mexican that met us outside the courthouse. He points this fuckin’ gun in my face. I managed to take the weapon from him and turn it against them. El’ Nino paid me no mind and ordered that I did the job for him anyway. He said he would kill the kids in my family. He has to be a cruel muthafucka to kill kids.”

  “This is some serious shit to get into on your first day out. This El’ Nino guy means business. What you want to do?” Jeff pulled into his neighborhood.

  “What you mean what I want to do?” Twenty asked sarcastically. “Nothing is what I’m going to do. That’s not the life I want to involve myself in anymore. I finally get a second chance after serving ten harsh years of my life locked away from everyone I cared about. You can’t possibly imagine how I feel right now.”

  Jeff couldn’t understand how Twenty felt and he knew that. He did feel where his friend was coming from although. “I can agree with you on that. What if he tries to make a war out of this entire misunderstanding? He said he’ll kill the kid’s man. A guy who thinks like that has to be fuckin’ insane.”

  “I’ll do what I have to do then.” He muttered. “I’m not about to get pushed around on some bullshit. El’ Nino seems like the type that doesn’t take no for an answer. I’ll have to really watch my back”

  Jeff parked the truck in front of his house. “Whatever it might be I got your back. I won’t let you fight this one alone. You left me once and I won’t let that happen again.”

  “Thanks, but you have a family to look after now.” Twenty reminded him.

  “Twenty, my man.” Jeff shut the motor off and turned to him. “Paula would kill me if I didn’t. You know we consider you a part of our family. Hell, we are a family, aren’t we?”

  Twenty thought about the others, Paula, Tech and now the new one, Janet. “Fuckin’ right, we’re family.”

  Jeff smiled and shook Twenty’s hand.

  Twenty slipped the clip back into the nice chrome pistol. “Nice 9 huh?” The 9mm was all chrome with an exclusive black marble handle.

  “That’s a nice piece. C’mon lets go inside.” Jeff exited the vehicle.

  Twenty tucked the beautiful 9 in his waistband under his shirt. It would be a good idea to keep the weapon on him. He never had to carry one. With El’ Nino threatening him, although. He felt the need to. Welcome home, he thought.

  Twenty followed Jeff into the house. Suddenly, he was surprised by Tech, Paula and her daughte
r Janet. He was astonished by the warm welcome. There was nothing that could feel better right now. He was home with his family. The first person he noticed was Paula. She was still beautiful. Ten years of not seeing her. She was twenty then, now she’s thirty and looks more like a woman. To him, the most beautiful woman.

  Tech came to greet him first. “Twenty, welcome home man.” Tech held his hand out not aware if Twenty was upset with him or not. He hasn’t tried to contact him in ten years. He wanted to more than anything, but the law prevented him. In his mind, Twenty was the first real friend he ever had.

  Twenty look at Tech. He noticed he had a worried look on his face. What was done, was done now. He knew it wasn’t Tech’s fault for not keeping in touch with him. Twenty was happy the computer geek was standing in front of him. Twenty grabbed him by the hand and forced Tech into a huge. “Come here my man!” He patted Tech on the back while they embraced.

  “Twenty,” Tech squeezed out. “You’re killin’ me.” Twenty release the stronghold he had locked on him. “I see you still got the strongest grip around.” Tech was the skinniest guy in the world. He was only 5’8 and 130lbs.

  Twenty smiled. “What I keep telling your skinny ass, man.” He joked.

  “That I need to eat and have a lot more sex to get my weight up.”

  “That’s right,” Twenty patted him on the shoulder.

  Paula walked over to them. “Glad you’re back,” she sounded unconcerned he was back and immediately vanished into the back room. Not giving him any chance to respond.

  Twenty watched her disappear into the back room dumbfounded. It was hard for him to comprehend what was going on. What had he done to upset her? He wanted to go after her.

  Tech stopped him. “Twenty,” Tech spoke seriously. “Leave it alone man. Give her some time. She’s still pissed off that you left us. Well, her to be exact.”


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