Countdown to Halloween!

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Countdown to Halloween! Page 1

by Charles M. Schulz

  A Story for October 1

  Dear Great Pumpkin…

  Linus was excited. It was October, and that was one of his favorite months of the year!

  Why? Well, for one thing, he loved when the weather got a bit cooler, and he loved all the fall colors. He especially enjoyed watching the leaves change color on the trees and jumping in piles of leaves after they fell!

  But there was one thing about October Linus loved most of all—Halloween!

  And not for the usual reasons. You might think it was because he enjoyed trick-or-treating, or wearing a costume, or Halloween parties. No, Linus usually missed out on most of those things because he was waiting for the Great Pumpkin.

  Linus believed that every Halloween, the Great Pumpkin picked the most sincere pumpkin patch he could find, and then visited it and left gifts for any good little boys and girls who waited in the pumpkin patch to see him.

  Linus always wrote a letter to the Great Pumpkin and mailed it a few weeks before Halloween to say he was looking forward to Halloween and finally meeting him.

  But it seemed to get more difficult every year, since none of his family or friends believed in the Great Pumpkin. His older sister, Lucy, was especially a non-believer. She loved to tease him about the Great Pumpkin.

  Linus took out a piece of paper and a pencil and began to write his letter.

  Dear Great Pumpkin, I am looking forward to your arrival on Halloween night.

  Just as he finished writing this sentence, Lucy came over and read what he wrote.

  She smirked and said, “Santa Claus has elves to help him. What does the Great Pumpkin have, oranges? Ha ha ha!” Then she walked away, still laughing at her joke.

  Linus sighed. He believed the Great Pumpkin was a lot like Santa, in that he knew which children were good and which were not.

  Linus was worried that Lucy’s joke might upset the Great Pumpkin.

  He continued to write his letter, adding, Please don’t listen to my sister, Lucy, sir. Lately, her kind is everywhere.

  He signed his letter and sealed it in an envelope. He really hoped Lucy’s joke wouldn’t ruin his chances to see the Great Pumpkin this year!

  A Story for October 2

  My Sweet Babboo!

  Linus was taking a walk around the neighborhood on a very important mission. He was looking for the most sincere pumpkin patch he could find.

  A sincere pumpkin patch didn’t need to be large. It just needed to be made up of sincere pumpkins. And it couldn’t have any sign of hypocrisy for as far as the eye could see.

  Then Linus heard a familiar voice calling out to him.

  “It’s my Sweet Babboo!” Sally shouted as she ran toward him. “I am so happy to see you. It’s like fate is telling us to be together!”

  Linus rolled his eyes. “It’s nice to see you too, Sally,” he said, “but I’m not your Sweet Babboo.”

  “I was on my way to the library,” Sally said, ignoring Linus. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m looking for the most sincere pumpkin patch that I can find,” Linus replied.

  “And why are you doing that, my Sweet Babboo?” Sally asked.

  “I’m not your Sweet Babboo,” Linus said. “And do you mean to tell me that you don’t know about the Great Pumpkin?”

  Sally shook her head.

  Linus stopped walking and turned to look at Sally.

  “There are a lot of people out there who don’t believe in the Great Pumpkin,” he said. “But let me tell you what I believe.”

  He took a deep breath. “I believe that the Great Pumpkin exists. Every Halloween, he rises out of the most sincere pumpkin patch. Then he flies through the air, bringing toys with him for all the good children in the world!”

  Linus closed his eyes for a moment. He imagined the Great Pumpkin with his giant bag of toys.

  “That’s what I believe,” Linus said to Sally. “What do you think?”

  Sally was quiet for a moment. Then she smiled.

  “Well, Sweet Babboo, here’s what I think,” she said.

  Linus leaned in eagerly. “What is it?” he asked.

  “I think my Sweet Babboo has very nice eyes!” Sally said dreamily.

  “Aaugh!” Linus yelled. “I am not your Sweet Babboo!”

  A Story for October 3

  Things Could Get Lost in a Pumpkin Patch

  Snoopy was curious about Linus’s stories about the Great Pumpkin. He agreed to go to the pumpkin patch with Linus and check it out.

  Linus brought Snoopy to the center of a huge pumpkin patch.

  “Isn’t it wonderful, Snoopy?” Linus said. “Every year I try to find the most sincere pumpkin patch imaginable. There is no way anyone can find a pumpkin patch more sincere than this one! It’s magnificent.”

  Snoopy looked around. Frankly, he was a little disappointed.

  This is it? He thought. All I see are a bunch of pumpkins. I thought at least there would be a band playing or someone handing out something fun to eat like cupcakes!

  Linus sighed happily. “So on Halloween, the Great Pumpkin is going to appear right here and give treats to all the good boys and girls waiting for him.”

  He paused for a second and looked at Snoopy. “I’m sure he’ll have treats for any dogs that wait for him too,” he added.

  Well, I certainly hope so, Snoopy thought. If I’m going to miss trick-or-treating and Halloween parties, I’d better be rewarded.

  Linus had a dreamy look on his face. “I just know this is going to be the year, Snoopy,” he said. “I am finally going to meet the Great Pumpkin. What should I do? What should I say? Should I shake his hand? Do I call him ‘Great Pumpkin’ or ‘Mr. Pumpkin’? Should I give him a hug? Do you think he’d mind if I hugged him?

  “I think I’ll be so excited about meeting him, I won’t be able to control myself! What do you think, Snoopy? Snoopy, are you listening to me?”

  Snoopy wasn’t listening. He was looking around the pumpkin patch.

  Good grief, something small could get lost very easily around here, he thought. If I bring Woodstock here, I’d better keep an eye on him. He could get lost, and I’d never see him again!

  Linus smiled at Snoopy. “I see you’re looking around at everything,” he said. “You must love this pumpkin patch just as much as I do!”

  A Story for October 4

  I Was Never Here

  One Halloween, Linus and Snoopy were waiting for the Great Pumpkin.

  “Thank you for coming with me, Snoopy,” Linus said. “I do this every year, and I’m usually by myself. It gets kind of lonely.”

  Snoopy didn’t answer. He was thinking of all the places he’d rather be. Trick-or-treating with his friends. Dancing at a Halloween party. Watching a scary movie on TV. Winning first prize for the best Halloween costume.

  But Linus was a very good friend. Snoopy wanted to help him out.

  And who knows, Snoopy thought. Maybe we really will see the Great Pumpkin!

  And that would be the best story of them all.

  But the night dragged on and there was no Great Pumpkin in sight. Snoopy’s stomach grumbled.

  I should have brought some snacks, he thought. If the Great Pumpkin does show up, will he bring a pizza?

  It was getting a little chilly too. Snoopy looked over at Linus.

  At least he has a blanket! Snoopy thought.

  Linus looked over at Snoopy, and it was as if he read Snoopy’s mind. He wrapped the blanket around his shoulders and motioned for Snoopy to join him. Snoopy snuggled in.

  Suddenly, Linus and Snoopy both heard noises and laughter. They looked at each other. Could it be? Was the Great Pumpkin finally here?

  But then as the laughter grew closer, they
realized it was just a bunch of kids treat or treating nearby who were passing the pumpkin patch.

  “Sorry, Snoopy,” Linus said. “I guess it was a false alarm.” He looked closer at Snoopy. “Hey, Snoopy,” he said. “Are you wearing sunglasses? Is that part of a Halloween costume?”

  Snoopy looked over at Linus in his big black movie-star sunglasses.

  There are some places where you don’t want to be recognized, he thought. And this pumpkin patch is one of them. If anybody asks, I was never here!

  A Story for October 5

  Get the Name Right!

  Rrring! It was the end of the school day. Marcie closed her notebook.

  Peppermint Patty raised her fists in the air. “Yes! Class is finally over!” she said.

  Then she turned to Marcie. “I called you last night, but you didn’t answer the phone.”

  “Sorry, sir,” Marcie said. “My dad took me to my first hockey game last night.”

  Peppermint Patty’s eyes lit up. She loved all kinds of sports, including hockey.

  But then Marcie began to talk on and on about the Zamboni that kept the ice smooth for the games.

  “What about the hockey players?” Peppermint Patty interrupted. “Did they play well?”

  Marcie nodded. “It’s amazing how fast the players skate up and down the court—”

  “Rink,” Peppermint Patty corrected. “It’s an ice rink.”

  “Right,” Marcie said. “Oh, and next week my dad is taking me to a basketball rink!”

  Peppermint Patty laughed. Marcie had never been very good about paying attention to sports!

  After saying goodbye to Peppermint Patty, Marcie began walking home. She saw Linus walking up ahead. She walked faster to catch up to him.

  “Hello, Marcie! How are you?” Linus said.

  “I’m good,” Marcie said.

  Then Marcie remembered something that Lucy had recently said about Linus.

  “May I ask you something?” she asked him.

  “Sure, Marcie,” Linus said. “What is it?”

  “Have you been able to see the Great Squash yet?” Marcie asked.

  Linus tried to keep quiet, but he just couldn’t.

  “It’s not the Great Squash—it’s the Great Pumpkin!” he yelled in exasperation.

  “Oops, sorry,” Marcie said quickly. “Well, I’d better hurry home. I want to watch the hockey match on TV tonight! First pitch is at seven o’clock!” She hurried away from Linus.

  All Linus could do was shake his head.

  A Story for October 6

  The Perfect Halloween Treat

  Lucy was discussing Halloween with her youngest brother, Rerun. “You are finally old enough to really enjoy Halloween,” she told him.

  Rerun was thrilled. He loved doing things with his older brother and sister, and always felt sad when there was something he couldn’t do. So he was excited to share Halloween with Lucy.

  “What happens? What do I do?” Rerun asked.

  “Well, first you need to get a costume. You can dress up as anything you want!” Lucy said.

  “Anything?” Rerun said. “Can I be a cowboy?”

  “Of course!” Lucy cheered. “I will help put your costume together for you. You will make a great cowboy!”

  “What else should I know about Halloween?” Rerun asked.

  “We go knock on our neighbor’s doors,” Lucy said. “And when they open the door you have to say, ‘Trick or treat!’ ”

  “Why?” Rerun asked.

  “Because people are supposed to give you something, or you might play a trick on them,” Lucy explained. “But don’t worry, all our neighbors will give you things.”

  “Things? People give us things?” Rerun said, surprised. “What kind of things? Like a new bicycle?”

  “No, mostly candy,” Lucy said. “Sometimes gum. Sometimes a quarter.”

  “I’d rather have a new bicycle,” Rerun said. “I can’t ride to school on a stick of gum!”

  “We have to get you a big bag or Halloween bucket to hold all your treats,” Lucy said. “Wait a minute.”

  She looked in the hall closet and came out with a large bag that said “Trick or Treat” on it. She handed it to Rerun.

  “Here you go,” she said. “This should be big enough for everything people give you.”

  Rerun looked at the bag doubtfully.

  “What’s the matter?” Lucy asked. “Don’t you like the bag? Look, it even says ‘Trick or Treat’ on it!”

  “I don’t know,” Rerun said.

  “What don’t you know?” Lucy asked.

  “I don’t think a new bicycle will fit in this bag!”

  “Good grief!” Lucy said.

  A Story for October 7

  Practice Makes Perfect

  Rerun was excited about trick-or-treating for the first time. Lucy decided he needed a little practice first. She handed him a brown paper shopping bag.

  “What’s this for?” Rerun asked.

  “I want you to practice your trick-or-treating skills,” Lucy said. “Now, pretend we are at someone’s front door. What do you do?”

  “Ring the doorbell?” Rerun guessed.

  “Yes, and then what?” Lucy asked.

  Rerun wasn’t sure, so he took another guess. “I say, ‘Hi! Nice weather we’ve been having lately?’ ”

  Lucy groaned. “No, no, no! You just say ‘trick or treat’ and hold up your treats bag, so they can give you something.”

  “That’s all I say? ‘Trick or treat’?” Rerun asked. “It seems a little bit rude.”

  Lucy sighed. “It’s okay. It’s tradition. It’s what people are expecting you to say. You can say ‘Thank you,’ after they give you a treat, if you want to be polite. Okay, now let’s go.”

  “Go where?” Rerun asked, confused.

  “Trick-or-treating,” Lucy said.

  Now Rerun was really confused. “But it’s not Halloween yet,” he said.

  “I know, silly,” Lucy said. “Don’t worry. We are just going to one house, and it’s just for practice. I want to see how well you do when you have to ring a real doorbell.”

  Lucy brought Rerun to Charlie Brown’s house. He rang the doorbell perfectly. Charlie Brown’s sister Sally opened the door.

  “Hi, Sally,” Lucy said. “My brother is practicing for Halloween.”

  Sally nodded. “Okay,” she said.

  Rerun gulped. He looked at Lucy, and then back at Sally. “I forgot the words!” he said.

  “No treat for you!” Sally said. “Come back when you remember them!” Then she slammed the door shut.

  Lucy looked at her little brother. Then she put her arm around him.

  “Okay, clearly you need a little more practice,” she said.

  A Story for October 8

  The Perfect Costume

  Snoopy and Woodstock were laying on the doghouse thinking about their Halloween costumes. It was only a day away and they didn’t have anything ready!

  Woodstock chirped up with an idea. He flew inside the doghouse and pulled out a sheet.

  Snoopy shook his head. They were ghosts last year! They couldn’t wear the same costume twice.

  This year, Snoopy was determined to have the spookiest costume of all. He and Woodstock always won the Halloween costume contest.

  The two friends spent the rest of the afternoon brainstorming ideas for their costumes. They could be pumpkins, or mummies, or wizards!

  Snoopy sighed. None of those are scary enough, he thought.

  Finally as night fell, they agreed to think about it some more in the morning.

  Snoopy sat up watching the night sky. Against the full moon, Snoopy saw a bat flying overhead.

  One of us needs to stay awake in case of vampires, he thought. That’s it!

  Snoopy suddenly had a great costume idea. He snuck around Woodstock, who was sleeping silently, and got to work.

  First, he went into the round-headed kid’s house and pulled out a few piece
s of clothes. Then he took the sewing machine over to his doghouse and began creating the perfect Halloween costume, careful not to wake Woodstock in the process. He wanted to surprise his best friend.

  In the morning, Snoopy waited patiently for Woodstock to wake up. As soon as he did, Snoopy barked, Happy Halloveen! He was a vampire!

  Woodstock howled with laughter. He laughed so hard he fell from the doghouse. Woodstock thought Snoopy looked funny, not scary!

  Snoopy hung his head. Now Halloween is ruined, Snoopy thought. He walked over to the park sadly.

  Then Woodstock chirped loudly beside him. Snoopy looked up and saw that his friend was wearing… his own vampire costume!

  The two vampires hugged and made the final touches to their costumes and to the doghouse.

  Halloween wasn’t about having the perfect costume, it was about having fun with friends! Snoopy and Woodstock were ready for Halloveen!

  A Story for October 9

  Choosing a Costume Is Hard

  Charlie Brown and his sister Sally were walking home from school. Sally looked a little worried.

  “What’s wrong, Sally?” Charlie Brown asked.

  “Everyone in my class was talking about Halloween costumes. I haven’t thought of anything to wear yet. I’m not sure I like costumes,” Sally said.

  “What?! Costumes are the best part of Halloween!” Charlie Brown exclaimed. “It’s the only time of the year you can be anyone or anything! You can dress up as a dragon! You can dress up as a ghost! You can be an astronaut! Anything!”

  “Really?” Sally asked. “I can be anything?”

  “Yes! I’ll help you. Just try on a few different things, and I’ll let you know if they’re a good costume,” Charlie Brown said.

  When they got home, Sally went into her room and thought about what her brother said.

  Then she started pulling various things out of her closet. She tied a scarf around her head and put on her favorite tie-dye shirt. Then she stepped out into the hallway to show her brother.


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