Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J)

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Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J) Page 12

by King Coopa J

  “Let’s see if this baby works,” Twenty said. With the four of them working. The lift got down quicker than he had thought.

  “Hit the button Tech!” Jeff called from the back of the eighteen-wheeler.

  “Here we go, baby!” Tech was excited.

  Twenty watched the doors open automatically and the ramp magically foldout. It was perfect. “It worked.” He looked at Tech.

  Tech hopped out of the eighteen-wheeler and came around to check out the work. “We did it. Test it Bobby. Drive your car up it?”

  “Yeah, this is sick bro.” Bobby fired up the Hellcat and drove up the ramp.

  Tech hit the button and the ramp folded and the doors closed hiding the car.

  Good to go. The car vanished. Twenty watched his idea come to life.


  They finished up the eighteen-wheeler. The job was complete. The idea of hiding the vehicles as they lifted them was a success. They all went back into the garage. Time to plan and check on Jimmy Neutron progress. Jimmy and Paula were laughing and eating hamburgers and French fries. They were sitting on the couch watching a cartoon.

  Twenty noticed them first. He walked over and stood next to the couch. “Cartoons?” he was confused.

  “Yep,” Paula swallowed a bite of her hamburger, Um. “Jimmy Neutron, it’s a good cartoon.”

  Jeff went to the kitchen. He wanted to try one of the hamburgers. Cartoons were not his thing. “I thought the kid was supposed to be working?” he asked anyone who was listening. He put the hamburger on a bun and used BBQ sauce.

  “I believe he’s done everything he needs to do. “Tech answered. He was facing the computer screen. He kept his eye on the downloading bar. “The information is downloading now. Ten more minutes before it is complete.” he sat down. He couldn’t believe this kid had done what Bobby said he was going to do. He had to admit. If the correct files came back, then Jimmy was the smartest kid he’s ever met. Even smarter than him.

  Bobby sat down on the sofa chair. “Oh, this my favorite one, bro. He gets the cool car in this one.”

  “Wait a minute,” Twenty wasn’t’ a cartoon man. The only cartoon he ever watched was Dragon Ball Z, the GT series and all the DBZ movies. Vegeta’s the shit. “You mean to tell me this cartoon is called Jimmy Neutron?” he asked confused.

  “My favorite one in the whole wide world. Helps me concentrate. I can only work while watching it.” Jimmy told him. He still had his attention on the screen.

  Twenty raised his eyebrows. I see why they call him Jimmy Neutron. He needs the cartoon to help him work. That’s the craziest shit I’ve ever heard. He shrugged. “If it helps, I guess.” He went into the kitchen with Jeff. He made himself a plate of food. He had steak, fries, one hamburger and some grape Kool-Aid. He sat at the table with Jeff. He was working on his second hamburger and fries. “What you think about the kid?”

  Jeff popped a fry in his mouth. “The fact that he’s nicknamed after a cartoon or the computer skills?”

  “The skills, of course.” Twenty cut into his steak. “You think he’s smarter than Tech?”

  “Well, Tech couldn’t break-in.” Jeff reminded him. “If the files are the correct documents after the download.”

  “Then he’s smarter than Tech.” Twenty finished for him.

  “I’ll say.” Jeff sipped his beer.

  Tech counted down the last minute of the download in his mind. Two seconds, one second. “It’s downloaded.” He called. Tech looked the files over. Just like Bobby said. Everything was here. “Wow,” he muttered. It was more information than he had asked for. Twenty and Jeff stood behind him. They got themselves a personal close up. “The kid is amazing. He even got blueprints for the concept cars. You know what we can do with all this information.” he asked them. He started clicking through the files.

  “Tell me,” Twenty wanted to know. “I hate surprises.”

  “It’s so much information here,” Tech was looking at the blueprint for the McLaren MP4-RC. “We could build the cars ourselves if we had the parts.”

  “Too bad we don’t have that kind of time,” Jeff said working on his beer.

  “But we do have time for this.” Tech enlarged a particular file. “Check it out.”

  “A key?” Twenty said confused. “How is looking the file over for a key going to help us?”

  “Think about it,” Tech pointed at the screen. “Look, here is the cutout for each vehicle key. I can use these files to duplicate the keys on the cutout machine to create our own keys. Jimmy used the VIN numbers. So these blueprints are exactly for the cars we’re lifting.”

  “You can do that?” Twenty asked.

  “I told you,” Tech assured him. “We could build these cars.”

  “How fast could you make the keys?” Jeff asked.

  “Faster than your local Home Depot,” Tech said.

  “Let’s get started,” Twenty took a bit of his steak. Delicious.


  Man Of Peace

  Sayyidwas enjoying his plane ride over to Atlanta. He has been traveling for hours. This is his second plane ride of the day. He came all the way from the Middle East. All he wanted to do was to get some sleep. The Americans on the plane were making it hard for him. He overheard them calling him harsh names for what his people had done on 9/11. He had nothing to do with that. Yet, the Americans wanted to call him names for it. One woman said, watch out he might try to take the plane over. He smiled at the thought of single-handedly taking over the plane. These Americans were crazy. With all of the security on hand. There was no way he could’ve taken over the plane. The thought of something like that wasn’t on his mind at all. He wanted to call the woman stupid. Although, he didn’t want to cause further trouble with them. They would probably arrest him for threatening her and have him hanged.

  He closed his eyes and began to pray. He’s a Muslim and prayed daily to Muhammad. He felt someone tap him on the leg in the middle of his prayer. He slowly opened his eyes to see who had disturbed him. It was the little girl seated across the aisle.

  “What are you doing?” the little American girl whispered.

  She looked about 5yrs old. Sayyid could remember when he and his brother Al Bin Sodd were her age. Those were the harsher times in his life. They were using kids at that age for suicide bombers. They had barely escaped the torture of sacrificing themselves. Their mother and father sacrificed their own lives by becoming suicide bombers. They had to blow up some American soldiers to save their lives. That made them grow up in a war all alone.

  Sayyid smiled at the little girl and whispered “Praying.”

  She smiled back and whispered. “Praying to whom?”

  “Muhammad,” he whispered.

  “Who is Mohammed?” she whispered with a curious look on her face.

  The little girl’s mother was lost in a book. She didn’t realize her daughter was speaking to the Muslim stranger. The only thing she overheard her daughter say was, who is Muhammad? And that’s where she wanted that conversation to end. “He’s talking about Muhammad Ali honey. Now turn around and leave that bad man alone.” Then she turned to the man. “Please don’t speak to my little girl again.” She turned around and got back into the book.

  The little girl looked across the aisle at the man without her mother noticing. She smiled at him again.

  Suddenly, Sayyid rolled his eyes to the back of his head and put his hand up like an eagle claw.

  The little girl was scared as shit. The man resembled a demon. She started screaming for her life.

  Sayyid faced forward leaning his head against the headrest and closing his eyes.

  The little girl’s mother asked her what was wrong with her and she was pointing at the man. She was saying, bad man, over and over again. The mother jumped up from her seat. Her little girl was terrified and all she knew was that this terrorist was the problem. “What is your problem? What have you done to my little girl?” she yelled from across the aisle.

; “Bad man, bad man.” the little girl cried. She took the inside seat. She wanted to get as far away from the man as possible.

  Sayyid slowly opened his eyes. “Ma’am, I’m sorry.” he apologized kindly. “But I haven’t done anything at all to your daughter.”

  All of the people on the plane were paying attention to them. They started calling Sayyid names aloud because he frightened the little girl.

  “Yes, you did. You terrorist sonofvabitch!” She yelled at the top of her lungs while shielding her little girl. “What did you do to her! I want this man arrested!”

  A flight attended came to see what the commotion was about. “Excuse me, Ma’am.” she said. “What’s the problem?”

  “This terrorist did something to my daughter.” She told her.

  “Is she hurt?”

  “No, but scared for her life. I want him arrested.” She ordered.

  “Ma’am, I can’t have this man arrested if he wasn’t any harm. I’ll be more than happy to move you and your daughter to first class to resolve the problem.”

  “Ok,” she grabbed her daughter and the flight attended grabbed her bags.

  Sayyid smiled at the little girl looking back at him. He put his claw up and the she quickly turned around. He leaned his head back and smiled.


  Wednesday, Lift Day

  Twentylooked at himself in the bathroom mirror. Today was the day the real work would begin. The eighteen-wheeler was just a warm up. The challenge up ahead is going to be much tougher. Ten cars a day for the next three days is what they had to accomplish. Ten cars today, ten cars tomorrow and Friday nine cars. Saturday, the President would be arriving in the Land Rover. That’s a mission with-in itself. He figured all of the other cars had to be clear by then. He wanted to be completely focused and wanted nothing else to occupy him. They had created a list for each vehicle they would lift. Twenty would lift three a day. Jeff would lift three a day. Bobby would lift two a day. Paula would lift two and Tech will drive the eighteen-wheeler.

  Twenty splashed water on his face. “This is nothing Twenty.” He muttered to himself. “God’s will be with you. You’re doing this for a reason now.” He turned the water off and dried his face.

  Tech popped in the doorway. “The keys are done. The concepts should be a breeze. Everyone is here now. We’re waiting downstairs for you.”

  “Ok,” Twenty said. He hung up his towel. “I’ll be down in a minute.”

  Tech noticed the look on his face. “You good man?”

  “I’m cool.” he said while walking past heading in the bedroom.

  Tech turned around to his attention. Twenty said he never wanted to lift cars again. The man just did ten years of a life sentence for what he was about to go out and do again. Knowing the danger of going back to prison. That probably had his mind swimming. Tech had never been to prison or even jail. So he couldn’t begin to perceive what he was going through mentally. “Twenty, you’ll get through this. Bad things happen to people who do bad. Good things happen to people who do good. You’re doing a good thing, just remember that. Janet needs you. So trust me, whatever is bothering you? Shake it off and let’s go make this good thing happen.”

  Tech made him feel better about the situation. Janet needed him and by any means necessary, he was going to get her back. “Tech,” Twenty patted his shoulder. “You always know how to turn something bad into something good. You’re a good friend.” He smiled. “At least, this time. If I go to prison all of my friends will go with me,” he joked.

  Tech had a I don’t want to go to prison look on his face. “Um…”

  “Don’t worry, it’s not as bad as they say it is.” He walked pass Tech and went out the door.

  Tech was left there thinking about going to prison. He snapped out of it and followed after Twenty, “You got my back right?” He called and exit the room.

  Paula saw Twenty, first. He was coming downstairs with Tech following. “Hey.” She caught him coming down the stairs.

  “Twenty,” Jeff said coolly.

  “Twenty, bro.” Bobby was standing next to the bar. “I’m ready to work.”

  “What’s going on,” he greeted his team. He got right to business. “Tech and I prepared the lifts for today. The cars are tagged by their area, making it safe for us after the lift. We won’t have to visit the particular area again afterward. The vehicles today are located on the south side. Paula, you will lift the BMW 650i and the Porsche 991 today. Bobby, the Mercedes S63 AMG and the Mustang Boss 302. Jeff, the Mercedes CL63 AMG, Dodge Viper and the Porsche 911 Turbo. I will lift the McLaren MP4, Mustang Shelby GT500 and the Porsche 918. We will group up on the Mercedes, Mustangs and the Porsches. Better to hit them together since they’re at the same locations. You already know what to do. Do anyone have a question before we crank Atlanta the fuck up?”

  Bobby was the only one. “Can I take the GT500 and you take the Boss 302?”

  “Hell no,” Twenty said coolly. “I hate that fucking car new and old.”

  “Oh,” Bobby muttered to himself remembering what had happened to Twenty in a 69’ Boss 302 ten years ago. “That’s right.”

  “Anyone else?” Everyone in the room was silent. “Let’s do it!” Twenty said with his arms up. “Let’s lift!”


  McLaren MP4-12C

  TheMcLaren MP4-12C was being tested on a racetrack. They were testing the overall performance of the 3 seconds, 205mph sports car. Twenty watched the beautiful machine zip around the track from the bleachers. He had a nice seat at the top out of sight. The testers were busy with the MP4 anyway and they never noticed him. Two testers, a photographer and a cameraman. He noted every detail in his mind. This job was going to be a little tough with the workers around. He thought about waiting until everyone was on a break before he lift the car. What if they locked the vehicle up in a trailer? That would put a bend in what he was trying to do. He watched the car come to a stop in the pit area. The cameraman got a real good close up of the vehicle while the photographer snapped away. The testers were taking down notes from the test runs. That’s what it seems like to him from where he was at. I know what I need to do, he thought. He surveyed the track for an opening. He spotted it and got up from his seat to make a move. He walked down the bleachers on the far end and made sure he didn’t get noticed. He entered the building and made his way around to where the workers were. They still were busy with the car. He watched them through the glass. This was a private test. He noticed no one was in the building. He noticed two security guards. They were just outside of the building smoking cigarettes while watching the MP4 do its thing.

  “Excuse me, Sir.” The track manager said from behind. “You’re not supposed to be in here. The building and track are closed today. You will have to come back tomorrow.”

  Twenty had turned around to the manager’s attention. He missed one. He must’ve been in the restroom or something. He looked the manager over. “I’m with the MP4 team. I came in to get something to drink. The hot sun is making my mouth dry.”

  “You’re with the McLaren team?” the manager asked sarcastically. “I didn’t notice you when they first came in.” he flipped out his phone. “Let me check. What is your name?” he looked down at his phone pressing numbers.

  Twenty didn’t answer.

  “Sir, what is your-” he was cut off by a mouth full of fist.

  Twenty knocked the little guy out with one blow. He caught his body in his arms so the man wouldn’t have a hard fall and alert the security. “Twenty,” he muttered dragging him to a nearby closet. “And I’m not on the list.” he placed the manager in the closet standing him straight up. He read his name tag. “Danny.” He shut the closet door. He went back to the window. The two security guards were still smoking. He opened the back door. “Hey, guys.” He called over to them. The guards looked in his direction. “Danny said go ahead and take an hour lunch break.”

  They put their cigarettes out and walked over to him. One
spoke. “Who are you?”

  “I’m with the MP4 team. I got here kind of late. Danny let me in after he checked out. He told me to tell you. Head to lunch.”

  “Danny said that?”

  “Yeah, and he’s pissed. Both of you keep smoking cigarettes on the job.” Twenty lied hoping it would work.

  “He always gets mad about us smoking.” He turned to the other security guard. “C’mon, let’s go grab a bit to eat.” They walked off.

  Twenty waited for them to completely leave the building. “Gone,” he watched them pull away. He heard a noise behind him. He left to the back area. He peeped around the corner. A tester was getting a drink from the soda machine. He smiled while walking towards him. “I need this racing suit.” He had his 9 pointed at the back of his head.

  “Excuse me,” he turned around and met the beautiful chrome. He dropped his drink from being scared to death.

  “I said I need that suit.” Twenty repeated.

  The tester didn’t want to get shot, but the idiot wasn’t quite using his head. He gripped his helmet and swung.


  BMW 650i Convertible

  Paulawas dressed to kill. She was wearing a tight mini skirt, her sun hat, Gucci purse and red bottom heels that matched. She had her body lotion and was smelling extremely pleasant. She had a too die for walk, that any man in their right mind knew she’s the perfect catch. She walked around the dealership casually looking for the BMW 650i. The dealership had many wonderful cars to choose from. No one came out to help her. She ran her finger along the cars as she passed them while keeping an eye out for the BMW. She wasn’t a BMW driver. She thought most of the cars were beautiful although. She needed to get a salesman's attention. That was the only way this lift was going to work. She didn’t want an old salesman. She needed one that wanted her more than she wanted the car. She walked slowly and seductively in front of the dealership trying to get noticed. The way her hips and voluptuous ass moved that wasn’t a problem. Three salesmen came out of the building all wanting to assist her. One was an older man, about fifty something years old. The other was a woman and she looked like she dated women by the way she dressed and walked. The last was a young male with a nice haircut and suit. He looked around twenty-four. She didn’t want to ruin his career early so she went with the old man. He got his time in, she thought. “Excuse me,” Paula waved signaling to the older man. “Can you please help me with a purchase?” she asked nicely.


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