Blushing at Both Ends

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Blushing at Both Ends Page 5

by Philip Kemp

  Finally, Matthew completed his audit and swivelled his chair round to face her. ‘Well, young lady,’ he said, ‘you’ve been rather naughty, haven’t you?’

  Susie nodded, shamefaced. ‘Yes.’

  ‘Imprudent, spendthrift and thoughtless, with no consideration for others – in short, totally lacking in self-discipline. In fact, Susie, discipline is what you lack, isn’t it?’

  Susie nodded again, uncertain what he might be getting at.

  His hand was still resting on her rump. Now he lifted it and brought it down in a slightly harder slap that made her cheek quiver. ‘Well, now, my dear, while you’re living here with Helen and me, we must see what we can do to make up for that lack. Now, what sort of discipline would be most appropriate, do you think, for a scatterbrained young lady like yourself?’ He gazed at her quizzically, a half-smile on his lips. ‘Mmmm?’

  ‘I – I don’t know,’ Susie stammered stupidly.

  Matthew raised one eyebrow. ‘Really, Susie? No idea? Well, we’ve agreed you’ve been naughty, haven’t we? And what’s the time-honoured punishment for a naughty girl?’ He patted her behind, squeezing it gently. ‘Especially for a naughty girl who has such a very lovely bottom?’

  Idiotically, Susie felt herself blushing. She felt a terrible sense of foreboding, a tingle of fear that seemed to run right through her bottom-cheeks. Surely he couldn’t mean . . .?

  Matthew smiled, his eyes twinkling. ‘Would I be right in thinking you were rarely spanked as a child?’ he asked quietly.

  ‘No – never.’

  ‘As I thought. And has anyone spanked you as an adult – a brother or a boyfriend, say?’

  ‘No! Certainly not!’ said Susie, bridling at the question.

  ‘So this lovely young bottom has never yet been treated to a spanking? A great pity – it might have had a very salutary effect on your conduct. Well, my dear, that’s going to change – starting now. Because, while you’re here, you’ll be living with us as though you were our daughter. Now our three daughters are all sweet lovely girls, and I love them dearly. But, you know, when any one of them was naughty, or wilful, or extravagant, as teenage girls so often are, I never hesitated to do what any loving father should do for his errant daughter.’

  ‘You – you used to spank them?’ asked Susie faintly.

  ‘Oh yes indeed, dear Susie. Whenever any of them misbehaved, she knew exactly what to expect. I would put her across my knee, lower her knickers and spank her soundly until her bottom was burning hot and she was a very sore and sorry young lady indeed. An old-fashioned remedy, but most effective. And, you know, all of them were the better for it, as they’ll be the first to agree.

  ‘So what you’re about to experience, Susie, is what your own father sadly neglected to supply – an extremely hot, sore and well-spanked bottom. And I firmly believe it’ll do you a great deal of good.’

  Susie could hardly credit what Matthew was proposing. She, a sophisticated young woman of 21, to be turned over a man’s knee and smacked on her bottom like a naughty child? There was no earthly reason why she should submit to this: she should protest, refuse, walk out of the house. Yet there was something so authoritative, so masterful about Matthew, with his calm smile, sinewy frame and greying temples, that what was meant as defiance came out as a tremulous plea. ‘You’re not going to – to spank me?’

  ‘Oh, but I am, my dear. I most certainly am. I’m going to do just what any good father should do for the guidance of his wayward but much-loved daughter: that is, put you across my knee, take down your knickers, and then –’ Matthew’s voice slowed, and he gazed almost hypnotically into Susie’s eyes, gauging her reaction to his words ‘– and then, Susie, I shall spank you – spank you very, very soundly indeed on your soft bare bottom. Spank you lovingly, long and hard, just as you deserve; spank you until every inch of your pretty young bottom is blushing rosy red; spank you until you wail and plead for mercy; spank you, Susie, until your sweet bottom is scarlet and tender and burning hot and you’re very, very sorry for what you’ve done.’

  With each reiteration of the word ‘spank’, Matthew’s hand lightly slapped Susie’s rear end, making her plump cheeks quiver through the thin fabric of her trousers. Now he smiled at her – a smile of great warmth and kindness, full of a sense of coming joy.

  ‘That, my dear Susie, is what’s about to happen to you. As I said, you have a beautiful bottom: full and soft and round, the kind of bottom that’s absolutely made to be spanked. More’s the pity that nobody’s done so – until now.

  ‘So this will be your first ever chastisement – the first of many. Just think, young lady, of all those spankings you’ve missed over the years; those spankings you so richly deserved, that this lovely bottom was so ideally shaped to receive, but that the men in your life were so sadly remiss in administering to it. This is a seriously underspanked bottom, my dear, and we have a lot of catching up to do.

  ‘You remember what I said about house rules, my dear? Well, this is one of them: that any naughty girl living here shall be soundly spanked whenever she deserves it. Now, of course, if you’re not happy with that rule, you’re at full liberty to leave, just as soon as you like. Right now, if you wish. But, as long as you choose to remain here with us, Susie, you will be spanked regularly and often. Every day, more than likely. Even twice or three times a day, if I feel you deserve it.’

  Matthew paused and smiled kindly at Susie. His voice was calm and friendly; he might have been discussing the weather. ‘Now tonight, my dear girl, since this will be your first ever chastisement, I shall let you off with no more than a hand-spanking. Later, we’ll see what more might be needed. There are many implements that can be used to raise a fine blush on a pretty pair of cheeks like yours – straps and hairbrushes, paddles and tawses, belts, wooden spoons, even the humble kitchen spatula. Over the next few weeks, this beautiful bottom –’ another pat ‘– will become intimately acquainted with all of them.’

  Susie had listened to this recital with mounting dismay. ‘But – but you can’t!’ she burst out.

  ‘Oh but I can, my dear. And I shall. Now come over here, please.’

  Taking her by the hand, Matthew rose from his desk and led her over to a leather sofa against the opposite wall. Sitting down on it, he smiled calmly and affectionately at her. ‘Good. Now kindly unzip your trousers, please.’

  As if in a trance, Susie found herself doing as she was told. Then Matthew was taking her by the hand, and gently but firmly guiding her to lie face-down across his knee, her head to the left and her plump young bottom uppermost over his lap. Then her trousers were being eased down to her knees, to reveal twin globes of soft white flesh, their ripe curves only partially concealed by lacy pale-blue nylon knickers.

  ‘Comfortable?’ Matthew asked gently.

  It seemed an odd question, Susie thought, since he was evidently about to make her anything but comfortable. Still, there was something unexpectedly reassuring and, yes, even comforting about lying across the lap of this mature handsome man, waiting to receive at his hands what even she had to admit was a well-deserved punishment. So she murmured, ‘Yes, thank you.’ She almost found herself adding ‘Sir’.

  ‘Good,’ said Matthew, as he proceeded to the final preparations. He loved these preliminaries to a spanking, regarding them as a key part of the exquisite ritual of spanking a pretty girl, and never hurried them if he could help it.

  So now Susie felt her blouse being pushed out of the way above her waist, and her knickers were drawn slowly but inexorably down, well clear of the target area, to hang in a fetching tangle around her thighs. ‘Oh please, no!’ Susie breathed, as she felt the last protection being peeled away from her now utterly defenceless rear end, but she seemed powerless to resist.

  Enraptured, Matthew gazed at the delectable prospect before his eyes, stroking the girl’s bare bottom-cheeks, patting and squeezing them gently. They felt cool and deliciously soft, trembling and rippling beneath his hand. He
hadn’t been exaggerating: Susie really did have a most exceptionally spankable bottom, shapely and well rounded, full fleshed without being fat, tender yet resilient, the skin flawless and creamy white. A clearly defined crease marked the point at which the sensitive undercurve of each cheek (always his favourite spank spot) met the top of the thigh. How beautifully, he reflected with delight, these luscious globes would blush as he spanked them, how prettily they would wobble and quiver at each stinging smack!

  And this nubile young beauty was his to punish whenever he wanted, his to put across his knee and spank as often and as hard as he liked, for weeks and months to come. For, though it seemed she had never realised it before, Susie clearly had a strong submissive streak. Despite her horrified reaction, she had made scarcely any protest and put up very little resistance to being turned over his knee. When she felt her knickers being taken down, she had uttered a tremulous plea, but had made no move to prevent him, nor even placed a protective hand over her vulnerable mounds.

  And, having once submitted, how could she refuse on subsequent occasions? She would soon become used to resigning herself obediently to frequent regular chastisement. Her financial affairs were in such a muddle that it could take months to straighten them out – months that could easily be extended, since the management of the whole business lay wholly in his hands. And, all that time, Susie would be here in his house, at his mercy, his to punish. Here to be spanked to his heart’s content, as often as he liked, as hard as he liked, as long as he liked – spanked with hand or strap, with hairbrush, paddle or tawse – spanked on this beautiful bare bottom that no one had ever smacked before. It was a breathtakingly delicious prospect.

  Face-down across Matthew’s lap, Susie wriggled nervously. What on earth was he waiting for? She knew he must be admiring her bare bottom, feasting his eyes on its voluptuous curves – and that was flattering, for she knew it was an attractive rear, even if (she had always felt) a little on the plump side. But what an undignified spectacle she must present – draped humiliatingly over the lap of a man she scarcely knew, with her knickers down and the soft full mounds of her bottom upraised and bare, ready for his punishing hand.

  But was he really going to spank her, she found herself wondering – for if he was, why hadn’t he started yet? Perhaps it was all an elaborate joke and in a moment he would release her scot-free. And, even if he was going to spank her, she thought hopefully, how bad could that be? He was only going to use his hand, after all. That couldn’t hurt much – could it?

  A moment later, she gasped out loud.

  Susie’s gasp was as much from surprise as pain. Until that moment, she’d had no idea how much the impact of a hard male hand, descending with pitiless force, can sting the soft pampered flesh of a bare female bottom. Now she knew – and how!

  Her second gasp was closer to a yelp. Only two smacks – and already both cheeks were smarting vividly. When it came to the spanking of young ladies, Matthew, she realised, was an expert. He had given no indication how long this, her first ever spanking, would last, but Susie suspected it wouldn’t by any means be brief. And, if her bottom smarted like this after just two spanks, what on earth would it feel like by the time he finished?

  ‘Oh please,’ she begged pitifully, ‘not so hard! It hurts!’

  ‘That, young lady,’ said Matthew cheerfully, ‘is the idea.’

  Ten more times his hand rose and fell, each spank ringing round the walls of the room, echoing like a pistol shot – and each eliciting yelps, gasps and frantic protests from the pretty young blonde squirming bare-bottomed across his lap.

  After a dozen spanks Matthew paused, admiring the effect of his efforts so far. Susie was clearly going to be every bit as enjoyable to spank as he had hoped. Hers was the kind of pale delicate skin that coloured readily – already a fetching pink blush suffused the trembling mounds. And she was proving a pleasingly responsive spankee, gasping and yipping at every stroke, writhing and kicking, already begging for mercy with her punishment scarcely started. Some spankers demanded that their victims stayed stoically silent, but not Matthew. To him, there was no more exquisite music than the squeals and wails of a naughty girl receiving a sound bare-bottom spanking, her cries harmonising perfectly with the crisp rhythmic smack of palm on soft bare female bottom-flesh. Such music, after all, no less than the ever-deepening blush on the bouncing cheeks, provided gratifying proof that his chastisement was having its full desired effect.

  So with a sense of delight he resumed Susie’s spanking, smacking now this side, now that, on her soft squirming globes and taking care to cover the full expanse of the luscious target area.

  Matthew believed in taking his time; to spank slowly and deliberately not only prolonged his pleasure but also increased his victim’s discomfort. So he spanked the lovely girl hard and steadily, pausing after each smack to let its sting sink in before administering the next one. And from time to time he indulged in a longer pause to stroke the yielding well-warmed flesh and feast his eyes on the vivid blush that steadily deepened on Susie’s glorious bottom, turning it from warm pink to rosy red to fiery crimson, until the radiant mounds contrasted deliciously with the whiteness of her back and thighs.

  At one point, much to Susie’s alarm, the door opened and Helen came in. But, mortifying though it was to have someone else see her in this ignominious position, she felt a surge of hope; surely the other woman, astonished and outraged, would put a stop to the proceedings? But Helen merely smiled calmly, as if it was the most normal thing in the world to find her respectable husband with a pretty young girl lying half-naked across his lap. ‘Ah, I see Matthew’s taking good care of you, my dear,’ she observed. ‘That’s wonderful. It’ll do you so much good, you know.’

  Helen kissed her husband warmly on the lips, then leant down and patted Susie’s roseate mounds. ‘Such a lovely bottom, my dear,’ she said, ‘just perfect for spanking. And I’m sure Matthew will do it full justice. He’s a wonderful spanker, isn’t he? So skilful and confident. I’ll never forget the spanking he gave me on our wedding night. I was just about the same age as you. What finer way for a young girl to start out on married life – face-down across her handsome young bridegroom’s knee, having her soft bare bottom spanked hot and crimson? You can think yourself lucky, my dear. Matthew doesn’t spank just any girl, you know.’

  She patted Susie’s bottom again, squeezing it lightly. ‘Oh yes, beautifully hot and tender – just the way a naughty girl’s bottom should always be. But I think she can take a bit more, darling, don’t you? Anything you need – hairbrush, a nice paddle? Oh, you’re keeping them for the next time? Yes, that’s probably the best plan. Well, then, I’ll leave you both to it. See you at bedtime, dear child.’ Another serene smile and she was gone.

  With a sigh of satisfaction, Matthew resumed Susie’s punishment. The brief pause had given time for the sting to sink in yet more deeply, and on her now exquisitely tender and ultra-sensitive bottom it felt to poor Susie as if he were spanking her harder than ever. An experienced spanker, he’d had good reason to ask if she was comfortable before her chastisement began. He wanted to be sure that nothing, not the least little thing, would distract this sweet girl’s attention from the fires he was kindling on her lovely bottom. And in this he was wholly successful. All Susie’s consciousness, all her quivering nerve-endings, seemed to have rushed to her outraged hinder parts. Her skin was aflame and her nether globes felt like two blazing fiery mounds, as if swollen to twice their normal size.

  Helpless across his lap she yelped and wailed, squirming frantically as spank after spank assaulted the tender trembling masses of her bouncing bottom-flesh. She would never have believed that a mere hand-spanking could hurt so much – or that it could go on for so long! And the indignity of it! Never before had anyone so much as raised a hand to her; and now here she was face-down across a male lap, wriggling and squirming, with her knickers round her knees and her trousers round her ankles, having her defenceless bottom-chee
ks soundly spanked until – as she didn’t need Matthew to tell her – they must be blushing red as ripe tomatoes. Oh, how it hurt! How sore her soft bottom was! ‘Oh please, Matthew,’ she begged, ‘that’s enough! I’m so, so sorry! Oh please, won’t you stop?’

  But Matthew was in no mind to stop. This was Susie’s first ever spanking, and he was resolved to make it a memorable experience. Besides, she was such a joy to spank that he couldn’t resist continuing to his heart’s content. So plump and well fleshed a bottom, he knew, could take a long hard hand-spanking with nothing worse than temporary discomfort. And of course it was always good to start as you meant to go on. Amazing as it was that such a pretty, flighty girl, with such a delicious bottom, should have reached age 21 quite unspanked, it did mean that Susie would have no idea how severe a typical spanking should be – how hard it should be applied, nor how long it should last. A good long bottom-smacking session now would set a fine precedent for all those to come.

  So for a good thirty minutes Matthew’s hard hand remorselessly rose and fell, steadily deepening the rich crimson blush that now mantled every inch of the succulent target area. Poor Susie squealed at each smack, pleading tearfully for mercy, writhing and kicking desperately as the punishment built up the smarting heat in her defenceless cushions. Once she tried to protect her flaming cheeks with her hand, but Matthew simply captured her wrist in his left hand and held it out of the way.

  ‘No, no, my dear,’ he murmured, continuing to spank her. ‘No interruptions, please. You must take your punishment like a good girl. Otherwise I’ll have to get out my hairbrush – and you won’t like that, my sweet, not one little bit. But, meanwhile, young lady, I’m afraid that act of disobedience has earned you another hundred good hard spanks.’

  ‘Oooooh!’ wailed Susie, but Matthew, true bank manager that he was, never overlooked a debt.


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