Ethon (The Other Worlds Series Book 2)

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Ethon (The Other Worlds Series Book 2) Page 35

by M. L. Greye

  If Tiara had had her eyesight, she could have seen Aeorin’s kick to her face coming, instead of being utterly blindsided by the sharp pain to her jaw. Her teeth clamped over her tongue as she was knocked to the ground again. She tasted blood and could almost hear Aeorin smiling at her back. The good news, though, was her vision had cleared. She could see the grass her face was now planted in just fine.

  “You never should have stolen my amulet,” Aeorin told her.

  Tiara had never done any such thing. She lifted her head to spit out the bile collecting in her mouth and rolled over onto her back. She felt her jaw with one hand. It throbbed, but she doubted it was broken. Aeorin’s momentum hadn’t been strong enough.

  Now that she could see again, Tiara was able to fully take in her surroundings. Aeorin stood over her in chainmail and a violet gown with a sword pointed downward at Tiara. Several Eves and Craeles battled around her and Aeorin, but without giving them any notice. It was almost as if the two women were in their own bubble somewhere. Where was Archrin? He had to have noticed by now that she’d fallen.

  “Where are your gifts now, Olinia?” Aeorin smirked down at her. “Too weak to use them?”

  “You’ve got to stop making that mistake,” Tiara retorted. “I’m not Olinia.”

  Aeorin blinked. “Who are you?”

  “Tiara Anteal, queen of the Saerds.”

  At that moment, Tiara felt the hilt of a sword pressed into her palm. She didn’t hesitate, didn’t even think. In one swift, fluid swipe, she batted Aeorin’s sword out of the way and slid the blade between her ribs. The thin chainmail gave way like butter. Aeorin gasped in for air, her shoulders caving inward. Tiara released the hilt as if it burned her fingers and pushed herself up onto her hands, staring wide-eyed at what she’d just done.

  Aeorin’s hands clasped around the sword in her chest, but before she could yank it free, she collapsed into a heap. Dead. Tiara pulled a face. “May your name be forgotten among the worlds.”

  “Is that Oldron’s daughter?”

  An Eve appeared at Tiara’s side, clearly surprised. Tiara glanced up at him and stood. “She was, and then she married Talik.”

  He frowned. “From a distance, I thought you were Olinia.”

  “I’m not.”

  “I can see that.”

  “Were you the one who gave me the sword?” Tiara asked.

  He nodded. “I sent it to you.”

  Tiara gave him a curtsy. “Thank you, Eveon warrior. What’s your name?”


  The Eve turned and smiled. “Archrin, good to see you again.”

  Archrin walked up to Tiara and slipped an arm around her waist while dangling a bloodied sword from his other hand. “I would have come sooner but was detained elsewhere.”

  “How do you two know each other?” Tiara’s eyes darted between him and Dallyn.

  “He’s a friend of Will’s.” Archrin replied.

  Dallyn chuckled. “That’s as good a title as any, I suppose. Until next time.” He bowed and headed off once more into the fray.

  “I lost the horse,” Archrin commented.

  “I noticed.”

  “Do you think you could manage this on foot?” He asked.

  “Not alone.” Tiara shook her head as she crouched down and yanked Dallyn’s sword out of Aeorin’s chest. She then turned to Archrin, went on her toes and kissed him. “But with you, I think I’ll survive, just as I always somehow manage.”

  : : : : :

  As Sazx rounded the castle, the battle came within his view. He realized very quickly that the Eves had more than one enemy present. The Crystal Castle sat on just enough of an incline that Sazx could see a new throng arrive at the scene from the road that passed between two bodies of water. Sazx was stunned to see Dagon atop his horse at the head of his Nagreth. For Dagon to enter a battle, it had to be part of a personal vendetta. This was the first time Sazx had seen Dagon not delegate a war to his Captain or Second. Then again, since Sazx’s betrayal, perhaps Dagon no longer fully trusted his officers to complete a task.

  Beside Dagon, Talik’s daughter, Lilleia, was astride a steed. The horse must have been Dagon’s request. Velvitors did not ride any sort of beast. It was not considered appropriate in their world. Also, Velvitors rarely stayed in their human forms for the entire course of a battle. Sazx noted that behind Lilleia was an array of nearly a vatte of Velvitors, who must not have been loyal to her father.

  Sazx wasn’t really sure why Dagon or Lilleia were there, but he didn’t have time to focus on them. He was about to reach the first line of the struggle, and he needed to locate Talik. Dagon probably wished to face Talik himself, but Sazx felt he deserved the honor. Talik, after all, had been the annoying thorn in Sazx’s side, not Dagon’s.

  For the next ten minutes or so, Sazx fought Velvitors almost thoughtlessly. Between each stroke of his blade, he scanned the field for Talik. Before he had the chance to glance Talik’s face, though, a new internal agony unlike any he’d ever endured from the binding erupted through him. The absolute shock of it sent him soaring from his mount onto his back. He writhed on the ground from the invisible attack. He had not been ready for it.

  Taking a deep breath, Sazx forced his heart to calm. Even though this was far worse than anything he’d yet experienced, he knew the pain was from the binding. He’d bested it before. He could do it again. He simply needed the right motivation.

  An image of Olinia pulled in front of his inner eye. He grasped onto her face with all the strength he could muster. Olinia was the most beautiful woman he’d ever beheld. During their brief kiss, he’d tasted of her soft lips – caressed her smooth skin. Sazx loved her. He would do anything for her, even lay down his life to spare hers. The binding could not take away his love.

  Sazx pushed himself to his feet, keeping Olinia’s Wend eyes in his mind. Her eyes were her best feature. Olinia could never fully hide her emotions from her eyes – they were her marvelous tell. Sazx gritted his teeth and raised his sword once more. The binding had subsided just enough for him to begin again.

  Releasing a war cry that was mixed with some of the pain he still endured, Sazx rushed at the nearest Velvitor – some sort of large reptile that reminded him of an oversized lizard. Before he reached it, though, a blank-faced Nagreth blocked his path. The Nagreth’s lifeless steel eyes almost threw Sazx off guard from the swing of his sword. Sazx managed to hack the blade away, but he couldn’t shake his sudden anxiety. The Nagreth had rattled him. Never had Sazx witnessed a bound Nagreth turn into a mindless puppet during battle. Something was wrong. This wasn’t Dagon’s doing. Dagon believed his Nagreth should have their wits sharp during warfare – it made for better warriors.

  Just then, Sazx’s legs went numb. With his opponent’s next blow, he staggered backward, barely able to stay on his feet. Sazx swore. It was just one thing after another. He glanced around to see if he were the only one experiencing a sudden lack of circulation. The Eves and Tlaidians nearby were stomping and stumbling as well. They looked like their legs had all fallen asleep – same as Sazx. This had nothing to do with Sazx’s binding.

  He whirled back and forth, searching for the culprit. There was an opening in the battle around him – just enough for him to glimpse Talik encircled by young men and women, all in Ethon apparel. Sazx frowned. The faces of the Ethons held the same glazed stares of the Nagreth that Sazx had encountered. He had a feeling that Talik was controlling both the Ethons and the Nagreth.

  Sazx began to make his way toward Talik. The Velvitor King must have noticed because a new smirk spread across his scarred face. Sazx watched as Talik lifted the yellow amulet around his neck to his lips and uttered something into it. Almost instantly his entire body lost feeling, followed closely by his ears going deaf and his eyesight going dark. Sazx realized it was the amulet that controlled the gifted Ethons.

  Talik wished Sazx dead, and he could very well have it granted. Without the use of his limbs or necessary senses
, he was an easy target. Sazx braced himself for the end, when the back of his skull suddenly severed from his spine – or so it felt like. Sazx cried out as he fell to his knees. It was as if a Velvitor had ripped into his flesh while managing to get deep enough that his whole being suffered in torment.

  Warm liquid trickled down the back of his neck. Full mobility returned to his limbs, as well as his hearing. His vision came back as blurred, but it was better than being completely blind. Why did the Ethons release him? Sazx pushed himself to his feet, amazed to find his sword still in his hand. He blinked rapidly a few times until he could see clearly enough to move about. When he glanced back at Talik, though, he had to rub his eyes to make sure what he saw was real.

  There were no more Nagreth. Anywhere. The gray men were gone, leaving behind the normal skin toned soldiers wide-eyed and bleeding from the back of their necks. As for Talik’s Ethons, they had all fallen to the ground and wore the same stunned look on their faces. The Ethons didn’t know where they were.

  Talik was seething. “What is happening?” He shouted in Eveon.

  This was not the time for Sazx to be standing still. He rushed forward to the Ethons, helping a dark-skinned woman onto her feet. “Run for the castle,” he told her in Saerdian. “Protect each other.”

  Sazx didn’t wait for her response. He turned to Talik. “You have outdone yourself, Talik,” he taunted in Eveon. “Using children as your shield? I know of no better coward.”

  Talik’s face turned a deep shade of red. “You deserve to die.”

  “If it is to be by your hand, then I agree with you,” Sazx grunted.

  The Velvitor threw himself at Sazx, gripping a saber that had been hidden in his robes. Sazx parried easily. He knew Talik had never been much of a swordsman. It was only a matter of time until Sazx frustrated him enough to phase into his animal form. As a bear, it would be much more difficult for Sazx to gain the upper hand over Talik. He needed to finish him now while Talik was still human.

  After another poor attempt from Talik, Sazx began his attack. Letting his instincts take over, Sazx focused on harming the Velvitor. Talik became quickly flustered and ended up nicked in the arm by Sazx’s blade. He stumbled back a few steps before beginning to shake violently. He was about to phase. Sazx dove for him just as three arrows landed in Talik’s right shoulder – one immediately after the other. Talik’s gaze snapped toward the castle. It was all the distraction Sazx needed. Sazx swung his sword just as Talik turned. The Velvitor King’s head soared from his body and lopped onto the bloodied field several feet away. Talik was dead.

  : : : : :

  Will watched both Olinia and Hillary land on their backs from some invisible blast. He raised an eyebrow as Olinia pushed herself up again, brushing off the gravel on her dress. “What was that? You alright?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” Olinia turned to Hillary, lending her a hand. “You shut off your magnet, right?”

  She nodded. “I sent the Beads into one of these oceans. How did we do that? There were so many Beads.”

  “You did most of it.” Olinia shrugged. “I just sort of directed your gift to leave no Bead attached.”

  “Now what?” Porter asked. “You gonna send us home?”

  “I’m not, but you are.” Olinia slipped the shimmer stone over her head and extended it to Hillary. “Put this on. You have another job to do.”

  “And what is that?” Hillary frowned, taking the necklace.

  “There are more Ethons in Evedon right now than the three of you here,” she replied, tossing a glance in the direction of the Crystal Castle. “You and Porter need to find them and take them home. To use the shimmer stone, pull it down through the air in front of you and think of Ethon. Just Ethon.” She smiled. “Once you’re all through, wave an open palm over the portal to close it.”

  “Wait, if you’re not coming with us, how will you get the thing back?” Porter asked.

  “My brother has one,” Olinia told him. “I’ll borrow his.”

  Hillary’s brow drew together. “When will we see you again?”

  “As soon as I can come back,” she answered. “I need you to promise me, though, that you won’t give my stone to anyone but me, not even Porter.”

  “I promise.”

  “Good.” Olinia wrapped her arms around Hillary. “You helped save my realm. The Other Worlds and I will always be in your debt.”

  Hillary blushed. “Someday I’d like to come back and really see what my efforts paid for.”

  “When this is all over, I’ll see what I can do.” Olinia grinned.

  “Should we be going, then?” Will offered Olinia his hand. She accepted it and swung up behind him.

  As Hillary mounted behind Porter, Olinia gave them some last advice. “Take the other Ethons to the castle and then go from there. Remember you’re gifted. Don’t hesitate to use your gifts to protect yourselves.”

  “I’m going to ride hard,” Will added to Porter. “Don’t feel like you have to keep up.”

  “I’ll see you in Ethon,” Olinia said.

  Porter smiled slightly. “Good luck, Olinia.”

  Hillary locked her hands around her cousin’s middle. “Bye for now.”

  Will kicked his heels into his horse’s flanks, and it tore off. The magnificent beast practically flew over the gravel road. Will reveled in the speed of an Eveon horse while Olinia held onto him tightly. They were heading toward a very high chance of death, yet Will had never felt more at home. The perpetual hum she gave him seeped through his veins smoothly. With Olinia, it didn’t really matter what he did so long as she was near.

  “Hey, where are you going?” Olinia called up to his ear.

  It was actually a good question. At the moment, he was just riding to war. They needed a better destination than that. “Where would you like me to go?” He returned over his shoulder.

  “Find Zedge,” she answered. “We need to keep him safe.”

  The very tip of the castle came into Will’s view. They’d be to the battle soon, even though he still couldn’t hear it over the crash of the small waves on either side of him. Oddly enough, the thought of fighting again brought him neither fear nor excitement. He felt only determination. He had one goal – keep Olinia and her twin alive. It would be nice if both Talik and Dagon were defeated as well, but they weren’t really his priority. Olinia was. If she were to die, Will literally couldn’t live on without her, thanks to his Silver Heart. It should’ve been unnerving to know that his lifeforce was held in Olinia’s hands. Yet, even if it wasn’t, if she were killed, he really had no desire to live on, enduring the loss of yet another loved one. No, it’d be better if he died with her.

  “Zedge is with Sazx,” Olinia called out, interrupting Will’s thoughts. “They’re closer to the castle than to us.”

  “Got it,” Will replied just as the battlefield erupted into his line of sight. The grip in his right hand tightened around the reins as he drew the Eveon sword Denon gave him with his left. “Hold on, princess.”

  Will passed through the first cluster of duels without them offering him so much as a second glance. The soldiers were too tired to take on more than one opponent at a time. He was startled to find himself challenged only a few times as he rode through the mix, and the weak attempts were nothing more than awkward swings given to him in passing. The vigor of the battle was waning. Also, Will only saw humans versus humans. Where were the Craeles? He’d expected not to find any gray men, thanks to Olinia and Hillary. To find no animals, though, other than those dead on the ground was unsettling.

  “Where are the Velvitors?” He asked out loud.

  “I’m not sure,” she admitted.

  All of the sudden, Will and Olinia were falling. Their saddle had been slit, sending them flying. A mass of torn flesh broke Will’s fall. Warm, sticky liquid wet his back and neck. He didn’t have time to gag, though. A flash of silver lurched for his head. Will rolled out of the way just as the steel buried into the carcass he’d
been resting against.

  Will jumped to his feet, eyeing his attacker. Where was Olinia? He couldn’t scan the area for her – his new opponent was brandishing a weapon towards him. Unfortunately, Will was unarmed, having lost his sword in his fall, and he wasn’t seeing any unused blades nearby for him to grab.

  Before the man had the chance to swing at Will again, his sword was plucked from his hands and shoved into his chest by an unseen force. The man grunted, fell to his knees, and then forward onto his face, revealing Olinia behind him – hand outstretched.

  Will blinked. “Did you do this?”

  “He wasn’t stronger than two of me.”


  Will turned, recognizing Zedgry’s voice. He raised a hand in greeting, but he saw that Zedgry wasn’t looking at him. Zedgry was running beside Sazx toward him, both of their gazes were locked on Olinia. Dread suddenly filled Will’s insides. He whirled.

  Dagon had his hand tangled in Olinia’s hair and was dragging her into a portal. Will leaped for them just as Sazx passed by him, already having the momentum Will did not. Dagon and Olinia disappeared, followed closely by Sazx. Will dove for the portal the same time as Zedgry, but it snapped shut. They hit the muddy floor of the battlefield.

  Panic rose up in Will’s throat. He swallowed, fighting it back, while he pushed himself back to his feet. “Find out where he took her,” Will said, trying to force himself to think logically.

  “Avyrithe Castle,” Zedgry replied. “Olinia heard him shout it.”

  “Where’s the shimmer stone?”

  Zedgry winced. “I don’t have it. I only have an Enblith.”

  “Good enough. Send me to Caprith.”

  “You won’t have a way back,” Zedgry pointed out.

  “Do you really think that matters right now?” Will snapped.


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